blob: 3687b025c6abe9380ba971205eaea8137c5d2de5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/accessibility/accessibility_tree_formatter_base.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/strings/pattern.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/accessibility_tree_formatter_blink.h"
#include "content/browser/accessibility/browser_accessibility_manager.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_base.h"
#include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
const char kIndentSymbol = '+';
const int kIndentSymbolCount = 2;
const char kSkipString[] = "@NO_DUMP";
const char kSkipChildren[] = "@NO_CHILDREN_DUMP";
} // namespace
// PropertyNode
// static
PropertyNode PropertyNode::FromPropertyFilter(
const ui::AXPropertyFilter& filter) {
// Property invocation: property_str expected format is
// prop_name or prop_name(arg1, ... argN).
PropertyNode root;
const std::string& property_str = filter.property_str;
Parse(&root, property_str.begin(), property_str.end());
PropertyNode* node = &root.parameters[0];
// Expel a trailing wildcard if any.
node->original_property =
property_str.substr(0, property_str.find_last_of('*'));
// Line indexes filter: filter_str expected format is
// :line_num_1, ... :line_num_N, a comma separated list of line indexes
// the property should be queried for. For example, ":1,:5,:7" indicates that
// the property should called for objects placed on 1, 5 and 7 lines only.
const std::string& filter_str = filter.filter_str;
if (!filter_str.empty()) {
node->line_indexes =
base::SplitString(filter_str, std::string(1, ','),
return std::move(*node);
PropertyNode::PropertyNode() = default;
PropertyNode::PropertyNode(PropertyNode&& o)
: key(std::move(o.key)),
line_indexes(std::move(o.line_indexes)) {}
PropertyNode::~PropertyNode() = default;
PropertyNode& PropertyNode::operator=(PropertyNode&& o) {
key = std::move(o.key);
target = std::move(;
name_or_value = std::move(o.name_or_value);
parameters = std::move(o.parameters);
original_property = std::move(o.original_property);
line_indexes = std::move(o.line_indexes);
return *this;
PropertyNode::operator bool() const {
return !name_or_value.empty();
bool PropertyNode::IsMatching(const std::string& pattern) const {
// Looking for exact property match. Expel a trailing whildcard from
// the property filter to handle filters like AXRole*.
return, name_or_value.find_last_of('*'), pattern) ==
bool PropertyNode::IsArray() const {
return name_or_value == "[]";
bool PropertyNode::IsDict() const {
return name_or_value == "{}";
base::Optional<int> PropertyNode::AsInt() const {
int value = 0;
if (!base::StringToInt(name_or_value, &value)) {
return base::nullopt;
return value;
const PropertyNode* PropertyNode::FindKey(const char* refkey) const {
for (const auto& param : parameters) {
if (param.key == refkey) {
return &param;
return nullptr;
base::Optional<std::string> PropertyNode::FindStringKey(
const char* refkey) const {
for (const auto& param : parameters) {
if (param.key == refkey) {
return param.name_or_value;
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<int> PropertyNode::FindIntKey(const char* refkey) const {
for (const auto& param : parameters) {
if (param.key == refkey) {
return param.AsInt();
return base::nullopt;
std::string PropertyNode::ToString() const {
std::string out;
for (const auto& index : line_indexes) {
if (!out.empty()) {
out += ',';
out += index;
if (!out.empty()) {
out += ';';
if (!key.empty()) {
out += key + ": ";
if (!target.empty()) {
out += target + '.';
out += name_or_value;
if (parameters.size()) {
out += '(';
for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
out += ", ";
out += parameters[i].ToString();
out += ')';
return out;
// private
PropertyNode::PropertyNode(PropertyNode::iterator key_begin,
PropertyNode::iterator key_end,
const std::string& name_or_value)
: key(key_begin, key_end) {
Set(name_or_value.begin(), name_or_value.end());
PropertyNode::PropertyNode(PropertyNode::iterator begin,
PropertyNode::iterator end) {
Set(begin, end);
PropertyNode::PropertyNode(PropertyNode::iterator key_begin,
PropertyNode::iterator key_end,
PropertyNode::iterator value_begin,
PropertyNode::iterator value_end)
: key(key_begin, key_end), name_or_value(value_begin, value_end) {
Set(value_begin, value_end);
void PropertyNode::Set(PropertyNode::iterator begin,
PropertyNode::iterator end) {
PropertyNode::iterator dot_operator = std::find(begin, end, '.');
if (dot_operator != end) {
target = std::string(begin, dot_operator);
name_or_value = std::string(dot_operator + 1, end);
} else {
name_or_value = std::string(begin, end);
// private static
PropertyNode::iterator PropertyNode::Parse(PropertyNode* node,
PropertyNode::iterator begin,
PropertyNode::iterator end) {
auto iter = begin;
auto key_begin = end, key_end = end;
while (iter != end) {
// Subnode begins: create a new node, record its name and parse its
// arguments.
if (*iter == '(') {
node->parameters.push_back(PropertyNode(key_begin, key_end, begin, iter));
key_begin = key_end = end;
begin = iter = Parse(&node->parameters.back(), ++iter, end);
// Subnode begins: a special case for arrays, which have [arg1, ..., argN]
// form.
if (*iter == '[') {
node->parameters.push_back(PropertyNode(key_begin, key_end, "[]"));
key_begin = key_end = end;
begin = iter = Parse(&node->parameters.back(), ++iter, end);
// Subnode begins: a special case for dictionaries of {key1: value1, ...,
// key2: value2} form.
if (*iter == '{') {
node->parameters.push_back(PropertyNode(key_begin, key_end, "{}"));
key_begin = key_end = end;
begin = iter = Parse(&node->parameters.back(), ++iter, end);
// Subnode ends.
if (*iter == ')' || *iter == ']' || *iter == '}') {
if (begin != iter) {
PropertyNode(key_begin, key_end, begin, iter));
key_begin = key_end = end;
return ++iter;
// Dictionary key
auto maybe_key_end = end;
if (*iter == ':') {
maybe_key_end = iter++;
// Skip spaces, adjust new node start.
if (*iter == ' ') {
if (maybe_key_end != end) {
key_begin = begin;
key_end = maybe_key_end;
begin = ++iter;
// Subsequent scalar param case.
if (*iter == ',' && begin != iter) {
node->parameters.push_back(PropertyNode(key_begin, key_end, begin, iter));
key_begin = key_end = end;
begin = iter;
// Single scalar param case.
if (begin != iter) {
node->parameters.push_back(PropertyNode(begin, iter));
return iter;
// AccessibilityTreeFormatter
// static
std::string AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::DumpAccessibilityTreeFromManager(
BrowserAccessibilityManager* ax_mgr,
bool internal,
std::vector<AXPropertyFilter> property_filters) {
std::unique_ptr<AccessibilityTreeFormatter> formatter;
if (internal)
formatter = std::make_unique<AccessibilityTreeFormatterBlink>();
formatter = Create();
std::string accessibility_contents;
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> dict =
formatter->FormatAccessibilityTree(*dict, &accessibility_contents);
return accessibility_contents;
bool AccessibilityTreeFormatter::MatchesPropertyFilters(
const std::vector<AXPropertyFilter>& property_filters,
const std::string& text,
bool default_result) {
bool allow = default_result;
for (const auto& filter : property_filters) {
// Either
// 1) the line matches a filter pattern, for example, AXSubrole=* filter
// will match AXSubrole=AXTerm line or
// 2) a property on the line is exactly equal to the filter pattern, for
// example, AXSubrole filter will match AXSubrole=AXTerm line.
if (base::MatchPattern(text, filter.match_str) ||
(filter.match_str.length() > 0 &&
filter.match_str.find('=') == std::string::npos &&
filter.match_str[filter.match_str.length() - 1] != '*' &&
base::MatchPattern(text, filter.match_str + "=*"))) {
switch (filter.type) {
case AXPropertyFilter::ALLOW_EMPTY:
allow = true;
case AXPropertyFilter::ALLOW:
allow = (!base::MatchPattern(text, "*=''"));
case AXPropertyFilter::DENY:
allow = false;
return allow;
bool AccessibilityTreeFormatter::MatchesNodeFilters(
const std::vector<AXNodeFilter>& node_filters,
const base::DictionaryValue& dict) {
for (const auto& filter : node_filters) {
std::string value;
if (!dict.GetString(, &value)) {
if (base::MatchPattern(value, filter.pattern)) {
return true;
return false;
AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase() = default;
AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::~AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase() = default;
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::FormatAccessibilityTree(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict,
std::string* contents) {
RecursiveFormatAccessibilityTree(dict, contents);
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::FormatAccessibilityTreeForTesting(
ui::AXPlatformNodeDelegate* root,
std::string* contents) {
auto* node_internal = BrowserAccessibility::FromAXPlatformNodeDelegate(root);
FormatAccessibilityTree(*BuildAccessibilityTree(node_internal), contents);
const base::DictionaryValue& dict) {
auto filtered_dict = std::make_unique<base::DictionaryValue>();
ProcessTreeForOutput(dict, filtered_dict.get());
const base::ListValue* children;
if (dict.GetList(kChildrenDictAttr, &children) && !children->empty()) {
const base::DictionaryValue* child_dict;
auto filtered_children = std::make_unique<base::ListValue>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < children->GetSize(); i++) {
children->GetDictionary(i, &child_dict);
auto filtered_child = FilterAccessibilityTree(*child_dict);
filtered_dict->Set(kChildrenDictAttr, std::move(filtered_children));
return filtered_dict;
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::RecursiveFormatAccessibilityTree(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict,
std::string* contents,
int depth) {
// Check dictionary against node filters, may require us to skip this node
// and its children.
if (MatchesNodeFilters(dict))
std::string indent = std::string(depth * kIndentSymbolCount, kIndentSymbol);
std::string line = indent + ProcessTreeForOutput(dict);
if (line.find(kSkipString) != std::string::npos)
// Normalize any Windows-style line endings by removing \r.
base::RemoveChars(line, "\r", &line);
// Replace literal newlines with "<newline>"
base::ReplaceChars(line, "\n", "<newline>", &line);
*contents += line + "\n";
if (line.find(kSkipChildren) != std::string::npos)
const base::ListValue* children;
if (!dict.GetList(kChildrenDictAttr, &children))
const base::DictionaryValue* child_dict;
for (size_t i = 0; i < children->GetSize(); i++) {
children->GetDictionary(i, &child_dict);
RecursiveFormatAccessibilityTree(*child_dict, contents, depth + 1);
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::SetPropertyFilters(
const std::vector<AXPropertyFilter>& property_filters) {
property_filters_ = property_filters;
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::SetNodeFilters(
const std::vector<AXNodeFilter>& node_filters) {
node_filters_ = node_filters;
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::set_show_ids(bool show_ids) {
show_ids_ = show_ids;
AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::GetVersionSpecificExpectedFileSuffix() {
const std::string& line_index) const {
std::vector<PropertyNode> list;
for (const auto& filter : property_filters_) {
PropertyNode property_node = PropertyNode::FromPropertyFilter(filter);
// Filter out if doesn't match line index (if specified).
if (!property_node.line_indexes.empty() &&
line_index) == property_node.line_indexes.end()) {
switch (filter.type) {
case AXPropertyFilter::ALLOW_EMPTY:
case AXPropertyFilter::ALLOW:
case AXPropertyFilter::DENY:
return list;
bool AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::HasMatchAllPropertyFilter() const {
for (const auto& filter : property_filters_) {
if (filter.type == AXPropertyFilter::ALLOW && filter.match_str == "*") {
return true;
return false;
bool AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::MatchesPropertyFilters(
const std::string& text,
bool default_result) const {
return AccessibilityTreeFormatter::MatchesPropertyFilters(
property_filters_, text, default_result);
bool AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::MatchesNodeFilters(
const base::DictionaryValue& dict) const {
return AccessibilityTreeFormatter::MatchesNodeFilters(node_filters_, dict);
std::string AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::FormatCoordinates(
const base::DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& x_name,
const std::string& y_name) {
int x, y;
value.GetInteger(x_name, &x);
value.GetInteger(y_name, &y);
return base::StringPrintf("%s=(%d, %d)", name.c_str(), x, y);
std::string AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::FormatRectangle(
const base::DictionaryValue& value,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& left_name,
const std::string& top_name,
const std::string& width_name,
const std::string& height_name) {
int left, top, width, height;
value.GetInteger(left_name, &left);
value.GetInteger(top_name, &top);
value.GetInteger(width_name, &width);
value.GetInteger(height_name, &height);
return base::StringPrintf("%s=(%d, %d, %d, %d)", name.c_str(), left, top,
width, height);
bool AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::WriteAttribute(bool include_by_default,
const std::string& attr,
std::string* line) {
if (attr.empty())
return false;
if (!MatchesPropertyFilters(attr, include_by_default))
return false;
if (!line->empty())
*line += " ";
*line += attr;
return true;
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::AddPropertyFilter(
std::vector<AXPropertyFilter>* property_filters,
std::string filter,
AXPropertyFilter::Type type) {
property_filters->push_back(AXPropertyFilter(filter, type));
void AccessibilityTreeFormatterBase::AddDefaultFilters(
std::vector<AXPropertyFilter>* property_filters) {}
} // namespace content