blob: 44d1ed50933ded9dc6e6ed76204ff11f927ff55a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/video_cadence_estimator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "media/base/media_switches.h"
namespace media {
// To prevent oscillation in and out of cadence or between cadence values, we
// require some time to elapse before a cadence switch is accepted.
const int kMinimumCadenceDurationMs = 100;
// The numbers are used to decide whether the current video is variable FPS or
// constant FPS. If ratio of the sample deviation and the render length is
// above |kVariableFPSFactor|, then it is recognized as a variable FPS, and if
// the ratio is below |kConstantFPSFactor|, then it is recognized as a constant
// FPS, and if the ratio is in between the two factors, then we do not change
// previous recognition.
const double kVariableFPSFactor = 0.55;
const double kConstantFPSFactor = 0.45;
// Records the number of cadence changes to UMA.
static void HistogramCadenceChangeCount(int cadence_changes) {
const int kCadenceChangeMax = 10;
cadence_changes, 1, kCadenceChangeMax,
// Construct a Cadence vector, a vector of integers satisfying the following
// conditions:
// 1. Size is |n|.
// 2. Sum of entries is |k|.
// 3. Each entry is in {|k|/|n|, |k|/|n| + 1}.
// 4. Distribution of |k|/|n| and |k|/|n| + 1 is as even as possible.
VideoCadenceEstimator::Cadence ConstructCadence(int k, int n) {
const int quotient = k / n;
std::vector<int> output(n, 0);
// Fill the vector entries with |quotient| or |quotient + 1|, and make sure
// the two values are distributed as evenly as possible.
int target_accumulate = 0;
int actual_accumulate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// After each loop
// target_accumulate = (i + 1) * k
// actual_accumulate = \sum_{j = 0}^i {n * V[j]} where V is output vector
// We want to make actual_accumulate as close to target_accumulate as
// possible.
// One exception is that in case k < n, we always want the vector to start
// with 1 to make sure the first frame is always rendered.
// (To avoid float calculation, we use scaled version of accumulated count)
target_accumulate += k;
const int target_current = target_accumulate - actual_accumulate;
if ((i == 0 && k < n) || target_current * 2 >= n * (quotient * 2 + 1)) {
output[i] = quotient + 1;
} else {
output[i] = quotient;
actual_accumulate += output[i] * n;
return output;
base::TimeDelta minimum_time_until_max_drift)
: cadence_hysteresis_threshold_(
is_variable_frame_rate_(false) {
VideoCadenceEstimator::~VideoCadenceEstimator() = default;
void VideoCadenceEstimator::Reset() {
cadence_changes_ = render_intervals_cadence_held_ = 0;
first_update_call_ = true;
bm_.use_bresenham_cadence_ =
bm_.frame_index_shift_ = 0;
bool VideoCadenceEstimator::UpdateCadenceEstimate(
base::TimeDelta render_interval,
base::TimeDelta frame_duration,
base::TimeDelta frame_duration_deviation,
base::TimeDelta max_acceptable_drift) {
DCHECK_GT(render_interval, base::TimeDelta());
DCHECK_GT(frame_duration, base::TimeDelta());
if (frame_duration_deviation > kVariableFPSFactor * render_interval) {
is_variable_frame_rate_ = true;
} else if (frame_duration_deviation < kConstantFPSFactor * render_interval) {
is_variable_frame_rate_ = false;
if (bm_.use_bresenham_cadence_)
return UpdateBresenhamCadenceEstimate(render_interval, frame_duration);
// Variable FPS detected, turn off Cadence by force.
if (is_variable_frame_rate_) {
render_intervals_cadence_held_ = 0;
if (!cadence_.empty()) {
return true;
return false;
base::TimeDelta time_until_max_drift;
// See if we can find a cadence which fits the data.
Cadence new_cadence =
CalculateCadence(render_interval, frame_duration, max_acceptable_drift,
// If this is the first time UpdateCadenceEstimate() has been called,
// initialize the histogram with a zero count for cadence changes; this
// allows us to track the number of playbacks which have cadence at all.
if (first_update_call_) {
DCHECK_EQ(cadence_changes_, 0);
first_update_call_ = false;
// If nothing changed, do nothing.
if (new_cadence == cadence_) {
// Clear cadence hold to pending values from accumulating incorrectly.
render_intervals_cadence_held_ = 0;
return false;
// Wait until enough render intervals have elapsed before accepting the
// cadence change. Prevents oscillation of the cadence selection.
bool update_pending_cadence = true;
if (new_cadence == pending_cadence_ ||
cadence_hysteresis_threshold_ <= render_interval) {
if (++render_intervals_cadence_held_ * render_interval >=
cadence_hysteresis_threshold_) {
DVLOG(1) << "Cadence switch: " << CadenceToString(cadence_) << " -> "
<< CadenceToString(new_cadence)
<< " :: Time until drift exceeded: " << time_until_max_drift;
// Note: Because this class is transitively owned by a garbage collected
// object, WebMediaPlayer, we log cadence changes as they are encountered.
return true;
update_pending_cadence = false;
DVLOG(2) << "Hysteresis prevented cadence switch: "
<< CadenceToString(cadence_) << " -> "
<< CadenceToString(new_cadence);
if (update_pending_cadence) {
render_intervals_cadence_held_ = 1;
return false;
int VideoCadenceEstimator::GetCadenceForFrame(uint64_t frame_number) const {
if (bm_.use_bresenham_cadence_) {
double cadence = *bm_.perfect_cadence_;
auto index = frame_number + bm_.frame_index_shift_;
auto result = static_cast<uint64_t>(cadence * (index + 1)) -
static_cast<uint64_t>(cadence * index);
DCHECK(frame_number > 0 || result > 0);
return result;
return cadence_[frame_number % cadence_.size()];
/* List of tests that are expected to fail when media::kBresenhamCadence
is enabled.
- VideoRendererAlgorithmTest.BestFrameByCadenceOverdisplayedForDrift
Reason: Bresenham cadence does not exhibit innate drift.
- VideoRendererAlgorithmTest.CadenceCalculations
Reason: The test inspects an internal data structures of the current alg.
- VideoRendererAlgorithmTest.VariablePlaybackRateCadence
Reason: The test assumes that cadence algorithm should fail for playback
rate of 3.15. Bresenham alg works fine.
- VideoCadenceEstimatorTest.CadenceCalculationWithLargeDeviation
- VideoCadenceEstimatorTest.CadenceCalculationWithLargeDrift
- VideoCadenceEstimatorTest.CadenceCalculations
- VideoCadenceEstimatorTest.CadenceHystersisPreventsOscillation
- VideoCadenceEstimatorTest.CadenceVariesWithAcceptableDrift
- VideoCadenceEstimatorTest.CadenceVariesWithAcceptableGlitchTime
Reason: These tests inspects an internal data structures of the current
bool VideoCadenceEstimator::UpdateBresenhamCadenceEstimate(
base::TimeDelta render_interval,
base::TimeDelta frame_duration) {
if (is_variable_frame_rate_) {
if (bm_.perfect_cadence_.has_value()) {
return true;
return false;
if (++render_intervals_cadence_held_ * render_interval <
cadence_hysteresis_threshold_) {
return false;
double current_cadence = bm_.perfect_cadence_.value_or(0.0);
double new_cadence = frame_duration / render_interval;
DCHECK_GE(new_cadence, 0.0);
double cadence_relative_diff = std::abs(current_cadence - new_cadence) /
std::max(current_cadence, new_cadence);
// Ignore small changes in cadence, as they are most likely just noise,
// caused by render_interval flickering on devices having difficulty to decode
// and render the video in real time.
// TODO(ezemtsov): Consider calculating and using avg. render_interval,
// the same way avg. frame duration is used now.
constexpr double kCadenceRoundingError = 0.008;
if (cadence_relative_diff <= kCadenceRoundingError)
return false;
bm_.perfect_cadence_ = new_cadence;
if (render_interval > frame_duration) {
// When display refresh rate is lower than the video frame rate,
// not all frames can be shown. But we want to make sure that the very
// first frame is shown. That's why frame indexes are shifted by this
// much to make sure that the cadence sequence always has 1 in the
// beginning.
bm_.frame_index_shift_ = (render_interval.InMicroseconds() - 1) /
} else {
// It can be 0 (or anything), but it makes the output look more like
// an output of the current cadence algorithm.
bm_.frame_index_shift_ = 1;
DVLOG(1) << "Cadence switch"
<< " perfect_cadence: " << new_cadence
<< " frame_index_shift: " << bm_.frame_index_shift_
<< " cadence_relative_diff: " << cadence_relative_diff
<< " cadence_held: " << render_intervals_cadence_held_;
render_intervals_cadence_held_ = 0;
return true;
VideoCadenceEstimator::Cadence VideoCadenceEstimator::CalculateCadence(
base::TimeDelta render_interval,
base::TimeDelta frame_duration,
base::TimeDelta max_acceptable_drift,
base::TimeDelta* time_until_max_drift) const {
// The perfect cadence is the number of render intervals per frame.
const double perfect_cadence = frame_duration / render_interval;
// This case is very simple, just return a single frame cadence, because it
// is impossible for us to accumulate drift as large as max_acceptable_drift
// within minimum_time_until_max_drift.
if (max_acceptable_drift >= minimum_time_until_max_drift_) {
int cadence_value = round(perfect_cadence);
if (cadence_value < 0)
return Cadence();
if (cadence_value == 0)
cadence_value = 1;
Cadence result = ConstructCadence(cadence_value, 1);
const double error = std::fabs(1.0 - perfect_cadence / cadence_value);
*time_until_max_drift = max_acceptable_drift / error;
return result;
// We want to construct a cadence pattern to approximate the perfect cadence
// while ensuring error doesn't accumulate too quickly.
const double drift_ratio =
max_acceptable_drift / minimum_time_until_max_drift_;
const double minimum_acceptable_cadence =
perfect_cadence / (1.0 + drift_ratio);
const double maximum_acceptable_cadence =
perfect_cadence / (1.0 - drift_ratio);
// We've arbitrarily chosen the maximum allowable cadence length as 5. It's
// proven sufficient to support most standard frame and render rates, while
// being small enough that small frame and render timing errors don't render
// it useless.
const int kMaxCadenceSize = 5;
double best_error = 0;
int best_n = 0;
int best_k = 0;
for (int n = 1; n <= kMaxCadenceSize; ++n) {
// A cadence pattern only exists if there exists an integer K such that K/N
// is between |minimum_acceptable_cadence| and |maximum_acceptable_cadence|.
// The best pattern is the one with the smallest error over time relative to
// the |perfect_cadence|.
if (std::floor(minimum_acceptable_cadence * n) <
std::floor(maximum_acceptable_cadence * n)) {
const int k = round(perfect_cadence * n);
const double error = std::fabs(1.0 - perfect_cadence * n / k);
// Prefer the shorter cadence pattern unless a longer one "significantly"
// reduces the error.
if (!best_n || error < best_error * 0.99) {
best_error = error;
best_k = k;
best_n = n;
if (!best_n) return Cadence();
// If we've found a solution.
Cadence best_result = ConstructCadence(best_k, best_n);
*time_until_max_drift = max_acceptable_drift / best_error;
return best_result;
std::string VideoCadenceEstimator::CadenceToString(
const Cadence& cadence) const {
if (cadence.empty())
return std::string("[]");
std::ostringstream os;
os << "[";
std::copy(cadence.begin(), cadence.end() - 1,
std::ostream_iterator<int>(os, ":"));
os << cadence.back() << "]";
return os.str();
double VideoCadenceEstimator::avg_cadence_for_testing() const {
if (!has_cadence())
return 0.0;
if (bm_.use_bresenham_cadence_)
return bm_.perfect_cadence_.value();
int sum = std::accumulate(begin(cadence_), end(cadence_), 0);
return static_cast<double>(sum) / cadence_.size();
} // namespace media