blob: 3f27573742078f56b3c1af89550d098b3d65aced [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'target_defaults': {
'variables': {
'app_base_target': 0,
'target_conditions': [
# This part is shared between the targets defined below. Only files and
# settings relevant for building the Win64 target should be added here.
# All the rest should be added to the 'app_base' target below.
['app_base_target==1', {
'sources': [
# Used both for Chrome and for Win64 NaCl loader
'conditions': [
['OS!="linux" and OS!="freebsd" and OS!="openbsd"', {
'sources!': [
'targets': [
'target_name': 'app_base',
'type': '<(library)',
'msvs_guid': '4631946D-7D5F-44BD-A5A8-504C0A7033BE',
'variables': {
'app_base_target': 1,
'gl_binding_output_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app',
'dependencies': [
# app resources and app_strings should be shared with the 64-bit
# target, but it doesn't work due to a bug in gyp
'include_dirs': [
# TODO(gregoryd): The direct_dependent_settings should be shared with
# the 64-bit target, but it doesn't work due to a bug in gyp
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'sources': [
# Files that are not required for Win64 Native Client loader
# hard_dependency is necessary for this target because it has actions
# that generate header files included by dependent targtets. The header
# files must be generated before the dependents are compiled. The usual
# semantics are to allow the two targets to build concurrently.
'hard_dependency': 1,
'actions': [
'action_name': 'generate_gl_bindings',
'inputs': [
'outputs': [
'action': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="openbsd"', {
'dependencies': [
# uses fontconfig.
# TODO(evanm): I think this is wrong; it should just use GTK.
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'-lXrender', # For XRender* function calls in
'conditions': [
['toolkit_views==0', {
# Note: because of gyp predence rules this has to be defined as
# 'sources/' rather than 'sources!'.
'sources/': [
['exclude', '^'],
['exclude', '^os_exchange_data.h'],
['exclude', '^'],
['exclude', '^os_exchange_data_provider_gtk.h'],
['exclude', '^'],
['toolkit_views==1', {
# Note: because of gyp predence rules this has to be defined as
# 'sources/' rather than 'sources!'.
'sources/': [
['include', '^'],
['OS!="win"', {
'sources!': [
'sources/': [
['exclude', '^win/*'],
['OS=="linux"', {
'sources': [
'sources!': [
'include_dirs': [
# We don't use angle, but pull the EGL/GLES headers from there.
'all_dependent_settings': {
'defines': [
'ldflags': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['OS=="mac"', {
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
'sources!': [
['OS=="win"', {
'include_dirs': [
'sources': [
'sources!': [
'conditions': [
['OS=="win"', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'app_base_nacl_win64',
'type': '<(library)',
'msvs_guid': '4987C6F9-B230-48E5-BF91-418EAE69AD90',
'dependencies': [
# app resources and app_strings should be shared with the 32-bit
# target, but it doesn't work due to a bug in gyp
'variables': {
'app_base_target': 1,
'defines': [
# TODO(gregoryd): The direct_dependent_settings should be shared with
# the 32-bit target, but it doesn't work due to a bug in gyp
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'sources': [
'include_dirs': [
'configurations': {
'Common_Base': {
'msvs_target_platform': 'x64',