blob: f2c7739a4018429a020355fd6854f75f831b8fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// AudioMirroringManager is a singleton object that maintains a set of active
// audio mirroring destinations and auto-connects/disconnects audio streams
// to/from those destinations.
// How it works:
// 1. AudioRendererHost gets a CreateStream message from the render process
// and, among other things, creates an AudioOutputController to control the
// audio data flow between the render and browser processes. More
// importantly, it registers the AudioOutputController with
// AudioMirroringManager (as a Diverter).
// 2. A user request to mirror all the audio for a WebContents is made. A
// MirroringDestination is created, and StartMirroring() is called to begin
// the mirroring session. The MirroringDestination is queried to determine
// which of all the known Diverters will re-route their audio to it.
// 3a. During a mirroring session, AudioMirroringManager may encounter new
// Diverters, and will query all the MirroringDestinations to determine
// which is a match, if any.
// 3b. During a mirroring session, a call to StartMirroring() can be made to
// request a "refresh" query on a MirroringDestination, and this will
// result in AudioMirroringManager starting/stopping only those Diverters
// that are not correctly routed to the destination.
// 3c. When a mirroring session is stopped, the remaining destinations will be
// queried to determine whether diverting should continue to a different
// destination.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/unguessable_token.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_source_diverter.h"
namespace media {
class AudioOutputStream;
namespace content {
class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioMirroringManager {
// Interface for diverting audio data to an alternative AudioOutputStream.
typedef media::AudioSourceDiverter Diverter;
// Interface to be implemented by audio mirroring destinations. See comments
// for StartMirroring() and StopMirroring() below.
class MirroringDestination {
// Asynchronously query whether this MirroringDestination wants to consume
// audio sourced from each of the |candidates|. |results_callback| is run
// to indicate which of them (or none) should have audio routed to this
// MirroringDestination. The second parameter of |results_callback|
// indicates whether the MirroringDestination wants either: 1) exclusive
// access to a diverted audio flow versus 2) a duplicate copy of the audio
// flow. |results_callback| must be run on the same thread as the one that
// called QueryForMatches().
typedef base::OnceCallback<void(const std::set<GlobalFrameRoutingId>&,
virtual void QueryForMatches(
const std::set<GlobalFrameRoutingId>& candidates,
MatchesCallback results_callback) = 0;
// Create a consumer of audio data in the format specified by |params|, and
// connect it as an input to mirroring. This is used to provide
// MirroringDestination with exclusive access to pull the audio flow from
// the source. When Close() is called on the returned AudioOutputStream, the
// input is disconnected and the object becomes invalid.
virtual media::AudioOutputStream* AddInput(
const media::AudioParameters& params) = 0;
// Create a consumer of audio data in the format specified by |params|, and
// connect it as an input to mirroring. This is used to provide
// MirroringDestination with duplicate audio data, which is pushed from the
// main audio flow. When Close() is called on the returned AudioPushSink,
// the input is disconnected and the object becomes invalid.
virtual media::AudioPushSink* AddPushInput(
const media::AudioParameters& params) = 0;
virtual ~MirroringDestination() {}
// Note: Use GetInstance() for non-test code.
virtual ~AudioMirroringManager();
// Returns the global instance.
static AudioMirroringManager* GetInstance();
// Add/Remove a diverter for an audio stream with a known RenderFrame source
// (represented by |render_process_id| + |render_frame_id|). Multiple
// diverters may be added for the same source frame, but never the same
// diverter. |diverter| must live until after RemoveDiverter() is called.
virtual void AddDiverter(int render_process_id, int render_frame_id,
Diverter* diverter);
virtual void RemoveDiverter(Diverter* diverter);
// (Re-)Start/Stop mirroring to the given |destination|. |destination| must
// live until after StopMirroring() is called. A client may request a
// re-start by calling StartMirroring() again; and this will cause
// AudioMirroringManager to query |destination| and only re-route those
// diverters that are missing/new to the returned set of matches.
virtual void StartMirroring(MirroringDestination* destination);
virtual void StopMirroring(MirroringDestination* destination);
// TODO(crbug/824019): The following are temporary, as a middle-ground step
// necessary to resolve a chicken-and-egg problem as we migrate audio
// mirroring into the new AudioService. See media::AudioManager::AddDiverter()
// comments for further details.
using AddDiverterCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const base::UnguessableToken&,
AddDiverterCallback GetAddDiverterCallback();
using RemoveDiverterCallback =
RemoveDiverterCallback GetRemoveDiverterCallback();
static base::UnguessableToken ToGroupId(int render_process_id,
int render_frame_id);
friend class AudioMirroringManagerTest;
struct StreamRoutingState {
// The source render frame associated with the audio stream.
GlobalFrameRoutingId source_render_frame;
// The diverter for re-routing the audio stream.
Diverter* diverter;
// If not NULL, the audio stream is currently being diverted to this
// destination.
MirroringDestination* destination;
// The destinations to which audio stream is duplicated. AudioPushSink is
// owned by the Diverter, but AudioMirroringManager must guarantee
// StopDuplicating() is called to release them.
std::map<MirroringDestination*, media::AudioPushSink*> duplications;
StreamRoutingState(const GlobalFrameRoutingId& source_frame,
Diverter* stream_diverter);
StreamRoutingState(const StreamRoutingState& other);
typedef std::vector<StreamRoutingState> StreamRoutes;
typedef std::vector<MirroringDestination*> Destinations;
// Helper to find a destination other than |old_destination| for the given
// |candidates| to be diverted to.
void InitiateQueriesToFindNewDestination(
MirroringDestination* old_destination,
const std::set<GlobalFrameRoutingId>& candidates);
// MirroringDestination query callback. |matches| contains all RenderFrame
// sources that will be diverted or duplicated to |destination|.
// If |add_only| is false, then any audio flows currently routed to
// |destination| but not found in |matches| will be stopped.
// If |is_duplicate| is true, the audio data flow will be duplicated to the
// destination instead of diverted.
void UpdateRoutesToDestination(MirroringDestination* destination,
bool add_only,
const std::set<GlobalFrameRoutingId>& matches,
bool is_duplicate);
// |matches| contains all RenderFrame sources that will be diverted to
// |destination|. If |add_only| is false, then any Diverters currently routed
// to |destination| but not found in |matches| will be stopped.
void UpdateRoutesToDivertDestination(
MirroringDestination* destination,
bool add_only,
const std::set<GlobalFrameRoutingId>& matches);
// |matches| contains all RenderFrame sources that will be duplicated to
// |destination|. If |add_only| is false, then any Diverters currently
// duplicating to |destination| but not found in |matches| will be stopped.
void UpdateRoutesToDuplicateDestination(
MirroringDestination* destination,
bool add_only,
const std::set<GlobalFrameRoutingId>& matches);
// Starts diverting audio to the |new_destination|, if not NULL. Otherwise,
// stops diverting audio.
static void RouteDivertedFlow(StreamRoutingState* route,
MirroringDestination* new_destination);
// Routing table. Contains one entry for each Diverter.
StreamRoutes routes_;
// All active mirroring sessions.
Destinations sessions_;
// Allows calls to Add/RemoveDiverter() and Start/StopMirroring() to be made
// from different threads.
base::Lock lock_;
} // namespace content