blob: 4d8651af83d9b1e42ecd5a72f8f8f466ce200948 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_version.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
namespace IPC {
class Sender;
namespace content {
class ServiceWorkerContextCore;
// Roughly corresponds to one WebServiceWorker object in the renderer process.
// The renderer process maintains the reference count by owning a
// ServiceWorkerHandleReference for each reference it has to the service worker
// object. ServiceWorkerHandleReference creation and destruction sends an IPC to
// the browser process, which adjusts the ServiceWorkerHandle refcount.
// Has references to the corresponding ServiceWorkerVersion in order to ensure
// that the version is alive while this handle is around.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerHandle
: NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public ServiceWorkerVersion::Listener) {
// Creates a handle for a live version. This may return nullptr if any of
// |context|, |provider_host| and |version| is nullptr.
static scoped_ptr<ServiceWorkerHandle> Create(
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> provider_host,
ServiceWorkerVersion* version);
ServiceWorkerHandle(base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> provider_host,
ServiceWorkerVersion* version);
~ServiceWorkerHandle() override;
// ServiceWorkerVersion::Listener overrides.
void OnVersionStateChanged(ServiceWorkerVersion* version) override;
ServiceWorkerObjectInfo GetObjectInfo();
int provider_id() const { return provider_id_; }
int handle_id() const { return handle_id_; }
ServiceWorkerVersion* version() { return version_.get(); }
int ref_count() const { return ref_count_; }
bool HasNoRefCount() const { return ref_count_ <= 0; }
void IncrementRefCount();
void DecrementRefCount();
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context_;
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> provider_host_;
const int provider_id_;
const int handle_id_;
int ref_count_; // Created with 1.
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> version_;
} // namespace content