blob: 9622a32ddf3832d40609eba20e3ee4cd84f856cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/scroll/scrollable_area.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/scroll_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
namespace blink {
class LocalFrameView;
struct PhysicalRect;
struct WebScrollIntoViewParams;
// ScrollableArea for the root frame's viewport. This class ties together the
// concepts of layout and visual viewports, used in pinch-to-zoom. This class
// takes two ScrollableAreas, one for the visual viewport and one for the
// layout viewport, and delegates and composes the ScrollableArea API as needed
// between them. For most scrolling APIs, this class will split the scroll up
// between the two viewports in accord with the pinch-zoom semantics. For other
// APIs that don't make sense on the combined viewport, the call is delegated to
// the layout viewport. Thus, we could say this class is a decorator on the
// LocalFrameView scrollable area that adds pinch-zoom semantics to scrolling.
class CORE_EXPORT RootFrameViewport final
: public GarbageCollected<RootFrameViewport>,
public ScrollableArea {
RootFrameViewport(ScrollableArea& visual_viewport,
ScrollableArea& layout_viewport);
void Trace(blink::Visitor*) override;
void SetLayoutViewport(ScrollableArea&);
ScrollableArea& LayoutViewport() const;
// Convert from the root content document's coordinate space, into the
// coordinate space of the layout viewport's content. In the normal case,
// this will be a no-op since the root LocalFrameView is the layout viewport
// and so the root content is the layout viewport's content but if the page
// sets a custom root scroller via document.rootScroller, another element
// may be the layout viewport.
PhysicalRect RootContentsToLayoutViewportContents(
LocalFrameView& root_frame_view,
const PhysicalRect&) const;
void RestoreToAnchor(const ScrollOffset&);
// Callback whenever the visual viewport changes scroll position or scale.
void DidUpdateVisualViewport();
// ScrollableArea Implementation
bool IsRootFrameViewport() const override { return true; }
void SetScrollOffset(const ScrollOffset&,
ScrollCallback on_finish) override;
PhysicalRect ScrollIntoView(const PhysicalRect&,
const WebScrollIntoViewParams&) override;
IntRect VisibleContentRect(
IncludeScrollbarsInRect = kExcludeScrollbars) const override;
PhysicalRect VisibleScrollSnapportRect(
IncludeScrollbarsInRect = kExcludeScrollbars) const override;
bool ShouldUseIntegerScrollOffset() const override;
bool IsThrottled() const override {
// RootFrameViewport is always in the main frame, so the frame does not get
// throttled.
return false;
bool IsActive() const override;
int ScrollSize(ScrollbarOrientation) const override;
bool IsScrollCornerVisible() const override;
IntRect ScrollCornerRect() const override;
void UpdateScrollOffset(const ScrollOffset&, ScrollType) override;
IntSize ScrollOffsetInt() const override;
ScrollOffset GetScrollOffset() const override;
IntSize MinimumScrollOffsetInt() const override;
IntSize MaximumScrollOffsetInt() const override;
ScrollOffset MaximumScrollOffset() const override;
IntSize ClampScrollOffset(const IntSize&) const override;
ScrollOffset ClampScrollOffset(const ScrollOffset&) const override;
IntSize ContentsSize() const override;
bool ScrollbarsCanBeActive() const override;
bool UserInputScrollable(ScrollbarOrientation) const override;
bool ShouldPlaceVerticalScrollbarOnLeft() const override;
void ScrollControlWasSetNeedsPaintInvalidation() override;
GraphicsLayer* LayerForScrolling() const override;
GraphicsLayer* LayerForHorizontalScrollbar() const override;
GraphicsLayer* LayerForVerticalScrollbar() const override;
GraphicsLayer* LayerForScrollCorner() const override;
int HorizontalScrollbarHeight(
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior =
kIgnorePlatformOverlayScrollbarSize) const override;
int VerticalScrollbarWidth(
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior =
kIgnorePlatformOverlayScrollbarSize) const override;
ScrollResult UserScroll(ScrollGranularity,
const FloatSize&,
ScrollableArea::ScrollCallback on_finish) override;
CompositorElementId GetCompositorElementId() const override;
CompositorElementId GetScrollbarElementId(
ScrollbarOrientation orientation) override;
bool ScrollAnimatorEnabled() const override;
ChromeClient* GetChromeClient() const override;
SmoothScrollSequencer* GetSmoothScrollSequencer() const override;
void ServiceScrollAnimations(double) override;
void UpdateCompositorScrollAnimations() override;
void CancelProgrammaticScrollAnimation() override;
ScrollBehavior ScrollBehaviorStyle() const override;
WebColorScheme UsedColorScheme() const override;
void ClearScrollableArea() override;
LayoutBox* GetLayoutBox() const override;
FloatQuad LocalToVisibleContentQuad(const FloatQuad&,
const LayoutObject*,
unsigned = 0) const final;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetTimerTaskRunner() const final;
ScrollbarTheme& GetPageScrollbarTheme() const override;
const cc::SnapContainerData* GetSnapContainerData() const override;
void SetSnapContainerData(base::Optional<cc::SnapContainerData>) override;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RootFrameViewportTest, DistributeScrollOrder);
enum ViewportToScrollFirst { kVisualViewport, kLayoutViewport };
ScrollOffset ScrollOffsetFromScrollAnimators() const;
void DistributeScrollBetweenViewports(
const ScrollOffset&,
ScrollCallback on_finish = ScrollCallback());
// If either of the layout or visual viewports are scrolled explicitly (i.e.
// not through this class), their updated offset will not be reflected in this
// class' animator so use this method to pull updated values when necessary.
void UpdateScrollAnimator();
ScrollableArea& VisualViewport() const {
return *visual_viewport_;
ScrollOffset ClampToUserScrollableOffset(const ScrollOffset&) const;
Member<ScrollableArea> visual_viewport_;
Member<ScrollableArea> layout_viewport_;
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<RootFrameViewport> {
static bool AllowFrom(const ScrollableArea& scrollable_area) {
return scrollable_area.IsRootFrameViewport();
} // namespace blink