blob: ef98691a45f933c00856bcb6bbc261504765038d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "media/base/android/demuxer_android.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_drm_bridge.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_player_android.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_statistics.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/time_delta_interpolator.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gl/android/scoped_java_surface.h"
// The MediaCodecPlayer class implements the media player by using Android's
// MediaCodec. It differs from MediaSourcePlayer in that it removes most
// processing away from the UI thread: it uses a dedicated Media thread to
// receive the data and to handle the commands.
// The player works as a state machine. Here are relationships between states:
// [ Paused ] ------------------------ (Any state)
// | | |
// | v v
// | <------------------[ WaitingForConfig ] [ Error ]
// |
// |
// | <----------------------------------------------
// | |
// [ Waiting for permission ] |
// | |
// | |
// v |
// [ Prefetching ] ------------------- |
// | | |
// | v |
// | <-----------------[ WaitingForSurface ] |
// v |
// [ Playing ] |
// | |
// | |
// v |
// [ Stopping ] --------------------------------> [ WaitingForSeek ]
// Events and actions for pause/resume workflow.
// ---------------------------------------------
// Start, no config:
// ------------------------> [ Paused ] -----------------> [ Waiting ]
// | StopDone: [ for configs ]
// | ^ | /
// | | | /
// | Pause: | | Start w/config: /
// | Permission denied: | | requestPermission /
// | | | /
// | | | /
// | | | /
// | | | / DemuxerConfigs:
// | | | / requestPermission
// | | | /
// | | | /
// | | v /
// | /
// | ------------------> [ Waiting for ] <--------/
// | | [ permission ]
// | | |
// | | |
// | | | Permission granted:
// | | | dec.Prefetch
// | | |
// | | |
// | | v
// | |
// | | [ Prefetching ] [ Waiting ]
// | | [ ] --------------> [ for surface ]
// | | | PrefetchDone, /
// | | | no surface: /
// | | | /
// | | | /
// | | StopDone w/ | /
// | | pending start: | PrefetchDone: /
// | | dec.Prefetch | dec.Start /
// | | | / SetSurface:
// | | | / dec.Start
// | | | /
// | | v /
// | | /
// | | [ Playing ] <----------/
// | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | | Pause: dec.RequestToStop
// | | |
// | | |
// | | v
// | |
// ------------------------- [ Stopping ]
// Events and actions for seek workflow.
// -------------------------------------
// Seek: -- --
// demuxer.RequestSeek | |
// [ Paused ] -----------------------> | |
// [ ] <----------------------- | |--
// SeekDone: | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | | Start:
// | | | SetPendingStart
// Seek: dec.Stop | | |
// SetPendingStart | | |
// demuxer.RequestSeek | | |
// [ Waiting for ] -----------------------> | | |
// [ permission ] <---------------------- | | | Pause:
// SeekDone | | | RemovePendingStart
// | w/pending start: | | |
// | requestPermission | Waiting | |
// | | for | | Seek:
// | | seek | | SetPendingSeek
// | | | |
// | Seek: dec.Stop | | |
// v SetPendingStart | | |
// demuxer.RequestSeek | | |
// [ Prefetching ] ----------------------> | | |
// | | |
// | | | |
// | PrefetchDone: dec.Start | | |
// | | | | SeekDone
// v | | | w/pending seek:
// | | | demuxer.RequestSeek
// [ Playing ] | | |
// | | |
// | | |<-
// | Seek: SetPendingStart | |
// | SetPendingSeek | |
// | dec.RequestToStop | |
// | | |
// | | |
// v | |
// | |
// [ Stopping ] -----------------------> | |
// StopDone -- --
// w/pending seek:
// demuxer.RequestSeek
namespace media {
class AudioMediaCodecDecoder;
class VideoMediaCodecDecoder;
class MEDIA_EXPORT MediaCodecPlayer : public MediaPlayerAndroid,
public DemuxerAndroidClient {
// Typedefs for the notification callbacks
typedef base::Callback<void(base::TimeDelta, const gfx::Size&)>
typedef base::Callback<void(base::TimeDelta, base::TimeTicks)>
typedef base::Callback<void(const base::TimeDelta& current_timestamp)>
typedef base::Callback<void(int)> ErrorCallback;
// For testing only.
typedef base::Callback<void(DemuxerStream::Type,
base::TimeDelta)> DecodersTimeCallback;
// For testing only.
typedef base::Callback<void(DemuxerStream::Type)> CodecCreatedCallback;
// Constructs a player with the given ID and demuxer. |manager| must outlive
// the lifetime of this object.
int player_id,
base::WeakPtr<MediaPlayerManager> manager,
const OnDecoderResourcesReleasedCB& on_decoder_resources_released_cb,
std::unique_ptr<DemuxerAndroid> demuxer,
const GURL& frame_url,
int media_session_id);
~MediaCodecPlayer() override;
// A helper method that performs the media thread part of initialization.
void Initialize();
// MediaPlayerAndroid implementation.
void DeleteOnCorrectThread() override;
void SetVideoSurface(gl::ScopedJavaSurface surface) override;
void Start() override;
void Pause(bool is_media_related_action) override;
void SeekTo(base::TimeDelta timestamp) override;
void Release() override;
bool HasVideo() const override;
bool HasAudio() const override;
int GetVideoWidth() override;
int GetVideoHeight() override;
base::TimeDelta GetCurrentTime() override;
base::TimeDelta GetDuration() override;
bool IsPlaying() override;
bool CanPause() override;
bool CanSeekForward() override;
bool CanSeekBackward() override;
bool IsPlayerReady() override;
void SetCdm(const scoped_refptr<MediaKeys>& cdm) override;
// DemuxerAndroidClient implementation.
void OnDemuxerConfigsAvailable(const DemuxerConfigs& params) override;
void OnDemuxerDataAvailable(const DemuxerData& params) override;
void OnDemuxerSeekDone(base::TimeDelta actual_browser_seek_time) override;
void OnDemuxerDurationChanged(base::TimeDelta duration) override;
// For testing only.
void SetDecodersTimeCallbackForTests(DecodersTimeCallback cb);
void SetCodecCreatedCallbackForTests(CodecCreatedCallback cb);
void SetAlwaysReconfigureForTests(DemuxerStream::Type type);
bool IsPrerollingForTests(DemuxerStream::Type type) const;
// The state machine states.
enum PlayerState {
enum StartStatus {
kStartOk = 0,
// Cached values for the manager.
struct MediaMetadata {
base::TimeDelta duration;
gfx::Size video_size;
// Information about current seek in progress.
struct SeekInfo {
const base::TimeDelta seek_time;
const bool is_browser_seek;
SeekInfo(base::TimeDelta time, bool browser_seek)
: seek_time(time), is_browser_seek(browser_seek) {}
// MediaPlayerAndroid implementation.
void UpdateEffectiveVolumeInternal(double effective_volume) override;
// This method requests playback permission from the manager on UI
// thread, passing total duration and whether the media has audio
// track as arguments. The method posts the result to the media
// thread.
void RequestPermissionAndPostResult(base::TimeDelta duration,
bool has_audio) override;
// This method caches the data and calls manager's OnMediaMetadataChanged().
void OnMediaMetadataChanged(base::TimeDelta duration,
const gfx::Size& video_size) override;
// This method caches the current time and calls manager's OnTimeUpdate().
void OnTimeUpdate(base::TimeDelta current_timestamp,
base::TimeTicks current_time_ticks) override;
// Callback from manager
void OnPermissionDecided(bool granted);
// Callbacks from decoders
void RequestDemuxerData(DemuxerStream::Type stream_type);
void OnPrefetchDone();
void OnPrerollDone();
void OnDecoderDrained(DemuxerStream::Type type);
void OnStopDone(DemuxerStream::Type type);
void OnMissingKeyReported(DemuxerStream::Type type);
void OnError();
void OnStarvation(DemuxerStream::Type stream_type);
void OnTimeIntervalUpdate(DemuxerStream::Type stream_type,
base::TimeDelta now_playing,
base::TimeDelta last_buffered,
bool postpone);
// Callbacks from video decoder
void OnVideoResolutionChanged(const gfx::Size& size);
// Callbacks from MediaDrmBridge.
void OnMediaCryptoReady(MediaDrmBridge::JavaObjectPtr media_crypto,
bool needs_protected_surface);
void OnKeyAdded();
// Operations called from the state machine.
void SetState(PlayerState new_state);
void SetPendingStart(bool need_to_start);
bool HasPendingStart() const;
void SetPendingSeek(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
base::TimeDelta GetPendingSeek() const;
void SetDemuxerConfigs(const DemuxerConfigs& configs);
void RequestPlayPermission();
void StartPrefetchDecoders();
void StartPlaybackOrBrowserSeek();
StartStatus StartPlaybackDecoders();
StartStatus ConfigureDecoders();
StartStatus MaybePrerollDecoders(bool* preroll_required);
StartStatus StartDecoders();
void StopDecoders();
void RequestToStopDecoders();
void RequestDemuxerSeek(base::TimeDelta seek_time,
bool is_browser_seek = false);
void ReleaseDecoderResources();
// Helper methods.
void CreateDecoders();
bool AudioFinished() const;
bool VideoFinished() const;
base::TimeDelta GetInterpolatedTime();
static const char* AsString(PlayerState state);
// Data.
// Object for posting tasks on UI thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
// Major components: demuxer, audio and video decoders.
std::unique_ptr<DemuxerAndroid> demuxer_;
std::unique_ptr<AudioMediaCodecDecoder> audio_decoder_;
std::unique_ptr<VideoMediaCodecDecoder> video_decoder_;
// The state of the state machine.
PlayerState state_;
// Notification callbacks, they call MediaPlayerManager.
TimeUpdateCallback time_update_cb_;
base::Closure completion_cb_;
base::Closure waiting_for_decryption_key_cb_;
SeekDoneCallback seek_done_cb_;
ErrorCallback error_cb_;
// A callback that updates metadata cache and calls the manager.
MetadataChangedCallback metadata_changed_cb_;
// We call the base class' AttachListener() and DetachListener() methods on UI
// thread with these callbacks.
base::Closure attach_listener_cb_;
base::Closure detach_listener_cb_;
// Error callback is posted by decoders or by this class itself if we cannot
// configure or start decoder.
base::Closure internal_error_cb_;
// Total duration reported by demuxer.
base::TimeDelta duration_;
// base::TickClock used by |interpolator_|.
base::DefaultTickClock default_tick_clock_;
// Tracks the most recent media time update and provides interpolated values
// as playback progresses.
TimeDeltaInterpolator interpolator_;
// Pending data to be picked up by the upcoming state.
gl::ScopedJavaSurface pending_surface_;
bool pending_start_;
base::TimeDelta pending_seek_;
// Data associated with a seek in progress.
std::unique_ptr<SeekInfo> seek_info_;
// Configuration data for the manager, accessed on the UI thread.
MediaMetadata metadata_cache_;
// Cached current time, accessed on UI thread.
base::TimeDelta current_time_cache_;
// For testing only.
DecodersTimeCallback decoders_time_cb_;
// Holds a ref-count to the CDM to keep |media_crypto_| valid.
scoped_refptr<MediaKeys> cdm_;
MediaDrmBridge::JavaObjectPtr media_crypto_;
int cdm_registration_id_;
// The flag is set when the player receives the error from decoder that the
// decoder needs a new decryption key. Cleared on starting the playback.
bool key_is_required_;
// The flag is set after the new encryption key is added to MediaDrm. Cleared
// on starting the playback.
bool key_is_added_;
// Gathers and reports playback quality statistics to UMA.
// Use pointer to enable replacement of this object for tests.
std::unique_ptr<MediaStatistics> media_stat_;
base::WeakPtr<MediaCodecPlayer> media_weak_this_;
// NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaCodecPlayer> media_weak_factory_;
} // namespace media