blob: 632892313f2f9f55b36f1fc825dcde8cbf0ced85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the implementation of the command buffer helper class.
#include "../client/cmd_buffer_helper.h"
#include "../common/command_buffer.h"
#include "../common/trace_event.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace {
const int kCommandsPerFlushCheck = 100;
const double kFlushDelay = 1.0 / (5.0 * 60.0);
CommandBufferHelper::CommandBufferHelper(CommandBuffer* command_buffer)
: command_buffer_(command_buffer),
last_flush_time_(0) {
bool CommandBufferHelper::Initialize(int32 ring_buffer_size) {
ring_buffer_ = command_buffer_->GetRingBuffer();
if (!ring_buffer_.ptr)
return false;
CommandBuffer::State state = command_buffer_->GetState();
entries_ = static_cast<CommandBufferEntry*>(ring_buffer_.ptr);
int32 num_ring_buffer_entries = ring_buffer_size / sizeof(CommandBufferEntry);
if (num_ring_buffer_entries > state.num_entries) {
return false;
const int32 kJumpEntries =
sizeof(cmd::Jump) / sizeof(*entries_); // NOLINT
total_entry_count_ = num_ring_buffer_entries;
usable_entry_count_ = total_entry_count_ - kJumpEntries;
put_ = state.put_offset;
return true;
CommandBufferHelper::~CommandBufferHelper() {
bool CommandBufferHelper::FlushSync() {
last_flush_time_ = clock();
last_put_sent_ = put_;
CommandBuffer::State state = command_buffer_->FlushSync(put_, get_offset());
return state.error == error::kNoError;
void CommandBufferHelper::Flush() {
last_flush_time_ = clock();
last_put_sent_ = put_;
// Calls Flush() and then waits until the buffer is empty. Break early if the
// error is set.
bool CommandBufferHelper::Finish() {
TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "CommandBufferHelper::Finish");
do {
// Do not loop forever if the flush fails, meaning the command buffer reader
// has shutdown.
if (!FlushSync())
return false;
} while (put_ != get_offset());
return true;
// Inserts a new token into the command stream. It uses an increasing value
// scheme so that we don't lose tokens (a token has passed if the current token
// value is higher than that token). Calls Finish() if the token value wraps,
// which will be rare.
int32 CommandBufferHelper::InsertToken() {
// Increment token as 31-bit integer. Negative values are used to signal an
// error.
token_ = (token_ + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF;
cmd::SetToken& cmd = GetCmdSpace<cmd::SetToken>();
if (token_ == 0) {
TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "CommandBufferHelper::InsertToken(wrapped)");
// we wrapped
GPU_DCHECK_EQ(token_, last_token_read());
return token_;
// Waits until the current token value is greater or equal to the value passed
// in argument.
void CommandBufferHelper::WaitForToken(int32 token) {
TRACE_EVENT_IF_LONGER_THAN0(50, "gpu", "CommandBufferHelper::WaitForToken");
// Return immediately if corresponding InsertToken failed.
if (token < 0)
if (token > token_) return; // we wrapped
while (last_token_read() < token) {
if (get_offset() == put_) {
GPU_LOG(FATAL) << "Empty command buffer while waiting on a token.";
// Do not loop forever if the flush fails, meaning the command buffer reader
// has shutdown.
if (!FlushSync())
// Waits for available entries, basically waiting until get >= put + count + 1.
// It actually waits for contiguous entries, so it may need to wrap the buffer
// around, adding a jump. Thus this function may change the value of put_. The
// function will return early if an error occurs, in which case the available
// space may not be available.
void CommandBufferHelper::WaitForAvailableEntries(int32 count) {
GPU_DCHECK(count < usable_entry_count_);
if (put_ + count > usable_entry_count_) {
// There's not enough room between the current put and the end of the
// buffer, so we need to wrap. We will add a jump back to the start, but we
// need to make sure get wraps first, actually that get is 1 or more (since
// put will wrap to 0 after we add the jump).
GPU_DCHECK_LE(1, put_);
if (get_offset() > put_ || get_offset() == 0) {
TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "CommandBufferHelper::WaitForAvailableEntries");
while (get_offset() > put_ || get_offset() == 0) {
// Do not loop forever if the flush fails, meaning the command buffer
// reader has shutdown.
if (!FlushSync())
// Insert a jump back to the beginning.
cmd::Jump::Set(&entries_[put_], 0);
put_ = 0;
if (AvailableEntries() < count) {
TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "CommandBufferHelper::WaitForAvailableEntries1");
while (AvailableEntries() < count) {
// Do not loop forever if the flush fails, meaning the command buffer
// reader has shutdown.
if (!FlushSync())
// Force a flush if the buffer is getting half full, or even earlier if the
// reader is known to be idle.
int32 pending =
(put_ + usable_entry_count_ - last_put_sent_) % usable_entry_count_;
int32 limit = usable_entry_count_ /
((get_offset() == last_put_sent_) ? 16 : 2);
if (pending > limit) {
} else if (commands_issued_ % kCommandsPerFlushCheck == 0) {
// Allow this command buffer to be pre-empted by another if a "reasonable"
// amount of work has been done.
clock_t current_time = clock();
if (current_time - last_flush_time_ > kFlushDelay * CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
CommandBufferEntry* CommandBufferHelper::GetSpace(uint32 entries) {
CommandBufferEntry* space = &entries_[put_];
put_ += entries;
GPU_DCHECK_LE(put_, usable_entry_count_);
if (put_ == usable_entry_count_) {
cmd::Jump::Set(&entries_[put_], 0);
put_ = 0;
return space;
error::Error CommandBufferHelper::GetError() {
CommandBuffer::State state = command_buffer_->GetState();
return static_cast<error::Error>(state.error);
} // namespace gpu