blob: f752e7fb12b9a06a4bac3873a1c9a72b05fa369f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "third_party/leveldatabase/env_chromium.h"
namespace leveldb_proto {
class ProtoLevelDBWrapper;
class Enums {
enum InitStatus {
kError = -1,
kNotInitialized = 0,
kOK = 1,
kCorrupt = 2,
kInvalidOperation = 3,
class Callbacks {
using InitCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
using InitStatusCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(Enums::InitStatus)>;
using UpdateCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
using LoadKeysCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>>)>;
using DestroyCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
using OnCreateCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(ProtoLevelDBWrapper*)>;
// TODO(ssid): This should be moved to internal folder.
using LoadCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>>)>;
using GetCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, std::unique_ptr<std::string>)>;
using LoadKeysAndEntriesCallback = base::OnceCallback<
void(bool, std::unique_ptr<std::map<std::string, std::string>>)>;
template <typename T>
class Internal {
using LoadCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(bool, std::unique_ptr<std::vector<T>>)>;
using GetCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool, std::unique_ptr<T>)>;
using LoadKeysAndEntriesCallback =
std::unique_ptr<std::map<std::string, T>>)>;
class Util {
template <typename T>
class Internal {
// A list of key-value (string, T) tuples.
using KeyEntryVector = std::vector<std::pair<std::string, T>>;
using KeyFilter = base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const std::string& key)>;
// Interface for classes providing persistent storage of Protocol Buffer
// entries. P must be a proto type extending MessageLite. T is optional and
// defaults to P and there is then no additional requirements for clients.
// If T is set to something else, the client must provide these functions
// (note the namespace requirement):
// namespace leveldb_proto {
// void DataToProto(const T& data, P* proto);
// void ProtoToData(const P& proto, T* data);
// } // namespace leveldb_proto
// The P type will be stored in the database, and the T type will be required
// as input and will be provided as output for all API calls. The backend will
// invoke the methods above for all conversions between the two types.
// For retrieving a database of proto type ClientProto, use:
// auto db = ProtoDatabaseProviderFactory::GetForBrowserContext(...)
// -> GetDB<ClientProto>(...);
// For automatically converting to a different data type, use:
// auto db = ProtoDatabaseProviderFactory::GetForBrowserContext(...)
// -> GetDB<ClientProto, ClientStruct>(...);
template <typename P, typename T = P>
class ProtoDatabase {
// For compatibility:
using KeyEntryVector = typename Util::Internal<T>::KeyEntryVector;
virtual ~ProtoDatabase() = default;
// Asynchronously initializes the object, which must have been created by the
// ProtoDatabaseProvider::GetDB<T> function. |callback| will be invoked on the
// calling thread when complete.
// DEPRECATED: |unique_db_options| is used only when a unique DB is loaded,
// once migration to shared DB is done, this parameter will be ignored.
// DEPRECATED: |client_uma_name| was used to record UMA metrics, new clients
// should instead add their name to
// SharedProtoDatabaseClientList::ProtoDbTypeToString.
virtual void Init(Callbacks::InitStatusCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void Init(const std::string& client_uma_name,
Callbacks::InitStatusCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void Init(const leveldb_env::Options& unique_db_options,
Callbacks::InitStatusCallback callback) = 0;
// DEPRECATED. This version of Init is for compatibility, must be called only
// when the object is created by the ProtoDatabaseProvider::CreateUniqueDB<T>
// function.
virtual void Init(const char* client_name,
const base::FilePath& database_dir,
const leveldb_env::Options& options,
Callbacks::InitCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously saves |entries_to_save| and deletes entries from
// |keys_to_remove| from the database. |callback| will be invoked on the
// calling thread when complete.
virtual void UpdateEntries(
std::unique_ptr<typename Util::Internal<T>::KeyEntryVector>
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> keys_to_remove,
Callbacks::UpdateCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously saves |entries_to_save| and deletes entries that satisfies
// the |delete_key_filter| from the database. |callback| will be invoked on
// the calling thread when complete. The filter will be called on
// ProtoDatabase's taskrunner.
virtual void UpdateEntriesWithRemoveFilter(
std::unique_ptr<typename Util::Internal<T>::KeyEntryVector>
const leveldb_proto::KeyFilter& delete_key_filter,
Callbacks::UpdateCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously loads all entries from the database and invokes |callback|
// when complete.
virtual void LoadEntries(
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously loads entries that satisfies the |filter| from the database
// and invokes |callback| when complete. The filter will be called on
// ProtoDatabase's taskrunner.
virtual void LoadEntriesWithFilter(
const leveldb_proto::KeyFilter& filter,
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void LoadEntriesWithFilter(
const leveldb_proto::KeyFilter& key_filter,
const leveldb::ReadOptions& options,
const std::string& target_prefix,
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void LoadKeysAndEntries(
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadKeysAndEntriesCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void LoadKeysAndEntriesWithFilter(
const leveldb_proto::KeyFilter& filter,
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadKeysAndEntriesCallback callback) = 0;
virtual void LoadKeysAndEntriesWithFilter(
const leveldb_proto::KeyFilter& filter,
const leveldb::ReadOptions& options,
const std::string& target_prefix,
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadKeysAndEntriesCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously loads entries and their keys for keys in range [start, end]
// (both inclusive) and invokes |callback| when complete.
// Range is defined as |start| <= returned keys <= |end|.
// When |start| = 'bar' and |end| = 'foo' then the keys within brackets are
// returned: baa, [bar, bara, barb, foa, foo], fooa, fooz, fop.
virtual void LoadKeysAndEntriesInRange(
const std::string& start,
const std::string& end,
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::LoadKeysAndEntriesCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously loads all keys from the database and invokes |callback| with
// those keys when complete.
virtual void LoadKeys(typename Callbacks::LoadKeysCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously loads a single entry, identified by |key|, from the database
// and invokes |callback| when complete. If no entry with |key| is found,
// a nullptr is passed to the callback, but the success flag is still true.
virtual void GetEntry(
const std::string& key,
typename Callbacks::Internal<T>::GetCallback callback) = 0;
// Asynchronously destroys the database. Use this call only if the database
// needs to be destroyed for this particular profile. If the database is no
// longer useful for everyone, the client name must be added to
// |kObsoleteSharedProtoDatabaseClients| to ensure automatic clean up of the
// database from all users.
virtual void Destroy(Callbacks::DestroyCallback callback) = 0;
ProtoDatabase() = default;
// Return a new instance of Options, but with two additions:
// 1) create_if_missing = true
// 2) max_open_files = 0
leveldb_env::Options CreateSimpleOptions();
} // namespace leveldb_proto