blob: 4443d7a9bcd82e746c0d0c2ec2f1c092df214f6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/icc_profile.h"
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/mru_cache.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorSpaceXform.h"
#include "third_party/skia/third_party/skcms/skcms.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_color_space_util.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
static const size_t kMaxCachedICCProfiles = 16;
// An MRU cache mapping ColorSpace objects to the ICCProfile that created them.
// This cache is necessary only on macOS, for power consumption reasons. In
// particular:
// * IOSurfaces specify their output color space by raw ICC profile data.
// * If the IOSurface ICC profile does not exactly match the output monitor's
// ICC profile, there is a substantial power cost.
// * This structure allows us to retrieve the exact ICC profile data that
// produced a given ColorSpace.
using SpaceToProfileCacheBase = base::MRUCache<ColorSpace, ICCProfile>;
class SpaceToProfileCache : public SpaceToProfileCacheBase {
SpaceToProfileCache() : SpaceToProfileCacheBase(kMaxCachedICCProfiles) {}
base::LazyInstance<SpaceToProfileCache>::Leaky g_space_to_profile_cache_mac =
// An MRU cache mapping data to ICCProfile objects, to avoid re-parsing
// profiles every time they are read.
using DataToProfileCacheBase = base::MRUCache<std::vector<char>, ICCProfile>;
class DataToProfileCache : public DataToProfileCacheBase {
DataToProfileCache() : DataToProfileCacheBase(kMaxCachedICCProfiles) {}
base::LazyInstance<DataToProfileCache>::Leaky g_data_to_profile_cache =
// An MRU cache mapping IDs to ICCProfile objects. This is necessary for
// constructing LUT-based color transforms. In particular, it is used to look
// up the SkColorSpace for ColorSpace objects that are not parametric, so that
// that SkColorSpace may be used to construct the LUT.
using IdToProfileCacheBase = base::MRUCache<uint64_t, ICCProfile>;
class IdToProfileCache : public IdToProfileCacheBase {
IdToProfileCache() : IdToProfileCacheBase(kMaxCachedICCProfiles) {}
base::LazyInstance<IdToProfileCache>::Leaky g_id_to_profile_cache =
// The next id to assign to a color profile.
uint64_t g_next_unused_id = 1;
// Lock that must be held to access |g_space_to_profile_cache_mac| and
// |g_next_unused_id|.
base::LazyInstance<base::Lock>::Leaky g_icc_profile_lock =
} // namespace
ICCProfile::Internals::AnalyzeResult ICCProfile::Internals::Initialize() {
// Start out with no parametric data.
if (data_.empty())
return kICCNoProfile;
// Parse the profile.
skcms_ICCProfile profile;
if (!skcms_Parse(, data_.size(), &profile)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse ICC profile.";
return kICCFailedToParse;
// Coerce it into a rasterization destination (if possible). If the profile
// can't be approximated accurately, skcms will not allow transforming to it,
// and this will fail.
if (!skcms_MakeUsableAsDestinationWithSingleCurve(&profile)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Parsed ICC profile but can't make usable as destination.";
return kICCFailedToMakeUsable;
// Create an SkColorSpace from the profile. This should always succeed after
// calling MakeUsableAsDestinationWithSingleCurve.
sk_color_space_ = SkColorSpace::Make(profile);
// Extract the primary matrix and transfer function
memcpy(&transfer_fn_, &profile.trc[0].parametric, sizeof(transfer_fn_));
// We assume that if we accurately approximated the profile, then the
// single-curve version (which may have higher error) is also okay. If we
// want to maintain the distinction between accurate and inaccurate profiles,
// we could check to see if the single-curve version is/ approximately equal
// to the original (or to the multi-channel approximation).
return kICCExtractedMatrixAndTrFn;
ICCProfile::ICCProfile() = default;
ICCProfile::ICCProfile(ICCProfile&& other) = default;
ICCProfile::ICCProfile(const ICCProfile& other) = default;
ICCProfile& ICCProfile::operator=(ICCProfile&& other) = default;
ICCProfile& ICCProfile::operator=(const ICCProfile& other) = default;
ICCProfile::~ICCProfile() = default;
bool ICCProfile::operator==(const ICCProfile& other) const {
if (!internals_ && !other.internals_)
return true;
if (internals_ && other.internals_) {
return internals_->data_ == other.internals_->data_ &&
internals_->id_ == other.internals_->id_;
return false;
bool ICCProfile::operator!=(const ICCProfile& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool ICCProfile::IsValid() const {
return internals_ ? internals_->is_valid_ : false;
std::vector<char> ICCProfile::GetData() const {
return internals_ ? internals_->data_ : std::vector<char>();
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromData(const void* data, size_t size) {
return FromDataWithId(data, size, 0);
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromDataWithId(const void* data_as_void,
size_t size,
uint64_t new_profile_id) {
const char* data_as_byte = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data_as_void);
std::vector<char> data(data_as_byte, data_as_byte + size);
base::AutoLock lock(g_icc_profile_lock.Get());
// See if there is already an entry with the same data. If so, return that
// entry. If not, parse the data.
ICCProfile icc_profile;
auto found_by_data = g_data_to_profile_cache.Get().Get(data);
if (found_by_data != g_data_to_profile_cache.Get().end()) {
icc_profile = found_by_data->second;
} else {
icc_profile.internals_ =
base::MakeRefCounted<Internals>(std::move(data), new_profile_id);
// Insert the profile into all caches.
ColorSpace color_space = icc_profile.GetColorSpace();
if (color_space.IsValid())
g_space_to_profile_cache_mac.Get().Put(color_space, icc_profile);
if (icc_profile.internals_->id_)
g_id_to_profile_cache.Get().Put(icc_profile.internals_->id_, icc_profile);
g_data_to_profile_cache.Get().Put(icc_profile.internals_->data_, icc_profile);
return icc_profile;
ColorSpace ICCProfile::GetColorSpace() const {
if (!internals_)
return ColorSpace();
if (!internals_->is_valid_)
return ColorSpace();
// TODO(ccameron): Compute a reasonable approximation instead of always
// falling back to sRGB.
ColorSpace color_space =
? ColorSpace::CreateSRGB()
: ColorSpace::CreateCustom(internals_->to_XYZD50_,
color_space.icc_profile_id_ = internals_->id_;
return color_space;
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromParametricColorSpace(const ColorSpace& color_space) {
if (!color_space.IsValid()) {
return ICCProfile();
if (color_space.matrix_ != ColorSpace::MatrixID::RGB) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Not creating non-RGB ICCProfile";
return ICCProfile();
if (color_space.range_ != ColorSpace::RangeID::FULL) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Not creating non-full-range ICCProfile";
return ICCProfile();
if (color_space.icc_profile_id_) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Not creating non-parametric ICCProfile";
return ICCProfile();
SkMatrix44 to_XYZD50_matrix;
SkColorSpaceTransferFn fn;
if (!color_space.GetTransferFunction(&fn)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get ColorSpace transfer function for ICCProfile.";
return ICCProfile();
sk_sp<SkData> data = SkICC::WriteToICC(fn, to_XYZD50_matrix);
if (!data) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create SkICC.";
return ICCProfile();
return FromDataWithId(data->data(), data->size(), 0);
// static
ICCProfile ICCProfile::FromCacheMac(const ColorSpace& color_space) {
base::AutoLock lock(g_icc_profile_lock.Get());
auto found_by_space = g_space_to_profile_cache_mac.Get().Get(color_space);
if (found_by_space != g_space_to_profile_cache_mac.Get().end())
return found_by_space->second;
if (color_space.icc_profile_id_) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find id-based ColorSpace in ICCProfile cache";
return ICCProfile();
// static
sk_sp<SkColorSpace> ICCProfile::GetSkColorSpaceFromId(uint64_t id) {
base::AutoLock lock(g_icc_profile_lock.Get());
auto found = g_id_to_profile_cache.Get().Get(id);
if (found == g_id_to_profile_cache.Get().end()) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to find ICC profile with SkColorSpace from id.";
return nullptr;
return found->second.internals_->sk_color_space_;
ICCProfile::Internals::Internals(std::vector<char> data, uint64_t id)
: data_(std::move(data)), id_(id) {
// Early out for empty entries.
if (data_.empty())
// Parse the ICC profile
analyze_result_ = Initialize();
switch (analyze_result_) {
case kICCExtractedMatrixAndTrFn:
// Successfully and accurately extracted color space.
is_valid_ = true;
is_parametric_ = true;
case kICCFailedToParse:
case kICCNoProfile:
case kICCFailedToMakeUsable:
// Can't even use this color space as a LUT.
is_valid_ = false;
is_parametric_ = false;
if (id_) {
// If |id_| has been set here, then it was specified via sending an
// ICCProfile over IPC. Ensure that the computation of |is_valid_| and
// |is_parametric_| match the analysis done in the sending process.
DCHECK(is_valid_ && !is_parametric_);
} else {
// If this profile is not parametric, assign it an id so that we can look it
// up from a ColorSpace. This path should only be hit in the browser
// process.
if (is_valid_ && !is_parametric_) {
id_ = g_next_unused_id++;
ICCProfile::Internals::~Internals() {}
void ICCProfile::HistogramDisplay(int64_t display_id) const {
if (!internals_) {
// If this is an uninitialized profile, histogram it using an empty profile,
// so that we only histogram this display as empty once.
FromData(nullptr, 0).HistogramDisplay(display_id);
} else {
void ICCProfile::Internals::HistogramDisplay(int64_t display_id) {
// Ensure that we histogram this profile only once per display id.
if (histogrammed_display_ids_.count(display_id))
} // namespace gfx