blob: 2b9d6ec39457c21c58d7984aabbefa66e163ee30 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
dumpSPKIHash() {
openssl x509 -noout -pubkey -in $1 | \
openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | \
openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | \
rm -rf out
mkdir out
/bin/sh -c "echo 01 > out/serial"
touch out/index.txt
# Generate a "secp256r1 (== prime256v1) ecdsa with sha256" key/cert pair
openssl ecparam -out prime256v1.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
openssl req -new -sha256 -key prime256v1.key -out prime256v1-sha256.csr \
-subj '/'
# Generate a certificate. This will be rejected after 2019-08-01, because
# the validity period is more than 90 days.
openssl ca -batch \
-config ca.cnf \
-extensions sxg_cert \
-startdate 190101000000Z \
-enddate 200101000000Z \
-in prime256v1-sha256.csr \
-out prime256v1-sha256.public.pem
# Generate a certificate without CanSignHttpExchangesDraft extension.
openssl ca -batch \
-config ca.cnf \
-startdate 190101000000Z \
-enddate 200101000000Z \
-in prime256v1-sha256.csr \
-out prime256v1-sha256-noext.public.pem
# Generate a certificate whose validity period starts at 2019-05-01 and
# valid for 91 days.
openssl ca -batch \
-config ca.cnf \
-extensions sxg_cert \
-startdate 190501000000Z \
-enddate 190731000000Z \
-in prime256v1-sha256.csr \
-out prime256v1-sha256-validity-too-long.public.pem
# Generate a certificate whose validity period starts at 2019-06-01 and
# valid for 90 days.
openssl ca -batch \
-config ca.cnf \
-extensions sxg_cert \
-startdate 190601000000Z \
-enddate 190830000000Z \
-in prime256v1-sha256.csr \
-out prime256v1-sha256-valid-for-90-days.public.pem
# Generate a "secp384r1 ecdsa with sha256" key/cert pair for negative test
openssl ecparam -out secp384r1.key -name secp384r1 -genkey
openssl req -new -sha256 -key secp384r1.key -out secp384r1-sha256.csr \
--subj '/'
# Generate a certificate with the secp384r1-sha256 key.
openssl ca -batch \
-config ca.cnf \
-extensions sxg_cert \
-startdate 190101000000Z \
-enddate 200101000000Z \
-in secp384r1-sha256.csr \
-out secp384r1-sha256.public.pem
echo "Update the test certs in"
echo "with the followings:"
echo "===="
echo 'constexpr char kCertPEMECDSAP256[] = R"('
cat ./prime256v1-sha256.public.pem
echo ')";'
echo 'constexpr char kCertPEMECDSAP384[] = R"('
cat ./secp384r1-sha256.public.pem
echo ')";'
echo "constexpr char kPEMECDSAP256SPKIHash = "
echo " \"$(dumpSPKIHash ./prime256v1-sha256.public.pem)\";"
echo "constexpr char kPEMECDSAP384SPKIHash = "
echo " \"$(dumpSPKIHash ./secp384r1-sha256.public.pem)\";"
echo "===="