blob: c6471273fd2378f6366ef544ef64cbfe4f777c13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BASE_RUN_LOOP_H_
#define BASE_RUN_LOOP_H_
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
class MessagePumpForUI;
#if defined(OS_IOS)
class MessagePumpUIApplication;
// Helper class to run the RunLoop::Delegate associated with the current thread.
// A RunLoop::Delegate must have been bound to this thread (ref.
// RunLoop::RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread()) prior to using any of RunLoop's
// member and static methods unless explicitly indicated otherwise (e.g.
// IsRunning/IsNestedOnCurrentThread()). RunLoop::Run can only be called once
// per RunLoop lifetime. Create a RunLoop on the stack and call Run/Quit to run
// a nested RunLoop but please do not use nested loops in production code!
class BASE_EXPORT RunLoop {
// Run the current RunLoop::Delegate. This blocks until Quit is called. Before
// calling Run, be sure to grab the QuitClosure in order to stop the
// RunLoop::Delegate asynchronously. MessageLoop::QuitWhenIdle and QuitNow
// will also trigger a return from Run (if RunLoop::Delegate happens to be a
// MessageLoop...), but those are deprecated.
void Run();
// Run the current RunLoop::Delegate until it doesn't find any tasks or
// messages in its queue (it goes idle). WARNING: This may never return! Only
// use this when repeating tasks such as animated web pages have been shut
// down.
void RunUntilIdle();
bool running() const {
// TODO(gab): Fix bad usage and enable this check,
// DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
return running_;
// Quit() quits an earlier call to Run() immediately. QuitWhenIdle() quits an
// earlier call to Run() when there aren't any tasks or messages in the queue.
// There can be other nested RunLoops servicing the same task queue
// (MessageLoop); Quitting one RunLoop has no bearing on the others. Quit()
// and QuitWhenIdle() can be called before, during or after Run(). If called
// before Run(), Run() will return immediately when called. Calling Quit() or
// QuitWhenIdle() after the RunLoop has already finished running has no
// effect.
// WARNING: You must NEVER assume that a call to Quit() or QuitWhenIdle() will
// terminate the targetted message loop. If a nested run loop continues
// running, the target may NEVER terminate. It is very easy to livelock (run
// forever) in such a case.
void Quit();
void QuitWhenIdle();
// Convenience methods to get a closure that safely calls Quit() or
// QuitWhenIdle() (has no effect if the RunLoop instance is gone).
// Example:
// RunLoop run_loop;
// PostTask(run_loop.QuitClosure());
// run_loop.Run();
base::Closure QuitClosure();
base::Closure QuitWhenIdleClosure();
// Returns true if there is an active RunLoop on this thread.
// Safe to call before RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread().
static bool IsRunningOnCurrentThread();
// Returns true if there is an active RunLoop on this thread and it's nested
// within another active RunLoop.
// Safe to call before RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread().
static bool IsNestedOnCurrentThread();
// A NestingObserver is notified when a nested run loop begins. The observers
// are notified before the current thread's RunLoop::Delegate::Run() is
// invoked and nested work begins.
class BASE_EXPORT NestingObserver {
virtual void OnBeginNestedRunLoop() = 0;
virtual ~NestingObserver() = default;
static void AddNestingObserverOnCurrentThread(NestingObserver* observer);
static void RemoveNestingObserverOnCurrentThread(NestingObserver* observer);
// Returns true if nesting is allowed on this thread.
static bool IsNestingAllowedOnCurrentThread();
// Disallow nesting. After this is called, running a nested RunLoop or calling
// Add/RemoveNestingObserverOnCurrentThread() on this thread will crash.
static void DisallowNestingOnCurrentThread();
// A RunLoop::Delegate is a generic interface that allows RunLoop to be
// separate from the uderlying implementation of the message loop for this
// thread. It holds private state used by RunLoops on its associated thread.
// One and only one RunLoop::Delegate must be registered on a given thread
// via RunLoop::RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread() before RunLoop instances
// and RunLoop static methods can be used on it.
class BASE_EXPORT Delegate {
// The client interface provided back to the caller who registers this
// Delegate via RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread.
class Client {
// Returns the RunLoop with the topmost active Run() call on the stack.
// TODO(gab): Break the inter-dependency between MessageLoop and RunLoop
// further.
RunLoop* GetTopMostRunLoop() const;
// Returns true if this |outer_| is currently in nested runs. This is a
// shortcut for RunLoop::IsNestedOnCurrentThread() for the owner of this
// interface.
// TODO(gab): consider getting rid of this and the Client class altogether
// when it's the only method left on Client.
bool IsNested() const;
// Only a Delegate can instantiate a Delegate::Client.
friend class Delegate;
Client(Delegate* outer);
Delegate* outer_;
// While the state is owned by the Delegate subclass, only RunLoop can use
// it.
friend class RunLoop;
// Used by RunLoop to inform its Delegate to Run/Quit. Implementations are
// expected to keep on running synchronously from the Run() call until the
// eventual matching Quit() call. Upon receiving a Quit() call it should
// return from the Run() call as soon as possible without executing
// remaining tasks/messages. Run() calls can nest in which case each Quit()
// call should result in the topmost active Run() call returning.
virtual void Run() = 0;
virtual void Quit() = 0;
// A vector-based stack is more memory efficient than the default
// deque-based stack as the active RunLoop stack isn't expected to ever
// have more than a few entries.
using RunLoopStack = std::stack<RunLoop*, std::vector<RunLoop*>>;
bool allow_nesting_ = true;
RunLoopStack active_run_loops_;
ObserverList<RunLoop::NestingObserver> nesting_observers_;
// True once this Delegate is bound to a thread via
// RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread().
bool bound_ = false;
Client client_interface_ = Client(this);
// Registers |delegate| on the current thread. Must be called once and only
// once per thread before using RunLoop methods on it. |delegate| is from then
// on forever bound to that thread (including its destruction). The returned
// Delegate::Client is valid as long as |delegate| is kept alive.
static Delegate::Client* RegisterDelegateForCurrentThread(Delegate* delegate);
// TODO(gab): Break the inter-dependency between MessageLoop and RunLoop
// further.
friend class MessageLoop;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Android doesn't support the blocking MessageLoop::Run, so it calls
// BeforeRun and AfterRun directly.
friend class base::MessagePumpForUI;
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// iOS doesn't support the blocking MessageLoop::Run, so it calls
// BeforeRun directly.
friend class base::MessagePumpUIApplication;
// Return false to abort the Run.
bool BeforeRun();
void AfterRun();
// A copy of RunLoop::Delegate for this thread for quick access without using
// TLS.
Delegate* delegate_;
bool run_called_ = false;
bool quit_called_ = false;
bool running_ = false;
// Used to record that QuitWhenIdle() was called on the MessageLoop, meaning
// that we should quit Run once it becomes idle.
bool quit_when_idle_received_ = false;
// RunLoop's non-static methods are affine to the thread it's running on per
// this class' underlying use of thread-local-storage.
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
// WeakPtrFactory for QuitClosure safety.
base::WeakPtrFactory<RunLoop> weak_factory_;
} // namespace base
#endif // BASE_RUN_LOOP_H_