blob: 950c9dbabf6d3c908df55828f7f1c87eb052e6d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/dom_distiller/core/distilled_page_prefs.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace dom_distiller {
class DistilledArticleProto;
class DistilledPageProto;
class DomDistillerServiceInterface;
class ViewerHandle;
class ViewRequestDelegate;
namespace viewer {
// Returns an HTML template page based on the given |page_proto| which provides
// basic information about the page (i.e. title, text direction, etc.). This is
// supposed to be displayed to the end user. The returned HTML should be
// considered unsafe, so callers must ensure rendering it does not compromise
// Chrome.
const std::string GetUnsafeArticleTemplateHtml(
const std::string original_url,
const DistilledPagePrefs::Theme theme,
const DistilledPagePrefs::FontFamily font_family);
// Returns the JavaScript to place a full article's HTML on the page. The
// returned HTML should be considered unsafe, so callers must ensure
// rendering it does not compromise Chrome.
const std::string GetUnsafeArticleContentJs(
const DistilledArticleProto* article_proto);
// Returns a JavaScript blob for updating a partial view request with additional
// distilled content. Meant for use when viewing a slow or long multi-page
// article. |is_last_page| indicates whether this is the last page of the
// article.
const std::string GetUnsafeIncrementalDistilledPageJs(
const DistilledPageProto* page_proto,
const bool is_last_page);
// Returns the JavaScript to set the title of the distilled article page.
const std::string GetSetTitleJs(std::string title);
// Return the JavaScript to set the text direction of the distiller page.
const std::string GetSetTextDirectionJs(const std::string& direction);
// Returns a JavaScript blob for updating a view request with error page
// contents.
const std::string GetErrorPageJs();
// Returns a JavaScript blob for controlling the "in-progress" indicator when
// viewing a partially-distilled page. |is_last_page| indicates whether this is
// the last page of the article (i.e. loading indicator should be removed).
const std::string GetToggleLoadingIndicatorJs(const bool is_last_page);
// Returns the default CSS to be used for a viewer.
const std::string GetCss();
// Returns the animated SVG loading image for a viewer.
const std::string GetLoadingImage();
// Returns the iOS specific CSS to be used for the distiller viewer.
const std::string GetIOSCss();
// Returns the default JS to be used for a viewer.
const std::string GetJavaScript();
// Based on the given path, calls into the DomDistillerServiceInterface for
// viewing distilled content based on the |path|.
std::unique_ptr<ViewerHandle> CreateViewRequest(
DomDistillerServiceInterface* dom_distiller_service,
const std::string& path,
ViewRequestDelegate* view_request_delegate,
const gfx::Size& render_view_size);
// Returns JavaScript corresponding to setting the font family.
const std::string GetDistilledPageFontFamilyJs(
DistilledPagePrefs::FontFamily font);
// Returns JavaScript corresponding to setting a specific theme.
const std::string GetDistilledPageThemeJs(DistilledPagePrefs::Theme theme);
// Returns JavaScript corresponding to setting the font scaling.
const std::string GetDistilledPageFontScalingJs(float scaling);
} // namespace viewer
} // namespace dom_distiller