blob: 6968fa959cde5f1edce0b60e71a58cfeab55095a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/renderer/input/scoped_web_input_event_with_latency_info.h"
using blink::WebInputEvent;
namespace content {
ui::WebScopedInputEvent event,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency_info)
: event_(new blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent(*(event.get()))),
latency_(latency_info) {}
ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::~ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo() {}
bool ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::CanCoalesceWith(
const ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo& other) const {
return ui::CanCoalesce(other.event(), event());
void ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::CoalesceWith(
const ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo& other) {
// |other| should be a newer event than |this|.
if (other.latency_.trace_id() >= 0 && latency_.trace_id() >= 0)
DCHECK_GT(other.latency_.trace_id(), latency_.trace_id());
// New events get coalesced into older events, and the newer timestamp
// should always be preserved.
const base::TimeTicks time_stamp = other.event().TimeStamp();
ui::Coalesce(other.event(), event_->EventPointer());
// When coalescing two input events, we keep the oldest LatencyInfo
// since it will represent the longest latency. If it's a GestureScrollUpdate
// event, update the old event's last timestamp and scroll delta using the
// newer event's latency info.
if (event().GetType() == WebInputEvent::kGestureScrollUpdate)
other.latency_ = latency_;
const blink::WebInputEvent& ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::event() const {
return event_->Event();
blink::WebInputEvent& ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::event() {
return *event_->EventPointer();
const blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent&
ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::coalesced_event() const {
return *event_;
ScopedWebInputEventWithLatencyInfo::coalesced_event() {
return *event_;
} // namespace content