blob: d0f94bcb13586fc64063ad19b5cd8838641f2568 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Chrome UKM metrics
along with a detailed description for each metric.
See the following doc for details on how to add entries to this file:
Events may be marked with the attribute singular="True" to indicate that
the event will only occur once per source, and multiple entries will just
be describing additional metrics about the same event.
<event name="Autofill.CardUploadDecision">
<metric name="UploadDecision">
Whether the upload was proposed to the user or the reasons why it was not.
The value is a bitmask of |CardUploadDecisionMetric|.
<event name="Autofill.DeveloperEngagement">
Recorded when we parse a form to log whether developer has used autocomplete
markup or UPI-VPA hints. The value is a bitmask of
<metric name="DeveloperEngagement"/>
<event name="Autofill.FieldFillStatus">
Recorded when Chrome validates field type predictions (on submit, on leaving
a form, on receiving a form with autocomplete attributes).
<metric name="FieldSignature">
The signature of the field. This is the hash identifier used to denote
this field for query and voting purposes. See
components/autofill/core/common/ for more details.
<metric name="FormSignature">
The signature of the form. This is the hash identifier used to denote this
form for query and voting purposes. See
components/autofill/core/common/ for more details.
<metric name="IsAutofilled">
The field is currently autofilled.
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<metric name="PredictionSource">
The system which generated the prediction: heuristics, server, overall.
<metric name="ValidationEvent">
The event which triggered the validation: Submission, Left Form, Form has
Autocomplete attributes.
<metric name="WasPreviouslyAutofilled">
The field was autofilled and subsequently edited.
<event name="Autofill.FieldTypeValidation">
Recorded when Chrome validates field type predictions (on submit, on leaving
a form, on receiving a form with autocomplete attributes).
<metric name="ActualType">
The observed type of the field. See: autofill::ServerFieldType
<metric name="FieldSignature">
The signature of the field
<metric name="FormSignature">
The signature of the form.
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<metric name="PredictedType">
The predicted type of the field. See: autofill::ServerFieldType
<metric name="PredictionSource">
The system which generated the prediction: heuristics, server, overall.
<metric name="ValidationEvent">
The event which triggered the validation: Submission, Left Form, Form has
Autocomplete attributes.
<event name="Autofill.FormSubmitted">
Recorded when user submits a form.
<metric name="AutofillFormSubmittedState">
Whether form's fields were all autofilled, some fields were autofilled, or
none of the field were autofilled. See |AutofillFormSubmittedState|.
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<event name="Autofill.InteractedWithForm">
Recorded when we parse a form to log form metadata and autofill settings
that apply to all subsequent events for this form.
<metric name="IsForCreditCard">
True for credit card forms, false for address/profile forms.
<metric name="LocalRecordTypeCount">
Number of local credit cards or local autofill profiles.
<metric name="ServerRecordTypeCount">
Number of masked and full server credit cards or server autofill profiles.
<event name="Autofill.SelectedMaskedServerCard">
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<event name="Autofill.SuggestionFilled">
Recorded when user selects a suggestion and we fill the form with that
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<metric name="RecordType">
Whether the suggestion was from a local card/autofill profile or from a
server card/autofill profile.
<event name="Autofill.SuggestionsShown">
Recorded when a suggestion is shown to user.
<metric name="HeuristicType">
Field's |ServerFieldType| based on heuristics. See
<metric name="HtmlFieldType">
Field's autocomplete field type hint. See |AutofillField.html_type()|.
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<metric name="ServerType">
Field's |ServerFieldType| returned by server. See
<event name="Autofill.TextFieldDidChange">
Recorded when user edits a text field. The text field may have been
<metric name="FieldTypeGroup">
Field's |FieldTypeGroup|. See ||.
<metric name="HeuristicType">
Field's |ServerFieldType| based on heuristics. See
<metric name="HtmlFieldMode">
Whether the field's autocomplete hint specified 'billing' or 'shipping'.
See |AutofillField.html_mode()|.
<metric name="HtmlFieldType">
Field's autocomplete field type hint. See |AutofillField.html_type()|.
<metric name="IsAutofilled">
True if the field was autofilled. See |AutofillField.is_autofilled|.
<metric name="IsEmpty">
True if the field was empty. See |AutofillField.IsEmpty()|.
<metric name="MillisecondsSinceFormParsed">
Time since form parse.
<metric name="ServerType">
Field's |ServerFieldType| returned by server. See
<event name="Compositor.UserInteraction">
Metrics related to user interaction handled by the compositor. This includes
user gestures like scrolling, pinch-zoom and page-scale animations triggered
in response to a double-tap event. The length of the user interaction is
defined as the time the compositor is running an animation resulting from
user input.
<metric name="CheckerboardedContentArea">
The number of visible pixels per frame checkerboarded during this
<metric name="CheckerboardedContentAreaRatio">
The percentage of visible pixels per frame checkerboarded during this
interaction. This value should be between [0, 100].
<metric name="NumMissingTiles">
The number of visible tiles per frame checkerboarded during this
<event name="ContextualSearch">
Metrics related to a Contextual Search Tap event on a page, for use with
Ranker. These metrics are recorded each time the user triggers the
Contextual Search UI via a tap gesture (when enabled).
<metric name="DidOptIn">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the user has Opted-in to the privacy
conditions for Contextual Search or not.
<metric name="DurationAfterScrollMs">
Duration in MS between showing the UI and a subsequent scroll event, or
not recorded if there was no subsequent scroll.
<metric name="IsEntity">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the word tapped appears to be part of
an entity, given simple English language rules that check capitalization
and punctuation.
<metric name="IsLongWord">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the word tapped was considered long (at
least 10 chars in length).
<metric name="IsShortWord">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the word tapped was considered short
(less than 4 characters in length).
<metric name="IsWordEdge">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the tap gesture was on the edge of a
word, rather than in the middle 50% of the word.
<metric name="OutcomeWasCardsDataShown">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether any Contextual Cards data was shown in
the Contextual Search Bar.
<metric name="OutcomeWasPanelOpened">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the user opened the overlay panel. This
is the primary outcome metric.
<metric name="OutcomeWasQuickActionClicked">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the user clicked within the overlay
panel when a Quick-Action was shown. This is a secondary outcome metric.
<metric name="OutcomeWasQuickAnswerSeen">
Emits a 1 or 0 to indicate whether the user could see a Quick-Answer
caption within the overlay panel. This is a tertiary outcome metric.
<metric name="Previous28DayCtrPercent">
The CTR of the overlay panel for this user, aggregated over a previous 28
day period, expressed as an integer between 0-99.
<metric name="Previous28DayImpressionsCount">
The count of views of the overlay panel for this user, aggregated over a
previous 28 day period.
<metric name="PreviousWeekCtrPercent">
The CTR of the overlay panel for this user, aggregated over the previous
week, expressed as an integer between 0-99.
<metric name="PreviousWeekImpressionsCount">
The count of views of the overlay panel for this user, aggregated over the
previous week.
<metric name="ScreenTopDps">
The location of the tap relative to the top of the screen, expressed in
<metric name="TapDuration">
The duration of the tap gesture expressed in milliseconds.
<metric name="WasScreenBottom">
The location of the tap relative to the bottom of the screen, expressed as
an integer with 0 meaning not at the bottom and 1 meaning at the bottom.
<event name="Event.ScrollUpdate.Touch">
Metrics related to a scroll action caused by the generated ScrollUpdate
gesture event.
<metric name="TimeToScrollUpdateSwapBegin">
The time in microseconds between the initial creation of a touch event and
the start of the frame swap on the GPU service. If no swap was induced by
the event, no recording is made. The first GSU of every scrolling sequence
is excluded from this metric.
<event name="Event.ScrollBegin.Touch">
Metrics related to first scroll action caused by the generated ScrollUpdate
gesture event.
<metric name="TimeToScrollUpdateSwapBegin">
The time in microseconds between initial creation of a touch event and the
start of the frame swap on the GPU service caused by the generated
ScrollUpdate gesture event if that ScrollUpdate is the first such event in
a given scroll gesture event sequence. If no swap was induced by the
event, no recording is made.
<event name="Event.ScrollUpdate.Wheel">
Metrics related to a scroll action caused by the generated ScrollUpdate
gesture event.
<metric name="TimeToScrollUpdateSwapBegin">
The time in microseconds between the initial creation of a wheel event and
the start of the frame swap on the GPU service. If no swap was induced by
the event, no recording is made. The first GSU of every scrolling sequence
is excluded from this metric.
<event name="Event.ScrollBegin.Wheel">
Metrics related to first scroll action caused by the generated ScrollUpdate
gesture event.
<metric name="TimeToScrollUpdateSwapBegin">
The time in microseconds between the initial creation of a wheel event and
the start of the frame swap on the GPU service caused by the generated
ScrollUpdate gesture event if that ScrollUpdate is the first such event in
a given scroll gesture event sequence. If no swap was induced by the
event, no recording is made.
<event name="Intervention.DocumentWrite.ScriptBlock" singular="True">
Recorded for page loads where the document.write script block intervention
could apply.
<metric name="Disabled.Reload">
Records '1' if the document.write script block intervention could have
applied, but was disabled due to the page being reloaded.
<metric name="ParseTiming.ParseBlockedOnScriptExecutionFromDocumentWrite">
Measures the time in milliseconds that the HTML parser spent blocked on
the execution of scripts inserted from document.write, for main frame
documents that finished parsing.
<metric name="ParseTiming.ParseBlockedOnScriptLoadFromDocumentWrite">
Measures the time in milliseconds that the HTML parser spent blocked on
the load of scripts inserted from document.write, for main frame documents
that finished parsing.
<event name="LocalNetworkRequests">
Metrics that describe the resource request behavior of pages for which
navigation successfully commits. A separate entry is generated for every
unique IP address or localhost port number to which the loaded page makes a
resource request.
<metric name="Count.Failed">
The count of requests made by the page to the given resource for which a
response is not received or a network error occurs (i.e. |net_error| !=
|net::OK|) between the time navigation to the page commits and the time it
<metric name="Count.Successful">
The count of requests made by the page to the given resource for which a
successful response is received (i.e. |net_error| == |net::OK|) between
the time navigation to the page commits and the time it completes.
<metric name="PortType">
An enum value representing the type of port for requests to localhost. The
enum is defined in |LocalNetworkRequestsPageLoadMetricsObserver|. Possible
values are 1 for common web server ports, 2 for common database server
ports, 4 for common print server ports, 8 for common development server
ports, and 0 for all other ports.
<metric name="ResourceType">
An enum value representing the type of resource requested. The enum is
defined in |LocalNetworkRequestsPageLoadMetricsObserver|. Possible values
are 0 for public resources requested by private pages, 1 for private
resources requested by public pages, 2 for private resources within the
same reserved IP space as the loaded private page, 4 for for private
resources within a different reserved IP space than the loaded private
page, 8 for resources requested by public pages that are suspected to be
routers, and 16 for localhost resources.
<event name="Media.Autoplay.Attempt">
Event recorded when there is an attempt to autoplay (ie. no user gesture).
It will be recorded regardless of the result of this attempt.
<metric name="AudioTrack">
Whether the element had an audio track when autoplay was attempted.
<metric name="Muted">
Whether the element was muted when autoplay was attempted.
<metric name="Source">
Source of the autoplay attempt: 0 for attribute; 1 for play().
<metric name="UserGestureRequired">
Whether a user gesture was required per autoplay rules at the time of
attempt. By definition there is no user gesture on the stack when the
attempt is registered.
<metric name="VideoTrack">
Whether the element had a video track when autoplay was attempted.
<event name="Media.Autoplay.Muted.UnmuteAction">
Event recorded when there is an attempt to unmute an media that was
autoplaying following the rules of autoplay muted.
<metric name="Result">
0 means that the unmute failed because it happened without a user gesture.
1 means that it succeeded because it had a user gesture.
<metric name="Source">
Similar to &quot;Source&quot; in &quot;Media.Autoplay.Attempt&quot; with
the addition of a value for both sources being used: 0 for attribute; 1
for play(); 2 for both attempted.
<event name="Media.Engagement.SessionFinished">
The Media Engagement index stores the number of significant media playbacks
per origin and the number of visits. From that we calculate a Media
Engagement Score.
To tweak the scoring function we are logging the total number of significant
media playbacks, the total number of visits, the calculated engagement score
and the new number of significant media playbacks that occured this visit.
<metric name="Engagement.IsHigh"/>
<metric name="Engagement.Score"/>
<metric name="Playbacks.Delta"/>
<metric name="Playbacks.Total"/>
<metric name="Visits.Total"/>
<event name="Media.WatchTime">
Deprecated 8/2017 in favor Media.BasicPlayback
Watch time is defined as the amount of elapsed media time for audio+video
media aggregated per player instance. A minimum of 7 seconds of unmuted,
foreground media must be watched to start watch time monitoring. Watch time
is checked on a regular basis and reported upon one of the stop events
mentioned below or at player destruction if none occur prior.
Any one of paused, hidden, or muted is sufficient to stop watch time metric
reports. Each of these has a hysteresis where if the state change is undone
within some time, the watch time will be counted as uninterrupted.
Power events (on/off battery power) have a similar hysteresis, but unlike
the aforementioned properties, will not stop metric collection.
Native controls events have a similar behavior than power events.
Each seek event will result in a new watch time metric being started and the
old metric finalized as accurately as possible.
<metric name="Audio.AC"/>
<metric name="Audio.All"/>
<metric name="Audio.Battery"/>
<metric name="Audio.EME"/>
<metric name="Audio.MSE"/>
<metric name="Audio.NativeControlsOff"/>
<metric name="Audio.NativeControlsOn"/>
<metric name="Audio.SRC"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.AC"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.All"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Background.AC"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Background.All"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Background.Battery"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Background.EME"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Background.MSE"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Background.SRC"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.Battery"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.DisplayFullscreen"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.DisplayInline"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.DisplayPictureInPicture"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.EME"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.MSE"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.NativeControlsOff"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.NativeControlsOn"/>
<metric name="AudioVideo.SRC"/>
<event name="Media.BasicPlayback">
Core metrics associated with a media playback. Only recorded if a playback
qualifies for WatchTime recording (see Media.WatchTime metrics). Reported at
the time of WebMediaPlayer destruction or render process termination;
whichever comes first.
<metric name="AudioCodec">
media::AudioCodec enum value. Can be kUnknownAudioCodec even with HasAudio
is true because we don't always know the codec.
<metric name="HasAudio">
Boolean value indicating the presence of audio.
<metric name="HasVideo">
Boolean value indicating the presence of video.
<metric name="IsBackground">
Boolean value indicating if this event is for a background playback.
<metric name="IsEME">
Boolean value indicating if this event is for an EME playback.
<metric name="IsMSE">
Boolean value indicating if this event is for an MSE playback. If false it
means this was a SRC playback.
<metric name="LastPipelineStatus">
media::PipelineStatus enum value. Always 0 if the playback succeeded; all
other values indicate the playback ended in an error.
<metric name="MeanTimeBetweenRebuffers">
Average number of milliseconds between rebuffering events. Only reported
if a rebuffering event occurred. Computed by dividing total watch time by
the number of rebuffering events.
<metric name="RebuffersCount">
Integer count of the number of times playback experienced rebuffering.
<metric name="VideoCodec">
media::VideoCodec enum value. Can be kUnknownVideoCodec even with HasVideo
is true because we don't always know the codec.
<metric name="VideoNaturalHeight">
Integer value indicating the natural height of the playback.
<metric name="VideoNaturalWidth">
Integer value indicating the natural width of the playback.
<metric name="WatchTime">
Watch time in milliseconds for this playback. See Media.WatchTime UMA
<metric name="WatchTime.AC">
Watch time on AC power in milliseconds for this playback. See
Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<metric name="WatchTime.Battery">
Watch time on battery power in milliseconds for this playback. See
Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<metric name="WatchTime.DisplayFullscreen">
Watch time for fullscreen in milliseconds for this playback. See
Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<metric name="WatchTime.DisplayInline">
Watch time for inline display in milliseconds for this playback. See
Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<metric name="WatchTime.DisplayPictureInPicture">
Watch time for picture in picture display in milliseconds for this
playback. See Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<metric name="WatchTime.NativeControlsOff">
Watch time with no controls in milliseconds for this playback. See
Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<metric name="WatchTime.NativeControlsOn">
Watch time with native controls in milliseconds for this playback. See
Media.WatchTime UMA metrics.
<event name="Memory.Experimental">
Metrics associated with memory consumption, in MB.
<metric name="BlinkGC">
Measure of memory consumed by Oilpan.
<metric name="CommandBuffer">
Measure of memory consumed by GL command buffer.
<metric name="IsVisible">
Indicates whether the tab is visible or not at the time of metric
<metric name="Malloc">
Measure of memory allocated by malloc.
<metric name="NumberOfExtensions">
The number of extensions that are served from the associated renderer
<metric name="PartitionAlloc">
Measure of memory allocated by PartitionAlloc.
<metric name="PrivateMemoryFootprint">
Measure of total memory consumed by process.
<metric name="ProcessType">
Type of process (e.g. browser, renderer, GPU --- see
of associated metrics.
<metric name="Resident">
Size of process' working set.
<metric name="TimeSinceLastNavigation">
The time in seconds since the Tab navigated. Only emitted for tabs that
are not sharing a process.
<metric name="TimeSinceLastVisibilityChange">
The time in seconds since the Tab changed visibility. Only emitted for
tabs that are not sharing a process.
<metric name="Total2.PrivateMemoryFootprint">
Measure of total memory consumed by all processes.
<metric name="Uptime">
Process uptime.
<metric name="V8">
Measure of memory consumed by V8.
<event name="OfflinePages.SavePageRequested">
<metric name="RequestedFromForeground">
Metrics that measure which URLs the user is requesting offline page copies
of, and whether they were requested from the foreground or background UI.
The value is 1 if requested from the foreground, 0 from background.
<event name="PageDomainInfo">
Metrics that describe the domain of pages that successfully commit. One
event is generated per page load that commits. Currently associated with
LocalNetworkRequests UKM metric collection.
<metric name="DomainType">
An enum value representing the type of domain of the loaded page. The enum
is defined in |LocalNetworkRequestsPageLoadMetricsObserver|. Possible
values are 0 for unknown (should never be logged), 1 for pages with public
domains, 2 for pages with private domains (IP addresses that are part of a
reserved IP space not including localhost), or 4 for localhost.
<event name="PageLoad" singular="True">
Core metrics associated with web page loads.
<metric name="DocumentTiming.NavigationToDOMContentLoadedEventFired">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the time the DOMContentLoaded event is fired, for main frame
<metric name="DocumentTiming.NavigationToLoadEventFired">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the time the load event is fired, for main frame documents.
<metric name="Experimental.PaintTiming.NavigationToFirstMeaningfulPaint">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the first meaningful paint (, for main
frame documents.
<metric name="Navigation.PageTransition">
The |ui::PageTransition| for the main frame navigation of this page load.
<metric name="Net.DownstreamKbpsEstimate.OnNavigationStart">
The downstream throughput (in kilobits per second) for this page load, at
the time the navigation for this page load was initiated.
<metric name="Net.EffectiveConnectionType.OnNavigationStart">
Deprecated 7/2017 in favor of
The |net::EffectiveConnectionType| at the time the navigation for this
page load was initiated.
<metric name="Net.EffectiveConnectionType2.OnNavigationStart">
The |SystemProfileProto::Network::EffectiveConnectionType| at the time the
navigation for this page load was initiated.
<metric name="Net.ErrorCode.OnFailedProvisionalLoad">
The |net::Error| code for this page load. Only logged for failed
provisional navigations.
<metric name="Net.HttpRttEstimate.OnNavigationStart">
The HTTP round trip time estimate for this page load, at the time the
navigation for this page load was initiated.
<metric name="Net.TransportRttEstimate.OnNavigationStart">
The transport round trip time estimate for this page load, at the time the
navigation for this page load was initiated.
<metric name="PageTiming.ForegroundDuration">
For page loads that start in the foreground, measures the duration of time
in milliseconds until one of the following events occurs: the load of the
main resource fails, the page load is stopped, the tab hosting the page is
closed, the render process hosting the page goes away, a new navigation
which later commits is initiated in the same tab, or the tab hosting the
page is backgrounded. This metric has a very long tail, for pages that
spend a long period of time in the foreground. As such, use of the mean or
tail values are not recommended.
<metric name="PageTiming.NavigationToFailedProvisionalLoad">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the time the provisional load failed. Only measures provisional
loads that failed in the foreground.
<metric name="PaintTiming.NavigationToFirstContentfulPaint">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the time when the page first paints content. A contentful paint
includes a paint of text, image, SVG, or canvas.
<metric name="PaintTiming.NavigationToFirstPaint">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the time the first paint is performed.
<metric name="ParseTiming.NavigationToParseStart">
Measures the time in milliseconds from navigation timing's navigation
start to the time the parser started, for main frame documents.
<event name="PageLoad.FromGoogleSearch" singular="True">
Recorded for page loads that were navigated to via Google Search.
<event name="PageLoad.ServiceWorkerControlled" singular="True">
Recorded for page loads controlled by a service worker.
<event name="PasswordForm">
Metrics about password forms on websites and the user's interactions with
them. A separate event is generated for each password form discovered on a
<metric name="ManagerFill.Action">
Records for each password form (and HTTP auth), whether the password
manager has filled/provided credentials. Recorded values correspond to the
enum ManagerAutofillEvent.
<metric name="Saving.Prompt.Interaction">
Records how the user interacted with a saving prompt. Recorded values
correspond to the enum PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::BubbleDismissalReason.
<metric name="Saving.Prompt.Shown">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether the
user was shown a prompt that asked for permission to save new credentials.
In case a store() via the Credential Management API, a virtual password
form is created, for which this metric is recorded. Recorded values are 0
and 1 for false and true.
<metric name="Saving.Prompt.Trigger">
Records the trigger of each password save bubble that was shown to the
user to ask for permission to save new credentials. Recorded values
correspond to the enum PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::BubbleTrigger.
<metric name="Submission.Observed">
Records whether a submission of a password form has been observered. The
values 0 and 1 correspond to false and true respectively.
<metric name="Submission.SubmissionResult">
Records the outcome of a password form submission. The values are numbered
according to PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::SubmitResult. Note that no
metric is recorded for kSubmitResultNotSubmitted.
<metric name="Submission.SubmittedFormType">
Records the classification of a form at submission time. The values
correspond to PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::SubmittedFormType. Note that no
metric is recorded for kSubmittedFormTypeUnspecified.
<metric name="SuppressedAccount.Generated.HTTPSNotHTTP">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether
there were `suppressed` credentials, meaning stored credentials that were
not filled, that were suppressed because they were stored for an HTTPS
origin while the password form was seen on an HTTP origin. If there were
such credentials, the histogram also records whether the username and
password of such suppressed credentials matched those submitted. This
recording happens only for credentials that were originally auto-generated
(as opposed to user typed). Recorded values correspond to the enum
<metric name="SuppressedAccount.Generated.PSLMatching">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether
there were `suppressed` credentials, meaning stored credentials that were
not filled, that were suppressed because they were for an origin that was
only PSL-matching the origin of the observed form (see the suffix
description for the possible classes of such near-matches). If there were
such credentials, the histogram also records whether the username and
password of such suppressed credentials matched those submitted. This
recording happens only for credentials that were originally auto-generated
(as opposed to user typed). Recorded values correspond to the enum
<metric name="SuppressedAccount.Generated.SameOrganizationName">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether
there were `suppressed` credentials, meaning stored credentials that were
not filled, that were suppressed because they were for an origin that was
only matching the visited origin if the TLD is stripped. If there were
such credentials, the histogram also records whether the username and
password of such suppressed credentials matched those submitted. This
recording happens only for credentials that were originally auto-generated
(as opposed to user typed). Recorded values correspond to the enum
<metric name="SuppressedAccount.Manual.HTTPSNotHTTP">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether
there were `suppressed` credentials, meaning stored credentials that were
not filled, that were suppressed because they were stored for an HTTPS
origin while the password form was seen on an HTTP origin. If there were
such credentials, the histogram also records whether the username and
password of such suppressed credentials matched those submitted. This
recording happens only for credentials that were originally entered by the
user (as opposed to auto-generated). Recorded values correspond to the
enum SuppressedAccountExistence.
<metric name="SuppressedAccount.Manual.PSLMatching">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether
there were `suppressed` credentials, meaning stored credentials that were
not filled, that were suppressed because they were for an origin that was
only PSL-matching the origin of the observed form (see the suffix
description for the possible classes of such near-matches). If there were
such credentials, the histogram also records whether the username and
password of such suppressed credentials matched those submitted. This
recording happens only for credentials that were originally entered by the
user (as opposed to auto-generated). Recorded values correspond to the
enum SuppressedAccountExistence.
<metric name="SuppressedAccount.Manual.SameOrganizationName">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether
there were `suppressed` credentials, meaning stored credentials that were
not filled, that were suppressed because they were for an origin that was
only matching the visited origin if the TLD is stripped. If there were
such credentials, the histogram also records whether the username and
password of such suppressed credentials matched those submitted. This
recording happens only for credentials that were originally entered by the
user (as opposed to auto-generated). Recorded values correspond to the
enum SuppressedAccountExistence.
<metric name="Updating.Prompt.Interaction">
Records how the user interacted with an updating prompt. Recorded values
correspond to the enum PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::BubbleDismissalReason.
<metric name="Updating.Prompt.Shown">
Records, for each password form seen by the password manager, whether the
user was shown a prompt that asked for permission to update existing
credentials. Recorded values are 0 and 1 for false and true.
<metric name="Updating.Prompt.Trigger">
Records the trigger of each password update bubble that was shown to the
user to ask for permission to update existing credentials. Recorded values
correspond to the enum PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::BubbleTrigger.
<metric name="User.Action">
Records what the user does with all UI entry points of the password
manager UI, like bubbles, context menus, forms, form fields, etc. in
relation to a given form. Recorded values correspond to the enum
PasswordFormMetricsRecorder::DetailedUserAction. In contrast to
User.ActionSimplified, this metric is intended to be extended over time.
<metric name="User.ActionSimplified">
Records what the user does with a form. Recorded values correspond to the
enum password_manager::UserAction.
<event name="PageWithPassword">
Metrics about websites that contain password forms and the user's
interactions with them. No events are created for pages that don't contain
password forms.
<metric name="PageLevelUserAction">
Records if the user interacts with the password manager in a way that
cannot (reliably) be attributed to a specific PasswordFormManager. Values
correspond to the enum
<metric name="ProvisionalSaveFailure">
Records a provisional save failure in case the password manager cannot
offer to save a credential. Recorded values correspond to the enum
<metric name="UserModifiedPasswordField">
Records a 1 for every page on which a user has modified a password text
field - regardless of how many password fields a page contains or the user
<event name="PaymentRequest.CheckoutEvents">
<metric name="CompletionStatus">
How the Payment Request ended. Values defined in the CompletionStatus enum
of components/payments/core/journey_logger.h.
<metric name="Events">
Bitfield representing the events that occurred during the Payment Request.
Values defined in the Event enum of
<event name="Plugins.FlashInstance">
Recorded when a Flash object instance is created.
<event name="Previews" singular="True">
Previews related metrics associated with a page load. See
<metric name="client_lofi">
Set to 1 when a user is shown a client lo-fi image in a page load.
<metric name="lite_page">
Set to 1 when a user is shown a lite page in page load.
<metric name="opt_out">
Set to 1 when a user clicks &quot;Show Original&quot; on a preview page
<metric name="server_lofi">
Set to 1 when a user is shown a server lo-fi image in a page load.
<event name="SubresourceFilter" singular="True">
Recorded for page loads where subresource filtering policy was evaluated.
<metric name="ActivationDecision">
Enum that records the policy decision to activate subresource filtering
for a page load. 0 = Unknown, 1 = Activated, 2 = Disabled, 3 = Unsupported
scheme, 4 = URL whitelisted, 5 = Activation conditions not met.
'Activated' indicates that subresource filtering was activated. All other
reasons indicate that subresource filtering was not activated.
<metric name="DryRun">
Records '1' if subresource filtering was activated in dry run mode. In dry
run mode, subresource filtering policy is evaluated against resources
loaded on the page, but subresource filtering is not actually applied.
<event name="Translate">
Metrics related to a Translate event. These metrics are described in
<metric name="AcceptCount"/>
<metric name="Country"/>
<metric name="DeclineCount"/>
<metric name="EventType"/>
<metric name="IgnoreCount"/>
<metric name="RankerResponse"/>
<metric name="RankerVersion"/>
<metric name="SourceLanguage" semantic_type="ST_DEMOGRAPHIC_INFO"/>
<metric name="TargetLanguage" semantic_type="ST_DEMOGRAPHIC_INFO"/>
<event name="CPUUsageMeasurement">
A CPU usage measurement that corresponds to a tick in a CPU usage
time-series The tick interval is set as a FieldTrial parameter, which can be
obtained by cross referencing the UKM entry with the FieldTrial it was
launched with. There is also some metadata stored to determine how faitful
the CPU usage measurement is (e.g. NumberOfCoresidentTabs).
<metric name="CPUUsage">
CPU usage measurement.
<metric name="NumberOfCoresidentTabs">
Number of co-resident tabs in all of the render processes a tab is
associated with when the CPU usage measurement is taken.
<metric name="Tick">
Tick CPU Usage measurement was taken at.
<event name="TabManager.Background.FirstAlertFired">
Collects the duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when a
JavaScript alert is fired. Only recorded when the tab is in the background.
<metric name="IsMainFrame">
Indicates whether the alert is fired from main frame.
<metric name="TimeFromBackgrounded">
Duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when alert is fired.
<event name="TabManager.Background.FirstAudioStarts">
Collects the duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when audio
starts to play. Only recorded when the tab is in the background.
<metric name="IsMainFrame">
Indicates whether the audio stream belongs to the main frame.
<metric name="TimeFromBackgrounded">
Duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when audio starts to
<event name="TabManager.Background.FirstFaviconUpdated">
Collects the duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when the
favicon is updated. Only recorded when the tab is in the background.
<metric name="TimeFromBackgrounded">
Duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when the favicon is
<event name="TabManager.Background.FirstNonPersistentNotificationCreated">
<metric name="IsMainFrame">
Indicates whether the notification creation is from the main frame.
<metric name="TimeFromBackgrounded">
Duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when a non-persistent
notification is created.
<event name="TabManager.Background.FirstTitleUpdated">
Collects the duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when the
title is updated. Only recorded when the tab is in the background.
<metric name="TimeFromBackgrounded">
Duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when the title is
<event name="TabManager.Background.ForegroundedOrClosed">
Collects the duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when it is
brought to foreground or closed.
<metric name="IsForegrounded">
Boolean value indicating whether or not it's triggered because the tab is
brought to foreground again.
<metric name="TimeFromBackgrounded">
Duration in MS from when the tab is backgrounded to when it is brought to
foreground or closed.
Collects the expected queueing duration of tasks and metadata for the
foreground tab during a background tab opening session (the duration of time
from when the browser starts to open background tabs until the time the
browser has finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading
them). The event is not recorded when the session overlaps with session
restore. This event is sampled when there are 2 or more backgrounded loading
or pending tabs. Therefore, aggregated tab counts over multiple events are
<metric name="BackgroundTabLoadingCount">
Number of background tabs that are loading.
<metric name="BackgroundTabOpeningSessionId">
The ID of this background tab opening session.
<metric name="BackgroundTabPendingCount">
Number of background tabs that are pending.
<metric name="ExpectedTaskQueueingDuration">
Duration in MS for expected task queueing duration. The metric reflects
the responsiveness of a tab. A lower value means the tab will respond to
inputs faster. This metric is equal to
RendererScheduler.ExpectedTaskQueueingDuration. It is emitted once for all
tasks in each 1000-ms window.
<metric name="SequenceId">
The ID of this event's sequence in current background tab opening session.
<metric name="SystemTabCount">
Number of all tabs of the system, which includes all browser windows.
<event name="TabManager.Experimental.BackgroundTabOpening.TabSwitchLoadStopped"
Collects data when a tab is switched to from another tab and then finishes
loading in the foreground during a background tab opening session (the
duration of time from when the browser starts to open background tabs until
the time the browser has finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to
stop loading them). The event is only recorded when a tab is switched to
from another tab within the same tabstrip. As a result, the initial
foreground tab is not included in this event since it was not switched to
from another tab. The event is not recorded when the session overlaps with
session restore.
<metric name="BackgroundTabLoadingCount">
Number of background tabs that are loading.
<metric name="BackgroundTabOpeningSessionId">
The ID of this background tab opening session.
<metric name="BackgroundTabPendingCount">
Number of background tabs that are pending.
<metric name="SequenceId">
The ID of this event's sequence in current background tab opening session.
<metric name="SystemTabCount">
Number of all tabs of the system, which includes all browser windows.
<metric name="TabSwitchLoadTime">
Tab switch load time in MS. It is defined as the time between when the
user switches to a backround tab, and the time when that tab finishes
loading in the foreground. If the user switches away before the tab
finishes loading, a metric will not be recorded unless the user switches
back, in which case the tab switch load time is measured from that point
in time.