blob: 6ee1b239c4a906ed9bc20941601ec24fe6638718 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/auth_policy/auth_policy_client.h"
namespace chromeos {
// Helper class to use AuthPolicyClient. For Active Directory domain join and
// authenticate users this class should be used instead of AuthPolicyClient.
// Allows canceling all pending calls and restarting AuthPolicy service. Used
// for enrollment and login UI to proper cancel the flows.
class AuthPolicyHelper {
using AuthCallback = AuthPolicyClient::AuthCallback;
using JoinCallback = AuthPolicyClient::JoinCallback;
using RefreshPolicyCallback = AuthPolicyClient::RefreshPolicyCallback;
using OnDecryptedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(std::string decrypted_data)>;
// Tries to get Kerberos TGT. To get TGT and password statuses one should use
// AuthPolicyClient::GetUserStatus afterwards.
static void TryAuthenticateUser(const std::string& username,
const std::string& object_guid,
const std::string& password);
// Restarts AuthPolicy service.
static void Restart();
// Decrypts |blob| with |password| on a separate thread. Calls |callback| on
// the orginal thread. If decryption failed |callback| called with an empty
// string.
static void DecryptConfiguration(const std::string& blob,
const std::string& password,
OnDecryptedCallback callback);
// Packs arguments and calls AuthPolicyClient::JoinAdDomain. Joins machine to
// Active directory domain. Then it calls RefreshDevicePolicy to cache the
// policy on the authpolicyd side. |machine_name| is a name for a local
// machine. If |distinguished_name| is not empty |machine| would be put into
// that domain or/and organizational unit structure. Otherwise |machine| would
// be joined to domain of the |username|. |username|, |password| are
// credentials of the Active directory account which has right to join the
// machine to the domain. |callback| is called after getting (or failing to
// get) D-BUS response.
void JoinAdDomain(const std::string& machine_name,
const std::string& distinguished_name,
int encryption_types,
const std::string& username,
const std::string& password,
JoinCallback callback);
// Packs arguments and calls AuthPolicyClient::AuthenticateUser. Authenticates
// user against Active Directory server. |username|, |password| are
// credentials of the Active Directory account. |username| should be in the
// format. |object_guid| is the user's LDAP GUID. If
// specified, it is used instead of |username|. The GUID is guaranteed to be
// stable, the user's name can change on the server.
void AuthenticateUser(const std::string& username,
const std::string& object_guid,
const std::string& password,
AuthCallback callback);
// Refreshes device policy. Waits for authpolicy D-Bus service to start if
// needed. When Chrome starts it tries to refresh device policy immediately.
// If authpolicy daemon being started at the same time - device policy fetch
// could fail. Could happen after reboot only on the login screen. So handle
// it for device policy only.
void RefreshDevicePolicy(RefreshPolicyCallback callback);
// Does not wait for authpolicyd D-Bus service. Added for symmetry.
void RefreshUserPolicy(const AccountId& account_id,
RefreshPolicyCallback callback) const;
// Cancels pending requests and restarts AuthPolicy service.
void CancelRequestsAndRestart();
// Sets the DM token. Will be sent to authpolicy with the domain join call.
// Authpolicy would set it in the device policy.
void set_dm_token(const std::string& dm_token) { dm_token_ = dm_token; }
void OnServiceAvailable(bool service_is_available);
// Called from AuthPolicyClient::JoinAdDomain.
void OnJoinCallback(JoinCallback callback,
authpolicy::ErrorType error,
const std::string& machine_domain);
// Called from AuthPolicyClient::RefreshDevicePolicy. This is used only once
// during device enrollment with the first device policy refresh.
void OnFirstPolicyRefreshCallback(JoinCallback callback,
const std::string& machine_domain,
authpolicy::ErrorType error);
// Called from AuthPolicyClient::AuthenticateUser.
void OnAuthCallback(
AuthCallback callback,
authpolicy::ErrorType error,
const authpolicy::ActiveDirectoryAccountInfo& account_info);
std::string dm_token_;
bool service_is_available_ = false;
RefreshPolicyCallback device_policy_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AuthPolicyHelper> weak_factory_;
} // namespace chromeos