blob: 2d0d07e2d360ad977169d4cdd30d3157c5c2733f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/dcheck_is_on.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory_mapping.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/release_callback.h"
#include "components/viz/common/resources/shared_bitmap.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/gles2_interface.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/mailbox.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/sync_token.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/mailbox.mojom-blink.h"
#include "skia/buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/int_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/canvas_resource_params.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/web_graphics_context_3d_provider_wrapper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/scheduler/public/thread.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/thread_safe_ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
#include <dawn/webgpu_cpp.h>
namespace gfx {
class GpuMemoryBuffer;
} // namespace gfx
namespace gpu {
namespace raster {
class RasterInterface;
} // namespace raster
} // namespace gpu
namespace viz {
struct TransferableResource;
} // namespace viz
namespace blink {
class CanvasResourceProvider;
class StaticBitmapImage;
// Generic resource interface, used for locking (RAII) and recycling pixel
// buffers of any type.
// Note that this object may be accessed across multiple threads but not
// concurrently. The caller is responsible to call Transfer on the object before
// using it on a different thread.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResource
: public WTF::ThreadSafeRefCounted<CanvasResource> {
virtual ~CanvasResource();
// We perform a lazy copy on write if the canvas content needs to be updated
// while its current resource is in use. In order to avoid re-allocating
// resources, its preferable to reuse a resource if its no longer in use.
// This API indicates whether a resource can be recycled.
virtual bool IsRecycleable() const = 0;
// Returns true if rendering to the resource is accelerated.
virtual bool IsAccelerated() const = 0;
// Returns true if the resource can be used with accelerated compositing. This
// is different from IsAccelerated since a resource may be rendered to on the
// CPU but can be used with GPU compositing (using GMBs).
virtual bool SupportsAcceleratedCompositing() const = 0;
// Returns true if the resource is still usable. It maybe not be valid in the
// case of a context loss or if we fail to initialize the memory backing for
// the resource.
virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;
// When a resource is returned by the display compositor, a sync token is
// provided to indicate when the compositor's commands using the resource are
// executed on the GPU thread.
// However in some cases we need to ensure that the commands using the
// resource have finished executing on the GPU itself. This API indicates
// whether this is required. The primary use-case for this is GMBs rendered to
// on the CPU but composited on the GPU. Its important for the GPU reads to be
// finished before updating the resource on the CPU.
virtual bool NeedsReadLockFences() const { return false; }
// The bounds for this resource.
virtual IntSize Size() const = 0;
// The mailbox which can be used to reference this resource in GPU commands.
// The sync mode indicates how the sync token for the resource should be
// prepared.
virtual const gpu::Mailbox& GetOrCreateGpuMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) = 0;
// A CanvasResource is not thread-safe and does not allow concurrent usage
// from multiple threads. But it maybe used from any thread. It remains bound
// to the current thread until Transfer is called. Note that while the
// resource maybe used for reads on any thread, it can be written to only on
// the thread where it was created.
virtual void Transfer() {}
// Returns the sync token to indicate when all writes to the current resource
// are finished on the GPU thread.
virtual const gpu::SyncToken GetSyncToken() {
return gpu::SyncToken();
// Provides a TransferableResource representation of this resource to share it
// with the compositor.
bool PrepareTransferableResource(viz::TransferableResource*,
// Issues a wait for this sync token on the context used by this resource for
// rendering.
void WaitSyncToken(const gpu::SyncToken&);
virtual bool OriginClean() const = 0;
virtual void SetOriginClean(bool) = 0;
// Provides a StaticBitmapImage wrapping this resource. Commonly used for
// snapshots not used in compositing (for instance to draw to another canvas).
virtual scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Bitmap() = 0;
// Copies the contents of |image| to the resource's backing memory. Only
// CanvasResourceProvider and derivatives should call this.
virtual void TakeSkImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) = 0;
// Called when the resource is marked lost. Losing a resource does not mean
// that the backing memory has been destroyed, since the resource itself keeps
// a ref on that memory.
// It means that the consumer (commonly the compositor) can not provide a sync
// token for the resource to be safely recycled and its the GL state may be
// inconsistent with when the resource was given to the compositor. So it
// should not be recycled for writing again but can be safely read from.
virtual void NotifyResourceLost() = 0;
void SetFilterQuality(SkFilterQuality filter) { filter_quality_ = filter; }
// The filter quality to use when the resource is drawn by the compositor.
SkFilterQuality FilterQuality() const { return filter_quality_; }
SkImageInfo CreateSkImageInfo() const;
bool is_cross_thread() const {
return base::PlatformThread::CurrentRef() != owning_thread_ref_;
// Returns the texture target for the resource.
virtual GLenum TextureTarget() const {
return 0;
const CanvasResourceParams&);
// Called during resource destruction if the resource is destroyed on a thread
// other than where it was created. This implies that no context associated
// cleanup can be done and any resources tied to the context may be leaked. As
// such, a resource must be deleted on the owning thread and this should only
// be called when the owning thread and its associated context was torn down
// before this resource could be deleted.
virtual void Abandon() { TearDown(); }
// Returns true if the resource is backed by memory such that it can be used
// for direct scanout by the display.
virtual bool IsOverlayCandidate() const { return false; }
// Returns true if the resource is backed by memory that can be referenced
// using a mailbox.
virtual bool HasGpuMailbox() const = 0;
// Destroys the backing memory and any other references to it kept alive by
// this object. This must be called from the same thread where the resource
// was created.
virtual void TearDown() = 0;
gpu::InterfaceBase* InterfaceBase() const;
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* ContextGL() const;
gpu::raster::RasterInterface* RasterInterface() const;
gpu::webgpu::WebGPUInterface* WebGPUInterface() const;
GLenum GLFilter() const;
GrDirectContext* GetGrContext() const;
virtual base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper>
ContextProviderWrapper() const {
return nullptr;
bool PrepareAcceleratedTransferableResource(
viz::TransferableResource* out_resource,
bool PrepareUnacceleratedTransferableResource(
viz::TransferableResource* out_resource);
const CanvasResourceParams& ColorParams() const { return params_; }
void OnDestroy();
CanvasResourceProvider* Provider() { return provider_.get(); }
base::WeakPtr<CanvasResourceProvider> WeakProvider() { return provider_; }
const base::PlatformThreadRef owning_thread_ref_;
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> owning_thread_task_runner_;
// Sync token that was provided when resource was released
gpu::SyncToken sync_token_for_release_;
base::WeakPtr<CanvasResourceProvider> provider_;
// TODO( Merge |filter_quality_| into |params_|.
SkFilterQuality filter_quality_;
CanvasResourceParams params_;
bool did_call_on_destroy_ = false;
// Resource type for SharedBitmaps
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResourceSharedBitmap final : public CanvasResource {
static scoped_refptr<CanvasResourceSharedBitmap> Create(
const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
~CanvasResourceSharedBitmap() override;
bool IsRecycleable() const final { return IsValid(); }
bool IsAccelerated() const final { return false; }
bool IsValid() const final;
bool SupportsAcceleratedCompositing() const final { return false; }
bool NeedsReadLockFences() const final { return false; }
void Abandon() final;
IntSize Size() const final;
void TakeSkImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) final;
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Bitmap() final;
bool OriginClean() const final { return is_origin_clean_; }
void SetOriginClean(bool flag) final { is_origin_clean_ = flag; }
const gpu::Mailbox& GetOrCreateGpuMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) override;
void NotifyResourceLost() override;
void TearDown() override;
bool HasGpuMailbox() const override;
CanvasResourceSharedBitmap(const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
viz::SharedBitmapId shared_bitmap_id_;
base::WritableSharedMemoryMapping shared_mapping_;
IntSize size_;
bool is_origin_clean_ = true;
// Intermediate class for all SharedImage implementations.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResourceSharedImage : public CanvasResource {
virtual void BeginReadAccess() = 0;
virtual void EndReadAccess() = 0;
virtual void BeginWriteAccess() = 0;
virtual void EndWriteAccess() = 0;
virtual GrBackendTexture CreateGrTexture() const = 0;
virtual void WillDraw() = 0;
virtual bool HasReadAccess() const = 0;
virtual bool IsLost() const = 0;
virtual void CopyRenderingResultsToGpuMemoryBuffer(const sk_sp<SkImage>&) = 0;
const CanvasResourceParams&);
// Resource type for Raster-based SharedImage
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResourceRasterSharedImage final
: public CanvasResourceSharedImage {
static scoped_refptr<CanvasResourceRasterSharedImage> Create(
const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
bool is_origin_top_left,
bool is_accelerated,
uint32_t shared_image_usage_flags);
~CanvasResourceRasterSharedImage() override;
bool IsRecycleable() const final { return true; }
bool IsAccelerated() const final { return is_accelerated_; }
bool SupportsAcceleratedCompositing() const override { return true; }
bool IsValid() const final;
IntSize Size() const final { return size_; }
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Bitmap() final;
void Transfer() final;
bool OriginClean() const final { return is_origin_clean_; }
void SetOriginClean(bool value) final { is_origin_clean_ = value; }
void TakeSkImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) final { NOTREACHED(); }
void NotifyResourceLost() final;
bool NeedsReadLockFences() const final {
// If the resource is not accelerated, it will be written to on the CPU. We
// need read lock fences to ensure that all reads on the GPU are done when
// the resource is returned by the display compositor.
return !is_accelerated_;
void BeginReadAccess() final;
void EndReadAccess() final;
void BeginWriteAccess() final;
void EndWriteAccess() final;
GrBackendTexture CreateGrTexture() const final;
GLuint GetTextureIdForReadAccess() const {
return owning_thread_data().texture_id_for_read_access;
GLuint GetTextureIdForWriteAccess() const {
return owning_thread_data().texture_id_for_write_access;
GLenum TextureTarget() const override { return texture_target_; }
void WillDraw() final;
bool HasReadAccess() const final {
return owning_thread_data().bitmap_image_read_refs > 0u;
bool IsLost() const final { return owning_thread_data().is_lost; }
void CopyRenderingResultsToGpuMemoryBuffer(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image) final;
const gpu::Mailbox& GetOrCreateGpuMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) override;
// These members are either only accessed on the owning thread, or are only
// updated on the owning thread and then are read on a different thread.
// We ensure to correctly update their state in Transfer, which is called
// before a resource is used on a different thread.
struct OwningThreadData {
bool mailbox_needs_new_sync_token = true;
gpu::Mailbox shared_image_mailbox;
gpu::SyncToken sync_token;
size_t bitmap_image_read_refs = 0u;
MailboxSyncMode mailbox_sync_mode = kUnverifiedSyncToken;
bool is_lost = false;
// We need to create 2 representations if canvas is operating in single
// buffered mode to allow concurrent scopes for read and write access,
// because the Begin/EndSharedImageAccessDirectCHROMIUM APIs allow only one
// active access mode for a representation.
// In non single buffered mode, the 2 texture ids are the same.
GLuint texture_id_for_read_access = 0u;
GLuint texture_id_for_write_access = 0u;
static void OnBitmapImageDestroyed(
scoped_refptr<CanvasResourceRasterSharedImage> resource,
bool has_read_ref_on_texture,
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token,
bool is_lost);
void TearDown() override;
void Abandon() override;
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> ContextProviderWrapper()
const override;
bool HasGpuMailbox() const override;
const gpu::SyncToken GetSyncToken() override;
bool IsOverlayCandidate() const final { return is_overlay_candidate_; }
const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
bool is_origin_top_left,
bool is_accelerated,
uint32_t shared_image_usage_flags);
OwningThreadData& owning_thread_data() {
return owning_thread_data_;
const OwningThreadData& owning_thread_data() const {
return owning_thread_data_;
// Can be read on any thread but updated only on the owning thread.
const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox() const {
return owning_thread_data_.shared_image_mailbox;
bool mailbox_needs_new_sync_token() const {
return owning_thread_data_.mailbox_needs_new_sync_token;
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token() const {
return owning_thread_data_.sync_token;
// This should only be de-referenced on the owning thread but may be copied
// on a different thread.
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> context_provider_wrapper_;
// This can be accessed on any thread, irrespective of whether there are
// active readers or not.
bool is_origin_clean_ = true;
// GMB based software raster path. The resource is written to on the CPU but
// passed using the mailbox to the display compositor for use as an overlay.
std::unique_ptr<gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer> gpu_memory_buffer_;
// Accessed on any thread.
const IntSize size_;
const bool is_origin_top_left_;
const bool is_accelerated_;
const bool is_overlay_candidate_;
const GLenum texture_target_;
const bool use_oop_rasterization_;
OwningThreadData owning_thread_data_;
// Resource type for SharedImage that uses Skia and Dawn backend
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResourceSkiaDawnSharedImage final
: public CanvasResourceSharedImage {
static scoped_refptr<CanvasResourceSkiaDawnSharedImage> Create(
const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
bool is_origin_top_left,
uint32_t shared_image_usage_flags);
~CanvasResourceSkiaDawnSharedImage() override;
bool IsRecycleable() const final { return true; }
bool IsAccelerated() const final { return true; }
bool SupportsAcceleratedCompositing() const override { return true; }
bool IsValid() const final;
IntSize Size() const final { return size_; }
const gpu::Mailbox& GetOrCreateGpuMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) override;
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Bitmap() final;
void Transfer() final;
wgpu::Texture texture() const { return owning_thread_data().texture; }
GLenum TextureTarget() const final;
bool OriginClean() const final { return is_origin_clean_; }
void SetOriginClean(bool value) final { is_origin_clean_ = value; }
void TakeSkImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) final { NOTREACHED(); }
void NotifyResourceLost() final;
bool NeedsReadLockFences() const final { return false; }
void BeginReadAccess() final { BeginAccess(); }
void EndReadAccess() final { EndAccess(); }
void BeginWriteAccess() final { BeginAccess(); }
void EndWriteAccess() final { EndAccess(); }
void BeginAccess();
void EndAccess();
GrBackendTexture CreateGrTexture() const final;
void CopyRenderingResultsToGpuMemoryBuffer(const sk_sp<SkImage>&) final;
void WillDraw() final;
bool HasReadAccess() const final {
return owning_thread_data().bitmap_image_read_refs > 0u;
bool IsLost() const final { return owning_thread_data().is_lost; }
// These members are either only accessed on the owning thread, or are only
// updated on the owning thread and then are read on a different thread.
// We ensure to correctly update their state in Transfer, which is called
// before a resource is used on a different thread.
struct OwningThreadData {
bool mailbox_needs_new_sync_token = true;
gpu::Mailbox shared_image_mailbox;
gpu::SyncToken sync_token;
bool needs_gl_filter_reset = true;
wgpu::Texture texture;
GLuint id;
GLuint generation;
size_t bitmap_image_read_refs = 0u;
MailboxSyncMode mailbox_sync_mode = kUnverifiedSyncToken;
bool is_lost = false;
static void OnBitmapImageDestroyed(
scoped_refptr<CanvasResourceSkiaDawnSharedImage> resource,
bool has_read_ref_on_texture,
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token,
bool is_lost);
void TearDown() override;
void Abandon() override;
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> ContextProviderWrapper()
const override;
bool HasGpuMailbox() const override;
const gpu::SyncToken GetSyncToken() override;
bool IsOverlayCandidate() const final { return false; }
const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
bool is_origin_top_left,
uint32_t shared_image_usage_flags);
void SetGLFilterIfNeeded();
OwningThreadData& owning_thread_data() {
return owning_thread_data_;
const OwningThreadData& owning_thread_data() const {
return owning_thread_data_;
// Can be read on any thread but updated only on the owning thread.
const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox() const {
return owning_thread_data_.shared_image_mailbox;
bool mailbox_needs_new_sync_token() const {
return owning_thread_data_.mailbox_needs_new_sync_token;
const gpu::SyncToken& sync_token() const {
return owning_thread_data_.sync_token;
// This should only be de-referenced on the owning thread but may be copied
// on a different thread.
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> context_provider_wrapper_;
// This can be accessed on any thread, irrespective of whether there are
// active readers or not.
bool is_origin_clean_ = true;
// GMB based software raster path. The resource is written to on the CPU but
// passed using the mailbox to the display compositor for use as an overlay.
std::unique_ptr<gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer> gpu_memory_buffer_;
// Accessed on any thread.
const IntSize size_;
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> owning_thread_task_runner_;
OwningThreadData owning_thread_data_;
bool is_origin_top_left_;
// Resource type for a given opaque external resource described on construction
// via a Mailbox; this CanvasResource IsAccelerated() by definition.
// This resource can also encapsulate an external mailbox, synctoken and release
// callback, exported from WebGL. This CanvasResource should only be used with
// context that support GL.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ExternalCanvasResource final : public CanvasResource {
static scoped_refptr<ExternalCanvasResource> Create(
const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox,
viz::ReleaseCallback release_callback,
gpu::SyncToken sync_token,
const IntSize&,
GLenum texture_target,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
bool is_origin_top_left,
bool is_overlay_candidate);
~ExternalCanvasResource() override;
bool IsRecycleable() const final { return IsValid(); }
bool IsAccelerated() const final { return true; }
bool IsValid() const override;
bool SupportsAcceleratedCompositing() const override { return true; }
bool NeedsReadLockFences() const final { return false; }
bool OriginClean() const final { return is_origin_clean_; }
void SetOriginClean(bool value) final { is_origin_clean_ = value; }
void Abandon() final;
IntSize Size() const final { return size_; }
void TakeSkImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) final;
void NotifyResourceLost() override { resource_is_lost_ = true; }
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Bitmap() override;
const gpu::Mailbox& GetOrCreateGpuMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) override;
void TearDown() override;
GLenum TextureTarget() const final { return texture_target_; }
bool IsOverlayCandidate() const final { return is_overlay_candidate_; }
bool HasGpuMailbox() const override;
const gpu::SyncToken GetSyncToken() override;
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> ContextProviderWrapper()
const override;
ExternalCanvasResource(const gpu::Mailbox& mailbox,
viz::ReleaseCallback out_callback,
gpu::SyncToken sync_token,
const IntSize&,
GLenum texture_target,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
bool is_origin_top_left,
bool is_overlay_candidate);
const base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper>
const IntSize size_;
const gpu::Mailbox mailbox_;
const GLenum texture_target_;
viz::ReleaseCallback release_callback_;
gpu::SyncToken sync_token_;
const bool is_origin_top_left_;
bool is_origin_clean_ = true;
bool resource_is_lost_ = false;
const bool is_overlay_candidate_;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResourceSwapChain final : public CanvasResource {
static scoped_refptr<CanvasResourceSwapChain> Create(
const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
~CanvasResourceSwapChain() override;
bool IsRecycleable() const final { return IsValid(); }
bool IsAccelerated() const final { return true; }
bool IsValid() const override;
bool SupportsAcceleratedCompositing() const override { return true; }
bool NeedsReadLockFences() const final { return false; }
bool OriginClean() const final { return is_origin_clean_; }
void SetOriginClean(bool value) final { is_origin_clean_ = value; }
void Abandon() final;
IntSize Size() const final { return size_; }
void TakeSkImage(sk_sp<SkImage> image) final;
void NotifyResourceLost() override {
// Used for single buffering mode which doesn't need to care about sync
// token synchronization.
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Bitmap() override;
GLenum TextureTarget() const final { return GL_TEXTURE_2D; }
GLuint GetBackBufferTextureId() const { return back_buffer_texture_id_; }
const gpu::Mailbox& GetBackBufferMailbox() { return back_buffer_mailbox_; }
void PresentSwapChain();
const gpu::Mailbox& GetOrCreateGpuMailbox(MailboxSyncMode) override;
void TearDown() override;
bool IsOverlayCandidate() const final { return true; }
bool HasGpuMailbox() const override;
const gpu::SyncToken GetSyncToken() override;
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> ContextProviderWrapper()
const override;
CanvasResourceSwapChain(const IntSize&,
const CanvasResourceParams&,
const base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper>
const IntSize size_;
gpu::Mailbox front_buffer_mailbox_;
gpu::Mailbox back_buffer_mailbox_;
GLuint back_buffer_texture_id_ = 0u;
gpu::SyncToken sync_token_;
const bool use_oop_rasterization_;
bool is_origin_clean_ = true;
} // namespace blink