blob: bd4e2bfb6bc865c02bc7e17fa033f5cddc53a25f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class File;
} // namespace base
namespace content {
// A class to abstract required information to access a WebBundle.
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebBundleSource {
enum class Type {
// Used only for testing navigation to a trustable WebBundle source
// with --trustable-bundled-exchanges-file-url flag. Returns null when failed
// to get the filename from the |url|.
static std::unique_ptr<WebBundleSource> MaybeCreateFromTrustedFileUrl(
const GURL& url);
// Returns a new WebBundleSource for the |url| if the scheme of |url|
// is file: (or content: on Android). Otherwise returns null.
static std::unique_ptr<WebBundleSource> MaybeCreateFromFileUrl(
const GURL& url);
// Returns a new WebBundleSource for the |url| if the scheme of |url|
// is https: or localhost http:. Otherwise returns null.
static std::unique_ptr<WebBundleSource> MaybeCreateFromNetworkUrl(
const GURL& url);
~WebBundleSource() = default;
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleSource> Clone() const;
std::unique_ptr<base::File> OpenFile() const;
Type type() const { return type_; }
bool is_trusted_file() const { return type_ == Type::kTrustedFile; }
bool is_file() const { return type_ == Type::kFile; }
bool is_network() const { return type_ == Type::kNetwork; }
const GURL& url() const { return url_; }
bool IsPathRestrictionSatisfied(const GURL& url) const;
WebBundleSource(Type type, const base::FilePath& file_path, const GURL& url);
const Type type_;
const base::FilePath file_path_;
const GURL url_;
} // namespace content