blob: dd897696f26dc1ff75e79114413d4b5eab5e7e3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file declares parsing functions for use with PPD metadata.
// The PpdMetadataManager class is the primary consumer.
// Each Parse*() function promises these invariants:
// 1. they attempt to parse as much JSON as possible (returning
// all relevant data that can be reasonably extracted),
// 2. they return base::nullopt on irrecoverable parse error, and
// 3. they never return a non-nullopt value that unwraps into an empty
// container.
// Googlers: you may consult the primary documentation for PPD metadata
// at go/cros-printing:ppd-metadata
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "chromeos/chromeos_export.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Defines the limitations on when we show a particular PPD.
struct Restrictions {
Restrictions(const Restrictions&);
Restrictions& operator=(const Restrictions&);
base::Optional<base::Version> min_milestone;
base::Optional<base::Version> max_milestone;
struct CHROMEOS_EXPORT ReverseIndexLeaf {
std::string manufacturer;
std::string model;
// A ParsedPrinter is a value parsed from printers metadata.
struct CHROMEOS_EXPORT ParsedPrinter {
ParsedPrinter(const ParsedPrinter&);
ParsedPrinter& operator=(const ParsedPrinter&);
std::string user_visible_printer_name;
std::string effective_make_and_model;
Restrictions restrictions;
// A single leaf value parsed from a forward index.
struct CHROMEOS_EXPORT ParsedIndexLeaf {
ParsedIndexLeaf(const ParsedIndexLeaf&);
ParsedIndexLeaf& operator=(const ParsedIndexLeaf&);
std::string ppd_basename;
Restrictions restrictions;
std::string license;
// A collection of values parsed from a forward index.
// Corresponds to one effective-make-and-model string.
struct CHROMEOS_EXPORT ParsedIndexValues {
ParsedIndexValues(const ParsedIndexValues&);
ParsedIndexValues& operator=(const ParsedIndexValues&);
std::vector<ParsedIndexLeaf> values;
// Maps manufacturer names to basenames of printers metadata.
using ParsedManufacturers = base::flat_map<std::string, std::string>;
using ParsedPrinters = std::vector<ParsedPrinter>;
// * Keys are effective-make-and-model strings.
// * Values collect information corresponding to each
// effective-make-and-model string - chiefly information about
// individual PPDs.
// * Googlers, see also: go/cros-printing:ppd-metadata#index
using ParsedIndex = base::flat_map<std::string, ParsedIndexValues>;
// Maps USB product IDs to effective-make-and-model strings.
using ParsedUsbIndex = base::flat_map<int, std::string>;
// Maps USB vendor IDs to manufacturer names.
using ParsedUsbVendorIdMap = base::flat_map<int, std::string>;
// Keyed on effective-make-and-model strings.
using ParsedReverseIndex = base::flat_map<std::string, ReverseIndexLeaf>;
// Parses |locales_json| and returns a list of locales.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<std::vector<std::string>> ParseLocales(
base::StringPiece locales_json);
// Parses |manufacturers_json| and returns the parsed map type.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<ParsedManufacturers> ParseManufacturers(
base::StringPiece manufacturers_json);
// Parses |printers_json| and returns the parsed map type.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<ParsedPrinters> ParsePrinters(
base::StringPiece printers_json);
// Parses |forward_index_json| and returns the parsed map type.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<ParsedIndex> ParseForwardIndex(
base::StringPiece forward_index_json);
// Parses |usb_index_json| and returns a map of USB product IDs to
// effective-make-and-model strings.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<ParsedUsbIndex> ParseUsbIndex(
base::StringPiece usb_index_json);
// Parses |usb_vendor_id_map_json| and returns a map of USB vendor IDs
// to manufacturer names.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<ParsedUsbVendorIdMap> ParseUsbVendorIdMap(
base::StringPiece usb_vendor_id_map_json);
// Parses |reverse_index_json| and returns the parsed map type.
CHROMEOS_EXPORT base::Optional<ParsedReverseIndex> ParseReverseIndex(
base::StringPiece reverse_index_json);
} // namespace chromeos