blob: 653ae219a3cce40910dadea7cfc0827b803681cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source
// code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE
// file.
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
namespace sql {
class Database;
namespace password_manager {
// Use this class to represent the versioned evolution of a SQLite table
// structure and generate creating and migrating statements for it.
// Usage example:
// SQLTableBuilder builder("logins");
// // First describe a couple of versions:
// builder.AddColumnToPrimaryKey("id", "INTEGER");
// builder.AddColumn("name", "VARCHAR");
// builder.AddColumn("icon", "VARCHAR");
// builder.AddColumn("password", "VARCHAR NOT NULL");
// unsigned version = builder.SealVersion(); // Version 0 is sealed.
// DCHECK_EQ(0u, version);
// builder.RenameColumn("icon", "avatar");
// version = builder.SealVersion(); // Version 1 is sealed.
// DCHECK_EQ(1u, version);
// // Now, assuming that |db| has a table "logins" in a state corresponding
// // version 0, this will migrate it to the latest version:
// sql::Database* db = ...;
// builder.MigrateFrom(0, db);
// // And assuming |db| has no table called "logins", this will create one
// // in a state corresponding the latest sealed version:
// builder.CreateTable(db);
class SQLTableBuilder {
// Create the builder for an arbitrary table name.
explicit SQLTableBuilder(const std::string& table_name);
// Adds a column in the table description, with |name| and |type|. |name|
// must not have been added to the table in this version before.
void AddColumn(std::string name, std::string type);
// As AddColumn but also adds column |name| to the primary key of the table.
void AddColumnToPrimaryKey(std::string name, std::string type);
// As AddColumn but also adds column |name| to the unique key of the table.
void AddColumnToUniqueKey(std::string name, std::string type);
// Renames column |old_name| to |new_name|. |new_name| can not exist already.
// |old_name| must have been added in the past. Furthermore, there must be no
// index in this version referencing |old_name|.
void RenameColumn(const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name);
// Removes column |name|. |name| must have been added in the past.
// Furthermore, there must be no index in this version referencing |name|.
void DropColumn(const std::string& name);
// Adds an index in the table description, with |name| and on columns
// |columns|. |name| must not have been added to the table in this version
// before. Furthermore, |columns| must be non-empty, and every column
// referenced in |columns| must be unique and exist in the current version.
void AddIndex(std::string name, std::vector<std::string> columns);
// Increments the internal version counter and marks the current state of the
// table as that version. Returns the sealed version. Calling any of the
// *Column* and *Index* methods above will result in starting a new version
// which is not considered sealed.
unsigned SealVersion();
// Assuming that the database connected through |db| contains a table called
// |table_name_| in a state described by version |old_version|, migrates it to
// the current version, which must be sealed. Returns true on success.
bool MigrateFrom(unsigned old_version, sql::Database* db) const;
// If |db| connects to a database where table |table_name_| already exists,
// this is a no-op and returns true. Otherwise, |table_name_| is created in a
// state described by the current version known to the builder. The current
// version must be sealed. Returns true on success. At least one call
// to AddColumnToUniqueKey must have been done before this is called the first
// time.
bool CreateTable(sql::Database* db) const;
// Returns the comma-separated list of all column names present in the last
// version. The last version must be sealed.
std::string ListAllColumnNames() const;
// Same as ListAllColumnNames, but for non-unique key names only (i.e. keys
// that are part of neither the PRIMARY KEY nor the UNIQUE constraint), and
// with names followed by " = ?".
std::string ListAllNonuniqueKeyNames() const;
// Same as ListAllNonuniqueKeyNames, but for unique key names without the
// primary key names and separated by " AND ".
std::string ListAllUniqueKeyNames() const;
// Returns a vector of all PRIMARY KEY names that are present in the last
// version. The last version must be sealed.
std::vector<base::StringPiece> AllPrimaryKeyNames() const;
// Returns the number of all columns present in the last version. The last
// version must be sealed.
size_t NumberOfColumns() const;
// Stores the information about one column (name, type, etc.).
struct Column;
// Stores the information about one index (name, columns, etc.).
struct Index;
static unsigned constexpr kInvalidVersion =
// Computes the SQL CREATE TABLE constraints for given |version|.
std::string ComputeConstraints(unsigned version) const;
// Assuming that the database connected through |db| contains a table called
// |table_name_| in a state described by version |old_version|, migrates it to
// version |old_version + 1|. The current version known to the builder must be
// at least |old_version + 1| and sealed. Returns true on success.
bool MigrateToNextFrom(unsigned old_version, sql::Database* db) const;
// Assuming that the database connected through |db| contains a table called
// |table_name_| in a state described by version |old_version|, migrates it
// indices to version |old_version + 1|. The current version known to the
// builder must be at least |old_version + 1| and sealed. Returns true on
// success.
bool MigrateIndicesToNextFrom(unsigned old_version, sql::Database* db) const;
// Looks up column named |name| in |columns_|. If present, returns the last
// one.
std::vector<Column>::reverse_iterator FindLastColumnByName(
const std::string& name);
// Looks up index named |name| in |indices_|. If present, returns the last
// one.
std::vector<Index>::reverse_iterator FindLastIndexByName(
const std::string& name);
// Returns whether the last version is |version| and whether it was sealed
// (by calling SealVersion with no table modifications afterwards).
bool IsVersionLastAndSealed(unsigned version) const;
// Whether |column| is present in the last version. The last version must be
// sealed.
bool IsColumnInLastVersion(const Column& column) const;
// Whether |index| is present in the last version. The last version must be
// sealed.
bool IsIndexInLastVersion(const Index& index) const;
// Last sealed version, kInvalidVersion means "none".
unsigned sealed_version_ = kInvalidVersion;
std::vector<Column> columns_; // Columns of the table, across all versions.
std::vector<Index> indices_; // Indices of the table, across all versions.
// The name of the table.
const std::string table_name_;
} // namespace password_manager