blob: 031d4baafe85fff2ff5b67d6a624bf4e0443a74d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Holds helpers for gathering UMA stats about downloads.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_content.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_danger_type.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_export.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_interrupt_reasons.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_source.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class Time;
class TimeDelta;
} // namespace base
namespace download {
// We keep a count of how often various events occur in the
// histogram "Download.Counts".
enum DownloadCountTypes {
// Stale enum values left around so that values passed to UMA don't
// change.
// Downloads that made it to DownloadResourceHandler
// Downloads that actually complete.
// Downloads that are cancelled before completion (user action or error).
// Downloads that are started.
// Downloads that were interrupted by the OS.
// (Deprecated) Write sizes for downloads.
// This is equal to the number of samples in Download.WriteSize histogram.
// (Deprecated) Counts iterations of the BaseFile::AppendDataToFile() loop.
// This is equal to the number of samples in Download.WriteLoopCount
// histogram.
// Counts interruptions that happened at the end of the download.
// Counts errors due to writes to BaseFiles that have been detached already.
// This can happen when saving web pages as complete packages. It happens
// when we get messages to append data to files that have already finished and
// been detached, but haven't yet been removed from the list of files in
// progress.
// (Deprecated) Counts the number of instances where the downloaded file is
// missing after a successful invocation of ScanAndSaveDownloadedFile().
// (Deprecated) Count of downloads with a strong ETag and specified
// 'Accept-Ranges: bytes'.
// Count of downloads that didn't have a valid WebContents at the time it was
// interrupted.
// Count of downloads that supplies a strong validator (implying byte-wise
// equivalence) and has a 'Accept-Ranges: bytes' header. These downloads are
// candidates for partial resumption.
// (Deprecated) Count of downloads that uses parallel download requests.
// Count of new downloads.
// Count of new downloads that are started in normal profile.
// Downloads that are actually completed in normal profile.
// Downloads that are completed with a content length mismatch error.
// After a download is interrupted with a content length mismatch error, more
// bytes are received when resuming the download.
// After a download is interrupted with a content length mismatch error, no
// bytes are received when resuming the download.
// Count of downloads that requested target determination.
// Count of downloads that has target determination completed.
// A cross origin download without a content disposition header.
// Count of attempts that triggered the download flow, before any network
// requests are sent.
// Count of attempts for manual download resumption.
// Count of attempts for auto download resumption.
// Count of download attempts that are dropped due to content settings or
// request limiter before DownloadItem is created.
enum DownloadDiscardReason {
// The download is being discarded due to a user action.
// The download is being discarded due to the browser being shut down.
// Enum for in-progress download DB, used in histogram
// "Download.InProgressDB.Counts".
enum InProgressDBCountTypes {
// Count of initialization attempts.
kInitializationCount = 0,
// Count of initialization attempts that succeeded.
kInitializationSucceededCount = 1,
// Count of initialization attempts that failed.
kInitializationFailedCount = 2,
// Count of load attempts that succeeded.
kLoadSucceededCount = 3,
// Count of load attempts that failed.
kLoadFailedCount = 4,
// Count of in-progress cache migration attempts.
kCacheMigrationCount = 5,
// Count of in-progress cache migration attempts that succeeded.
kCacheMigrationSucceededCount = 6,
// Count of in-progress cache migration attempts that failed.
kCacheMigrationFailedCount = 7,
kMaxValue = kCacheMigrationFailedCount
// When parallel download is enabled, the download may fall back to a normal
// download for various reasons. This enum counts the number of parallel
// download and fallbacks. Also records the reasons why the download falls back
// to a normal download. The reasons are not mutually exclusive.
// Used in histogram "Download.ParallelDownload.CreationEvent" and should be
// treated as append-only.
enum class ParallelDownloadCreationEvent {
// The total number of downloads started as parallel download.
// The total number of downloads fell back to normal download when parallel
// download is enabled.
// No ETag or Last-Modified response header.
// No Accept-Range response header.
// No Content-Length response header.
// File size is not complied to finch configuration.
// The HTTP connection type does not meet the requirement.
// The remaining time does not meet the requirement.
// The http method or url scheme does not meet the requirement.
// Range support is unknown from the response.
// Last entry of the enum.
// Reason for download to restart during resumption. These enum values are
// persisted to logs, and should therefore never be renumbered nor removed.
enum class ResumptionRestartCountTypes {
// The download is restarted due to server response.
kRequestedByServerCount = 0,
// Strong validator changes.
kStrongValidatorChangesCount = 1,
// No strong validators are present.
kMissingStrongValidatorsCount = 2,
kMaxValue = kMissingStrongValidatorsCount
// Increment one of the above counts.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadCount(DownloadCountTypes type);
// Record download count with download source.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadCountWithSource(
DownloadCountTypes type,
DownloadSource download_source);
// Record COMPLETED_COUNT and how long the download took.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadCompleted(
int64_t download_len,
bool is_parallelizable,
DownloadSource download_source,
bool has_resumed,
bool has_strong_validators);
// Record download deletion event.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadDeletion(
base::Time completion_time,
const std::string& mime_type);
// Record INTERRUPTED_COUNT, |reason|, |received| and |total| bytes.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadInterrupted(
DownloadInterruptReason reason,
int64_t received,
int64_t total,
bool is_parallelizable,
bool is_parallel_download_enabled,
DownloadSource download_source);
// Record that a download has been classified as malicious.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordMaliciousDownloadClassified(
DownloadDangerType danger_type);
// Record a dangerous download accept event.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDangerousDownloadAccept(
DownloadDangerType danger_type,
const base::FilePath& file_path);
// Returns the type of download.
DownloadContentFromMimeType(const std::string& mime_type_string,
bool record_content_subcategory);
// Records the mime type of the download.
const std::string& mime_type);
// Records the mime type of the download for normal profile.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadMimeTypeForNormalProfile(
const std::string& mime_type);
// Records usage of Content-Disposition header.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadContentDisposition(
const std::string& content_disposition);
// Record the time of all opens since the download completed.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordOpen(const base::Time& end);
// Record the number of completed unopened downloads when a download is opened.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordOpensOutstanding(int size);
// Record overall bandwidth stats at the file end.
// Does not count in any hash computation or file open/close time.
size_t length,
base::TimeDelta elapsed_time);
// Records the size of the download from content-length header.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelizableContentLength(
int64_t content_length);
// Increment one of the count for parallelizable download.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelizableDownloadCount(
DownloadCountTypes type,
bool is_parallel_download_enabled);
// Records the actual total number of requests sent for a parallel download,
// including the initial request.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelDownloadRequestCount(
int request_count);
// Records if each byte stream is successfully added to download sink.
// |support_range_request| indicates whether the server strongly supports range
// requests.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelDownloadAddStreamSuccess(
bool success,
bool support_range_request);
// Records the bandwidth for parallelizable download and estimates the saved
// time at the file end. Does not count in any hash computation or file
// open/close time.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelizableDownloadStats(
size_t bytes_downloaded_with_parallel_streams,
base::TimeDelta time_with_parallel_streams,
size_t bytes_downloaded_without_parallel_streams,
base::TimeDelta time_without_parallel_streams,
bool uses_parallel_requests);
// Records the average bandwidth, time, and file size for parallelizable
// download.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelizableDownloadAverageStats(
int64_t bytes_downloaded,
const base::TimeDelta& time_span);
// Records the parallel download creation counts and the reasons why the
// download falls back to non-parallel download.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelDownloadCreationEvent(
ParallelDownloadCreationEvent event);
// Record the result of a download file rename.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadFileRenameResultAfterRetry(
base::TimeDelta time_since_first_failure,
DownloadInterruptReason interrupt_reason);
enum SavePackageEvent {
// The user has started to save a page as a package.
// The save package operation was cancelled.
// The save package operation finished without being cancelled.
// The save package tried to write to an already completed file.
// The save package tried to write to an already failed file.
// Instead of using save package API, used download API to save non HTML
// format files.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordSavePackageEvent(SavePackageEvent event);
// Enumeration for histogramming purposes.
// These values are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing
// enums must never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum DownloadConnectionSecurity {
DOWNLOAD_SECURE = 0, // Final download url and its redirects all use https
1, // Final download url uses http, redirects are all
// https
2, // Final download url uses https, but at least
// one redirect uses http
3, // Final download url uses http, and at
// least one redirect uses http
DOWNLOAD_TARGET_OTHER = 4, // Final download url uses a scheme not present in
// this enumeration
DOWNLOAD_TARGET_BLOB = 5, // Final download url uses blob scheme
DOWNLOAD_TARGET_DATA = 6, // Final download url uses data scheme
DOWNLOAD_TARGET_FILE = 7, // Final download url uses file scheme
DOWNLOAD_TARGET_FILESYSTEM = 8, // Final download url uses filesystem scheme
DOWNLOAD_TARGET_FTP = 9, // Final download url uses ftp scheme
enum class DownloadMetricsCallsite {
// Called from within DownloadItem initialization.
kDownloadItem = 0,
// Called from within MixedContentDownloadBlocking (as part of
// ChromeDownloadManagerDelegate).
CheckDownloadConnectionSecurity(const GURL& download_url,
const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain);
// Records a download's mime-type and security state. This is a short-lived
// metric recorded in multiple callsites to investigate discrepancies in other
// metrics.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadValidationMetrics(
DownloadMetricsCallsite callsite,
DownloadConnectionSecurity state,
DownloadContent file_type);
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadConnectionSecurity(
const GURL& download_url,
const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain);
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadContentTypeSecurity(
const GURL& download_url,
const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain,
const std::string& mime_type,
const base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)>&
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadSourcePageTransitionType(
const base::Optional<ui::PageTransition>& transition);
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadHttpResponseCode(
int response_code,
bool is_background_mode);
InProgressDBCountTypes type);
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDuplicateInProgressDownloadIdCount(
int count);
// Records the interrupt reason that causes download to restart.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordResumptionRestartReason(
DownloadInterruptReason reason);
// Records the interrupt reason that causes download to restart.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordResumptionStrongValidators(
DownloadInterruptReason reason);
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordResumptionRestartCount(
ResumptionRestartCountTypes type);
// Records that download was resumed.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadResumed(
bool has_strong_validators);
// Records connection info of the download.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadConnectionInfo(
net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo connection_info);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Records the download interrupt reason for the first background download.
// If |download_started| is true, this records the last interrupt reason
// before download is started manually or by the task scheduler.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordFirstBackgroundDownloadInterruptReason(
DownloadInterruptReason reason,
bool download_started);
enum class BackgroudTargetDeterminationResultTypes {
// Target determination succeeded.
kSuccess = 0,
// Target path doesn't exist.
kTargetPathMissing = 1,
// Path reservation failed.
kPathReservationFailed = 2,
kMaxValue = kPathReservationFailed
// Records whether download target determination is successfully completed in
// reduced mode.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordBackgroundTargetDeterminationResult(
BackgroudTargetDeterminationResultTypes type);
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Records the OS error code when moving a file on Windows.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordWinFileMoveError(int os_error);
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
} // namespace download