blob: c0193ab0138ee4306a242d6cda3b672c306f5db7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/browser/url_loader_factory_manager.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_registry.h"
#include "extensions/browser/process_map.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension.h"
#include "extensions/common/extension_set.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handlers/content_scripts_handler.h"
#include "extensions/common/user_script.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/features.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace extensions {
namespace {
enum class FactoryUser {
bool DoContentScriptsDependOnRelaxedCorb(const Extension& extension) {
// TODO(lukasza): Return false if the
// |extension| doesn't need a special URLLoaderFactory based on
// Extensions.CrossOriginFetchFromContentScript2 Rappor data.
// All modern extension manifests depend on relaxed CORB.
return extension.manifest_version() <= 2;
bool DoExtensionPermissionsCoverCorsOrCorbRelatedOrigins(
const Extension& extension) {
// TODO(lukasza): Return false if the |extension|
// doesn't need a special URLLoaderFactory based on |extension| permissions.
// For now we conservatively assume that all extensions need relaxed CORS/CORB
// treatment.
return true;
bool IsSpecialURLLoaderFactoryRequired(const Extension& extension,
FactoryUser factory_user) {
switch (factory_user) {
case FactoryUser::kContentScript:
return DoContentScriptsDependOnRelaxedCorb(extension) &&
case FactoryUser::kExtensionProcess:
return DoExtensionPermissionsCoverCorsOrCorbRelatedOrigins(extension);
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryPtrInfo CreateURLLoaderFactory(
content::RenderProcessHost* process,
network::mojom::NetworkContext* network_context,
const Extension& extension) {
// Compute relaxed CORB config to be used by |extension|.
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryParamsPtr params =
params->process_id = process->GetID();
// TODO(lukasza): Use more granular CORB enforcement
// based on the specific |extension|'s permissions.
params->is_corb_enabled = false;
// Create the URLLoaderFactory.
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryPtrInfo factory_info;
return factory_info;
void MarkInitiatorsAsRequiringSeparateURLLoaderFactory(
content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
std::vector<url::Origin> request_initiators,
bool push_to_renderer_now) {
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(network::features::kNetworkService)) {
std::move(request_initiators), push_to_renderer_now);
} else {
// TODO(lukasza): In non-NetworkService implementation of CORB, make an
// exception only for specific extensions (e.g. based on process id,
// similarly to how r585124 does it for plugins). Doing so will likely
// interfere with Extensions.CrossOriginFetchFromContentScript2 Rappor
// metric, so this needs to wait until this metric is not needed anymore.
// If |match_about_blank| is true, then traverses parent/opener chain until the
// first non-about-scheme document and returns its url. Otherwise, simply
// returns |document_url|.
// This function approximates ScriptContext::GetEffectiveDocumentURL from the
// renderer side. Unlike the renderer version of this code (in
// ScriptContext::GetEffectiveDocumentURL) the code below doesn't consider
// whether security origin of |frame| can access |next_candidate|. This is
// okay, because our only caller (DoesContentScriptMatchNavigatingFrame) expects
// false positives.
GURL GetEffectiveDocumentURL(content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const GURL& document_url,
bool match_about_blank) {
base::flat_set<content::RenderFrameHost*> already_visited_frames;
// Common scenario. If |match_about_blank| is false (as is the case in most
// extensions), or if the frame is not an about:-page, just return
// |document_url| (supposedly the URL of the frame).
if (!match_about_blank || !document_url.SchemeIs(url::kAboutScheme))
return document_url;
// Non-sandboxed about:blank and about:srcdoc pages inherit their security
// origin from their parent frame/window. So, traverse the frame/window
// hierarchy to find the closest non-about:-page and return its URL.
content::RenderFrameHost* found_frame = frame;
do {
// The loop should only execute (and consider the parent chain) if the
// currently considered frame has about: scheme.
((found_frame == frame) && document_url.SchemeIs(url::kAboutScheme)) ||
// Attempt to find |next_candidate| - either a parent of opener of
// |found_frame|.
content::RenderFrameHost* next_candidate = found_frame->GetParent();
if (!next_candidate) {
next_candidate =
if (!next_candidate ||
base::ContainsKey(already_visited_frames, next_candidate)) {
found_frame = next_candidate;
} while (found_frame->GetLastCommittedURL().SchemeIs(url::kAboutScheme));
if (found_frame == frame)
return document_url; // Not committed yet at ReadyToCommitNavigation time.
return found_frame->GetLastCommittedURL();
// If |user_script| will inject JavaScript content script into the target of
// |navigation|, then DoesContentScriptMatchNavigatingFrame returns true.
// Otherwise it may return either true or false. Note that this function
// ignores CSS content scripts.
// This function approximates a subset of checks from
// UserScriptSet::GetInjectionForScript (which runs in the renderer process).
// Unlike the renderer version, the code below doesn't consider ability to
// create an injection host or the results of ScriptInjector::CanExecuteOnFrame.
// Additionally the |effective_url| calculations are also only an approximation.
// This is okay, because we may return either true even if no content scripts
// would be injected (i.e. it is okay to create a special URLLoaderFactory when
// in reality the content script won't be injected and won't need the factory).
bool DoesContentScriptMatchNavigatingFrame(
const UserScript& user_script,
content::RenderFrameHost* navigating_frame,
const GURL& navigation_target) {
// A special URLLoaderFactory is only needed for Javascript content scripts
// (and is never needed for CSS-only injections).
if (user_script.js_scripts().empty())
return false;
GURL effective_url = GetEffectiveDocumentURL(
navigating_frame, navigation_target, user_script.match_about_blank());
bool is_subframe = navigating_frame->GetParent();
return user_script.MatchesDocument(effective_url, is_subframe);
} // namespace
// static
bool URLLoaderFactoryManager::DoContentScriptsMatchNavigatingFrame(
const Extension& extension,
content::RenderFrameHost* navigating_frame,
const GURL& navigation_target) {
const UserScriptList& list =
return std::any_of(list.begin(), list.end(),
[navigating_frame, navigation_target](
const std::unique_ptr<UserScript>& script) {
return DoesContentScriptMatchNavigatingFrame(
*script, navigating_frame, navigation_target);
// static
void URLLoaderFactoryManager::ReadyToCommitNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation) {
content::RenderFrameHost* frame = navigation->GetRenderFrameHost();
const GURL& url = navigation->GetURL();
std::vector<url::Origin> initiators_requiring_separate_factory;
const ExtensionRegistry* registry =
DCHECK(registry); // ReadyToCommitNavigation shouldn't run during shutdown.
for (const auto& it : registry->enabled_extensions()) {
const Extension& extension = *it;
if (!DoContentScriptsMatchNavigatingFrame(extension, frame, url))
if (!IsSpecialURLLoaderFactoryRequired(extension,
if (!initiators_requiring_separate_factory.empty()) {
// At ReadyToCommitNavigation time there is no need to trigger an explicit
// push of URLLoaderFactoryBundle to the renderer - it is sufficient if the
// factories are pushed during the commit.
constexpr bool kPushToRendererNow = false;
frame, std::move(initiators_requiring_separate_factory),
// static
void URLLoaderFactoryManager::WillExecuteCode(content::RenderFrameHost* frame,
const HostID& host_id) {
if (host_id.type() != HostID::EXTENSIONS)
const ExtensionRegistry* registry =
DCHECK(registry); // WillExecuteCode shouldn't happen during shutdown.
const Extension* extension =
DCHECK(extension); // Guaranteed by the caller - see the doc comment.
if (!IsSpecialURLLoaderFactoryRequired(*extension,
// When WillExecuteCode runs, the frame already received the initial
// URLLoaderFactoryBundle - therefore we need to request a separate push
// below. This doesn't race with the ExtensionMsg_ExecuteCode message,
// because the URLLoaderFactoryBundle is sent to the renderer over
// content.mojom.FrameNavigationControl interface which is associated with the
// legacy IPC pipe (raciness will be introduced if that ever changes).
constexpr bool kPushToRendererNow = true;
frame, {url::Origin::Create(extension->url())}, kPushToRendererNow);
// static
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryPtrInfo URLLoaderFactoryManager::CreateFactory(
content::RenderProcessHost* process,
network::mojom::NetworkContext* network_context,
const url::Origin& initiator_origin) {
content::BrowserContext* browser_context = process->GetBrowserContext();
const ExtensionRegistry* registry = ExtensionRegistry::Get(browser_context);
DCHECK(registry); // CreateFactory shouldn't happen during shutdown.
// Opaque origins normally don't inherit security properties of their
// precursor origins, but here opaque origins (e.g. think data: URIs) created
// by an extension should inherit CORS/CORB treatment of the extension.
url::SchemeHostPort precursor_origin =
// Don't create a factory for something that is not an extension.
if (precursor_origin.scheme() != kExtensionScheme)
return network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryPtrInfo();
// Find the |extension| associated with |initiator_origin|.
const Extension* extension =
if (!extension) {
// This may happen if an extension gets disabled between the time
// RenderFrameHost::MarkInitiatorAsRequiringSeparateURLLoaderFactory is
// called and the time
// ContentBrowserClient::CreateURLLoaderFactory is called.
return network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryPtrInfo();
// Figure out if the factory is needed for content scripts VS extension
// renderer.
FactoryUser factory_user = FactoryUser::kContentScript;
ProcessMap* process_map = ProcessMap::Get(browser_context);
if (process_map->Contains(extension->id(), process->GetID()))
factory_user = FactoryUser::kExtensionProcess;
// Create the factory (but only if really needed).
if (!IsSpecialURLLoaderFactoryRequired(*extension, factory_user))
return network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryPtrInfo();
return CreateURLLoaderFactory(process, network_context, *extension);
} // namespace extensions