blob: a4772470fbb71ea1b75ed3766b6ffca6e4d61bac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.StrictMode;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
import org.chromium.base.ActivityState;
import org.chromium.base.ApplicationStatus;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.PackageUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ScreenOrientationDelegate;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.ScreenOrientationDelegateManager;
import org.chromium.ui.UiUtils;
import org.chromium.ui.display.DisplayAndroidManager;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Manages interactions with the VR Shell.
public class VrShellDelegate
implements ApplicationStatus.ActivityStateListener, View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener,
ScreenOrientationDelegate {
private static final String TAG = "VrShellDelegate";
private static final boolean DEBUG_LOGS = false;
// Pseudo-random number to avoid request id collisions. Result codes must fit in lower 16 bits
// when used with startActivityForResult...
public static final int EXIT_VR_RESULT = 7212;
public static final int VR_SERVICES_UPDATE_RESULT = 7213;
private static final int ENTER_VR_NOT_NECESSARY = 0;
private static final int ENTER_VR_CANCELLED = 1;
private static final int ENTER_VR_REQUESTED = 2;
private static final int ENTER_VR_SUCCEEDED = 3;
private @interface EnterVRResult {}
// Linter and formatter disagree on how the line below should be formatted.
/* package */
static final String VR_ENTRY_RESULT_ACTION =
private static final String VR_INTENT_DISPATCHER_COMPONENT =
private static final long REENTER_VR_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000;
private static final int EXPECT_DON_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000;
private static final String VR_CORE_MARKET_URI =
"market://details?id=" + VrCoreVersionChecker.VR_CORE_PACKAGE_ID;
// This value is intentionally probably overkill. This is the time we need to wait from when
// Chrome is resumed, to when Chrome actually renders a black frame, so that we can cancel the
// stay_hidden animation and not see a white monoscopic frame in-headset. 150ms is definitely
// too short, 250ms is sometimes too short for debug builds. 500ms should hopefully be safe even
// under fairly exceptional conditions, and won't delay entering VR a noticeable amount given
// how slow it already is.
private static final int WINDOW_FADE_ANIMATION_DURATION_MS = 500;
private static VrShellDelegate sInstance;
private static VrBroadcastReceiver sVrBroadcastReceiver;
private static boolean sRegisteredDaydreamHook;
private static boolean sAddedBlackOverlayView;
private static boolean sRegisteredVrAssetsComponent;
private static Boolean sIconComponentEnabled;
private ChromeActivity mActivity;
private @VrSupportLevel int mVrSupportLevel;
private int mCachedVrCorePackageVersion;
// How often to prompt the user to enter VR feedback.
private int mFeedbackFrequency;
private final VrClassesWrapper mVrClassesWrapper;
private VrShell mVrShell;
private VrDaydreamApi mVrDaydreamApi;
private Boolean mIsDaydreamCurrentViewer;
private VrCoreVersionChecker mVrCoreVersionChecker;
private boolean mProbablyInDon;
private boolean mInVr;
private final Handler mExpectPauseOrDonSucceeded;
private boolean mNeedsAnimationCancel;
private boolean mCancellingEntryAnimation;
// Whether or not the VR Device ON flow succeeded. If this is true it means the user has a VR
// headset on, but we haven't switched into VR mode yet.
// See further documentation here:
private boolean mDonSucceeded;
// Best effort whether or not the system was in VR when Chrome launched.
private Boolean mInVrAtChromeLaunch;
private boolean mShowingDaydreamDoff;
private boolean mDoffOptional;
// Listener to be called once we exited VR due to to an unsupported mode, e.g. the user clicked
// the URL bar security icon.
private OnExitVrRequestListener mOnExitVrRequestListener;
private boolean mExitedDueToUnsupportedMode;
private boolean mExitingCct;
private boolean mPaused;
private boolean mStopped;
private boolean mVisible;
private int mRestoreSystemUiVisibilityFlag = -1;
private Integer mRestoreOrientation = null;
private long mNativeVrShellDelegate;
private boolean mRequestedWebVr;
private boolean mRequestedWebVrBeforePause;
private boolean mListeningForWebVrActivate;
private boolean mListeningForWebVrActivateBeforePause;
// Whether or not we should autopresent WebVr. If this is set, it means that a first
// party app has asked us to autopresent WebVr content and we're waiting for the WebVr
// content to call requestPresent.
private boolean mAutopresentWebVr;
// If set to true, we attempt to enter VR mode when the activity is resumed.
private boolean mEnterVrOnStartup;
// Set to true if performed VR browsing at least once. That is, this was not simply a WebVr
// presentation experience.
private boolean mVrBrowserUsed;
private int mExpectedDensityChange;
// Gets run when the user exits VR mode by clicking the 'x' button or system UI back button.
private Runnable mCloseButtonListener;
private static final List<VrModeObserver> sVrModeObservers = new ArrayList<>();
* Used to observe changes to whether Chrome is currently being viewed in VR.
public static interface VrModeObserver {
* Called when Chrome enters VR rendering mode.
void onEnterVr();
* Called when Chrome exits VR rendering mode.
void onExitVr();
private static final class VrBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private final WeakReference<ChromeActivity> mTargetActivity;
public VrBroadcastReceiver(ChromeActivity activity) {
mTargetActivity = new WeakReference<ChromeActivity>(activity);
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
ChromeActivity activity = mTargetActivity.get();
if (activity == null) return;
assert sInstance != null;
if (sInstance == null) return;
sInstance.mDonSucceeded = true;
sInstance.mProbablyInDon = false;
sInstance.mVrClassesWrapper.setVrModeEnabled(sInstance.mActivity, true);
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "VrBroadcastReceiver onReceive");
if (sInstance.mPaused) {
// Note that even though we are definitely entering VR here, we don't want to set
// the window mode yet, as setting the window mode while we're in the background can
// racily lead to that window mode change essentially being ignored, with future
// attempts to set the same window mode also being ignored.
if (sInstance.mInVrAtChromeLaunch == null) sInstance.mInVrAtChromeLaunch = false;
// We add a black overlay view so that we can show black while the VR UI is loading.
// Note that this alone isn't sufficient to prevent 2D UI from showing while
// resuming the Activity, see the comment about the custom animation below.
// However, if we're already in VR (in one of the cases where we chose not to exit
// VR before the DON flow), we don't need to add the overlay.
if (!sInstance.mInVr) addBlackOverlayViewForActivity(sInstance.mActivity);
// We start the Activity with a custom animation that keeps it hidden while starting
// up to avoid Android showing stale 2D screenshots when the user is in their VR
// headset. The animation lasts up to 10 seconds, but is cancelled when we're
// resumed as at that time we'll be showing the black overlay added above.
int animation = sInstance.mInVr ? 0 : R.anim.stay_hidden;
sInstance.mNeedsAnimationCancel = animation != 0;
Bundle options =
ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation(activity, animation, 0).toBundle();
((ActivityManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE))
.moveTaskToFront(activity.getTaskId(), 0, options);
} else {
if (sInstance.mInVrAtChromeLaunch == null) sInstance.mInVrAtChromeLaunch = true;
// If a WebVR app calls requestPresent in response to the displayactivate event
// after the DON flow completes, the DON flow is skipped, meaning our app won't be
// paused when daydream fires our BroadcastReceiver, so onResume won't be called.
* Unregisters this {@link BroadcastReceiver} from the activity it's registered to.
public void unregister() {
ChromeActivity activity = mTargetActivity.get();
if (activity == null) return;
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Ignore this. This means our receiver was already unregistered somehow.
WeakReference<ChromeActivity> targetActivity() {
return mTargetActivity;
* Registers the given {@link VrModeObserver}.
* @param observer The VrModeObserver to register.
public static void registerVrModeObserver(VrModeObserver observer) {
* Unregisters the given {@link VrModeObserver}.
* @param observer The VrModeObserver to remove.
public static void unregisterVrModeObserver(VrModeObserver observer) {
* See {@link Activity#onActivityResult}.
public static boolean onActivityResultWithNative(int requestCode, int resultCode) {
// Handles the result of the exit VR flow (DOFF).
if (requestCode == EXIT_VR_RESULT) {
if (sInstance != null) sInstance.onExitVrResult(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK);
return true;
// Handles the result of requesting to update VR services.
if (requestCode == VR_SERVICES_UPDATE_RESULT) {
if (sInstance != null) sInstance.onVrServicesMaybeUpdated();
return true;
return false;
* Called when the native library is first available.
public static void onNativeLibraryAvailable() {
// Check if VR classes are available before trying to use them. Note that the native
// is compiled out of unsupported platforms (like x86).
VrClassesWrapper wrapper = getVrClassesWrapper();
if (wrapper == null) return;
protected static boolean isDisplayingUrl() {
if (sInstance == null) return false;
return sInstance.mVrShell.isDisplayingUrlForTesting();
* Whether or not we are currently in VR.
public static boolean isInVr() {
if (sInstance == null) return false;
return sInstance.mInVr;
* See {@link ChromeActivity#handleBackPressed}
* Only handles the back press while in VR.
public static boolean onBackPressed() {
if (sInstance == null) return false;
return sInstance.onBackPressedInternal();
* Enters VR on the current tab if possible.
* @return Whether VR entry succeeded (or is in progress).
public static boolean enterVrIfNecessary() {
boolean created_delegate = sInstance == null;
VrShellDelegate instance = getInstance();
if (instance == null) return false;
int result = instance.enterVrInternal();
if (result == ENTER_VR_CANCELLED && created_delegate) instance.destroy();
return result != ENTER_VR_CANCELLED;
* Returns the current {@VrSupportLevel}.
public static int getVrSupportLevel(VrDaydreamApi daydreamApi,
VrCoreVersionChecker versionChecker, Tab tabToShowInfobarIn) {
// TODO(mthiesse, Re-enable VR mode for devices that boot to VR once we
// support those devices.
if (versionChecker == null || daydreamApi == null || daydreamApi.bootsToVr()
|| !isVrCoreCompatible(versionChecker, tabToShowInfobarIn)) {
return VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
if (daydreamApi.isDaydreamReadyDevice()) return VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM;
return VrSupportLevel.VR_CARDBOARD;
* If VR Shell is enabled, and the activity is supported, register with the Daydream
* platform that this app would like to be launched in VR when the device enters VR.
public static void maybeRegisterVrEntryHook(final ChromeActivity activity) {
// Daydream is not supported on pre-N devices.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) return;
if (sInstance != null) return; // Will be handled in onResume.
if (!activitySupportsVrBrowsing(activity) && sRegisteredVrAssetsComponent) return;
// Reading VR support level and version can be slow, so do it asynchronously.
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, VrDaydreamApi>() {
protected VrDaydreamApi doInBackground(Void... params) {
VrClassesWrapper wrapper = getVrClassesWrapper();
if (wrapper == null) return null;
VrDaydreamApi api = wrapper.createVrDaydreamApi(activity);
if (api == null) return null;
int vrSupportLevel =
getVrSupportLevel(api, wrapper.createVrCoreVersionChecker(), null);
if (!isVrShellEnabled(vrSupportLevel)) return null;
return api;
protected void onPostExecute(VrDaydreamApi api) {
// Registering the daydream intent has to be done on the UI thread. Note that this
// call is slow (~10ms at time of writing).
if (api == null) return;
if (!sRegisteredVrAssetsComponent) {
if (ApplicationStatus.getStateForActivity(activity) == ActivityState.RESUMED
&& activitySupportsVrBrowsing(activity)) {
registerDaydreamIntent(api, activity);
* When the app is pausing we need to unregister with the Daydream platform to prevent this app
* from being launched from the background when the device enters VR.
public static void maybeUnregisterVrEntryHook(ChromeActivity activity) {
// Daydream is not supported on pre-N devices.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) return;
if (sInstance != null) return; // Will be handled in onPause.
if (!sRegisteredDaydreamHook) return;
VrClassesWrapper wrapper = getVrClassesWrapper();
if (wrapper == null) return;
VrDaydreamApi api = wrapper.createVrDaydreamApi(activity);
if (api == null) return;
public static void onMultiWindowModeChanged(boolean isInMultiWindowMode) {
if (isInMultiWindowMode && isInVr()) {
sInstance.shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, true /* stayingInChrome */);
public static void showDoffAndExitVr(boolean optional) {
assert sInstance != null;
public static void requestToExitVr(
OnExitVrRequestListener listener, @UiUnsupportedMode int reason) {
assert listener != null;
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance.requestToExitVrInternal(listener, reason);
* Called when the {@link ChromeActivity} becomes visible.
public static void onActivityShown(ChromeActivity activity) {
if (sInstance != null && sInstance.mActivity == activity) sInstance.onActivityShown();
* Called when the {@link ChromeActivity} is hidden.
public static void onActivityHidden(ChromeActivity activity) {
if (sInstance != null && sInstance.mActivity == activity) sInstance.onActivityHidden();
* @return Whether VrShellDelegate handled the density change. If the density change is
* unhandled, the Activity should be recreated in order to handle the change.
public static boolean onDensityChanged(int oldDpi, int newDpi) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onDensityChanged [%d]->[%d] ", oldDpi, newDpi);
if (sInstance == null) return false;
// If density changed while in VR, we expect a second density change to restore the density
// to what it previously was when we exit VR. We shouldn't have to recreate the activity as
// all non-VR UI is still using the old density.
if (sInstance.mExpectedDensityChange != 0) {
assert !sInstance.mInVr && !sInstance.mDonSucceeded;
int expectedDensity = sInstance.mExpectedDensityChange;
sInstance.mExpectedDensityChange = 0;
return (newDpi == expectedDensity);
if (sInstance.mInVr || sInstance.mDonSucceeded) {
sInstance.mExpectedDensityChange = oldDpi;
return true;
return false;
public static boolean activitySupportsVrBrowsing(Activity activity) {
if (activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity) return true;
if (activity instanceof CustomTabActivity) {
return ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.VR_BROWSING_IN_CUSTOM_TAB);
return false;
private static VrShellDelegate getInstance() {
Activity activity = ApplicationStatus.getLastTrackedFocusedActivity();
if (!(activity instanceof ChromeActivity)) return null;
return getInstance((ChromeActivity) activity);
private static VrShellDelegate getInstance(ChromeActivity activity) {
if (!LibraryLoader.isInitialized()) return null;
if (activity == null || !activitySupportsPresentation(activity)) return null;
if (sInstance != null) return sInstance;
VrClassesWrapper wrapper = getVrClassesWrapper();
if (wrapper == null) return null;
sInstance = new VrShellDelegate(activity, wrapper);
return sInstance;
private static void updateDayreamIconComponentState(ChromeActivity activity) {
boolean enabled = ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.VR_ICON_IN_DAYDREAM_HOME);
if (sIconComponentEnabled != null && enabled == sIconComponentEnabled) return;
int componentState = enabled ? PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED
ComponentName component = new ComponentName(activity, VR_INTENT_DISPATCHER_COMPONENT);
component, componentState, PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);
sIconComponentEnabled = enabled;
private static boolean activitySupportsPresentation(Activity activity) {
return activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity || activity instanceof CustomTabActivity
|| activity instanceof WebappActivity;
private static boolean activitySupportsAutopresentation(Activity activity) {
return activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity || activity instanceof CustomTabActivity;
private static boolean activitySupportsExitFeedback(Activity activity) {
return activity instanceof ChromeTabbedActivity
&& ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.VR_BROWSING_FEEDBACK);
private static void registerVrAssetsComponentIfDaydreamUser(boolean isDaydreamCurrentViewer) {
assert !sRegisteredVrAssetsComponent;
if (isDaydreamCurrentViewer) {
sRegisteredVrAssetsComponent = true;
* @return A helper class for creating VR-specific classes that may not be available at compile
* time.
protected static VrClassesWrapper getVrClassesWrapper() {
if (sInstance != null) return sInstance.mVrClassesWrapper;
return createVrClassesWrapper();
/* package */ static VrClassesWrapper createVrClassesWrapper() {
try {
Class<? extends VrClassesWrapper> vrClassesBuilderClass =
(Class<? extends VrClassesWrapper>) Class.forName(
Constructor<?> vrClassesBuilderConstructor = vrClassesBuilderClass.getConstructor();
return (VrClassesWrapper) vrClassesBuilderConstructor.newInstance();
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
if (!(e instanceof ClassNotFoundException)) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to instantiate VrClassesWrapper", e);
return null;
// We need a custom Intent for entering VR in order to support VR in Custom Tabs. Custom Tabs
// are not a singleInstance activity, so they cannot be resumed through Activity PendingIntents,
// which is the typical way Daydream resumes your Activity. Instead, we use a broadcast intent
// and then use the broadcast to bring ourselves back to the foreground.
/* package */ static PendingIntent getEnterVrPendingIntent(ChromeActivity activity) {
if (sVrBroadcastReceiver != null) sVrBroadcastReceiver.unregister();
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(VR_ENTRY_RESULT_ACTION);
VrBroadcastReceiver receiver = new VrBroadcastReceiver(activity);
// If we set sVrBroadcastReceiver then use it in registerReceiver, findBugs considers this
// a thread-safety issue since it thinks the receiver isn't fully initialized before being
// exposed to other threads. This isn't actually an issue in this case, but we need to set
// sVrBroadcastReceiver after we're done using it here to fix the compile error.
activity.registerReceiver(receiver, filter);
sVrBroadcastReceiver = receiver;
Intent vrIntent = new Intent(VR_ENTRY_RESULT_ACTION);
return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(activity, 0, vrIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
* Registers the Intent to fire after phone inserted into a headset.
private static void registerDaydreamIntent(
final VrDaydreamApi daydreamApi, final ChromeActivity activity) {
if (sRegisteredDaydreamHook) return;
if (!daydreamApi.registerDaydreamIntent(getEnterVrPendingIntent(activity))) return;
sRegisteredDaydreamHook = true;
* Unregisters the Intent which registered by this context if any.
private static void unregisterDaydreamIntent(VrDaydreamApi daydreamApi) {
if (!sRegisteredDaydreamHook) return;
sRegisteredDaydreamHook = false;
* @return Whether or not VR Shell is currently enabled.
/* package */ static boolean isVrShellEnabled(int vrSupportLevel) {
// Only enable ChromeVR (VrShell) on Daydream devices as it currently needs a Daydream
// controller.
if (vrSupportLevel != VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM) return false;
if (deviceChangesDensityInVr()) return false;
return ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.VR_BROWSING);
private static boolean deviceChangesDensityInVr() {
// If the screen density changed while in VR, we have to disable the VR browser as java UI
// used or created by VR browsing will be broken.
if (sInstance != null) {
if (sInstance.mExpectedDensityChange != 0) return true;
if (sInstance.mVrSupportLevel != VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM) return false;
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.M) return false;
Display display = DisplayAndroidManager.getDefaultDisplayForContext(
Display.Mode[] modes = display.getSupportedModes();
// Devices with only one mode won't switch modes while in VR.
if (modes.length <= 1) return false;
Display.Mode vr_mode = modes[0];
for (int i = 1; i < modes.length; ++i) {
if (modes[i].getPhysicalWidth() > vr_mode.getPhysicalWidth()) vr_mode = modes[i];
// If we're currently in the mode supported by VR the density won't change.
// We actually can't use display.getMode() to get the current mode as that just always
// returns the same mode ignoring the override, so we just check that our current display
// size is not equal to the vr mode size.
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
if (vr_mode.getPhysicalWidth() != metrics.widthPixels
&& vr_mode.getPhysicalWidth() != metrics.heightPixels) {
return true;
if (vr_mode.getPhysicalHeight() != metrics.widthPixels
&& vr_mode.getPhysicalHeight() != metrics.heightPixels) {
return true;
return false;
* @return Whether or not VR is supported on this platform.
/* package */ static boolean isVrEnabled() {
return getVrClassesWrapper() != null;
private static void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {
if (sVrBroadcastReceiver == null) return;
if (sVrBroadcastReceiver.targetActivity().get() != activity) return;
sVrBroadcastReceiver = null;
protected VrShellDelegate(ChromeActivity activity, VrClassesWrapper wrapper) {
mActivity = activity;
mVrClassesWrapper = wrapper;
// If an activity isn't resumed at the point, it must have been paused.
mPaused = ApplicationStatus.getStateForActivity(activity) != ActivityState.RESUMED;
mStopped = ApplicationStatus.getStateForActivity(activity) == ActivityState.STOPPED;
mVisible = activity.hasWindowFocus();
mNativeVrShellDelegate = nativeInit();
mFeedbackFrequency = VrFeedbackStatus.getFeedbackFrequency();
mExpectPauseOrDonSucceeded = new Handler();
if (!mPaused) onResume();
sInstance = this;
public void onActivityStateChange(Activity activity, int newState) {
switch (newState) {
case ActivityState.DESTROYED:
if (activity == mActivity) {
case ActivityState.PAUSED:
if (activity == mActivity) onPause();
// Other activities should only pause while we're paused due to Android lifecycle.
assert mPaused;
case ActivityState.STOPPED:
if (activity == mActivity) onStop();
case ActivityState.STARTED:
if (activity == mActivity) onStart();
case ActivityState.RESUMED:
if (mInVr && activity != mActivity) {
if (mShowingDaydreamDoff) {
} else {
shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, false /* stayingInChrome */);
if (!activitySupportsPresentation(activity)) return;
if (!(activity instanceof ChromeActivity)) return;
swapHostActivity((ChromeActivity) activity);
// Called when an activity that supports VR is resumed, and attaches VrShellDelegate to that
// activity.
private void swapHostActivity(ChromeActivity activity) {
assert mActivity != null;
if (mActivity == activity) return;
mActivity = activity;
if (mVrDaydreamApi != null) mVrDaydreamApi.close();
mVrDaydreamApi = mVrClassesWrapper.createVrDaydreamApi(mActivity);
private void maybeUpdateVrSupportLevel() {
// If we're on Daydream support level, Chrome will get restarted by Android in response to
// VrCore being updated/downgraded, so we don't need to check.
if (mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM) return;
if (mVrClassesWrapper == null) return;
int version = getVrCorePackageVersion();
// If VrCore package hasn't changed, no need to update.
if (version == mCachedVrCorePackageVersion) return;
private int getVrCorePackageVersion() {
return PackageUtils.getPackageVersion(
ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), VrCoreVersionChecker.VR_CORE_PACKAGE_ID);
* Updates mVrSupportLevel to the correct value. isVrCoreCompatible might return different value
* at runtime.
// TODO(bshe): Find a place to call this function again, i.e. page refresh or onResume.
private void updateVrSupportLevel(Integer vrCorePackageVersion) {
if (mVrClassesWrapper == null) {
mVrSupportLevel = VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
if (vrCorePackageVersion == null) vrCorePackageVersion = getVrCorePackageVersion();
mCachedVrCorePackageVersion = vrCorePackageVersion;
if (mVrCoreVersionChecker == null) {
mVrCoreVersionChecker = mVrClassesWrapper.createVrCoreVersionChecker();
if (mVrDaydreamApi == null) {
mVrDaydreamApi = mVrClassesWrapper.createVrDaydreamApi(mActivity);
int supportLevel = getVrSupportLevel(
mVrDaydreamApi, mVrCoreVersionChecker, mActivity.getActivityTab());
if (supportLevel == mVrSupportLevel) return;
mVrSupportLevel = supportLevel;
/* package */ int getVrSupportLevel() {
return mVrSupportLevel;
private void onVrServicesMaybeUpdated() {
int vrCorePackageVersion = getVrCorePackageVersion();
if (mCachedVrCorePackageVersion == vrCorePackageVersion) return;
* Returns whether the device has support for Daydream.
/* package */ boolean hasDaydreamSupport() {
return mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM;
private void maybeSetPresentResult(boolean result, boolean donCompleted) {
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate == 0 || !mRequestedWebVr) return;
if (!result) {
nativeSetPresentResult(mNativeVrShellDelegate, false);
mRequestedWebVr = false;
} else if (!isDaydreamCurrentViewer() || donCompleted) {
// Wait until DON success to report presentation success.
nativeSetPresentResult(mNativeVrShellDelegate, true);
mRequestedWebVr = false;
* Handle a successful VR DON flow, entering VR in the process unless we're unable to.
* @return False if VR entry failed.
private boolean enterVrAfterDon() {
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate == 0) return false;
if (!canEnterVr(true)) return false;
// If the page is listening for vrdisplayactivate we assume it wants to request
// presentation. Go into WebVR mode tentatively. If the page doesn't request presentation
// in the vrdisplayactivate handler we will exit presentation later. Note that in the
// case of autopresentation, we don't want to enter WebVR mode so that we can show the
// splash screen. In this case, we enter WebVR mode when the site requests presentation.
// Note that we don't want to dispatch vrdisplayactivate for auto-present and vr intents.
boolean tentativeWebVrMode =
mListeningForWebVrActivateBeforePause && !mRequestedWebVr && !mEnterVrOnStartup;
if (tentativeWebVrMode && !mAutopresentWebVr) {
// Before we fire DisplayActivate, we need focus to propagate to the WebContents we're
// about to send DisplayActivate to. Focus propagates during onResume, which is when
// this function is called, so if we post DisplayActivate to fire after onResume, focus
// will have propagated.
assert !mPaused;
new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate == 0) return;
mEnterVrOnStartup = false;
// The user has successfully completed a DON flow.
return true;
/* package */ boolean isVrBrowsingEnabled() {
return isVrShellEnabled(mVrSupportLevel) && activitySupportsVrBrowsing(mActivity)
&& isDaydreamCurrentViewer();
private void enterVr(final boolean tentativeWebVrMode) {
// We can't enter VR before the application resumes, or we encounter bizarre crashes
// related to gpu surfaces.
// TODO(mthiesse): Is the above comment still accurate? It may have been tied to our HTML
// UI which is gone.
assert !mPaused;
if (mInVr) return;
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate == 0) {
mInVr = true;
mVrClassesWrapper.setVrModeEnabled(mActivity, true);
boolean donSuceeded = mDonSucceeded;
mDonSucceeded = false;
if (!createVrShell()) {
maybeSetPresentResult(false, donSuceeded);
mInVr = false;
mExitedDueToUnsupportedMode = false;
boolean webVrMode = mRequestedWebVr || tentativeWebVrMode || mAutopresentWebVr;
mVrShell.initializeNative(mActivity.getActivityTab(), webVrMode, mAutopresentWebVr,
mActivity instanceof CustomTabActivity);
mVrShell.setWebVrModeEnabled(webVrMode, false);
// We're entering VR, but not in WebVr mode.
mVrBrowserUsed = !webVrMode && !mAutopresentWebVr;
// resume needs to be called on GvrLayout after initialization to make sure DON flow works
// properly.
if (mVisible) mVrShell.resume();
if (!donSuceeded && !mAutopresentWebVr && isDaydreamCurrentViewer()) {
// TODO(mthiesse): This is a VERY dirty hack. We need to know whether or not entering VR
// will trigger the DON flow, so that we can wait for it to complete before we let the
// webVR page know that it can present. However, Daydream APIs currently make this
// impossible for apps to know, so if the DON hasn't started after a delay we just
// assume it will never start. Once we know whether or not entering VR will trigger the
// DON flow, we should remove this. See b/63116739.
mProbablyInDon = true;
mExpectPauseOrDonSucceeded.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mProbablyInDon = false;
mDonSucceeded = true;
mEnterVrOnStartup = false;
maybeSetPresentResult(true, donSuceeded);
for (VrModeObserver observer : sVrModeObservers) observer.onEnterVr();
private static void addBlackOverlayViewForActivity(ChromeActivity activity) {
if (sAddedBlackOverlayView) return;
FrameLayout.LayoutParams params = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
View v = new View(activity);
activity.getWindow().addContentView(v, params);
sAddedBlackOverlayView = true;
private static void removeBlackOverlayView(ChromeActivity activity) {
if (!sAddedBlackOverlayView) return;
View v = activity.getWindow().findViewById(;
assert v != null;
sAddedBlackOverlayView = false;
private void onVrIntent() {
if (mInVr) return;
mNeedsAnimationCancel = true;
mEnterVrOnStartup = true;
// TODO(mthiesse): Assuming we've gone through DON flow saves ~2 seconds on VR entry. See
// the comments in enterVr(). This may not always be the case in the future, but for now
// it's a reasonable assumption.
mDonSucceeded = true;
mInVrAtChromeLaunch = true;
if (!mPaused) enterVrAfterDon();
private void onAutopresentIntent() {
// Autopresent intents are only expected from trusted first party apps while
// we're not in vr.
assert !mInVr;
mNeedsAnimationCancel = true;
mAutopresentWebVr = true;
// We assume that the user is already in VR mode when launched for auto-presentation.
mDonSucceeded = true;
mInVrAtChromeLaunch = true;
private void onEnterVrUnsupported() {
// Auto-presentation is unsupported, but we still need to remove the black overlay before we
// exit to Daydream so that the user doesn't see black when they come back to Chrome. The
// overlay will be removed when we get paused by Daydream.
assert !mInVr;
mNeedsAnimationCancel = false;
mEnterVrOnStartup = false;
// We remove the VR-specific system UI flags here so that the system UI shows up properly
// when Chrome is resumed in non-VR mode.
boolean launched = mVrDaydreamApi.launchVrHomescreen();
assert launched;
// Some Samsung devices change the screen density after exiting VR mode which causes
// us to restart Chrome with the VR intent that originally started it. We don't want to
// enable VR mode when the user opens Chrome again in 2D mode, so we remove VR specific
// extras.
* This is called every time ChromeActivity gets a new intent.
public static void onNewIntentWithNative(ChromeActivity activity, Intent intent) {
if (!VrIntentUtils.isVrIntent(intent)) return;
VrShellDelegate instance = getInstance(activity);
if (instance == null) return;
// TODO(ymalik): We should cache whether or not VR mode is set so we don't set it
// needlessly.
// TODO(ymalik): This should use isTrustedAutopresentIntent once the Daydream Home change
// that adds the autopresent intent extra rolls out on most devices. This will allow us to
// differentiate trusted auto-present intents from other VR intents.
if (VrIntentUtils.getHandlerInstance().isTrustedDaydreamIntent(intent)) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onNewIntentWithNative: autopresent");
assert activitySupportsAutopresentation(activity);
assert instance.getVrSupportLevel() == VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM;
// TODO(mthiesse): This needs to be set here to correctly close the CCT when we early
// exit here. We should use a different variable or refactor or something to make this
// more clear.
instance.mAutopresentWebVr = true;
if (!ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.WEBVR_AUTOPRESENT_FROM_INTENT)) {
} else if (ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.VR_LAUNCH_INTENT)
&& isVrShellEnabled(instance.mVrSupportLevel)) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onNewIntentWithNative: vr");
} else {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onNewIntentWithNative: unsupported");
// TODO(ymalik): Currently we always return to Daydream home, this makes less sense if
// a non-VR app sends an intent, perhaps just ignoring the intent is better.
// Note that cancelling the animation below is what causes us to enter VR mode when Chrome
// is cold-started. We start an intermediate activity to cancel the animation which causes
// onPause and onResume to be called and we enter VR mode in onResume (because we set the
// mEnterVrOnStartup bit above). If Chrome is already running, onResume which will be called
// after VrShellDelegate#onNewIntentWithNative which will cancel the animation and enter VR
// after that.
if (!instance.mPaused) instance.cancelStartupAnimationIfNeeded();
* This is called when ChromeTabbedActivity gets a new intent before native is initialized.
public static void maybeHandleVrIntentPreNative(ChromeActivity activity, Intent intent) {
if (!VrIntentUtils.isVrIntent(intent)) return;
// If we get an intent while we're already in VR, we do nothing. This is mostly
// because since on Android O, every intent gets dispatched twice.
if (sInstance != null && sInstance.mInVr) return;
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "maybeHandleVrIntentPreNative: preparing for transition");
// We add a black overlay view so that we can show black while the VR UI is loading.
// Note that this alone isn't sufficient to prevent 2D UI from showing when
// auto-presenting WebVR. See comment about the custom animation in {@link
// getVrIntentOptions}.
// TODO( This hack doesn't really work to hide the 2D UI on Samsung
// devices since Chrome gets paused and we prematurely remove the overlay.
// Enable VR mode and hide system UI. We do this here so we don't get kicked out of
// VR mode and to prevent seeing a flash of system UI.
getVrClassesWrapper().setVrModeEnabled(activity, true);
* Asynchronously enable VR mode.
public static void setVrModeEnabled(Activity activity) {
getVrClassesWrapper().setVrModeEnabled(activity, true);
public void onSystemUiVisibilityChange(int visibility) {
if (mInVr && !isWindowModeCorrectForVr()) {
public boolean canUnlockOrientation(Activity activity, int defaultOrientation) {
if (mActivity == activity && mRestoreOrientation != null) {
mRestoreOrientation = defaultOrientation;
return false;
return true;
public boolean canLockOrientation() {
return false;
public boolean hasAudioPermission() {
return mActivity.getWindowAndroid().hasPermission(android.Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO);
private boolean isWindowModeCorrectForVr() {
int flags = mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView().getSystemUiVisibility();
int orientation = mActivity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
// Mask the flags to only those that we care about.
&& orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
private void setWindowModeForVr() {
// Decouple the compositor size from the view size, or we'll get an unnecessary resize due
// to the orientation change when entering VR, then another resize once VR has settled on
// the content size.
if (mActivity.getCompositorViewHolder() != null) {
// Set correct orientation.
if (mRestoreOrientation == null) {
mRestoreOrientation = mActivity.getRequestedOrientation();
// Hide system UI.
int flags = mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView().getSystemUiVisibility();
if (mRestoreSystemUiVisibilityFlag == -1) {
mRestoreSystemUiVisibilityFlag = flags;
// We may have hidden the system UI earlier so that we don't see it when Chrome is
// started in VR mode. So we should not restore to the flags we added after exiting VR
// mode. This has the issue that if we hide it for another reason before entering VR
// mode, we always show it after exiting VR mode, which is probably okay.
if (mEnterVrOnStartup) mRestoreSystemUiVisibilityFlag &= ~VR_SYSTEM_UI_FLAGS;
private void restoreWindowMode() {
// Restore orientation.
if (mRestoreOrientation != null) mActivity.setRequestedOrientation(mRestoreOrientation);
mRestoreOrientation = null;
// Restore system UI visibility.
if (mRestoreSystemUiVisibilityFlag != -1) {
mRestoreSystemUiVisibilityFlag = -1;
if (mActivity.getCompositorViewHolder() != null) {
/* package */ boolean canEnterVr(boolean justCompletedDon) {
if (!LibraryLoader.isInitialized()) return false;
if (mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE || mNativeVrShellDelegate == 0)
return false;
// If vr shell is not enabled and this is not a web vr request, then return false.
boolean presenting = mRequestedWebVr || mListeningForWebVrActivate
|| (justCompletedDon && mListeningForWebVrActivateBeforePause) || mAutopresentWebVr;
if (!isVrShellEnabled(mVrSupportLevel) && !presenting) return false;
return true;
private void presentRequested() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "WebVR page requested presentation");
mRequestedWebVr = true;
switch (enterVrInternal()) {
mVrShell.setWebVrModeEnabled(true, !mAutopresentWebVr && isVrBrowsingEnabled());
maybeSetPresentResult(true, true);
maybeSetPresentResult(false, mDonSucceeded);
maybeSetPresentResult(true, mDonSucceeded);
Log.e(TAG, "Unexpected enum.");
* Enters VR Shell if necessary, displaying browser UI and tab contents in VR.
private int enterVrInternal() {
if (mPaused) return ENTER_VR_CANCELLED;
// Update VR support level as it can change at runtime
if (mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE) return ENTER_VR_CANCELLED;
if (!canEnterVr(false)) return ENTER_VR_CANCELLED;
if (mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM && isDaydreamCurrentViewer()) {
// TODO(mthiesse): This is a workaround for b/66486878 (see also
// We have to trigger the DON flow before setting VR mode enabled to prevent the DON
// flow from failing on the S8/S8+.
// Due to b/66493165, we also can't create our VR UI before the density has changed,
// so we can't trigger the DON flow by resuming the GvrLayout. This basically means that
// calling launchInVr on ourself is the only viable option for getting into VR on the
// S8/S8+.
// This also fixes the issue tracked in, so this should not be removed
// until the root cause of that has been found and fixed.
mProbablyInDon = true;
} else {
private void requestToExitVrInternal(
OnExitVrRequestListener listener, @UiUnsupportedMode int reason) {
assert listener != null;
// If we are currently processing another request or we are not in VR, deny the request.
if (sInstance.mOnExitVrRequestListener != null || !sInstance.mInVr) {
mOnExitVrRequestListener = listener;
private void exitWebVRPresent() {
if (!mInVr) return;
if (mAutopresentWebVr) {
// For autopresent from Daydream home, we do NOT want to show ChromeVR. So if we
// ever exit WebVR for whatever reason (navigation, call exitPresent etc), go back to
// Daydream home.
if (!isVrBrowsingEnabled()) {
if (isDaydreamCurrentViewer()) {
} else {
shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, true /* stayingInChrome */);
} else {
mVrBrowserUsed = true;
mVrShell.setWebVrModeEnabled(false, false);
private boolean cancelStartupAnimationIfNeeded() {
if (!mNeedsAnimationCancel) return false;
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.e(TAG, "canceling startup animation");
mCancellingEntryAnimation = true;
Bundle options = ActivityOptions.makeCustomAnimation(mActivity, 0, 0).toBundle();
mActivity.startActivity(new Intent(mActivity, VrCancelAnimationActivity.class), options);
mNeedsAnimationCancel = false;
return true;
protected void onResume() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onResume");
if (mNeedsAnimationCancel) {
// At least on some devices, like the Samsung S8+, a Window animation is run after our
// Activity is shown that fades between a stale screenshot from before pausing to the
// currently rendered content. It's impossible to cancel window animations, and in order
// to modify the animation we would need to set up the desired animations before
// calling setContentView, which we can't do because it would affect non-VR usage.
// To work around this, we keep the stay_hidden animation active until the window
// animation of the stale screenshot finishes and our black overlay is shown. We then
// cancel the stay_hidden animation, revealing our black overlay, which we then replace
// with VR UI.
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N) return;
// Just in case any platforms/users modify the window animation scale, we'll multiply
// our wait time by that scale value.
float scale = Settings.Global.getFloat(
mActivity.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.WINDOW_ANIMATION_SCALE, 1.0f);
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mPaused = false;
// We call resume here to be symmetric with onPause in case we get paused/resumed without
// being hidden/shown. However, we still don't want to resume if we're not visible to avoid
// doing VR rendering that won't be seen.
if (mInVr && mVisible) mVrShell.resume();
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskWrites();
try {
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate != 0) nativeOnResume(mNativeVrShellDelegate);
} finally {
if (mVrSupportLevel != VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM) return;
if (isVrShellEnabled(mVrSupportLevel) && activitySupportsVrBrowsing(mActivity)) {
// Perform slow initialization asynchronously.
new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!mPaused) registerDaydreamIntent(mVrDaydreamApi, mActivity);
if (!sRegisteredVrAssetsComponent) {
if (mEnterVrOnStartup) {
// This means that Chrome was started with a VR intent, so we should enter VR.
// TODO( VR intents are dispatched to ChromeActivity via a launcher
// which should handle the DON flow to simplify the logic in VrShellDelegate.
assert !mProbablyInDon;
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onResume: entering VR mode for VR intent");
mCancellingEntryAnimation = false;
if (enterVrInternal() == ENTER_VR_CANCELLED) {
} else if (mDonSucceeded) {
mCancellingEntryAnimation = false;
} else {
if (mProbablyInDon) {
// This means the user backed out of the DON flow, and we won't be entering VR.
maybeSetPresentResult(false, mDonSucceeded);
shutdownVr(true, false);
// If we were resumed at the wrong density, we need to trigger activity recreation.
if (!mInVr && mExpectedDensityChange != 0
&& (mActivity.getResources().getConfiguration().densityDpi
!= mExpectedDensityChange)) {
mProbablyInDon = false;
private void handleDonFlowSuccess() {
if (mInVr) {
maybeSetPresentResult(true, mDonSucceeded);
mDonSucceeded = false;
// If we fail to enter VR when we should have entered VR, return to the home screen.
if (!mInVr && !enterVrAfterDon()) {
maybeSetPresentResult(false, mDonSucceeded);
mDonSucceeded = false;
// Android lifecycle doesn't guarantee that this will be called after onResume (though it
// will usually be), so make sure anything we do here can happen before or after
// onResume.
private void onActivityShown() {
mVisible = true;
// Only resume VrShell once we're visible so that we don't start rendering before being
// visible and delaying startup.
if (mInVr && !mPaused) mVrShell.resume();
private void onActivityHidden() {
mVisible = false;
// In case we're hidden before onPause is called, we pause here. Duplicate calls to pause
// are safe.
if (mInVr) mVrShell.pause();
if (mShowingDaydreamDoff || mProbablyInDon) return;
// TODO(mthiesse): When the user resumes Chrome in a 2D context, we don't want to tear down
// VR UI, so for now, exit VR.
shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, false /* stayingInChrome */);
protected void onPause() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onPause");
mPaused = true;
if (mCancellingEntryAnimation) return;
if (mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE) return;
// TODO(ymalik): We should be able to remove this if we handle it for multi-window in
// {@link onMultiWindowModeChanged} since we're calling it in onStop.
if (!mInVr && !mProbablyInDon) cancelPendingVrEntry();
// When the active web page has a vrdisplayactivate event handler,
// mListeningForWebVrActivate should be set to true, which means a vrdisplayactive event
// should be fired once DON flow finished. However, DON flow will pause our activity,
// which makes the active page becomes invisible. And the event fires before the active
// page becomes visible again after DON finished. So here we remember the value of
// mListeningForWebVrActivity before pause and use this value to decide if
// vrdisplayactivate event should be dispatched in enterVRFromIntent.
mListeningForWebVrActivateBeforePause = mListeningForWebVrActivate;
if (mInVr) mVrShell.pause();
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate != 0) nativeOnPause(mNativeVrShellDelegate);
mIsDaydreamCurrentViewer = null;
private void onStart() {
mStopped = false;
if (mDonSucceeded) setWindowModeForVr();
private void onStop() {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "onStop");
mStopped = true;
if (!mProbablyInDon) cancelPendingVrEntry();
assert !mCancellingEntryAnimation;
private boolean onBackPressedInternal() {
if (mVrSupportLevel == VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE) return false;
if (!mInVr) return false;
// Back button should be handled the same way as the close button.
return true;
private boolean showDoff(boolean optional) {
if (!isDaydreamCurrentViewer()) return false;
if (mAutopresentWebVr) {
// To avoid taking the user out of VR mode when started for auto-presentation, just
// bail to Daydream if we're being asked to show DOFF and exit.
return true;
try {
if (!mVrDaydreamApi.exitFromVr(EXIT_VR_RESULT, new Intent())) return false;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return true;
mShowingDaydreamDoff = true;
mDoffOptional = optional;
return true;
private void onExitVrResult(boolean success) {
assert mVrSupportLevel != VrSupportLevel.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE;
// We may have manually handled the exit early by swapping to another Chrome activity that
// supports VR while in the DOFF activity. If that happens we want to exit early when the
// real DOFF flow calls us back.
if (!mShowingDaydreamDoff) return;
// If Doff is not optional and user backed out, keep trying to exit.
if (!mDoffOptional && !success && showDoff(false /* optional */)) return;
mShowingDaydreamDoff = false;
if (success) {
// If DOFF didn't succeed(for example, user clicked back button at DOFF screen), we
// don't know if user really intends to exit VR or not at this point. So we shouldn't
// call callOnExitVrRequestListener to tell the listener that the exit VR request has
// succeeded or been denied.
shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, !mExitingCct /* stayingInChrome */);
if (mExitingCct) ((CustomTabActivity) mActivity).finishAndClose(false);
mExitingCct = false;
private boolean isDaydreamCurrentViewer() {
if (mIsDaydreamCurrentViewer == null) {
mIsDaydreamCurrentViewer = mVrDaydreamApi.isDaydreamCurrentViewer();
return mIsDaydreamCurrentViewer;
private void setListeningForWebVrActivate(boolean listening) {
if (DEBUG_LOGS) Log.i(TAG, "WebVR page listening for vrdisplayactivate: " + listening);
// Non-Daydream devices may not have the concept of display activate. So disable
// mListeningForWebVrActivate for them.
if (mVrSupportLevel != VrSupportLevel.VR_DAYDREAM) return;
mListeningForWebVrActivate = listening;
if (mPaused) return;
if (listening) {
registerDaydreamIntent(mVrDaydreamApi, mActivity);
if (mAutopresentWebVr) {
// Dispatch vrdisplayactivate so that the WebVr page can call requestPresent
// to start presentation.
// TODO(ymalik): There will be a delay between when we're asked to autopresent and
// when the WebVr site calls requestPresent. In this time, the user sees 2D Chrome
// UI which is suboptimal.
} else if (!canEnterVr(false)) {
private void cancelPendingVrEntry() {
mDonSucceeded = false;
if (!mShowingDaydreamDoff) {
mVrClassesWrapper.setVrModeEnabled(mActivity, false);
* Exits VR Shell, performing all necessary cleanup.
protected void shutdownVr(boolean disableVrMode, boolean stayingInChrome) {
// Ensure shutdownVr runs if we're stopping.
if (handleFinishAutopresentation() && !mStopped) return;
mAutopresentWebVr = false;
if (!mInVr) return;
if (mShowingDaydreamDoff) {
mInVr = false;
// Some Samsung devices change the screen density after exiting VR mode which causes
// us to restart Chrome with the VR intent that originally started it. We don't want to
// enable VR mode again, so we remove VR specific extras.
// The user has exited VR.
if (disableVrMode) mVrClassesWrapper.setVrModeEnabled(mActivity, false);
// Listener may not have been handled yet at this point due to other reasons (e.g back/close
// button was pressed while at exit prompt UI in VR), failure should be reported despite
// that we are exiting VR.
assert mOnExitVrRequestListener == null;
for (VrModeObserver observer : sVrModeObservers) observer.onExitVr();
private void callOnExitVrRequestListener(boolean success) {
if (mOnExitVrRequestListener != null) {
if (success) {
} else {
mOnExitVrRequestListener = null;
private void showDoffAndExitVrInternal(boolean optional) {
if (mShowingDaydreamDoff) return;
if (showDoff(optional)) return;
shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, true /* stayingInChrome */);
/* package */ void onExitVrRequestResult(boolean shouldExit) {
assert mOnExitVrRequestListener != null;
if (shouldExit) {
mExitedDueToUnsupportedMode = true;
} else {
/* package */ void exitCct() {
if (mShowingDaydreamDoff) return;
CustomTabActivity customTabActivity = (CustomTabActivity) mActivity;
if (mAutopresentWebVr || (mInVrAtChromeLaunch != null && mInVrAtChromeLaunch)) {
if (showDoff(true /* optional */)) {
mExitingCct = true;
} else {
* Returns the callback for the user-triggered close button to exit VR mode.
/* package */ Runnable getVrCloseButtonListener() {
if (mCloseButtonListener != null) return mCloseButtonListener;
final boolean startedForAutopresentation = mAutopresentWebVr;
mCloseButtonListener = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!startedForAutopresentation) {
shutdownVr(true /* disableVrMode */, true /* stayingInChrome */);
// We override the default behavior of the close button because we may stay in
// Chrome after exiting VR. This is not true for auto-presented content and we want
// to do what Daydream does for other VR apps by default (which is currently to open
// 2D launcher). Note that we shutdownVr when Chrome is stopped by this intent.
final Intent homeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
return mCloseButtonListener;
* Returns true if finishing auto-presentation was handled.
private boolean handleFinishAutopresentation() {
if (!mAutopresentWebVr) return false;
// Should only autopresent CustomTabActivity for now.
assert mActivity instanceof CustomTabActivity;
return true;
private static void startFeedback(Tab tab) {
// TODO(ymalik): This call will connect to the Google Services api which can be slow. Can we
// connect to it beforehand when we know that we'll be prompting for feedback?
.showFeedback(tab.getActivity(), tab.getProfile(), tab.getUrl(),
ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getPackageName() + "."
private static void promptForFeedback(final Tab tab) {
if (tab == null) return;
final ChromeActivity activity = tab.getActivity();
SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder.Listener listener = new SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder.Listener() {
public void onInfoBarDismissed() {}
public boolean onInfoBarButtonClicked(boolean isPrimary) {
if (isPrimary) {
} else {
return false;
SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder.create(tab, listener,
InfoBarIdentifier.VR_FEEDBACK_INFOBAR_ANDROID, R.drawable.vr_services,
activity.getString(R.string.no_thanks), true /* autoExpire */);
* Prompts the user to enter feedback for their VR Browsing experience.
private void promptForFeedbackIfNeeded(boolean stayingInChrome) {
// We only prompt for feedback if:
// 1) The user hasn't explicitly opted-out of it in the past
// 2) The user has performed VR browsing
// 3) The user is exiting VR and going back into 2D Chrome
// 4) We're not exiting to complete an unsupported VR action in 2D (e.g. viewing PageInfo)
// 5) Every n'th visit (where n = mFeedbackFrequency)
if (!activitySupportsExitFeedback(mActivity)) return;
if (!stayingInChrome) return;
if (VrFeedbackStatus.getFeedbackOptOut()) return;
if (!mVrBrowserUsed) return;
if (mExitedDueToUnsupportedMode) return;
int exitCount = VrFeedbackStatus.getUserExitedAndEntered2DCount();
VrFeedbackStatus.setUserExitedAndEntered2DCount((exitCount + 1) % mFeedbackFrequency);
if (exitCount > 0) return;
private static boolean isVrCoreCompatible(
final VrCoreVersionChecker versionChecker, final Tab tabToShowInfobarIn) {
final int vrCoreCompatibility = versionChecker.getVrCoreCompatibility();
boolean needsUpdate = vrCoreCompatibility == VrCoreCompatibility.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE
|| vrCoreCompatibility == VrCoreCompatibility.VR_OUT_OF_DATE;
if (tabToShowInfobarIn != null && needsUpdate) {
new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
promptToUpdateVrServices(vrCoreCompatibility, tabToShowInfobarIn);
return vrCoreCompatibility == VrCoreCompatibility.VR_READY;
private static void promptToUpdateVrServices(int vrCoreCompatibility, Tab tab) {
final Activity activity = tab.getActivity();
String infobarText;
String buttonText;
if (vrCoreCompatibility == VrCoreCompatibility.VR_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
// Supported, but not installed. Ask user to install instead of upgrade.
infobarText = activity.getString(R.string.vr_services_check_infobar_install_text);
buttonText = activity.getString(R.string.vr_services_check_infobar_install_button);
} else if (vrCoreCompatibility == VrCoreCompatibility.VR_OUT_OF_DATE) {
infobarText = activity.getString(R.string.vr_services_check_infobar_update_text);
buttonText = activity.getString(R.string.vr_services_check_infobar_update_button);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown VrCore compatibility: " + vrCoreCompatibility);
SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder.Listener listener = new SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder.Listener() {
public void onInfoBarDismissed() {}
public boolean onInfoBarButtonClicked(boolean isPrimary) {
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(VR_CORE_MARKET_URI)),
return false;
SimpleConfirmInfoBarBuilder.create(tab, listener,
InfoBarIdentifier.VR_SERVICES_UPGRADE_ANDROID, R.drawable.vr_services, infobarText,
buttonText, null, true);
private boolean createVrShell() {
assert mVrShell == null;
if (mVrClassesWrapper == null) return false;
if (mActivity.getCompositorViewHolder() == null) return false;
TabModelSelector tabModelSelector = mActivity.getTabModelSelector();
if (tabModelSelector == null) return false;
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.allowThreadDiskWrites();
try {
mVrShell = mVrClassesWrapper.createVrShell(mActivity, this, tabModelSelector);
} finally {
return mVrShell != null;
private void addVrViews() {
FrameLayout decor = (FrameLayout) mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView();
LayoutParams params = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
decor.addView(mVrShell.getContainer(), params);
private void removeVrViews() {
FrameLayout decor = (FrameLayout) mActivity.getWindow().getDecorView();
* Clean up VrShell, and associated native objects.
private void destroyVrShell() {
if (mVrShell != null) {
mVrShell = null;
* @param api The VrDaydreamApi object this delegate will use instead of the default one
protected void overrideDaydreamApi(VrDaydreamApi api) {
mVrDaydreamApi = api;
* @return The VrShell for the VrShellDelegate instance
protected static VrShell getVrShell() {
return sInstance == null ? null : sInstance.mVrShell;
* @param versionChecker The VrCoreVersionChecker object this delegate will use
protected void overrideVrCoreVersionChecker(VrCoreVersionChecker versionChecker) {
mVrCoreVersionChecker = versionChecker;
* @param frequency Sets how often to show the feedback prompt.
protected void setFeedbackFrequency(int frequency) {
mFeedbackFrequency = frequency;
protected boolean isListeningForWebVrActivate() {
return mListeningForWebVrActivate;
protected boolean isClearActivatePending() {
assert mNativeVrShellDelegate != 0;
return nativeIsClearActivatePending(mNativeVrShellDelegate);
protected boolean isVrEntryComplete() {
return mInVr && !mProbablyInDon;
protected boolean getProbablyInDon() {
return mProbablyInDon;
protected boolean getDonSucceeded() {
return mDonSucceeded;
* @return Pointer to the native VrShellDelegate object.
private long getNativePointer() {
return mNativeVrShellDelegate;
private long getVrCoreInfo() {
assert mVrCoreVersionChecker != null;
return mVrCoreVersionChecker.makeNativeVrCoreInfo();
private void destroy() {
if (sInstance == null) return;
shutdownVr(false /* disableVrMode */, false /* stayingInChrome */);
if (mNativeVrShellDelegate != 0) nativeDestroy(mNativeVrShellDelegate);
if (mVrDaydreamApi != null) mVrDaydreamApi.close();
mNativeVrShellDelegate = 0;
sInstance = null;
private native long nativeInit();
private static native void nativeOnLibraryAvailable();
private native void nativeSetPresentResult(long nativeVrShellDelegate, boolean result);
private native void nativeDisplayActivate(long nativeVrShellDelegate);
private native void nativeOnPause(long nativeVrShellDelegate);
private native void nativeOnResume(long nativeVrShellDelegate);
private native boolean nativeIsClearActivatePending(long nativeVrShellDelegate);
private native void nativeDestroy(long nativeVrShellDelegate);
private static native void nativeRegisterVrAssetsComponent();