blob: 2f3b8b94d8e86baf7d641ce63e7e9ba517b5ef76 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Helper functions to build intermediate results for testing."""
import json
_BENCHMARK_START_KEYS = set(['startTime'])
def IntermediateResults(test_results, start_time='2015-10-21T07:28:00.000Z',
finalized=True, interrupted=False, diagnostics=None):
"""Build a dict of 'parsed' intermediate results.
test_results: A sequence of testResult dicts.
start_time: An optional UTC timestamp recording when a benchmark started
finalized: An optional bool indicating whether the benchmark run finalized.
Defaults to True.
interrupted: An optional bool indicating whether the benchmark run was
interrupted. Defaults to False.
return {
'benchmarkRun': {
'startTime': start_time,
'finalized': finalized,
'interrupted': interrupted,
'diagnostics': diagnostics or {},
'testResults': list(test_results)
def TestResult(test_path, status='PASS', is_expected=None,
start_time='2015-10-21T07:28:00.000Z', run_duration='1.00s',
output_artifacts=None, tags=None):
"""Build a TestResult dict.
This follows the TestResultEntry spec of LUCI Test Results format.
See: go/luci-test-results-design
test_path: A string with the path that identifies this test. Usually of
the form '{benchmark_name}/{story_name}'.
status: An optional string indicating the status of the test run. Usually
one of 'PASS', 'SKIP', 'FAIL'. Defaults to 'PASS'.
is_expected: An optional bool indicating whether the status result is
expected. Defaults to True for 'PASS', 'SKIP'; and False otherwise.
start_time: An optional UTC timestamp recording when the test run started.
run_duration: An optional duration string recording the amount of time
that the test run lasted.
artifcats: An optional dict mapping artifact names to Artifact dicts.
tags: An optional sequence of tags associated with this test run; each
tag is given as a '{key}:{value}' string. Keys are not unique, the same
key may appear multiple times.
A TestResult dict.
if is_expected is None:
is_expected = status in ('PASS', 'SKIP')
test_result = {
'testPath': test_path,
'status': status,
'isExpected': is_expected,
'startTime': start_time,
'runDuration': run_duration
if output_artifacts is not None:
test_result['outputArtifacts'] = output_artifacts
if tags is not None:
test_result['tags'] = [_SplitTag(tag) for tag in tags]
return test_result
def Artifact(file_path, remote_url=None,
"""Build an Artifact dict.
file_path: A string with the absolute path where the artifact is stored.
remote_url: An optional string with a URL where the artifact has been
uploaded to.
content_type: An optional string with the MIME type of the artifact.
artifact = {'filePath': file_path, 'contentType': content_type}
if remote_url is not None:
artifact['remoteUrl'] = remote_url
return artifact
def SerializeIntermediateResults(in_results, filepath):
"""Serialize intermediate results to a filepath.
in_results: A dict with intermediate results, e.g. as produced by
IntermediateResults or parsed from an intermediate results file.
filpath: A file path where to serialize the intermediate results.
# Split benchmarkRun into fields recorded at startup and when finishing.
benchmark_start = {}
benchmark_finish = {}
for key, value in in_results['benchmarkRun'].items():
d = benchmark_start if key in _BENCHMARK_START_KEYS else benchmark_finish
d[key] = value
# Serialize individual records as a sequence of json lines.
with open(filepath, 'w') as fp:
_SerializeRecord({'benchmarkRun': benchmark_start}, fp)
for test_result in in_results['testResults']:
_SerializeRecord({'testResult': test_result}, fp)
_SerializeRecord({'benchmarkRun': benchmark_finish}, fp)
def _SplitTag(tag):
key, value = tag.split(':', 1)
return {'key': key, 'value': value}
def _SerializeRecord(record, fp):
fp.write(json.dumps(record, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) + '\n')