blob: 29494c8c1242c1e9fbdc53216a1231e4eb1a8214 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
namespace updater {
// Creates a ref-counted singleton instance of the type T. Use this function
// to get instances of classes derived from |updater::App|, only if a
// singleton design is needed.
template <typename T>
scoped_refptr<T> AppSingletonInstance() {
static base::NoDestructor<scoped_refptr<T>> instance{
return *instance;
// An App is an abstract class used as a main processing mode for the updater.
// Prefer creating non-singleton instances of |App| using |base::MakeRefCounted|
// then use |updater::AppSingletonInstance| only when a singleton instance is
// required by the design. Typically, |App| instances are not singletons but
// there are cases where a singleton is needed, such as the Windows RPC
// server app instance.
class App : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<App> {
// Starts the thread pool and task executor, then runs a runloop on the main
// sequence until Shutdown() is called. Returns the exit code for the
// program.
int Run();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<App>;
static constexpr base::StringPiece kThreadPoolName = "Updater";
virtual ~App();
// Called on the main sequence while blocking is allowed and before
// shutting down the thread pool.
virtual void Uninitialize() {}
// Triggers program shutdown. Must be called on the main sequence. The program
// will exit with the specified code.
void Shutdown(int exit_code);
// Allows initialization of the thread pool for specific environments, in
// cases where the thread pool must be started with different init parameters,
// such as MTA for Windows COM servers.
virtual void InitializeThreadPool();
// Implementations of App can override this to perform work on the main
// sequence while blocking is still allowed.
virtual void Initialize() {}
// Concrete implementations of App can execute their first task in this
// method. It is called on the main sequence. Blocking is not allowed. It may
// call Shutdown.
virtual void FirstTaskRun() = 0;
// A callback that quits the main sequence runloop.
base::OnceCallback<void(int)> quit_;
} // namespace updater