Android OOP-D: Fix layout test issues due to size mismatch

With Viz/SurfaceSync, the browser/renderer may synchronize sizes
at a number of points.

Layout tests directly set a size on the renderer, but do not notify
the browser of this size. This can lead to the renderer's size being
unexpectedly reset.

This isn't an issue on other platforms, as the native view seems to
determine its size automatically.

We should move Android to match this more automatic behavior, but
until then this workaround ensures that we have the correct sizing.

Bug: 923029
Change-Id: Ie3a07cd167ab2f557e687e53b6f71b8129df7535
Commit-Queue: Eric Karl <>
Auto-Submit: Eric Karl <>
Reviewed-by: Mason Freed <>
Reviewed-by: Antoine Labour <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#631474}
3 files changed