Set default document urls to 'about:blank'.

The patch ensures that the document urls are set to 'about:blank', as is
specified in [1], if a url has not been specified. It fixes the tests in
[2] and [3].

The functionality is implemented by binding the document urls to
'about:blank' if m_url is empty. To achieve this behavior the
Document::urlForBinding() function was added. The choice for a binding
was made rather than not using an intial value of 'about:blank' for the
document urls, as other parts of the code rely on the document urls
initially being empty.

More details regarding the binding can be found under:

Additionally the platform specific dom-interfaces test have been
removed, as they were identical, making platform specific expectations
superfluous. There is now a single interfaces test located at



Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#459624}
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi02.js b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi02.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e3404c2e..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi02.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-Copyright © 2001-2004 World Wide Web Consortium,
-(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium
-for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All
-Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the
-hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-   /**
-    *  Gets URI that identifies the test.
-    *  @return uri identifier of test
-    */
-function getTargetURI() {
-      return "";
-   }
-var docsLoaded = -1000000;
-var builder = null;
-//   This function is called by the testing framework before
-//      running the test suite.
-//   If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous
-//        document loading is started.  Otherwise, the status
-//        is set to complete and the exception is immediately
-//        raised when entering the body of the test.
-function setUpPage() {
-   setUpPageStatus = 'running';
-   try {
-     //
-     //   creates test document builder, may throw exception
-     //
-     builder = createConfiguredBuilder();
-      docsLoaded = 0;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      docsLoaded += preload(docRef, "doc", "hc_staff");
-       if (docsLoaded == 1) {
-          setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-       }
-    } catch(ex) {
-        catchInitializationError(builder, ex);
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-//   This method is called on the completion of
-//      each asychronous load started in setUpTests.
-//   When every synchronous loaded document has completed,
-//      the page status is changed which allows the
-//      body of the test to be executed.
-function loadComplete() {
-    if (++docsLoaded == 1) {
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-    Create a new Document, retrieve its documentURI, and verify if it is null.
-* @author IBM
-* @author Neil Delima
-* @see
-function documentgetdocumenturi02() {
-   var success;
-    if(checkInitialization(builder, "documentgetdocumenturi02") != null) return;
-    var doc;
-      var newDoc;
-      var docURI;
-      var domImpl;
-      var nullDocType = null;
-      var docElem;
-      var rootNS;
-      var rootName;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      doc = load(docRef, "doc", "hc_staff");
-      docElem = doc.documentElement;
-      rootNS = docElem.namespaceURI;
-      rootName = docElem.tagName;
-      domImpl = doc.implementation;
-newDoc = domImpl.createDocument(rootNS,rootName,nullDocType);
-      docURI = newDoc.documentURI;
-      assertNull("documentgetdocumenturi02",docURI);
-function runTest() {
-   documentgetdocumenturi02();
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi02.xhtml b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi02.xhtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8249bcdf..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi02.xhtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?><?TEST-STYLE PIDATA?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
-   PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-   "xhtml1-strict.dtd" [
-   <!ENTITY alpha "&#945;">
-   <!ENTITY beta "&#946;">
-   <!ENTITY gamma "&#947;">
-   <!ENTITY delta "&#948;">
-   <!ENTITY epsilon "&#949;">
-   <!ENTITY alpha "&#950;">
-   <!NOTATION notation1 PUBLIC "notation1File">
-   <!NOTATION notation2 SYSTEM "notation2File">
-   <!ATTLIST p
-        dir CDATA 'rtl'
-        xmlns:dmstc CDATA #IMPLIED
-        xmlns:nm CDATA #IMPLIED
-        xmlns:emp2 CDATA #IMPLIED>
-   <!ATTLIST html
-                   xmlns:xsi CDATA #IMPLIED
-                   xsi:schemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>
-   <!ATTLIST acronym xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>
-   <!ENTITY ent4 "<span xmlns=''>Element data</span><?PItarget PIdata?>">
-   <!ATTLIST span xmlns CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!-- This is comment number 1.-->
-<html xmlns=''
-        xmlns:xsi=""
-        xsi:schemaLocation=" hc_staff.xsd"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><title>hc_staff</title><script type="text/javascript" src="selfxhtml.js"/><script charset="UTF-8" type="text/javascript" src="documentgetdocumenturi02.js"/><script type='text/javascript'>function loadComplete() { startTest(); }</script></head><body onload="loadComplete()">
- <p xmlns:dmstc="">
-  <em>EMP0001</em>
-  <strong>Margaret Martin</strong>
-  <code>Accountant</code>
-  <sup>56,000</sup>
-  <var>Female</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">1230 North Ave. Dallas, Texas 98551</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:dmstc="">
-  <em>EMP0002</em>
-  <strong>Martha Raynolds
-<![CDATA[This is a CDATASection with EntityReference number 2 &ent2;]]>
-<![CDATA[This is an adjacent CDATASection with a reference to a tab &tab;]]></strong>
-  <code>Secretary</code>
-  <sup>35,000</sup>
-  <var>Female</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="Yes" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">&beta; Dallas, &gamma;
- 98554</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:dmstc="">
-  <em>EMP0003</em>
-  <strong>Roger
- Jones</strong>
-  <code>Department Manager</code>
-  <sup>100,000</sup>
-  <var>&ent4;</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="No" id="_98553" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">PO Box 27 Irving, texas 98553</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:nm="">
-  <em>EMP0004</em>
-  <strong>Jeny Oconnor</strong>
-  <code>Personnel Director</code>
-  <sup>95,000</sup>
-  <var>Female</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="Y&alpha;" id="_98556" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">27 South Road. Dallas, Texas 98556</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:emp2="">
-  <em>EMP0005</em>
-  <strong>Robert Myers</strong>
-  <code>Computer Specialist</code>
-  <sup>90,000</sup>
-  <var>male</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="Yes" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">1821 Nordic. Road, Irving Texas 98558</acronym>
- </p>
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4a283..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Status	Success
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03.js b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4749742..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-Copyright © 2001-2004 World Wide Web Consortium,
-(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium
-for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All
-Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the
-hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-   /**
-    *  Gets URI that identifies the test.
-    *  @return uri identifier of test
-    */
-function getTargetURI() {
-      return "";
-   }
-var docsLoaded = -1000000;
-var builder = null;
-//   This function is called by the testing framework before
-//      running the test suite.
-//   If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous
-//        document loading is started.  Otherwise, the status
-//        is set to complete and the exception is immediately
-//        raised when entering the body of the test.
-function setUpPage() {
-   setUpPageStatus = 'running';
-   try {
-     //
-     //   creates test document builder, may throw exception
-     //
-     builder = createConfiguredBuilder();
-      docsLoaded = 0;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      docsLoaded += preload(docRef, "doc", "hc_staff");
-       if (docsLoaded == 1) {
-          setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-       }
-    } catch(ex) {
-        catchInitializationError(builder, ex);
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-//   This method is called on the completion of
-//      each asychronous load started in setUpTests.
-//   When every synchronous loaded document has completed,
-//      the page status is changed which allows the
-//      body of the test to be executed.
-function loadComplete() {
-    if (++docsLoaded == 1) {
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-    Import the documentElement node of this document into a new document.  Since this node is
-    now owned by the importing document, its documentURI attribute value should be null
-* @author IBM
-* @author Neil Delima
-* @see
-function documentgetdocumenturi03() {
-   var success;
-    if(checkInitialization(builder, "documentgetdocumenturi03") != null) return;
-    var doc;
-      var newDoc;
-      var importedOwner;
-      var docElem;
-      var docElemImported;
-      var docURI;
-      var domImpl;
-      var nullDocType = null;
-      var rootNS;
-      var rootName;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      doc = load(docRef, "doc", "hc_staff");
-      domImpl = doc.implementation;
-docElem = doc.documentElement;
-      rootNS = docElem.namespaceURI;
-      rootName = docElem.tagName;
-      newDoc = domImpl.createDocument(rootNS,rootName,nullDocType);
-      docElemImported = newDoc.importNode(docElem,false);
-      importedOwner = docElemImported.ownerDocument;
-      docURI = importedOwner.documentURI;
-      assertNull("documentgetdocumenturi03",docURI);
-function runTest() {
-   documentgetdocumenturi03();
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03.xhtml b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03.xhtml
deleted file mode 100644
index b4af585ca..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentgetdocumenturi03.xhtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?><?TEST-STYLE PIDATA?>
-<!DOCTYPE html
-   PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
-   "xhtml1-strict.dtd" [
-   <!ENTITY alpha "&#945;">
-   <!ENTITY beta "&#946;">
-   <!ENTITY gamma "&#947;">
-   <!ENTITY delta "&#948;">
-   <!ENTITY epsilon "&#949;">
-   <!ENTITY alpha "&#950;">
-   <!NOTATION notation1 PUBLIC "notation1File">
-   <!NOTATION notation2 SYSTEM "notation2File">
-   <!ATTLIST p
-        dir CDATA 'rtl'
-        xmlns:dmstc CDATA #IMPLIED
-        xmlns:nm CDATA #IMPLIED
-        xmlns:emp2 CDATA #IMPLIED>
-   <!ATTLIST html
-                   xmlns:xsi CDATA #IMPLIED
-                   xsi:schemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>
-   <!ATTLIST acronym xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation CDATA #IMPLIED>
-   <!ENTITY ent4 "<span xmlns=''>Element data</span><?PItarget PIdata?>">
-   <!ATTLIST span xmlns CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!-- This is comment number 1.-->
-<html xmlns=''
-        xmlns:xsi=""
-        xsi:schemaLocation=" hc_staff.xsd"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/><title>hc_staff</title><script type="text/javascript" src="selfxhtml.js"/><script charset="UTF-8" type="text/javascript" src="documentgetdocumenturi03.js"/><script type='text/javascript'>function loadComplete() { startTest(); }</script></head><body onload="loadComplete()">
- <p xmlns:dmstc="">
-  <em>EMP0001</em>
-  <strong>Margaret Martin</strong>
-  <code>Accountant</code>
-  <sup>56,000</sup>
-  <var>Female</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">1230 North Ave. Dallas, Texas 98551</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:dmstc="">
-  <em>EMP0002</em>
-  <strong>Martha Raynolds
-<![CDATA[This is a CDATASection with EntityReference number 2 &ent2;]]>
-<![CDATA[This is an adjacent CDATASection with a reference to a tab &tab;]]></strong>
-  <code>Secretary</code>
-  <sup>35,000</sup>
-  <var>Female</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="Yes" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">&beta; Dallas, &gamma;
- 98554</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:dmstc="">
-  <em>EMP0003</em>
-  <strong>Roger
- Jones</strong>
-  <code>Department Manager</code>
-  <sup>100,000</sup>
-  <var>&ent4;</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="No" id="_98553" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">PO Box 27 Irving, texas 98553</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:nm="">
-  <em>EMP0004</em>
-  <strong>Jeny Oconnor</strong>
-  <code>Personnel Director</code>
-  <sup>95,000</sup>
-  <var>Female</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="Y&alpha;" id="_98556" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">27 South Road. Dallas, Texas 98556</acronym>
- </p>
- <p xmlns:emp2="">
-  <em>EMP0005</em>
-  <strong>Robert Myers</strong>
-  <code>Computer Specialist</code>
-  <sup>90,000</sup>
-  <var>male</var>
-  <acronym title="Yes" class="Yes" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="Yes">1821 Nordic. Road, Irving Texas 98558</acronym>
- </p>
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3e30b9..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Status	failure
-Message	documentsetdocumenturi03: assertEquals failed, actual null, expected somestring.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03.js b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 697c555a..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-Copyright © 2001-2004 World Wide Web Consortium,
-(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium
-for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All
-Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the
-hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-   /**
-    *  Gets URI that identifies the test.
-    *  @return uri identifier of test
-    */
-function getTargetURI() {
-      return "";
-   }
-var docsLoaded = -1000000;
-var builder = null;
-//   This function is called by the testing framework before
-//      running the test suite.
-//   If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous
-//        document loading is started.  Otherwise, the status
-//        is set to complete and the exception is immediately
-//        raised when entering the body of the test.
-function setUpPage() {
-   setUpPageStatus = 'running';
-   try {
-     //
-     //   creates test document builder, may throw exception
-     //
-     builder = createConfiguredBuilder();
-      docsLoaded = 0;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      docsLoaded += preload(docRef, "doc", "barfoo");
-       if (docsLoaded == 1) {
-          setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-       }
-    } catch(ex) {
-        catchInitializationError(builder, ex);
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-//   This method is called on the completion of
-//      each asychronous load started in setUpTests.
-//   When every synchronous loaded document has completed,
-//      the page status is changed which allows the
-//      body of the test to be executed.
-function loadComplete() {
-    if (++docsLoaded == 1) {
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-    The setDocmentURI method set the location of the document.
-    Create a new document and set its documentURI to a valid string.  Retrieve the documentURI
-    and verify if it is was correctly set.
-* @author IBM
-* @author Neil Delima
-* @see
-function documentsetdocumenturi03() {
-   var success;
-    if(checkInitialization(builder, "documentsetdocumenturi03") != null) return;
-    var doc;
-      var newDoc;
-      var domImpl;
-      var docURI;
-      var nullDocType = null;
-      var docElem;
-      var rootNS;
-      var rootName;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      doc = load(docRef, "doc", "barfoo");
-      docElem = doc.documentElement;
-      rootNS = docElem.namespaceURI;
-      rootName = docElem.tagName;
-      domImpl = doc.implementation;
-newDoc = domImpl.createDocument(rootNS,rootName,nullDocType);
-      newDoc.documentURI = "somestring";
-      docURI = newDoc.documentURI;
-      assertEquals("documentsetdocumenturi03","somestring",docURI);
-function runTest() {
-   documentsetdocumenturi03();
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03.xhtml b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03.xhtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bb2f2c..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/documentsetdocumenturi03.xhtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html [
-<!ENTITY ent1 'foo'>
-<!ENTITY ent2 'foo<br/>'>
-<!ELEMENT html (head, body)>
-<!ELEMENT head (title,script*)>
-<!ELEMENT script (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST script 
-     src CDATA #IMPLIED
-     type CDATA #IMPLIED
-     charset CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT body (p)>
-<!ATTLIST body onload CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|br)*>
-<html xmlns=''>
-<title>replaceWholeText sample</title>
-<script type='text/javascript' src='selfxhtml.js'></script><script charset='UTF-8' type='text/javascript' src='documentsetdocumenturi03.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'>function loadComplete() { startTest(); }</script></head>
-<body onload="loadComplete()">
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 65f196b..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Status	error
-Message	Line undefined: TypeError
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02.js b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2574da2..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Copyright © 2001-2004 World Wide Web Consortium,
-(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium
-for Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All
-Rights Reserved. This work is distributed under the W3C® Software License [1] in the
-hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-   /**
-    *  Gets URI that identifies the test.
-    *  @return uri identifier of test
-    */
-function getTargetURI() {
-      return "";
-   }
-var docsLoaded = -1000000;
-var builder = null;
-//   This function is called by the testing framework before
-//      running the test suite.
-//   If there are no configuration exceptions, asynchronous
-//        document loading is started.  Otherwise, the status
-//        is set to complete and the exception is immediately
-//        raised when entering the body of the test.
-function setUpPage() {
-   setUpPageStatus = 'running';
-   try {
-     //
-     //   creates test document builder, may throw exception
-     //
-     builder = createConfiguredBuilder();
-      docsLoaded = 0;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      docsLoaded += preload(docRef, "doc", "barfoo");
-       if (docsLoaded == 1) {
-          setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-       }
-    } catch(ex) {
-        catchInitializationError(builder, ex);
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-//   This method is called on the completion of
-//      each asychronous load started in setUpTests.
-//   When every synchronous loaded document has completed,
-//      the page status is changed which allows the
-//      body of the test to be executed.
-function loadComplete() {
-    if (++docsLoaded == 1) {
-        setUpPageStatus = 'complete';
-    }
-    Using getBaseURI check if the baseURI attribute of a new Document node is null
-    and if affected by changes in Document.documentURI.
-* @author IBM
-* @author Neil Delima
-* @see
-* @see
-* @see
-function nodegetbaseuri02() {
-   var success;
-    if(checkInitialization(builder, "nodegetbaseuri02") != null) return;
-    var doc;
-      var newDoc;
-      var domImpl;
-      var baseURI;
-      var rootNS;
-      var rootName;
-      var docElem;
-      var nullDocType = null;
-      var docRef = null;
-      if (typeof(this.doc) != 'undefined') {
-        docRef = this.doc;
-      }
-      doc = load(docRef, "doc", "barfoo");
-      docElem = doc.documentElement;
-      rootNS = docElem.namespaceURI;
-      rootName = docElem.tagName;
-      domImpl = doc.implementation;
-newDoc = domImpl.createDocument(rootNS,rootName,nullDocType);
-      baseURI = newDoc.baseURI;
-      assertNull("baseURIIsNull",baseURI);
-    newDoc.documentURI = "";
-      baseURI = newDoc.baseURI;
-      assertEquals("baseURISameAsDocURI","".toLowerCase(),baseURI.toLowerCase());
-function runTest() {
-   nodegetbaseuri02();
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02.xhtml b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02.xhtml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd4f20..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/dom/legacy_dom_conformance/xhtml/level3/core/nodegetbaseuri02.xhtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html [
-<!ENTITY ent1 'foo'>
-<!ENTITY ent2 'foo<br/>'>
-<!ELEMENT html (head, body)>
-<!ELEMENT head (title,script*)>
-<!ELEMENT script (#PCDATA)>
-<!ATTLIST script 
-     src CDATA #IMPLIED
-     type CDATA #IMPLIED
-     charset CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
-<!ELEMENT body (p)>
-<!ATTLIST body onload CDATA #IMPLIED>
-<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA|br)*>
-<html xmlns=''>
-<title>replaceWholeText sample</title>
-<script type='text/javascript' src='selfxhtml.js'></script><script charset='UTF-8' type='text/javascript' src='nodegetbaseuri02.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'>function loadComplete() { startTest(); }</script></head>
-<body onload="loadComplete()">
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
index 53c250d..2e905df7 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 1609 tests; 1428 PASS, 181 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
+Found 1609 tests; 1429 PASS, 180 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
 PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface object 
 PASS Event interface object length 
 PASS Event interface object name 
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
 PASS Stringification of xmlDoc 
 PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) 
 PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) 
-FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
+PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) 
 PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) 
 PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) 
 PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) 
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createDocument-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createDocument-expected.txt
index 3c6b78e..20db23f 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createDocument-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createDocument-expected.txt
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 391 tests; 299 PASS, 92 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
+Found 391 tests; 389 PASS, 2 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
 PASS DOMImplementation.createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, doctype) 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,undefined,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,undefined,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,undefined,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,undefined,null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"1foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"f1oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"f1oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"foo1",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"foo1",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"ெfoo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"}foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
@@ -38,54 +38,54 @@
 PASS createDocument test: null,"f:o:o",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,":",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"xml",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"xml",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"xmlfoo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"xmlfoo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"xmlns:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"xmlfoo:bar",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"null:xml",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "",null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: "",":foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","f:oo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,undefined,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,undefined,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,undefined,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,undefined,null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,"foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"1foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"f1oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"f1oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,"f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"foo1",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"foo1",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,"foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,":foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"f:oo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"f::oo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"xml",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"xml",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,"xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"xmlfoo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"xmlfoo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,"xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"xmlns:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"xmlfoo:bar",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","1foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","<foo>",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
@@ -93,14 +93,14 @@
 PASS createDocument test: "","-foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "",".foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","f1oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","f1oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo1",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","foo1",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "",":foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","f:oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","f:oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","f:o:o",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
@@ -108,68 +108,68 @@
 FAIL createDocument test: "","a:0",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" assert_throws: function "function () { document.implementation.createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, doctype) }" threw object "InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('a:0') contains the invalid name-start character '0'." that is not a DOMException NAMESPACE_ERR: property "code" is equal to 5, expected 14
 PASS createDocument test: "","0:a",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","a:_",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","a:_",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","a:_",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","a:_",null 
 FAIL createDocument test: "","a:ெ",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" assert_throws: function "function () { document.implementation.createDocument(namespace, qualifiedName, doctype) }" threw object "InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'createDocument' on 'DOMImplementation': The qualified name provided ('a:ெ') contains the invalid name-start character 'ெ'." that is not a DOMException NAMESPACE_ERR: property "code" is equal to 5, expected 14
 PASS createDocument test: "","ெ:a",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","a:aெ",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","a:aெ",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","a:aெ",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","a:aெ",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","aெ:a",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","aெ:a",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","aெ:a",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","aெ:a",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml:test",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns:test",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","test:xmlns",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","test:xmlns",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","test:xmlns",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","test:xmlns",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","_:_",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","_:_",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","_:_",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","_:_",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","_:h0",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","_:h0",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","_:h0",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","_:h0",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","_:test",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","_:test",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","_:test",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","_:test",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","l_:_",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","l_:_",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","l_:_",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","l_:_",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","ns:_0",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","ns:_0",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","ns:_0",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","ns:_0",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","ns:a0",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","ns:a0",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","ns:a0",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","ns:a0",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","ns0:test",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","ns0:test",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","ns0:test",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","ns0:test",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","a.b:c",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","a.b:c",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","a.b:c",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","a.b:c",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","a-b:c",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","a-b:c",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","a-b:c",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","a-b:c",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xml",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","XMLNS",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","XMLNS",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","XMLNS",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","XMLNS",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlfoo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","XML:foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","XML:foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","XML:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","XML:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","XMLNS:foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","XMLNS:foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","XMLNS:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","XMLNS:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlfoo:bar",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo:bar",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","prefix::local",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","namespaceURI:{",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
@@ -200,60 +200,60 @@
 PASS createDocument test: "","namespaceURI:a ",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","namespaceURI:\"",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","1foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","f1oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","f1oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","foo1",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","foo1",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/",":foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","f:oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","f:oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","xml",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","xml",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","xmlfoo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","xmlfoo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","xmlns:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","xmlfoo:bar",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","xmlfoo:bar",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","1foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","f1oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","f1oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo1",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","foo1",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "",":foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","f:oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","f:oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xml",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlfoo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml:foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xml:foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xml:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xml:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlfoo:bar",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo:bar",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
@@ -266,126 +266,126 @@
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlns",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlns",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xmlns",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlfoo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlns:foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlns:foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","xmlns:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","xmlns:foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","xmlfoo:bar",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "","foo:xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","foo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","foo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","foo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","1foo",null,"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","f1oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","f1oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","f1oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","foo1",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","foo1",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","foo1",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:",":foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","f:oo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","f:oo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","f:oo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","foo:",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","xml",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","xml",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","xml",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","xmlns",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","xmlfoo",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","xmlfoo",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","xmlfoo",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","xml:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","xmlns:foo",null,"NAMESPACE_ERR" 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","xmlfoo:bar",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","xmlfoo:bar",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","xmlfoo:bar",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,false,object "TypeError" 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"",null 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,null,undefined,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,null,undefined assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,null,undefined 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,null,undefined 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,undefined,undefined,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,undefined,undefined assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,undefined,undefined 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,undefined,undefined 
 PASS createDocument test: undefined,"",undefined,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"",undefined assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for undefined,"",undefined 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for undefined,"",undefined 
 PASS createDocument test: "",null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/",null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/",null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: "/","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "/","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "/","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "/","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "",null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "",null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:",null,null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:",null,null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:",null,null 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo:","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo:","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo:","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE html>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE html> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE html> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE html> 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE bar>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE bar> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE bar> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE bar> 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE baz>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE baz> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE baz> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE baz> 
 PASS createDocument test: null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE quz>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE quz> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE quz> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE quz> 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"foo",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"foo",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"foo",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"foo",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo",null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo",null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo",null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo",null,DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: "foo","bar",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo>,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "foo","bar",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "foo","bar",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "foo","bar",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE foo> 
 PASS createDocument test: "","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: "","",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for "","",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for "","",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"html",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"html",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"html",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"html",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"svg",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"svg",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"svg",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"svg",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"math",null,null 
-FAIL createDocument test: metadata for null,"math",null assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+PASS createDocument test: metadata for null,"math",null 
 PASS createDocument test: characterSet aliases for null,"math",null 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE html -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN> 
 PASS createDocument test: null,"",DocumentType node <!DOCTYPE svg -//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN> 
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fb7b8e501c..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/DOMImplementation-createHTMLDocument-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-This is a testharness.js-based test.
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 0: "","","" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 1: null,"null","null" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 2: undefined,undefined,"" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 3: "foo  bar baz","foo  bar baz","foo bar baz" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 4: "foo\t\tbar baz","foo\t\tbar baz","foo bar baz" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 5: "foo\n\nbar baz","foo\n\nbar baz","foo bar baz" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 6: "foo\f\fbar baz","foo\f\fbar baz","foo bar baz" 
-PASS createHTMLDocument test 7: "foo\r\rbar baz","foo\r\rbar baz","foo bar baz" 
-PASS Missing title argument 
-FAIL createHTMLDocument(): metadata assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
-PASS createHTMLDocument(): characterSet aliases 
-PASS createHTMLDocument(): URL parsing 
-Harness: the test ran to completion.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-cloneNode-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-cloneNode-expected.txt
index 2ec229e..1424f3a 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-cloneNode-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-cloneNode-expected.txt
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 PASS createElementNS non-HTML 
 PASS createProcessingInstruction 
 PASS implementation.createDocumentType 
-FAIL implementation.createDocument assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
+FAIL implementation.createDocument assert_equals: expected "null" but got "http://web-platform.test:8001"
 PASS implementation.createHTMLDocument 
 PASS node with children 
 Harness: the test ran to completion.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-properties-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-properties-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index bd197bf..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/external/wpt/dom/nodes/Node-properties-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
-This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 699 tests; 695 PASS, 4 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
-PASS testDiv.nodeType 
-PASS testDiv.ownerDocument 
-PASS testDiv.parentNode 
-PASS testDiv.parentElement 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes.length 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes[0] 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes[1] 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes[2] 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes[3] 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes[4] 
-PASS testDiv.childNodes[5] 
-PASS testDiv.previousSibling 
-PASS testDiv.nextSibling 
-PASS testDiv.textContent 
-PASS testDiv.namespaceURI 
-PASS testDiv.prefix 
-PASS testDiv.localName 
-PASS testDiv.tagName 
-PASS testDiv.children[0] 
-PASS testDiv.children[1] 
-PASS testDiv.children[2] 
-PASS testDiv.children[3] 
-PASS testDiv.children[4] 
-PASS testDiv.previousElementSibling 
-PASS testDiv.childElementCount 
-PASS testDiv.nodeName 
-PASS testDiv.nodeValue 
-PASS testDiv.children.length 
-PASS testDiv.className 
-PASS testDiv.firstElementChild 
-PASS testDiv.lastElementChild 
-PASS testDiv.firstChild 
-PASS testDiv.lastChild 
-PASS testDiv.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedDiv.nodeType 
-PASS detachedDiv.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedDiv.parentNode 
-PASS detachedDiv.parentElement 
-PASS detachedDiv.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedDiv.childNodes[0] 
-PASS detachedDiv.childNodes[1] 
-PASS detachedDiv.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedDiv.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedDiv.textContent 
-PASS detachedDiv.namespaceURI 
-PASS detachedDiv.prefix 
-PASS detachedDiv.localName 
-PASS detachedDiv.tagName 
-PASS detachedDiv.children[0] 
-PASS detachedDiv.children[1] 
-PASS detachedDiv.previousElementSibling 
-PASS detachedDiv.nextElementSibling 
-PASS detachedDiv.childElementCount 
-PASS detachedDiv.nodeName 
-PASS detachedDiv.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedDiv.children.length 
-PASS detachedDiv.className 
-PASS detachedDiv.firstElementChild 
-PASS detachedDiv.lastElementChild 
-PASS detachedDiv.firstChild 
-PASS detachedDiv.lastChild 
-PASS detachedDiv.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedPara1.nodeType 
-PASS detachedPara1.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedPara1.parentNode 
-PASS detachedPara1.parentElement 
-PASS detachedPara1.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedPara1.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedPara1.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedPara1.textContent 
-PASS detachedPara1.namespaceURI 
-PASS detachedPara1.prefix 
-PASS detachedPara1.localName 
-PASS detachedPara1.tagName 
-PASS detachedPara1.previousElementSibling 
-PASS detachedPara1.nextElementSibling 
-PASS detachedPara1.childElementCount 
-PASS detachedPara1.nodeName 
-PASS detachedPara1.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedPara1.children.length 
-PASS detachedPara1.className 
-PASS detachedPara1.lastElementChild 
-PASS detachedPara1.firstElementChild 
-PASS detachedPara1.firstChild 
-PASS detachedPara1.lastChild 
-PASS detachedPara1.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedPara2.nodeType 
-PASS detachedPara2.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedPara2.parentNode 
-PASS detachedPara2.parentElement 
-PASS detachedPara2.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedPara2.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedPara2.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedPara2.textContent 
-PASS detachedPara2.namespaceURI 
-PASS detachedPara2.prefix 
-PASS detachedPara2.localName 
-PASS detachedPara2.tagName 
-PASS detachedPara2.previousElementSibling 
-PASS detachedPara2.nextElementSibling 
-PASS detachedPara2.childElementCount 
-PASS detachedPara2.nodeName 
-PASS detachedPara2.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedPara2.children.length 
-PASS detachedPara2.className 
-PASS detachedPara2.lastElementChild 
-PASS detachedPara2.firstElementChild 
-PASS detachedPara2.firstChild 
-PASS detachedPara2.lastChild 
-PASS detachedPara2.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS document.nodeType 
-PASS document.childNodes.length 
-PASS document.childNodes[0] 
-PASS document.childNodes[1] 
-PASS document.URL 
-PASS document.compatMode 
-PASS document.characterSet 
-PASS document.contentType 
-PASS document.doctype 
-PASS document.nodeName 
-PASS document.textContent 
-PASS document.nodeValue 
-PASS document.nextSibling 
-PASS document.previousSibling 
-PASS document.parentElement 
-PASS document.parentNode 
-PASS document.ownerDocument 
-PASS document.documentURI 
-PASS document.inputEncoding 
-PASS document.charset 
-PASS document.firstChild 
-PASS document.lastChild 
-PASS document.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignDoc.nodeType 
-PASS foreignDoc.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignDoc.childNodes[0] 
-PASS foreignDoc.childNodes[1] 
-PASS foreignDoc.childNodes[2] 
-FAIL foreignDoc.URL assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
-PASS foreignDoc.compatMode 
-PASS foreignDoc.characterSet 
-PASS foreignDoc.contentType 
-PASS foreignDoc.nodeName 
-PASS foreignDoc.textContent 
-PASS foreignDoc.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignDoc.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignDoc.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignDoc.parentElement 
-PASS foreignDoc.parentNode 
-PASS foreignDoc.ownerDocument 
-FAIL foreignDoc.documentURI assert_equals: expected (string) "about:blank" but got (object) null
-PASS foreignDoc.inputEncoding 
-PASS foreignDoc.charset 
-PASS foreignDoc.firstChild 
-PASS foreignDoc.lastChild 
-PASS foreignDoc.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignPara1.nodeType 
-PASS foreignPara1.ownerDocument 
-PASS foreignPara1.parentNode 
-PASS foreignPara1.parentElement 
-PASS foreignPara1.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignPara1.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignPara1.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignPara1.textContent 
-PASS foreignPara1.namespaceURI 
-PASS foreignPara1.prefix 
-PASS foreignPara1.localName 
-PASS foreignPara1.tagName 
-PASS foreignPara1.previousElementSibling 
-PASS foreignPara1.nextElementSibling 
-PASS foreignPara1.childElementCount 
-PASS foreignPara1.nodeName 
-PASS foreignPara1.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignPara1.children.length 
-PASS foreignPara1.className 
-PASS foreignPara1.lastElementChild 
-PASS foreignPara1.firstElementChild 
-PASS foreignPara1.firstChild 
-PASS foreignPara1.lastChild 
-PASS foreignPara1.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignPara2.nodeType 
-PASS foreignPara2.ownerDocument 
-PASS foreignPara2.parentNode 
-PASS foreignPara2.parentElement 
-PASS foreignPara2.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignPara2.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignPara2.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignPara2.textContent 
-PASS foreignPara2.namespaceURI 
-PASS foreignPara2.prefix 
-PASS foreignPara2.localName 
-PASS foreignPara2.tagName 
-PASS foreignPara2.previousElementSibling 
-PASS foreignPara2.nextElementSibling 
-PASS foreignPara2.childElementCount 
-PASS foreignPara2.nodeName 
-PASS foreignPara2.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignPara2.children.length 
-PASS foreignPara2.className 
-PASS foreignPara2.lastElementChild 
-PASS foreignPara2.firstElementChild 
-PASS foreignPara2.firstChild 
-PASS foreignPara2.lastChild 
-PASS foreignPara2.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS xmlDoc.nodeType 
-PASS xmlDoc.childNodes.length 
-PASS xmlDoc.childNodes[0] 
-PASS xmlDoc.childNodes[1] 
-PASS xmlDoc.childNodes[2] 
-PASS xmlDoc.childNodes[3] 
-FAIL xmlDoc.URL assert_equals: expected "about:blank" but got ""
-PASS xmlDoc.compatMode 
-PASS xmlDoc.characterSet 
-PASS xmlDoc.contentType 
-PASS xmlDoc.nodeName 
-PASS xmlDoc.textContent 
-PASS xmlDoc.nodeValue 
-PASS xmlDoc.nextSibling 
-PASS xmlDoc.previousSibling 
-PASS xmlDoc.parentElement 
-PASS xmlDoc.parentNode 
-PASS xmlDoc.ownerDocument 
-FAIL xmlDoc.documentURI assert_equals: expected (string) "about:blank" but got (object) null
-PASS xmlDoc.inputEncoding 
-PASS xmlDoc.charset 
-PASS xmlDoc.firstChild 
-PASS xmlDoc.lastChild 
-PASS xmlDoc.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS xmlElement.nodeType 
-PASS xmlElement.ownerDocument 
-PASS xmlElement.parentNode 
-PASS xmlElement.parentElement 
-PASS xmlElement.childNodes.length 
-PASS xmlElement.childNodes[0] 
-PASS xmlElement.previousSibling 
-PASS xmlElement.nextSibling 
-PASS xmlElement.textContent 
-PASS xmlElement.namespaceURI 
-PASS xmlElement.prefix 
-PASS xmlElement.localName 
-PASS xmlElement.tagName 
-PASS xmlElement.previousElementSibling 
-PASS xmlElement.nextElementSibling 
-PASS xmlElement.childElementCount 
-PASS xmlElement.nodeName 
-PASS xmlElement.nodeValue 
-PASS xmlElement.children.length 
-PASS xmlElement.className 
-PASS xmlElement.lastElementChild 
-PASS xmlElement.firstElementChild 
-PASS xmlElement.firstChild 
-PASS xmlElement.lastChild 
-PASS xmlElement.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.nodeType 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.parentNode 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.parentElement 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.textContent 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.namespaceURI 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.prefix 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.localName 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.tagName 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.previousElementSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.nextElementSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.childElementCount 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.nodeName 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.children.length 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.className 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.lastElementChild 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.firstElementChild 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.lastChild 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.firstChild 
-PASS detachedXmlElement.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedTextNode.nodeType 
-PASS detachedTextNode.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedTextNode.parentNode 
-PASS detachedTextNode.parentElement 
-PASS detachedTextNode.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedTextNode.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedTextNode.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedTextNode.wholeText 
-PASS detachedTextNode.nodeName 
-PASS detachedTextNode.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedTextNode.textContent 
-PASS detachedTextNode.length 
-PASS detachedTextNode.lastChild 
-PASS detachedTextNode.firstChild 
-PASS detachedTextNode.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignTextNode.nodeType 
-PASS foreignTextNode.ownerDocument 
-PASS foreignTextNode.parentNode 
-PASS foreignTextNode.parentElement 
-PASS foreignTextNode.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignTextNode.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignTextNode.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignTextNode.wholeText 
-PASS foreignTextNode.nodeName 
-PASS foreignTextNode.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignTextNode.textContent 
-PASS foreignTextNode.length 
-PASS foreignTextNode.lastChild 
-PASS foreignTextNode.firstChild 
-PASS foreignTextNode.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.nodeType 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.parentNode 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.parentElement 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.wholeText 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.nodeName 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.textContent 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.length 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.lastChild 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.firstChild 
-PASS detachedForeignTextNode.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS xmlTextNode.nodeType 
-PASS xmlTextNode.ownerDocument 
-PASS xmlTextNode.parentNode 
-PASS xmlTextNode.parentElement 
-PASS xmlTextNode.previousSibling 
-PASS xmlTextNode.nextSibling 
-PASS xmlTextNode.nodeValue 
-PASS xmlTextNode.wholeText 
-PASS xmlTextNode.nodeName 
-PASS xmlTextNode.childNodes.length 
-PASS xmlTextNode.textContent 
-PASS xmlTextNode.length 
-PASS xmlTextNode.lastChild 
-PASS xmlTextNode.firstChild 
-PASS xmlTextNode.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.nodeType 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.parentNode 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.parentElement 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.wholeText 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.nodeName 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.textContent 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.length 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.lastChild 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.firstChild 
-PASS detachedXmlTextNode.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS processingInstruction.nodeType 
-PASS processingInstruction.ownerDocument 
-PASS processingInstruction.parentNode 
-PASS processingInstruction.parentElement 
-PASS processingInstruction.previousSibling 
-PASS processingInstruction.nextSibling 
-PASS processingInstruction.nodeValue 
-PASS processingInstruction.nodeName 
-PASS processingInstruction.childNodes.length 
-PASS processingInstruction.textContent 
-PASS processingInstruction.length 
-PASS processingInstruction.lastChild 
-PASS processingInstruction.firstChild 
-PASS processingInstruction.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.nodeType 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.parentNode 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.parentElement 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.nodeName 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.textContent 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.length 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.lastChild 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.firstChild 
-PASS detachedProcessingInstruction.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS comment.nodeType 
-PASS comment.ownerDocument 
-PASS comment.parentNode 
-PASS comment.parentElement 
-PASS comment.previousSibling 
-PASS comment.nextSibling 
-PASS comment.nodeValue 
-PASS comment.nodeName 
-PASS comment.childNodes.length 
-PASS comment.textContent 
-PASS comment.length 
-PASS comment.lastChild 
-PASS comment.firstChild 
-PASS comment.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedComment.nodeType 
-PASS detachedComment.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedComment.parentNode 
-PASS detachedComment.parentElement 
-PASS detachedComment.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedComment.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedComment.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedComment.nodeName 
-PASS detachedComment.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedComment.textContent 
-PASS detachedComment.length 
-PASS detachedComment.lastChild 
-PASS detachedComment.firstChild 
-PASS detachedComment.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignComment.nodeType 
-PASS foreignComment.ownerDocument 
-PASS foreignComment.parentNode 
-PASS foreignComment.parentElement 
-PASS foreignComment.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignComment.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignComment.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignComment.nodeName 
-PASS foreignComment.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignComment.textContent 
-PASS foreignComment.length 
-PASS foreignComment.lastChild 
-PASS foreignComment.firstChild 
-PASS foreignComment.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.nodeType 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.parentNode 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.parentElement 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.nodeName 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.textContent 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.length 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.lastChild 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.firstChild 
-PASS detachedForeignComment.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS xmlComment.nodeType 
-PASS xmlComment.ownerDocument 
-PASS xmlComment.parentNode 
-PASS xmlComment.parentElement 
-PASS xmlComment.previousSibling 
-PASS xmlComment.nextSibling 
-PASS xmlComment.nodeValue 
-PASS xmlComment.nodeName 
-PASS xmlComment.childNodes.length 
-PASS xmlComment.textContent 
-PASS xmlComment.length 
-PASS xmlComment.lastChild 
-PASS xmlComment.firstChild 
-PASS xmlComment.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.nodeType 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.ownerDocument 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.parentNode 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.parentElement 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.previousSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.nextSibling 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.nodeValue 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.nodeName 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.childNodes.length 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.textContent 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.length 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.lastChild 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.firstChild 
-PASS detachedXmlComment.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS docfrag.nodeType 
-PASS docfrag.ownerDocument 
-PASS docfrag.childNodes.length 
-PASS docfrag.textContent 
-PASS docfrag.nodeName 
-PASS docfrag.nodeValue 
-PASS docfrag.nextSibling 
-PASS docfrag.previousSibling 
-PASS docfrag.parentElement 
-PASS docfrag.parentNode 
-PASS docfrag.lastChild 
-PASS docfrag.firstChild 
-PASS docfrag.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.nodeType 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.ownerDocument 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.textContent 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.nodeName 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.parentElement 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.parentNode 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.lastChild 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.firstChild 
-PASS foreignDocfrag.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.nodeType 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.ownerDocument 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.childNodes.length 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.textContent 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.nodeName 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.nodeValue 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.nextSibling 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.previousSibling 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.parentElement 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.parentNode 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.lastChild 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.firstChild 
-PASS xmlDocfrag.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS doctype.nodeType 
-PASS doctype.ownerDocument 
-PASS doctype.parentNode 
-PASS doctype.previousSibling 
-PASS doctype.nextSibling 
-PASS doctype.publicId 
-PASS doctype.systemId 
-PASS doctype.nodeName 
-PASS doctype.childNodes.length 
-PASS doctype.textContent 
-PASS doctype.nodeValue 
-PASS doctype.parentElement 
-PASS doctype.lastChild 
-PASS doctype.firstChild 
-PASS doctype.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS foreignDoctype.nodeType 
-PASS foreignDoctype.ownerDocument 
-PASS foreignDoctype.parentNode 
-PASS foreignDoctype.previousSibling 
-PASS foreignDoctype.nextSibling 
-PASS foreignDoctype.publicId 
-PASS foreignDoctype.systemId 
-PASS foreignDoctype.nodeName 
-PASS foreignDoctype.childNodes.length 
-PASS foreignDoctype.textContent 
-PASS foreignDoctype.nodeValue 
-PASS foreignDoctype.parentElement 
-PASS foreignDoctype.lastChild 
-PASS foreignDoctype.firstChild 
-PASS foreignDoctype.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS xmlDoctype.nodeType 
-PASS xmlDoctype.ownerDocument 
-PASS xmlDoctype.parentNode 
-PASS xmlDoctype.previousSibling 
-PASS xmlDoctype.nextSibling 
-PASS xmlDoctype.publicId 
-PASS xmlDoctype.systemId 
-PASS xmlDoctype.nodeName 
-PASS xmlDoctype.childNodes.length 
-PASS xmlDoctype.textContent 
-PASS xmlDoctype.nodeValue 
-PASS xmlDoctype.parentElement 
-PASS xmlDoctype.lastChild 
-PASS xmlDoctype.firstChild 
-PASS xmlDoctype.hasChildNodes() 
-PASS paras[0].nodeType 
-PASS paras[0].ownerDocument 
-PASS paras[0].parentNode 
-PASS paras[0].parentElement 
-PASS paras[0].childNodes.length 
-PASS paras[0].previousSibling 
-PASS paras[0].nextSibling 
-PASS paras[0].textContent 
-PASS paras[0].namespaceURI 
-PASS paras[0].prefix 
-PASS paras[0].localName 
-PASS paras[0].tagName 
-PASS paras[0].id 
-PASS paras[0].previousElementSibling 
-PASS paras[0].nextElementSibling 
-PASS paras[0].childElementCount 
-PASS paras[0].nodeName 
-PASS paras[0].nodeValue 
-PASS paras[0].children.length 
-PASS paras[0].className 
-PASS paras[0].lastElementChild 
-PASS paras[0].firstElementChild 
-PASS paras[0].firstChild 
-PASS paras[0].lastChild 
-PASS paras[0].hasChildNodes() 
-PASS paras[1].nodeType 
-PASS paras[1].ownerDocument 
-PASS paras[1].parentNode 
-PASS paras[1].parentElement 
-PASS paras[1].childNodes.length 
-PASS paras[1].previousSibling 
-PASS paras[1].nextSibling 
-PASS paras[1].textContent 
-PASS paras[1].namespaceURI 
-PASS paras[1].prefix 
-PASS paras[1].localName 
-PASS paras[1].tagName 
-PASS paras[1].id 
-PASS paras[1].previousElementSibling 
-PASS paras[1].nextElementSibling 
-PASS paras[1].childElementCount 
-PASS paras[1].nodeName 
-PASS paras[1].nodeValue 
-PASS paras[1].children.length 
-PASS paras[1].className 
-PASS paras[1].lastElementChild 
-PASS paras[1].firstElementChild 
-PASS paras[1].firstChild 
-PASS paras[1].lastChild 
-PASS paras[1].hasChildNodes() 
-PASS paras[2].nodeType 
-PASS paras[2].ownerDocument 
-PASS paras[2].parentNode 
-PASS paras[2].parentElement 
-PASS paras[2].childNodes.length 
-PASS paras[2].previousSibling 
-PASS paras[2].nextSibling 
-PASS paras[2].textContent 
-PASS paras[2].namespaceURI 
-PASS paras[2].prefix 
-PASS paras[2].localName 
-PASS paras[2].tagName 
-PASS paras[2].id 
-PASS paras[2].previousElementSibling 
-PASS paras[2].nextElementSibling 
-PASS paras[2].childElementCount 
-PASS paras[2].nodeName 
-PASS paras[2].nodeValue 
-PASS paras[2].children.length 
-PASS paras[2].className 
-PASS paras[2].lastElementChild 
-PASS paras[2].firstElementChild 
-PASS paras[2].firstChild 
-PASS paras[2].lastChild 
-PASS paras[2].hasChildNodes() 
-PASS paras[3].nodeType 
-PASS paras[3].ownerDocument 
-PASS paras[3].parentNode 
-PASS paras[3].parentElement 
-PASS paras[3].childNodes.length 
-PASS paras[3].previousSibling 
-PASS paras[3].nextSibling 
-PASS paras[3].textContent 
-PASS paras[3].namespaceURI 
-PASS paras[3].prefix 
-PASS paras[3].localName 
-PASS paras[3].tagName 
-PASS paras[3].id 
-PASS paras[3].previousElementSibling 
-PASS paras[3].nextElementSibling 
-PASS paras[3].childElementCount 
-PASS paras[3].nodeName 
-PASS paras[3].nodeValue 
-PASS paras[3].children.length 
-PASS paras[3].className 
-PASS paras[3].lastElementChild 
-PASS paras[3].firstElementChild 
-PASS paras[3].firstChild 
-PASS paras[3].lastChild 
-PASS paras[3].hasChildNodes() 
-PASS paras[4].nodeType 
-PASS paras[4].ownerDocument 
-PASS paras[4].parentNode 
-PASS paras[4].parentElement 
-PASS paras[4].childNodes.length 
-PASS paras[4].previousSibling 
-PASS paras[4].nextSibling 
-PASS paras[4].textContent 
-PASS paras[4].namespaceURI 
-PASS paras[4].prefix 
-PASS paras[4].localName 
-PASS paras[4].tagName 
-PASS paras[4].id 
-PASS paras[4].previousElementSibling 
-PASS paras[4].nextElementSibling 
-PASS paras[4].childElementCount 
-PASS paras[4].nodeName 
-PASS paras[4].nodeValue 
-PASS paras[4].children.length 
-PASS paras[4].className 
-PASS paras[4].lastElementChild 
-PASS paras[4].firstElementChild 
-PASS paras[4].firstChild 
-PASS paras[4].lastChild 
-PASS paras[4].hasChildNodes() 
-Harness: the test ran to completion.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null-expected.txt
index 5df2b39..1769da5 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null-expected.txt
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null-expected.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 This test setting various attributes of documents to JavaScript null.
 TEST SUCCEEDED: Got the expected exception (9). [tested Document.xmlVersion]
-TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was null. [tested Document.documentURI]
+TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'about:blank'. [tested Document.documentURI]
 TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'UTF-8'. [tested Document.charset]
 TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'UTF-8'. [tested Document.characterSet]
 TEST SUCCEEDED: The value was the string 'UTF-8'. [tested Document.inputEncoding]
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null.html b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null.html
index e9acb7e..3c617d0d 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null.html
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/dom/document-attribute-js-null.html
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
                     docToUse: xmlDoc,
                     attributes: [
                         {name: 'xmlVersion', expectedExceptionCode: 9},
-                        {name: 'documentURI', expectedNull: null},
+                        {name: 'documentURI', expectedNull: 'about:blank'},
                         {name: 'charset', expectedNull: 'UTF-8'},
                         {name: 'characterSet', expectedNull: 'UTF-8'},
                         {name: 'inputEncoding', expectedNull: 'UTF-8'},
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/mac-mac10.11/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/mac-mac10.11/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c250d..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/mac-mac10.11/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 1609 tests; 1428 PASS, 181 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
-PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Event interface object length 
-PASS Event interface object name 
-FAIL Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Event.prototype expected "[object EventPrototype]" but got "[object Event]"
-PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Event interface: attribute type 
-PASS Event interface: attribute target 
-PASS Event interface: attribute currentTarget 
-PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: attribute eventPhase 
-PASS Event interface: operation stopPropagation() 
-PASS Event interface: operation stopImmediatePropagation() 
-PASS Event interface: attribute bubbles 
-PASS Event interface: attribute cancelable 
-PASS Event interface: operation preventDefault() 
-PASS Event interface: attribute defaultPrevented 
-PASS Event interface: attribute timeStamp 
-PASS Event interface: operation initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) 
-PASS Event must be primary interface of document.createEvent("Event") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createEvent("Event") 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on document.createEvent("Event") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Event must be primary interface of new Event("foo") 
-PASS Stringification of new Event("foo") 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new Event("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CustomEvent interface object length 
-PASS CustomEvent interface object name 
-FAIL CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CustomEvent.prototype expected "[object CustomEventPrototype]" but got "[object CustomEvent]"
-PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: attribute detail 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: operation initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) 
-PASS CustomEvent must be primary interface of new CustomEvent("foo") 
-PASS Stringification of new CustomEvent("foo") 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "detail" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initCustomEvent" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: calling initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS EventTarget interface object length 
-PASS EventTarget interface object name 
-FAIL EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of EventTarget.prototype expected "[object EventTargetPrototype]" but got "[object EventTarget]"
-PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation dispatchEvent(Event) 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS EventListener interface: operation handleEvent(Event) 
-PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeList interface object length 
-PASS NodeList interface object name 
-FAIL NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeList.prototype expected "[object NodeListPrototype]" but got "[object NodeList]"
-PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NodeList interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS NodeList interface: attribute length 
-PASS NodeList must be primary interface of document.querySelectorAll("script") 
-PASS Stringification of document.querySelectorAll("script") 
-PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "item" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS NodeList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.querySelectorAll("script") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface object length 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface object name 
-FAIL HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of HTMLCollection.prototype expected "[object HTMLCollectionPrototype]" but got "[object HTMLCollection]"
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: attribute length 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation namedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS HTMLCollection must be primary interface of document.body.children 
-PASS Stringification of document.body.children 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling namedItem(DOMString) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS MutationObserver interface object length 
-PASS MutationObserver interface object name 
-FAIL MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationObserver.prototype expected "[object MutationObserverPrototype]" but got "[object MutationObserver]"
-PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation observe(Node,MutationObserverInit) 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation disconnect() 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation takeRecords() 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS MutationRecord interface object length 
-PASS MutationRecord interface object name 
-FAIL MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationRecord.prototype expected "[object MutationRecordPrototype]" but got "[object MutationRecord]"
-PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute type 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute target 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute addedNodes 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute removedNodes 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute previousSibling 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute nextSibling 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeName 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeNamespace 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute oldValue 
-PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Node interface object length 
-PASS Node interface object name 
-FAIL Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Node.prototype expected "[object NodePrototype]" but got "[object Node]"
-PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeType 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeName 
-PASS Node interface: attribute baseURI 
-PASS Node interface: attribute isConnected 
-PASS Node interface: attribute ownerDocument 
-PASS Node interface: operation getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) 
-PASS Node interface: attribute parentNode 
-PASS Node interface: attribute parentElement 
-PASS Node interface: operation hasChildNodes() 
-PASS Node interface: attribute childNodes 
-PASS Node interface: attribute firstChild 
-PASS Node interface: attribute lastChild 
-PASS Node interface: attribute previousSibling 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nextSibling 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeValue 
-PASS Node interface: attribute textContent 
-PASS Node interface: operation normalize() 
-PASS Node interface: operation cloneNode(boolean) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isEqualNode(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isSameNode(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: operation compareDocumentPosition(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation contains(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation lookupPrefix(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation insertBefore(Node,Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation appendChild(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation replaceChild(Node,Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation removeChild(Node) 
-PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Document interface object length 
-PASS Document interface object name 
-FAIL Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Document.prototype expected "[object DocumentPrototype]" but got "[object Document]"
-PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Document interface: attribute implementation 
-PASS Document interface: attribute URL 
-PASS Document interface: attribute documentURI 
-PASS Document interface: attribute origin 
-PASS Document interface: attribute compatMode 
-PASS Document interface: attribute characterSet 
-PASS Document interface: attribute charset 
-PASS Document interface: attribute inputEncoding 
-PASS Document interface: attribute contentType 
-PASS Document interface: attribute doctype 
-PASS Document interface: attribute documentElement 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS Document interface: operation createTextNode(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createCDATASection(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createComment(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation importNode(Node,boolean) 
-PASS Document interface: operation adoptNode(Node) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createEvent(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createRange() 
-PASS Document interface: operation createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: attribute children 
-PASS Document interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS Document interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS Document interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS Document interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Document interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Document interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-FAIL Document must be primary interface of new Document() assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Stringification of new Document() assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createCDATASection" with the proper type (18) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createCDATASection(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (19) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (20) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (21) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (22) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (23) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (24) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (25) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (26) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (27) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (28) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (29) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (30) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (31) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (32) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (33) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (34) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (35) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (36) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (37) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling contains(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS XMLDocument interface object length 
-PASS XMLDocument interface object name 
-FAIL XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of XMLDocument.prototype expected "[object XMLDocumentPrototype]" but got "[object XMLDocument]"
-PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS XMLDocument must be primary interface of xmlDoc 
-PASS Stringification of xmlDoc 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) 
-FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createCDATASection" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createCDATASection(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "children" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "append" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface object length 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface object name 
-FAIL DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMImplementation.prototype expected "[object DOMImplementationPrototype]" but got "[object DOMImplementation]"
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createHTMLDocument(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation hasFeature() 
-PASS DOMImplementation must be primary interface of document.implementation 
-PASS Stringification of document.implementation 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocumentType" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocument" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createHTMLDocument" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createHTMLDocument(DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "hasFeature" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DocumentType interface object length 
-PASS DocumentType interface object name 
-FAIL DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentType.prototype expected "[object DocumentTypePrototype]" but got "[object DocumentType]"
-PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute name 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute publicId 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute systemId 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation remove() 
-PASS DocumentType must be primary interface of document.doctype 
-PASS Stringification of document.doctype 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "name" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "publicId" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "systemId" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "before" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "after" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface object length 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface object name 
-FAIL DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentFragment.prototype expected "[object DocumentFragmentPrototype]" but got "[object DocumentFragment]"
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute children 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment must be primary interface of document.createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS Stringification of document.createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface object length 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface object name 
-FAIL ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ShadowRoot.prototype expected "[object ShadowRootPrototype]" but got "[object ShadowRoot]"
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute mode 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute host 
-PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Element interface object length 
-PASS Element interface object name 
-FAIL Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Element.prototype expected "[object ElementPrototype]" but got "[object Element]"
-PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Element interface: attribute namespaceURI 
-PASS Element interface: attribute prefix 
-PASS Element interface: attribute localName 
-PASS Element interface: attribute tagName 
-PASS Element interface: attribute id 
-PASS Element interface: attribute className 
-PASS Element interface: attribute classList 
-PASS Element interface: attribute slot 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributes() 
-PASS Element interface: attribute attributes 
-FAIL Element interface: operation getAttributeNames() assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "getAttributeNames" missing
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNode(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNode(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNode(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute shadowRoot 
-PASS Element interface: operation closest(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation matches(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentElement(DOMString,Element) 
-PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentText(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute children 
-PASS Element interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS Element interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS Element interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS Element interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute previousElementSibling 
-PASS Element interface: attribute nextElementSibling 
-PASS Element interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation remove() 
-PASS Element interface: attribute assignedSlot 
-PASS Element must be primary interface of element 
-PASS Stringification of element 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "tagName" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "id" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "className" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "classList" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "slot" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributes" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attributes" with the proper type (9) 
-FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNames" with the proper type (10) assert_inherits: property "getAttributeNames" not found in prototype chain
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttribute" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNS" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttribute" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNS" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttribute" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNS" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttribute" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Element interface: calling hasAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributeNS" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Element interface: calling hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNode" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNode(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNode" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attachShadow" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Element interface: calling attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "shadowRoot" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "closest" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Element interface: calling closest(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "matches" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Element interface: calling matches(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "webkitMatchesSelector" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Element interface: calling webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "insertAdjacentElement" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Element interface: calling insertAdjacentElement(DOMString,Element) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "insertAdjacentText" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Element interface: calling insertAdjacentText(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "children" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Element interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "append" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Element interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Element interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Element interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "before" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Element interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "after" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Element interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Element interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (47) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (48) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: element must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface object length 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface object name 
-FAIL NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NamedNodeMap.prototype expected "[object NamedNodeMapPrototype]" but got "[object NamedNodeMap]"
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: attribute length 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItem(Attr) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItemNS(Attr) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Attr interface object length 
-PASS Attr interface object name 
-FAIL Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Attr.prototype expected "[object AttrPrototype]" but got "[object Attr]"
-PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute namespaceURI 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute prefix 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute localName 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute name 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute value 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute ownerElement 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute specified 
-PASS Attr must be primary interface of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] 
-PASS Stringification of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "name" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "value" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerElement" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "specified" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CharacterData interface object length 
-PASS CharacterData interface object name 
-FAIL CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CharacterData.prototype expected "[object CharacterDataPrototype]" but got "[object CharacterData]"
-PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute data 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute length 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation appendData(DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute previousElementSibling 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute nextElementSibling 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation remove() 
-PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Text interface object length 
-PASS Text interface object name 
-FAIL Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Text.prototype expected "[object TextPrototype]" but got "[object Text]"
-PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Text interface: operation splitText(unsigned long) 
-PASS Text interface: attribute wholeText 
-PASS Text interface: attribute assignedSlot 
-PASS Text must be primary interface of document.createTextNode("abc") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createTextNode("abc") 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "splitText" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Text interface: calling splitText(unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "wholeText" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CDATASection interface object length 
-PASS CDATASection interface object name 
-FAIL CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CDATASection.prototype expected "[object CDATASectionPrototype]" but got "[object CDATASection]"
-PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object length 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object name 
-FAIL ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ProcessingInstruction.prototype expected "[object ProcessingInstructionPrototype]" but got "[object ProcessingInstruction]"
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: attribute target 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction must be primary interface of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") 
-PASS Stringification of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Comment interface object length 
-PASS Comment interface object name 
-FAIL Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Comment.prototype expected "[object CommentPrototype]" but got "[object Comment]"
-PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Comment must be primary interface of document.createComment("abc") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createComment("abc") 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Range interface object length 
-PASS Range interface object name 
-FAIL Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Range.prototype expected "[object RangePrototype]" but got "[object Range]"
-PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Range interface: attribute startContainer 
-PASS Range interface: attribute startOffset 
-PASS Range interface: attribute endContainer 
-PASS Range interface: attribute endOffset 
-PASS Range interface: attribute collapsed 
-PASS Range interface: attribute commonAncestorContainer 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStart(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEnd(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStartBefore(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStartAfter(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEndBefore(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEndAfter(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation collapse(boolean) 
-PASS Range interface: operation selectNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation selectNodeContents(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: operation compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) 
-PASS Range interface: operation deleteContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation extractContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation cloneContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation insertNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation surroundContents(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation cloneRange() 
-PASS Range interface: operation detach() 
-PASS Range interface: operation isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation intersectsNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: stringifier 
-PASS Range must be primary interface of document.createRange() 
-PASS Stringification of document.createRange() 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range must be primary interface of detachedRange 
-PASS Stringification of detachedRange 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeIterator interface object length 
-PASS NodeIterator interface object name 
-FAIL NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeIterator.prototype expected "[object NodeIteratorPrototype]" but got "[object NodeIterator]"
-PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute root 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute referenceNode 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute pointerBeforeReferenceNode 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute whatToShow 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute filter 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation nextNode() 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation previousNode() 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation detach() 
-PASS NodeIterator must be primary interface of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS Stringification of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "referenceNode" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "pointerBeforeReferenceNode" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS TreeWalker interface object length 
-PASS TreeWalker interface object name 
-FAIL TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of TreeWalker.prototype expected "[object TreeWalkerPrototype]" but got "[object TreeWalker]"
-PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute root 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute whatToShow 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute filter 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute currentNode 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation parentNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation firstChild() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation lastChild() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousSibling() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextSibling() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker must be primary interface of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS Stringification of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "currentNode" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeFilter interface object name 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: operation acceptNode(Node) assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface object length 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface object name 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMTokenList.prototype expected "[object DOMTokenListPrototype]" but got "[object DOMTokenList]"
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute length 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation contains(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation add(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation remove(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation toggle(DOMString,boolean) 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: operation replace(DOMString,DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "replace" missing
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation supports(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute value 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: stringifier 
-PASS DOMTokenList must be primary interface of document.body.classList 
-PASS Stringification of document.body.classList 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "add" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling add(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling remove(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "toggle" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling toggle(DOMString,boolean) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "replace" with the proper type (6) assert_inherits: property "replace" not found in prototype chain
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: calling replace(DOMString,DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replace" not found in prototype chain
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "supports" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling supports(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "value" with the proper type (8) 
-Harness: the test ran to completion.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/mac-retina/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/mac-retina/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c250d..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/mac-retina/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 1609 tests; 1428 PASS, 181 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
-PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Event interface object length 
-PASS Event interface object name 
-FAIL Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Event.prototype expected "[object EventPrototype]" but got "[object Event]"
-PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Event interface: attribute type 
-PASS Event interface: attribute target 
-PASS Event interface: attribute currentTarget 
-PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: attribute eventPhase 
-PASS Event interface: operation stopPropagation() 
-PASS Event interface: operation stopImmediatePropagation() 
-PASS Event interface: attribute bubbles 
-PASS Event interface: attribute cancelable 
-PASS Event interface: operation preventDefault() 
-PASS Event interface: attribute defaultPrevented 
-PASS Event interface: attribute timeStamp 
-PASS Event interface: operation initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) 
-PASS Event must be primary interface of document.createEvent("Event") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createEvent("Event") 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on document.createEvent("Event") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Event must be primary interface of new Event("foo") 
-PASS Stringification of new Event("foo") 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new Event("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CustomEvent interface object length 
-PASS CustomEvent interface object name 
-FAIL CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CustomEvent.prototype expected "[object CustomEventPrototype]" but got "[object CustomEvent]"
-PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: attribute detail 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: operation initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) 
-PASS CustomEvent must be primary interface of new CustomEvent("foo") 
-PASS Stringification of new CustomEvent("foo") 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "detail" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initCustomEvent" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: calling initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS EventTarget interface object length 
-PASS EventTarget interface object name 
-FAIL EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of EventTarget.prototype expected "[object EventTargetPrototype]" but got "[object EventTarget]"
-PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation dispatchEvent(Event) 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS EventListener interface: operation handleEvent(Event) 
-PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeList interface object length 
-PASS NodeList interface object name 
-FAIL NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeList.prototype expected "[object NodeListPrototype]" but got "[object NodeList]"
-PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NodeList interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS NodeList interface: attribute length 
-PASS NodeList must be primary interface of document.querySelectorAll("script") 
-PASS Stringification of document.querySelectorAll("script") 
-PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "item" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS NodeList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.querySelectorAll("script") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface object length 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface object name 
-FAIL HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of HTMLCollection.prototype expected "[object HTMLCollectionPrototype]" but got "[object HTMLCollection]"
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: attribute length 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation namedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS HTMLCollection must be primary interface of document.body.children 
-PASS Stringification of document.body.children 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling namedItem(DOMString) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS MutationObserver interface object length 
-PASS MutationObserver interface object name 
-FAIL MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationObserver.prototype expected "[object MutationObserverPrototype]" but got "[object MutationObserver]"
-PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation observe(Node,MutationObserverInit) 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation disconnect() 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation takeRecords() 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS MutationRecord interface object length 
-PASS MutationRecord interface object name 
-FAIL MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationRecord.prototype expected "[object MutationRecordPrototype]" but got "[object MutationRecord]"
-PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute type 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute target 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute addedNodes 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute removedNodes 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute previousSibling 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute nextSibling 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeName 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeNamespace 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute oldValue 
-PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Node interface object length 
-PASS Node interface object name 
-FAIL Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Node.prototype expected "[object NodePrototype]" but got "[object Node]"
-PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeType 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeName 
-PASS Node interface: attribute baseURI 
-PASS Node interface: attribute isConnected 
-PASS Node interface: attribute ownerDocument 
-PASS Node interface: operation getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) 
-PASS Node interface: attribute parentNode 
-PASS Node interface: attribute parentElement 
-PASS Node interface: operation hasChildNodes() 
-PASS Node interface: attribute childNodes 
-PASS Node interface: attribute firstChild 
-PASS Node interface: attribute lastChild 
-PASS Node interface: attribute previousSibling 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nextSibling 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeValue 
-PASS Node interface: attribute textContent 
-PASS Node interface: operation normalize() 
-PASS Node interface: operation cloneNode(boolean) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isEqualNode(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isSameNode(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: operation compareDocumentPosition(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation contains(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation lookupPrefix(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation insertBefore(Node,Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation appendChild(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation replaceChild(Node,Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation removeChild(Node) 
-PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Document interface object length 
-PASS Document interface object name 
-FAIL Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Document.prototype expected "[object DocumentPrototype]" but got "[object Document]"
-PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Document interface: attribute implementation 
-PASS Document interface: attribute URL 
-PASS Document interface: attribute documentURI 
-PASS Document interface: attribute origin 
-PASS Document interface: attribute compatMode 
-PASS Document interface: attribute characterSet 
-PASS Document interface: attribute charset 
-PASS Document interface: attribute inputEncoding 
-PASS Document interface: attribute contentType 
-PASS Document interface: attribute doctype 
-PASS Document interface: attribute documentElement 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS Document interface: operation createTextNode(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createCDATASection(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createComment(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation importNode(Node,boolean) 
-PASS Document interface: operation adoptNode(Node) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createEvent(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createRange() 
-PASS Document interface: operation createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: attribute children 
-PASS Document interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS Document interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS Document interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS Document interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Document interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Document interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-FAIL Document must be primary interface of new Document() assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Stringification of new Document() assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createCDATASection" with the proper type (18) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createCDATASection(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (19) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (20) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (21) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (22) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (23) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (24) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (25) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (26) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (27) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (28) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (29) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (30) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (31) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (32) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (33) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (34) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (35) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (36) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (37) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling contains(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS XMLDocument interface object length 
-PASS XMLDocument interface object name 
-FAIL XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of XMLDocument.prototype expected "[object XMLDocumentPrototype]" but got "[object XMLDocument]"
-PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS XMLDocument must be primary interface of xmlDoc 
-PASS Stringification of xmlDoc 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) 
-FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createCDATASection" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createCDATASection(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "children" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "append" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface object length 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface object name 
-FAIL DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMImplementation.prototype expected "[object DOMImplementationPrototype]" but got "[object DOMImplementation]"
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createHTMLDocument(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation hasFeature() 
-PASS DOMImplementation must be primary interface of document.implementation 
-PASS Stringification of document.implementation 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocumentType" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocument" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createHTMLDocument" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createHTMLDocument(DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "hasFeature" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DocumentType interface object length 
-PASS DocumentType interface object name 
-FAIL DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentType.prototype expected "[object DocumentTypePrototype]" but got "[object DocumentType]"
-PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute name 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute publicId 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute systemId 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation remove() 
-PASS DocumentType must be primary interface of document.doctype 
-PASS Stringification of document.doctype 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "name" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "publicId" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "systemId" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "before" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "after" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface object length 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface object name 
-FAIL DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentFragment.prototype expected "[object DocumentFragmentPrototype]" but got "[object DocumentFragment]"
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute children 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment must be primary interface of document.createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS Stringification of document.createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface object length 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface object name 
-FAIL ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ShadowRoot.prototype expected "[object ShadowRootPrototype]" but got "[object ShadowRoot]"
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute mode 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute host 
-PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Element interface object length 
-PASS Element interface object name 
-FAIL Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Element.prototype expected "[object ElementPrototype]" but got "[object Element]"
-PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Element interface: attribute namespaceURI 
-PASS Element interface: attribute prefix 
-PASS Element interface: attribute localName 
-PASS Element interface: attribute tagName 
-PASS Element interface: attribute id 
-PASS Element interface: attribute className 
-PASS Element interface: attribute classList 
-PASS Element interface: attribute slot 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributes() 
-PASS Element interface: attribute attributes 
-FAIL Element interface: operation getAttributeNames() assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "getAttributeNames" missing
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNode(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNode(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNode(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute shadowRoot 
-PASS Element interface: operation closest(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation matches(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentElement(DOMString,Element) 
-PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentText(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute children 
-PASS Element interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS Element interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS Element interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS Element interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute previousElementSibling 
-PASS Element interface: attribute nextElementSibling 
-PASS Element interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation remove() 
-PASS Element interface: attribute assignedSlot 
-PASS Element must be primary interface of element 
-PASS Stringification of element 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "tagName" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "id" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "className" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "classList" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "slot" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributes" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attributes" with the proper type (9) 
-FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNames" with the proper type (10) assert_inherits: property "getAttributeNames" not found in prototype chain
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttribute" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNS" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttribute" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNS" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttribute" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNS" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttribute" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Element interface: calling hasAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributeNS" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Element interface: calling hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNode" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNode(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNode" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attachShadow" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Element interface: calling attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "shadowRoot" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "closest" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Element interface: calling closest(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "matches" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Element interface: calling matches(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "webkitMatchesSelector" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Element interface: calling webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "insertAdjacentElement" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Element interface: calling insertAdjacentElement(DOMString,Element) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "insertAdjacentText" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Element interface: calling insertAdjacentText(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "children" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Element interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "append" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Element interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Element interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Element interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "before" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Element interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "after" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Element interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Element interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (47) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (48) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: element must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface object length 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface object name 
-FAIL NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NamedNodeMap.prototype expected "[object NamedNodeMapPrototype]" but got "[object NamedNodeMap]"
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: attribute length 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItem(Attr) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItemNS(Attr) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Attr interface object length 
-PASS Attr interface object name 
-FAIL Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Attr.prototype expected "[object AttrPrototype]" but got "[object Attr]"
-PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute namespaceURI 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute prefix 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute localName 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute name 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute value 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute ownerElement 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute specified 
-PASS Attr must be primary interface of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] 
-PASS Stringification of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "name" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "value" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerElement" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "specified" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CharacterData interface object length 
-PASS CharacterData interface object name 
-FAIL CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CharacterData.prototype expected "[object CharacterDataPrototype]" but got "[object CharacterData]"
-PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute data 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute length 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation appendData(DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute previousElementSibling 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute nextElementSibling 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation remove() 
-PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Text interface object length 
-PASS Text interface object name 
-FAIL Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Text.prototype expected "[object TextPrototype]" but got "[object Text]"
-PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Text interface: operation splitText(unsigned long) 
-PASS Text interface: attribute wholeText 
-PASS Text interface: attribute assignedSlot 
-PASS Text must be primary interface of document.createTextNode("abc") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createTextNode("abc") 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "splitText" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Text interface: calling splitText(unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "wholeText" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CDATASection interface object length 
-PASS CDATASection interface object name 
-FAIL CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CDATASection.prototype expected "[object CDATASectionPrototype]" but got "[object CDATASection]"
-PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object length 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object name 
-FAIL ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ProcessingInstruction.prototype expected "[object ProcessingInstructionPrototype]" but got "[object ProcessingInstruction]"
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: attribute target 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction must be primary interface of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") 
-PASS Stringification of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Comment interface object length 
-PASS Comment interface object name 
-FAIL Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Comment.prototype expected "[object CommentPrototype]" but got "[object Comment]"
-PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Comment must be primary interface of document.createComment("abc") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createComment("abc") 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Range interface object length 
-PASS Range interface object name 
-FAIL Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Range.prototype expected "[object RangePrototype]" but got "[object Range]"
-PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Range interface: attribute startContainer 
-PASS Range interface: attribute startOffset 
-PASS Range interface: attribute endContainer 
-PASS Range interface: attribute endOffset 
-PASS Range interface: attribute collapsed 
-PASS Range interface: attribute commonAncestorContainer 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStart(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEnd(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStartBefore(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStartAfter(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEndBefore(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEndAfter(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation collapse(boolean) 
-PASS Range interface: operation selectNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation selectNodeContents(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: operation compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) 
-PASS Range interface: operation deleteContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation extractContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation cloneContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation insertNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation surroundContents(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation cloneRange() 
-PASS Range interface: operation detach() 
-PASS Range interface: operation isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation intersectsNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: stringifier 
-PASS Range must be primary interface of document.createRange() 
-PASS Stringification of document.createRange() 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range must be primary interface of detachedRange 
-PASS Stringification of detachedRange 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeIterator interface object length 
-PASS NodeIterator interface object name 
-FAIL NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeIterator.prototype expected "[object NodeIteratorPrototype]" but got "[object NodeIterator]"
-PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute root 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute referenceNode 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute pointerBeforeReferenceNode 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute whatToShow 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute filter 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation nextNode() 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation previousNode() 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation detach() 
-PASS NodeIterator must be primary interface of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS Stringification of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "referenceNode" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "pointerBeforeReferenceNode" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS TreeWalker interface object length 
-PASS TreeWalker interface object name 
-FAIL TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of TreeWalker.prototype expected "[object TreeWalkerPrototype]" but got "[object TreeWalker]"
-PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute root 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute whatToShow 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute filter 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute currentNode 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation parentNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation firstChild() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation lastChild() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousSibling() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextSibling() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker must be primary interface of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS Stringification of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "currentNode" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeFilter interface object name 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: operation acceptNode(Node) assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface object length 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface object name 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMTokenList.prototype expected "[object DOMTokenListPrototype]" but got "[object DOMTokenList]"
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute length 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation contains(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation add(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation remove(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation toggle(DOMString,boolean) 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: operation replace(DOMString,DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "replace" missing
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation supports(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute value 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: stringifier 
-PASS DOMTokenList must be primary interface of document.body.classList 
-PASS Stringification of document.body.classList 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "add" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling add(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling remove(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "toggle" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling toggle(DOMString,boolean) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "replace" with the proper type (6) assert_inherits: property "replace" not found in prototype chain
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: calling replace(DOMString,DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replace" not found in prototype chain
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "supports" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling supports(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "value" with the proper type (8) 
-Harness: the test ran to completion.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/win/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt b/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/win/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c250d..0000000
--- a/third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/platform/win/external/wpt/dom/interfaces-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1613 +0,0 @@
-This is a testharness.js-based test.
-Found 1609 tests; 1428 PASS, 181 FAIL, 0 TIMEOUT, 0 NOTRUN.
-PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Event interface object length 
-PASS Event interface object name 
-FAIL Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Event.prototype expected "[object EventPrototype]" but got "[object Event]"
-PASS Event interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Event interface: attribute type 
-PASS Event interface: attribute target 
-PASS Event interface: attribute currentTarget 
-PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant NONE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant CAPTURING_PHASE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant AT_TARGET on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface object 
-PASS Event interface: constant BUBBLING_PHASE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Event interface: attribute eventPhase 
-PASS Event interface: operation stopPropagation() 
-PASS Event interface: operation stopImmediatePropagation() 
-PASS Event interface: attribute bubbles 
-PASS Event interface: attribute cancelable 
-PASS Event interface: operation preventDefault() 
-PASS Event interface: attribute defaultPrevented 
-PASS Event interface: attribute timeStamp 
-PASS Event interface: operation initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) 
-PASS Event must be primary interface of document.createEvent("Event") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createEvent("Event") 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: document.createEvent("Event") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on document.createEvent("Event") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Event must be primary interface of new Event("foo") 
-PASS Stringification of new Event("foo") 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: new Event("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new Event("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CustomEvent interface object length 
-PASS CustomEvent interface object name 
-FAIL CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CustomEvent.prototype expected "[object CustomEventPrototype]" but got "[object CustomEvent]"
-PASS CustomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: attribute detail 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: operation initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) 
-PASS CustomEvent must be primary interface of new CustomEvent("foo") 
-PASS Stringification of new CustomEvent("foo") 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "detail" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initCustomEvent" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CustomEvent interface: calling initCustomEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean,any) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "type" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "currentTarget" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "NONE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "CAPTURING_PHASE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "AT_TARGET" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "BUBBLING_PHASE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "eventPhase" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopPropagation" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "stopImmediatePropagation" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "bubbles" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "cancelable" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "preventDefault" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "defaultPrevented" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must have own property "isTrusted" 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "timeStamp" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Event interface: new CustomEvent("foo") must inherit property "initEvent" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Event interface: calling initEvent(DOMString,boolean,boolean) on new CustomEvent("foo") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS EventTarget interface object length 
-PASS EventTarget interface object name 
-FAIL EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of EventTarget.prototype expected "[object EventTargetPrototype]" but got "[object EventTarget]"
-PASS EventTarget interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: operation dispatchEvent(Event) 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object 
-PASS EventListener interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS EventListener interface: operation handleEvent(Event) 
-PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeList interface object length 
-PASS NodeList interface object name 
-FAIL NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeList.prototype expected "[object NodeListPrototype]" but got "[object NodeList]"
-PASS NodeList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NodeList interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS NodeList interface: attribute length 
-PASS NodeList must be primary interface of document.querySelectorAll("script") 
-PASS Stringification of document.querySelectorAll("script") 
-PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "item" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS NodeList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.querySelectorAll("script") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NodeList interface: document.querySelectorAll("script") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface object length 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface object name 
-FAIL HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of HTMLCollection.prototype expected "[object HTMLCollectionPrototype]" but got "[object HTMLCollection]"
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: attribute length 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: operation namedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS HTMLCollection must be primary interface of document.body.children 
-PASS Stringification of document.body.children 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: document.body.children must inherit property "namedItem" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS HTMLCollection interface: calling namedItem(DOMString) on document.body.children with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS MutationObserver interface object length 
-PASS MutationObserver interface object name 
-FAIL MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationObserver.prototype expected "[object MutationObserverPrototype]" but got "[object MutationObserver]"
-PASS MutationObserver interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation observe(Node,MutationObserverInit) 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation disconnect() 
-PASS MutationObserver interface: operation takeRecords() 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS MutationRecord interface object length 
-PASS MutationRecord interface object name 
-FAIL MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of MutationRecord.prototype expected "[object MutationRecordPrototype]" but got "[object MutationRecord]"
-PASS MutationRecord interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute type 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute target 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute addedNodes 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute removedNodes 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute previousSibling 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute nextSibling 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeName 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute attributeNamespace 
-PASS MutationRecord interface: attribute oldValue 
-PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Node interface object length 
-PASS Node interface object name 
-FAIL Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Node.prototype expected "[object NodePrototype]" but got "[object Node]"
-PASS Node interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ELEMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ATTRIBUTE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant TEXT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant CDATA_SECTION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant ENTITY_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant COMMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant NOTATION_NODE on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeType 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeName 
-PASS Node interface: attribute baseURI 
-PASS Node interface: attribute isConnected 
-PASS Node interface: attribute ownerDocument 
-PASS Node interface: operation getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) 
-PASS Node interface: attribute parentNode 
-PASS Node interface: attribute parentElement 
-PASS Node interface: operation hasChildNodes() 
-PASS Node interface: attribute childNodes 
-PASS Node interface: attribute firstChild 
-PASS Node interface: attribute lastChild 
-PASS Node interface: attribute previousSibling 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nextSibling 
-PASS Node interface: attribute nodeValue 
-PASS Node interface: attribute textContent 
-PASS Node interface: operation normalize() 
-PASS Node interface: operation cloneNode(boolean) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isEqualNode(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isSameNode(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface object 
-PASS Node interface: constant DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC on interface prototype object 
-PASS Node interface: operation compareDocumentPosition(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation contains(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation lookupPrefix(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) 
-PASS Node interface: operation insertBefore(Node,Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation appendChild(Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation replaceChild(Node,Node) 
-PASS Node interface: operation removeChild(Node) 
-PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Document interface object length 
-PASS Document interface object name 
-FAIL Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Document.prototype expected "[object DocumentPrototype]" but got "[object Document]"
-PASS Document interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Document interface: attribute implementation 
-PASS Document interface: attribute URL 
-PASS Document interface: attribute documentURI 
-PASS Document interface: attribute origin 
-PASS Document interface: attribute compatMode 
-PASS Document interface: attribute characterSet 
-PASS Document interface: attribute charset 
-PASS Document interface: attribute inputEncoding 
-PASS Document interface: attribute contentType 
-PASS Document interface: attribute doctype 
-PASS Document interface: attribute documentElement 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS Document interface: operation createTextNode(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createCDATASection(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createComment(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation importNode(Node,boolean) 
-PASS Document interface: operation adoptNode(Node) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createEvent(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createRange() 
-PASS Document interface: operation createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) 
-PASS Document interface: operation createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) 
-PASS Document interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: attribute children 
-PASS Document interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS Document interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS Document interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS Document interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Document interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Document interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Document interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-FAIL Document must be primary interface of new Document() assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Stringification of new Document() assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createCDATASection" with the proper type (18) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createCDATASection(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (19) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (20) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (21) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (22) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (23) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (24) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (25) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (26) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (27) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (28) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (29) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (30) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (31) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (32) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (33) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (34) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (35) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (36) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (37) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling contains(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: new Document() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: new Document() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-FAIL EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_equals: Unexpected exception when evaluating object expected null but got object "TypeError: Illegal constructor"
-PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS XMLDocument interface object length 
-PASS XMLDocument interface object name 
-FAIL XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of XMLDocument.prototype expected "[object XMLDocumentPrototype]" but got "[object XMLDocument]"
-PASS XMLDocument interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS XMLDocument must be primary interface of xmlDoc 
-PASS Stringification of xmlDoc 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "implementation" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "URL" with the proper type (1) 
-FAIL Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentURI" with the proper type (2) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "origin" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compatMode" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "characterSet" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "charset" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "inputEncoding" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contentType" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "doctype" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "documentElement" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElement" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createElement(DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createElementNS" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createElementNS(DOMString,DOMString,ElementCreationOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createDocumentFragment" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTextNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createTextNode(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createCDATASection" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createCDATASection(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createComment" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createComment(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createProcessingInstruction" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createProcessingInstruction(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "importNode" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Document interface: calling importNode(Node,boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "adoptNode" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Document interface: calling adoptNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttribute" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createAttribute(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createAttributeNS" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createEvent" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createEvent(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createRange" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createNodeIterator" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createNodeIterator(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "createTreeWalker" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Document interface: calling createTreeWalker(Node,unsigned long,NodeFilter) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Document interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "children" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Document interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "append" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Document interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Document interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Document interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Document interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface object length 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface object name 
-FAIL DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMImplementation.prototype expected "[object DOMImplementationPrototype]" but got "[object DOMImplementation]"
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation createHTMLDocument(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: operation hasFeature() 
-PASS DOMImplementation must be primary interface of document.implementation 
-PASS Stringification of document.implementation 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocumentType" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocumentType(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createDocument" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createDocument(DOMString,DOMString,DocumentType) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "createHTMLDocument" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: calling createHTMLDocument(DOMString) on document.implementation with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMImplementation interface: document.implementation must inherit property "hasFeature" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DocumentType interface object length 
-PASS DocumentType interface object name 
-FAIL DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentType.prototype expected "[object DocumentTypePrototype]" but got "[object DocumentType]"
-PASS DocumentType interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute name 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute publicId 
-PASS DocumentType interface: attribute systemId 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: operation remove() 
-PASS DocumentType must be primary interface of document.doctype 
-PASS Stringification of document.doctype 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "name" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "publicId" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "systemId" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "before" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "after" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DocumentType interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentType interface: document.doctype must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.doctype must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.doctype with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface object length 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface object name 
-FAIL DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DocumentFragment.prototype expected "[object DocumentFragmentPrototype]" but got "[object DocumentFragment]"
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation getElementById(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute children 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-PASS DocumentFragment must be primary interface of document.createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS Stringification of document.createDocumentFragment() 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getElementById" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling getElementById(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "children" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "append" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS DocumentFragment interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createDocumentFragment() must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createDocumentFragment() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface object length 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface object name 
-FAIL ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ShadowRoot.prototype expected "[object ShadowRootPrototype]" but got "[object ShadowRoot]"
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute mode 
-PASS ShadowRoot interface: attribute host 
-PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Element interface object length 
-PASS Element interface object name 
-FAIL Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Element.prototype expected "[object ElementPrototype]" but got "[object Element]"
-PASS Element interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Element interface: attribute namespaceURI 
-PASS Element interface: attribute prefix 
-PASS Element interface: attribute localName 
-PASS Element interface: attribute tagName 
-PASS Element interface: attribute id 
-PASS Element interface: attribute className 
-PASS Element interface: attribute classList 
-PASS Element interface: attribute slot 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributes() 
-PASS Element interface: attribute attributes 
-FAIL Element interface: operation getAttributeNames() assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "getAttributeNames" missing
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttribute(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNode(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNode(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation removeAttributeNode(Attr) 
-PASS Element interface: operation attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute shadowRoot 
-PASS Element interface: operation closest(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation matches(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagName(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation getElementsByClassName(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentElement(DOMString,Element) 
-PASS Element interface: operation insertAdjacentText(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute children 
-PASS Element interface: attribute firstElementChild 
-PASS Element interface: attribute lastElementChild 
-PASS Element interface: attribute childElementCount 
-PASS Element interface: operation prepend([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation append([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation querySelector(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: operation querySelectorAll(DOMString) 
-PASS Element interface: attribute previousElementSibling 
-PASS Element interface: attribute nextElementSibling 
-PASS Element interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS Element interface: operation remove() 
-PASS Element interface: attribute assignedSlot 
-PASS Element must be primary interface of element 
-PASS Stringification of element 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "tagName" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "id" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "className" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "classList" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "slot" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributes" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attributes" with the proper type (9) 
-FAIL Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNames" with the proper type (10) assert_inherits: property "getAttributeNames" not found in prototype chain
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttribute" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNS" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttribute" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttribute(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNS" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttribute" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNS" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttribute" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Element interface: calling hasAttribute(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "hasAttributeNS" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Element interface: calling hasAttributeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNode" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNode(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getAttributeNodeNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNode" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "setAttributeNodeNS" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Element interface: calling setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "removeAttributeNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Element interface: calling removeAttributeNode(Attr) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "attachShadow" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Element interface: calling attachShadow(ShadowRootInit) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "shadowRoot" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "closest" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Element interface: calling closest(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "matches" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Element interface: calling matches(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "webkitMatchesSelector" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Element interface: calling webkitMatchesSelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagName" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByTagNameNS" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByTagNameNS(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "getElementsByClassName" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Element interface: calling getElementsByClassName(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "insertAdjacentElement" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Element interface: calling insertAdjacentElement(DOMString,Element) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "insertAdjacentText" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Element interface: calling insertAdjacentText(DOMString,DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "children" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "firstElementChild" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "lastElementChild" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "childElementCount" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "prepend" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Element interface: calling prepend([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "append" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Element interface: calling append([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelector" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Element interface: calling querySelector(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "querySelectorAll" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Element interface: calling querySelectorAll(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "before" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Element interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "after" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Element interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Element interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (47) 
-PASS Element interface: element must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (48) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: element must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: element must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: element must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on element with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface object length 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface object name 
-FAIL NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NamedNodeMap.prototype expected "[object NamedNodeMapPrototype]" but got "[object NamedNodeMap]"
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: attribute length 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation getNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItem(Attr) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation setNamedItemNS(Attr) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItem(DOMString) 
-PASS NamedNodeMap interface: operation removeNamedItemNS(DOMString,DOMString) 
-PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Attr interface object length 
-PASS Attr interface object name 
-FAIL Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Attr.prototype expected "[object AttrPrototype]" but got "[object Attr]"
-PASS Attr interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute namespaceURI 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute prefix 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute localName 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute name 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute value 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute ownerElement 
-PASS Attr interface: attribute specified 
-PASS Attr must be primary interface of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] 
-PASS Stringification of document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "namespaceURI" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "prefix" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "localName" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "name" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "value" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerElement" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Attr interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "specified" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.querySelector("[id]").attributes[0] with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CharacterData interface object length 
-PASS CharacterData interface object name 
-FAIL CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CharacterData.prototype expected "[object CharacterDataPrototype]" but got "[object CharacterData]"
-PASS CharacterData interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute data 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute length 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation appendData(DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute previousElementSibling 
-PASS CharacterData interface: attribute nextElementSibling 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation before([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation after([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: operation remove() 
-PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Text interface object length 
-PASS Text interface object name 
-FAIL Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Text.prototype expected "[object TextPrototype]" but got "[object Text]"
-PASS Text interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Text interface: operation splitText(unsigned long) 
-PASS Text interface: attribute wholeText 
-PASS Text interface: attribute assignedSlot 
-PASS Text must be primary interface of document.createTextNode("abc") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createTextNode("abc") 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "splitText" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Text interface: calling splitText(unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "wholeText" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Text interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "assignedSlot" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createTextNode("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createTextNode("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS CDATASection interface object length 
-PASS CDATASection interface object name 
-FAIL CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of CDATASection.prototype expected "[object CDATASectionPrototype]" but got "[object CDATASection]"
-PASS CDATASection interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object length 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface object name 
-FAIL ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of ProcessingInstruction.prototype expected "[object ProcessingInstructionPrototype]" but got "[object ProcessingInstruction]"
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: attribute target 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction must be primary interface of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") 
-PASS Stringification of xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") 
-PASS ProcessingInstruction interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "target" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-FAIL Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) assert_equals: expected "string" but got "object"
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("abc", "def") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Comment interface object length 
-PASS Comment interface object name 
-FAIL Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Comment.prototype expected "[object CommentPrototype]" but got "[object Comment]"
-PASS Comment interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Comment must be primary interface of document.createComment("abc") 
-PASS Stringification of document.createComment("abc") 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "data" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "length" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "substringData" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling substringData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendData" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling appendData(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertData" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling insertData(unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "deleteData" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling deleteData(unsigned long,unsigned long) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceData" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceData(unsigned long,unsigned long,DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousElementSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextElementSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "before" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling before([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "after" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling after([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceWith" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS CharacterData interface: calling replaceWith([object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS CharacterData interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ELEMENT_NODE" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ATTRIBUTE_NODE" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "TEXT_NODE" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "CDATA_SECTION_NODE" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ENTITY_NODE" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "COMMENT_NODE" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_NODE" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "NOTATION_NODE" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeType" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeName" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "baseURI" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isConnected" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "ownerDocument" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "getRootNode" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Node interface: calling getRootNode(GetRootNodeOptions) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "parentElement" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "hasChildNodes" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "childNodes" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "nodeValue" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "textContent" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "normalize" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "cloneNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Node interface: calling cloneNode(boolean) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isEqualNode" with the proper type (30) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isEqualNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isSameNode" with the proper type (31) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isSameNode(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" with the proper type (32) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" with the proper type (33) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" with the proper type (34) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" with the proper type (35) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" with the proper type (36) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" with the proper type (37) 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "compareDocumentPosition" with the proper type (38) 
-PASS Node interface: calling compareDocumentPosition(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (39) 
-PASS Node interface: calling contains(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupPrefix" with the proper type (40) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupPrefix(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "lookupNamespaceURI" with the proper type (41) 
-PASS Node interface: calling lookupNamespaceURI(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "isDefaultNamespace" with the proper type (42) 
-PASS Node interface: calling isDefaultNamespace(DOMString) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "insertBefore" with the proper type (43) 
-PASS Node interface: calling insertBefore(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "appendChild" with the proper type (44) 
-PASS Node interface: calling appendChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "replaceChild" with the proper type (45) 
-PASS Node interface: calling replaceChild(Node,Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Node interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeChild" with the proper type (46) 
-PASS Node interface: calling removeChild(Node) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "addEventListener" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling addEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "removeEventListener" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling removeEventListener(DOMString,EventListener,[object Object],[object Object]) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS EventTarget interface: document.createComment("abc") must inherit property "dispatchEvent" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS EventTarget interface: calling dispatchEvent(Event) on document.createComment("abc") with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS Range interface object length 
-PASS Range interface object name 
-FAIL Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of Range.prototype expected "[object RangePrototype]" but got "[object Range]"
-PASS Range interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS Range interface: attribute startContainer 
-PASS Range interface: attribute startOffset 
-PASS Range interface: attribute endContainer 
-PASS Range interface: attribute endOffset 
-PASS Range interface: attribute collapsed 
-PASS Range interface: attribute commonAncestorContainer 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStart(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEnd(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStartBefore(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setStartAfter(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEndBefore(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation setEndAfter(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation collapse(boolean) 
-PASS Range interface: operation selectNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation selectNodeContents(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_START on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant START_TO_END on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_END on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface object 
-PASS Range interface: constant END_TO_START on interface prototype object 
-PASS Range interface: operation compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) 
-PASS Range interface: operation deleteContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation extractContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation cloneContents() 
-PASS Range interface: operation insertNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation surroundContents(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: operation cloneRange() 
-PASS Range interface: operation detach() 
-PASS Range interface: operation isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) 
-PASS Range interface: operation intersectsNode(Node) 
-PASS Range interface: stringifier 
-PASS Range must be primary interface of document.createRange() 
-PASS Stringification of document.createRange() 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: document.createRange() must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on document.createRange() with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range must be primary interface of detachedRange 
-PASS Stringification of detachedRange 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startContainer" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "startOffset" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endContainer" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "endOffset" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapsed" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "commonAncestorContainer" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStart" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStart(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEnd" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEnd(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartBefore" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setStartAfter" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setStartAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndBefore" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndBefore(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "setEndAfter" with the proper type (11) 
-PASS Range interface: calling setEndAfter(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "collapse" with the proper type (12) 
-PASS Range interface: calling collapse(boolean) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNode" with the proper type (13) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "selectNodeContents" with the proper type (14) 
-PASS Range interface: calling selectNodeContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_START" with the proper type (15) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "START_TO_END" with the proper type (16) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_END" with the proper type (17) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "END_TO_START" with the proper type (18) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "compareBoundaryPoints" with the proper type (19) 
-PASS Range interface: calling compareBoundaryPoints(unsigned short,Range) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "deleteContents" with the proper type (20) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "extractContents" with the proper type (21) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneContents" with the proper type (22) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "insertNode" with the proper type (23) 
-PASS Range interface: calling insertNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "surroundContents" with the proper type (24) 
-PASS Range interface: calling surroundContents(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "cloneRange" with the proper type (25) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (26) 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "isPointInRange" with the proper type (27) 
-PASS Range interface: calling isPointInRange(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "comparePoint" with the proper type (28) 
-PASS Range interface: calling comparePoint(Node,unsigned long) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS Range interface: detachedRange must inherit property "intersectsNode" with the proper type (29) 
-PASS Range interface: calling intersectsNode(Node) on detachedRange with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeIterator interface object length 
-PASS NodeIterator interface object name 
-FAIL NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of NodeIterator.prototype expected "[object NodeIteratorPrototype]" but got "[object NodeIterator]"
-PASS NodeIterator interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute root 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute referenceNode 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute pointerBeforeReferenceNode 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute whatToShow 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: attribute filter 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation nextNode() 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation previousNode() 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: operation detach() 
-PASS NodeIterator must be primary interface of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS Stringification of document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "referenceNode" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "pointerBeforeReferenceNode" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS NodeIterator interface: document.createNodeIterator(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "detach" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS TreeWalker interface object length 
-PASS TreeWalker interface object name 
-FAIL TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of TreeWalker.prototype expected "[object TreeWalkerPrototype]" but got "[object TreeWalker]"
-PASS TreeWalker interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute root 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute whatToShow 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute filter 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: attribute currentNode 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation parentNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation firstChild() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation lastChild() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousSibling() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextSibling() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation previousNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: operation nextNode() 
-PASS TreeWalker must be primary interface of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS Stringification of document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "root" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "whatToShow" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "filter" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "currentNode" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "parentNode" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "firstChild" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "lastChild" with the proper type (6) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousSibling" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextSibling" with the proper type (8) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "previousNode" with the proper type (9) 
-PASS TreeWalker interface: document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ALL, null, false) must inherit property "nextNode" with the proper type (10) 
-PASS NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS NodeFilter interface object name 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_ACCEPT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_REJECT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant FILTER_SKIP on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ALL on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ELEMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ATTRIBUTE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_TEXT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_CDATA_SECTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY_REFERENCE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_ENTITY on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_COMMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_TYPE on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface object 
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: constant SHOW_NOTATION on interface prototype object assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-FAIL NodeFilter interface: operation acceptNode(Node) assert_false: NodeFilter should not have a "prototype" property expected false got true
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface object 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface object length 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface object name 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object assert_equals: class string of DOMTokenList.prototype expected "[object DOMTokenListPrototype]" but got "[object DOMTokenList]"
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute length 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation item(unsigned long) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation contains(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation add(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation remove(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation toggle(DOMString,boolean) 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: operation replace(DOMString,DOMString) assert_own_property: interface prototype object missing non-static operation expected property "replace" missing
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: operation supports(DOMString) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: attribute value 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: stringifier 
-PASS DOMTokenList must be primary interface of document.body.classList 
-PASS Stringification of document.body.classList 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "length" with the proper type (0) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "item" with the proper type (1) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "contains" with the proper type (2) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "add" with the proper type (3) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling add(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "remove" with the proper type (4) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling remove(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "toggle" with the proper type (5) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling toggle(DOMString,boolean) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "replace" with the proper type (6) assert_inherits: property "replace" not found in prototype chain
-FAIL DOMTokenList interface: calling replace(DOMString,DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError assert_inherits: property "replace" not found in prototype chain
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "supports" with the proper type (7) 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: calling supports(DOMString) on document.body.classList with too few arguments must throw TypeError 
-PASS DOMTokenList interface: document.body.classList must inherit property "value" with the proper type (8) 
-Harness: the test ran to completion.
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.cpp b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.cpp
index 218fbb4..68087f9 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.cpp
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.cpp
@@ -3305,6 +3305,13 @@
   MainThreadDebugger::instance()->exceptionThrown(this, event);
+KURL Document::urlForBinding() {
+  if (!url().isNull()) {
+    return url();
+  }
+  return blankURL();
 void Document::setURL(const KURL& url) {
   const KURL& newURL = url.isEmpty() ? blankURL() : url;
   if (newURL == m_url)
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.h b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.h
index 83ac390..a96d14e 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.h
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.h
@@ -593,9 +593,14 @@
   bool wellFormed() const { return m_wellFormed; }
+  // Return the document URL, or an empty URL if it's unavailable.
+  // This is not an implementation of web-exposed Document.prototype.URL.
   const KURL& url() const { return m_url; }
   void setURL(const KURL&);
+  // Bind the url to document.url, if unavailable bind to about:blank.
+  KURL urlForBinding();
   // To understand how these concepts relate to one another, please see the
   // comments surrounding their declaration.
   const KURL& baseURL() const { return m_baseURL; }
diff --git a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.idl b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.idl
index 68a3907..575e640 100644
--- a/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.idl
+++ b/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/dom/Document.idl
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
 // FIXME: Document should have a constructor.
 interface Document : Node {
     [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMImplementation implementation;
-    readonly attribute DOMString URL;
+    [ImplementedAs=urlForBinding] readonly attribute DOMString URL;
     // FIXME: documentURI should not be nullable.
-    [ImplementedAs=url] readonly attribute DOMString? documentURI;
+    [ImplementedAs=urlForBinding] readonly attribute DOMString? documentURI;
     [MeasureAs=DocumentOrigin] readonly attribute DOMString origin;
     [RuntimeEnabled=suborigins] readonly attribute DOMString suborigin;
     readonly attribute DOMString compatMode;