blob: 43cb2ade860264bec5bc90390eed35f0ff7a33e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "../common/gles2_cmd_utils.h"
#include "../common/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "../client/gles2_cmd_helper.h"
#include "../client/ring_buffer.h"
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(__native_client__) && !defined(GLES2_CONFORMANCE_TESTS) // NOLINT
// TODO(gman): Replace with macros that work with inline optmization.
#define GPU_CLIENT_LOG(args)
#include "base/logging.h"
#define GPU_CLIENT_LOG(args) DLOG_IF(INFO, debug_) << args;
#define GPU_CLIENT_LOG_CODE_BLOCK(code) code
#define GPU_CLIENT_LOG(args)
// Check that destination pointers point to initialized memory.
// When the context is lost, calling GL function has no effect so if destination
// pointers point to initialized memory it can often lead to crash bugs. eg.
// GLsizei len;
// glGetShaderSource(shader, max_size, &len, buffer);
// std::string src(buffer, buffer + len); // len can be uninitialized here!!!
// Because this check is not official GL this check happens only on Chrome code,
// not Pepper.
// If it was up to us we'd just always write to the destination but the OpenGL
// spec defines the behavior of OpenGL functions, not us. :-(
#if defined(__native_client__) || defined(GLES2_CONFORMANCE_TESTS)
#elif defined(GPU_DCHECK)
#elif defined(DCHECK)
(ptr[0] == static_cast<type>(0) || ptr[0] == static_cast<type>(-1)));
namespace gpu {
class MappedMemoryManager;
namespace gles2 {
class ClientSideBufferHelper;
class ProgramInfoManager;
// Base class for IdHandlers
class IdHandlerInterface {
IdHandlerInterface() { }
virtual ~IdHandlerInterface() { }
// Makes some ids at or above id_offset.
virtual void MakeIds(GLuint id_offset, GLsizei n, GLuint* ids) = 0;
// Frees some ids.
virtual bool FreeIds(GLsizei n, const GLuint* ids) = 0;
// Marks an id as used for glBind functions. id = 0 does nothing.
virtual bool MarkAsUsedForBind(GLuint id) = 0;
// This class emulates GLES2 over command buffers. It can be used by a client
// program so that the program does not need deal with shared memory and command
// buffer management. See gl2_lib.h. Note that there is a performance gain to
// be had by changing your code to use command buffers directly by using the
// GLES2CmdHelper but that entails changing your code to use and deal with
// shared memory and synchronization issues.
class GLES2Implementation {
// Stores client side cached GL state.
struct GLState {
: max_combined_texture_image_units(0),
num_shader_binary_formats(0) {
GLint max_combined_texture_image_units;
GLint max_cube_map_texture_size;
GLint max_fragment_uniform_vectors;
GLint max_renderbuffer_size;
GLint max_texture_image_units;
GLint max_texture_size;
GLint max_varying_vectors;
GLint max_vertex_attribs;
GLint max_vertex_texture_image_units;
GLint max_vertex_uniform_vectors;
GLint num_compressed_texture_formats;
GLint num_shader_binary_formats;
// The maxiumum result size from simple GL get commands.
static const size_t kMaxSizeOfSimpleResult = 16 * sizeof(uint32); // NOLINT.
// used for testing only. If more things are reseved add them here.
static const unsigned int kStartingOffset = kMaxSizeOfSimpleResult;
// The bucket used for results. Public for testing only.
static const uint32 kResultBucketId = 1;
// Alignment of allocations.
static const unsigned int kAlignment = 4;
// GL names for the buffers used to emulate client side buffers.
static const GLuint kClientSideArrayId = 0xFEDCBA98u;
static const GLuint kClientSideElementArrayId = 0xFEDCBA99u;
// Number of swap buffers allowed before waiting.
static const size_t kMaxSwapBuffers = 2;
GLES2CmdHelper* helper,
size_t transfer_buffer_size,
void* transfer_buffer,
int32 transfer_buffer_id,
bool share_resources,
bool bind_generates_resource = true); // Will remove in 2 CLs!
// The GLES2CmdHelper being used by this GLES2Implementation. You can use
// this to issue cmds at a lower level for certain kinds of optimization.
GLES2CmdHelper* helper() const {
return helper_;
// Include the auto-generated part of this class. We split this because
// it means we can easily edit the non-auto generated parts right here in
// this file instead of having to edit some template or the code generator.
#include "../client/gles2_implementation_autogen.h"
void DisableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index);
void EnableVertexAttribArray(GLuint index);
void GetVertexAttribfv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params);
void GetVertexAttribiv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
void GetProgramInfoCHROMIUMHelper(GLuint program, std::vector<int8>* result);
GLint GetAttribLocationHelper(GLuint program, const char* name);
GLint GetUniformLocationHelper(GLuint program, const char* name);
bool GetActiveAttribHelper(
GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length,
GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name);
bool GetActiveUniformHelper(
GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei* length,
GLint* size, GLenum* type, char* name);
GLuint MakeTextureId() {
GLuint id;
texture_id_handler_->MakeIds(0, 1, &id);
return id;
void FreeTextureId(GLuint id) {
texture_id_handler_->FreeIds(1, &id);
void FreeUnusedSharedMemory();
// Wraps RingBufferWrapper to provide aligned allocations.
class AlignedRingBuffer : public RingBufferWrapper {
AlignedRingBuffer(RingBuffer::Offset base_offset,
unsigned int size,
CommandBufferHelper *helper,
void *base)
: RingBufferWrapper(base_offset, size, helper, base) {
static unsigned int RoundToAlignment(unsigned int size) {
return (size + kAlignment - 1) & ~(kAlignment - 1);
// Overrriden from RingBufferWrapper
void *Alloc(unsigned int size) {
return RingBufferWrapper::Alloc(RoundToAlignment(size));
// Overrriden from RingBufferWrapper
template <typename T> T *AllocTyped(unsigned int count) {
return static_cast<T *>(Alloc(count * sizeof(T)));
// Base class for mapped resources.
struct MappedResource {
MappedResource(GLenum _access, int _shm_id, void* mem, unsigned int offset)
: access(_access),
shm_offset(offset) {
// access mode. Currently only GL_WRITE_ONLY is valid
GLenum access;
// Shared memory ID for buffer.
int shm_id;
// Address of shared memory
void* shm_memory;
// Offset of shared memory
unsigned int shm_offset;
// Used to track mapped textures.
struct MappedTexture : public MappedResource {
GLenum access,
int shm_id,
void* shm_mem,
unsigned int shm_offset,
GLenum _target,
GLint _level,
GLint _xoffset,
GLint _yoffset,
GLsizei _width,
GLsizei _height,
GLenum _format,
GLenum _type)
: MappedResource(access, shm_id, shm_mem, shm_offset),
type(_type) {
// These match the arguments to TexSubImage2D.
GLenum target;
GLint level;
GLint xoffset;
GLint yoffset;
GLsizei width;
GLsizei height;
GLenum format;
GLenum type;
// Used to track mapped buffers.
struct MappedBuffer : public MappedResource {
GLenum access,
int shm_id,
void* shm_mem,
unsigned int shm_offset,
GLenum _target,
GLintptr _offset,
GLsizeiptr _size)
: MappedResource(access, shm_id, shm_mem, shm_offset),
size(_size) {
// These match the arguments to BufferSubData.
GLenum target;
GLintptr offset;
GLsizeiptr size;
struct TextureUnit {
: bound_texture_2d(0),
bound_texture_cube_map(0) {
// texture currently bound to this unit's GL_TEXTURE_2D with glBindTexture
GLuint bound_texture_2d;
// texture currently bound to this unit's GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP with
// glBindTexture
GLuint bound_texture_cube_map;
// Gets the shared memory id for the result buffer.
uint32 result_shm_id() const {
return transfer_buffer_id_;
// Gets the shared memory offset for the result buffer.
uint32 result_shm_offset() const {
return result_shm_offset_;
// Gets the value of the result.
template <typename T>
T GetResultAs() const {
return static_cast<T>(result_buffer_);
// Gets the GLError through our wrapper.
GLenum GetGLError();
// Sets our wrapper for the GLError.
void SetGLError(GLenum error, const char* msg);
// Returns the last error and clears it. Useful for debugging.
const std::string& GetLastError() {
return last_error_;
// Waits for all commands to execute.
void WaitForCmd();
// TODO(gman): These bucket functions really seem like they belong in
// CommandBufferHelper (or maybe BucketHelper?). Unfortunately they need
// a transfer buffer to function which is currently managed by this class.
// Gets the contents of a bucket.
void GetBucketContents(uint32 bucket_id, std::vector<int8>* data);
// Sets the contents of a bucket.
void SetBucketContents(uint32 bucket_id, const void* data, size_t size);
// Sets the contents of a bucket as a string.
void SetBucketAsCString(uint32 bucket_id, const char* str);
// Gets the contents of a bucket as a string. Returns false if there is no
// string available which is a separate case from the empty string.
bool GetBucketAsString(uint32 bucket_id, std::string* str);
// Sets the contents of a bucket as a string.
void SetBucketAsString(uint32 bucket_id, const std::string& str);
// Returns true if id is reserved.
bool IsBufferReservedId(GLuint id);
bool IsFramebufferReservedId(GLuint id) { return false; }
bool IsRenderbufferReservedId(GLuint id) { return false; }
bool IsTextureReservedId(GLuint id) { return false; }
void BindBufferHelper(GLenum target, GLuint texture);
void BindFramebufferHelper(GLenum target, GLuint texture);
void BindRenderbufferHelper(GLenum target, GLuint texture);
void BindTextureHelper(GLenum target, GLuint texture);
void DeleteBuffersHelper(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers);
void DeleteFramebuffersHelper(GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers);
void DeleteRenderbuffersHelper(GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers);
void DeleteTexturesHelper(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures);
bool DeleteProgramHelper(GLuint program);
bool DeleteShaderHelper(GLuint shader);
// Helper for GetVertexAttrib
bool GetVertexAttribHelper(GLuint index, GLenum pname, uint32* param);
// Asks the service for the max index in an element array buffer.
GLsizei GetMaxIndexInElementArrayBuffer(
GLuint buffer_id, GLsizei count, GLenum type, GLuint offset);
bool CopyRectToBufferFlipped(
const void* pixels, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format,
GLenum type, void* buffer);
void TexSubImage2DImpl(
GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width,
GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const void* pixels,
GLboolean internal);
// Helpers for query functions.
bool GetHelper(GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetBooleanvHelper(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params);
bool GetBufferParameterivHelper(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetFloatvHelper(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params);
bool GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivHelper(
GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetIntegervHelper(GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetProgramivHelper(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetRenderbufferParameterivHelper(
GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetShaderivHelper(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
bool GetTexParameterfvHelper(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params);
bool GetTexParameterivHelper(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
GLES2Util util_;
GLES2CmdHelper* helper_;
scoped_ptr<IdHandlerInterface> buffer_id_handler_;
scoped_ptr<IdHandlerInterface> framebuffer_id_handler_;
scoped_ptr<IdHandlerInterface> renderbuffer_id_handler_;
scoped_ptr<IdHandlerInterface> program_and_shader_id_handler_;
scoped_ptr<IdHandlerInterface> texture_id_handler_;
AlignedRingBuffer transfer_buffer_;
int transfer_buffer_id_;
void* result_buffer_;
uint32 result_shm_offset_;
std::string last_error_;
std::queue<int32> swap_buffers_tokens_;
std::queue<int32> rate_limit_tokens_;
GLState gl_state_;
// pack alignment as last set by glPixelStorei
GLint pack_alignment_;
// unpack alignment as last set by glPixelStorei
GLint unpack_alignment_;
// unpack yflip as last set by glPixelstorei
bool unpack_flip_y_;
scoped_array<TextureUnit> texture_units_;
// 0 to gl_state_.max_combined_texture_image_units.
GLuint active_texture_unit_;
GLuint bound_framebuffer_;
GLuint bound_renderbuffer_;
// The currently bound array buffer.
GLuint bound_array_buffer_id_;
// The currently bound element array buffer.
GLuint bound_element_array_buffer_id_;
// GL names for the buffers used to emulate client side buffers.
GLuint client_side_array_id_;
GLuint client_side_element_array_id_;
// Info for each vertex attribute saved so we can simulate client side
// buffers.
scoped_ptr<ClientSideBufferHelper> client_side_buffer_helper_;
GLuint reserved_ids_[2];
// Current GL error bits.
uint32 error_bits_;
// Whether or not to print debugging info.
bool debug_;
// Whether or not this context is sharing resources.
bool sharing_resources_;
bool bind_generates_resource_;
// Map of GLenum to Strings for glGetString. We need to cache these because
// the pointer passed back to the client has to remain valid for eternity.
typedef std::map<uint32, std::set<std::string> > GLStringMap;
GLStringMap gl_strings_;
// Similar cache for glGetRequestableExtensionsCHROMIUM. We don't
// have an enum for this so handle it separately.
std::set<std::string> requestable_extensions_set_;
typedef std::map<const void*, MappedBuffer> MappedBufferMap;
MappedBufferMap mapped_buffers_;
typedef std::map<const void*, MappedTexture> MappedTextureMap;
MappedTextureMap mapped_textures_;
scoped_ptr<MappedMemoryManager> mapped_memory_;
scoped_ptr<ProgramInfoManager> program_info_manager_;
inline bool GLES2Implementation::GetBufferParameterivHelper(
GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {
return false;
inline bool GLES2Implementation::GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivHelper(
GLenum /* target */,
GLenum /* attachment */,
GLenum /* pname */,
GLint* /* params */) {
return false;
inline bool GLES2Implementation::GetRenderbufferParameterivHelper(
GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {
return false;
inline bool GLES2Implementation::GetShaderivHelper(
GLuint /* shader */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {
return false;
inline bool GLES2Implementation::GetTexParameterfvHelper(
GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLfloat* /* params */) {
return false;
inline bool GLES2Implementation::GetTexParameterivHelper(
GLenum /* target */, GLenum /* pname */, GLint* /* params */) {
return false;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu