blob: 7dea6bbace5758ea100a1d5ac7fb6c96ead649c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/gpu/android_video_surface_chooser_impl.h"
namespace media {
: weak_factory_(this) {}
AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl::~AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl() {}
void AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl::Initialize(
UseOverlayCB use_overlay_cb,
UseSurfaceTextureCB use_surface_texture_cb,
AndroidOverlayFactoryCB initial_factory) {
use_overlay_cb_ = std::move(use_overlay_cb);
use_surface_texture_cb_ = std::move(use_surface_texture_cb);
if (initial_factory) {
// We requested an overlay. Wait to see if it succeeds or fails, since
// hopefully this will be fast. On M+, we could ask it to start with a
// SurfaceTexture either way. Before M, we can't switch surfaces. In that
// case, it's important not to request a SurfaceTexture if we have an
// overlay pending, so that we know not to transition to SurfaceTexture.
client_notification_pending_ = true;
if (!overlay_) {
// We haven't requested an overlay yet. Just ask the client to start with
// SurfaceTexture now.
void AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl::ReplaceOverlayFactory(
AndroidOverlayFactoryCB factory) {
// If we have an overlay, then we should transition away from it. It
// doesn't matter if we have a new factory or no factory; the old overlay goes
// with the old factory.
// Notify the client to transition to SurfaceTexture, which it might already
// be using. If |!client_notification_pending_|, then we're still during
// initial startup, so we don't switch the client. Otherwise, we'd cause
// pre-M to break, since we'd start with a SurfaceTexture in all cases.
if (!client_notification_pending_)
// If we started construction of an overlay, but it's not ready yet, then
// just drop it.
if (overlay_)
overlay_ = nullptr;
overlay_factory_ = std::move(factory);
// If we don't have a new factory, then just stop here.
if (!overlay_factory_)
// We just got an overlay factory. Get an overlay immediately. This is
// the right behavior to match what AVDA does with CVV. For DS, we should
// probably check to see if it's a good idea, at least on M+.
// Also note that for pre-M, AVDA depends on this behavior, else it will get
// a SurfaceTexture then be unable to switch. Perhaps there should be a
// pre-M implementation of this class that guarantees that it won't change
// between the two.
AndroidOverlayConfig config;
// We bind all of our callbacks with weak ptrs, since we don't know how long
// the client will hold on to overlays. They could, in principle, show up
// long after the client is destroyed too, if codec destruction hangs.
config.ready_cb = base::Bind(&AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl::OnOverlayReady,
config.failed_cb =
// TODO(liberato): where do we get the initial size from? For CVV, it's
// set via the natural size, and this is ignored anyway. The client should
// provide this.
config.rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);
overlay_ = overlay_factory_.Run(std::move(config));
// We could add a destruction callback here, if we need to find out when the
// surface has been destroyed. It might also be good to have a 'overlay has
// been destroyed' callback from ~AndroidOverlay, since we don't really know
// how long that will take after SurfaceDestroyed.
void AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl::OnOverlayReady(AndroidOverlay* overlay) {
// |overlay_| is the only overlay for which we haven't gotten a ready callback
// back yet.
DCHECK_EQ(overlay, overlay_.get());
// If we haven't sent the client notification yet, we're doing so now.
client_notification_pending_ = false;
void AndroidVideoSurfaceChooserImpl::OnOverlayFailed(AndroidOverlay* overlay) {
// We shouldn't get a failure for any overlay except the incoming one.
DCHECK_EQ(overlay, overlay_.get());
// If we owe the client a notification callback, then send it.
if (client_notification_pending_) {
// The overlay that we requested failed, so notify the client to try
// using SurfaceTexture instead.
client_notification_pending_ = false;
overlay_ = nullptr;
} // namespace media