blob: 8fd7047728dfd9278c4a5d730c3c086541d87e6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_event_status.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/deque.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
} // namespace base
namespace blink {
// ServiceWorkerEventQueue manages events dispatched on ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
// and their timeouts.
// There are two types of timeouts: the long standing event timeout
// and the idle timeout.
// 1) Event timeout: when an event starts, StartEvent() records the expiration
// time of the event (kEventTimeout). If EndEvent() has not been called within
// the timeout time, |abort_callback| passed to StartEvent() is called with
// status TIMEOUT. Also, |zero_idle_timer_delay_| is set to true to shut down
// the worker as soon as possible since the worker may have gone into bad state.
// 2) Idle timeout: when a certain time has passed (kIdleDelay) since all of
// events have ended, ServiceWorkerEventQueue calls the |idle_callback|.
// |idle_callback| will be continuously called at a certain interval
// (kUpdateInterval) until the next event starts.
// The lifetime of ServiceWorkerEventQueue is the same with the worker
// thread. If ServiceWorkerEventQueue is destructed while there are inflight
// events, all |abort_callback|s will be immediately called with status ABORTED.
class MODULES_EXPORT ServiceWorkerEventQueue {
// A token to keep the event queue from going into the idle state if any of
// them are alive.
class MODULES_EXPORT StayAwakeToken {
explicit StayAwakeToken(base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerEventQueue> event_queue);
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerEventQueue> event_queue_;
using AbortCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(int /* event_id */,
using BeforeStartEventCallback =
ServiceWorkerEventQueue(BeforeStartEventCallback before_start_event_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure idle_callback);
// For testing.
ServiceWorkerEventQueue(BeforeStartEventCallback before_start_event_callback,
base::RepeatingClosure idle_callback,
const base::TickClock* tick_clock);
// Starts the event_queue. This may also update |idle_time_| if there was no
// activities (i.e., StartEvent()/EndEvent() or StayAwakeToken creation)
// on the event_queue before.
void Start();
using StartCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int /* event_id */)>;
// EndEvent() must be called when an event finishes, with |event_id|
// which StartCallback received.
void EndEvent(int event_id);
// Enqueues a Normal event. See ServiceWorkerEventQueue::Event to know the
// meaning of each parameter.
void EnqueueNormal(StartCallback start_callback,
AbortCallback abort_callback,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> custom_timeout);
// Similar to EnqueueNormal(), but enqueues a Pending event.
void EnqueuePending(StartCallback start_callback,
AbortCallback abort_callback,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> custom_timeout);
// Similar to EnqueueNormal(), but enqueues an Offline event.
void EnqueueOffline(StartCallback start_callback,
AbortCallback abort_callback,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> custom_timeout);
// Returns true if |event_id| was started and hasn't ended.
bool HasEvent(int event_id) const;
// Creates a StayAwakeToken to ensure that the idle timer won't be triggered
// while any of these are alive.
std::unique_ptr<StayAwakeToken> CreateStayAwakeToken();
// Sets the |zero_idle_timer_delay_| to true and triggers the idle callback if
// there are not inflight events. If there are, the callback will be called
// next time when the set of inflight events becomes empty in EndEvent().
void SetIdleTimerDelayToZero();
// Returns true if the timer thinks no events ran for a while, and has
// triggered the |idle_callback| passed to the constructor. It'll be reset to
// false again when StartEvent() is called.
bool did_idle_timeout() const { return did_idle_timeout_; }
// Idle timeout duration since the last event has finished.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kIdleDelay =
// Duration of the long standing event timeout since StartEvent() has been
// called.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kEventTimeout =
// ServiceWorkerEventQueue periodically updates the timeout state by
// kUpdateInterval.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kUpdateInterval =
// Represents an event dispatch, which can be queued into |queue_|.
struct Event {
enum class Type {
// A normal event is enqueued to the end of the event queue and
// triggers processing of the queue.
// A pending event which does not start until a normal event is
// pushed. A pending event should be used if the idle timeout
// occurred (did_idle_timeout() returns true). In practice, the
// caller enqueues pending events after the service worker
// requested the browser to terminate it due to idleness. These
// events run when a new event comes from the browser,
// signalling that the browser decided not to terminate the
// worker.
// An offline event. ServiceWorkerEventQueue never dispatches offline
// events while non-offfline events are being dispatched, and vice-versa.
// An offline event is only used in offline-capability-check fetch event
// dispatch, which will be added later.
Event(Type type,
StartCallback start_callback,
AbortCallback abort_callback,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> custom_timeout);
Type type;
// Callback which is run when the event queue starts this event. The
// callback receives |event_id|. When an event finishes,
// EndEvent() should be called with the given |event_id|.
StartCallback start_callback;
// Callback which is run when a started event is aborted.
AbortCallback abort_callback;
// The custom timeout value.
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> custom_timeout;
// Enqueues the event to |queue_|, and run events in the queue or sometimes
// later synchronously, depending on the type of events.
void EnqueueEvent(std::unique_ptr<Event> event);
// Returns true if we can start |event|.
bool CanStartEvent(const Event& event) const;
// Starts a single event.
void StartEvent(std::unique_ptr<Event> event);
// Updates the internal states and fires timeout callbacks if any.
void UpdateStatus();
// Triggers idle timer if |zero_idle_timer_delay_| is true. Returns true if
// the idle callback is called.
bool MaybeTriggerIdleTimer();
// Sets the |idle_time_| and maybe calls |idle_callback_| immediately if the
// timeout delay is set to zero.
void OnNoInflightEvent();
// Returns true if there are running events.
bool HasInflightEvent() const;
// Processes all events in |queue_|.
void ProcessEvents();
struct EventInfo {
EventInfo(base::TimeTicks expiration_time,
const base::TimeTicks expiration_time;
// For long standing event timeouts. This is used to look up an EventInfo
// by event id.
HashMap<int /* event_id */, std::unique_ptr<EventInfo>> id_event_map_;
// For idle timeouts. The time the service worker started being considered
// idle. This time is null if there are any inflight events.
base::TimeTicks idle_time_;
// Set to true if the idle callback should be fired immediately after all
// inflight events finish.
bool zero_idle_timer_delay_ = false;
// Callback which is run just before starting an event.
BeforeStartEventCallback before_start_event_callback_;
// For idle timeouts. Invoked when UpdateStatus() is called after
// |idle_time_|.
base::RepeatingClosure idle_callback_;
// Set to true once |idle_callback_| has been invoked. Set to false when
// StartEvent() is called.
bool did_idle_timeout_ = false;
// Event queue to where all events are enqueued.
Deque<std::unique_ptr<Event>> queue_;
// Set to true during running ProcessEvents(). This is used for avoiding to
// invoke |idle_callback_| or to re-enter ProcessEvents() when calling
// ProcessEvents().
bool processing_events_ = false;
// Set to true during running offline events.
bool running_offline_events_ = false;
// The number of the living StayAwakeToken. See also class comments.
int num_of_stay_awake_tokens_ = 0;
// |timer_| invokes UpdateEventStatus() periodically.
base::RepeatingTimer timer_;
// |tick_clock_| outlives |this|.
const base::TickClock* const tick_clock_;
bool in_dtor_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ServiceWorkerEventQueue> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace blink