blob: 81892619893b9bda734628292fe752387a734c2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/upgrade_detector.h"
#include "chrome/browser/upgrade_observer.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
// A class that observes changes to the browser.relaunch_notification preference
// (which is backed by the RelaunchNotification policy setting) and annoyance
// levels from the UpgradeDetector. An appropriate notification is shown to the
// user based on the policy setting and current upgrade annoyance level.
class RelaunchNotificationController : public UpgradeObserver {
// |upgrade_detector| is expected to be the process-wide detector, and must
// outlive the controller.
explicit RelaunchNotificationController(UpgradeDetector* upgrade_detector);
~RelaunchNotificationController() override;
// UpgradeObserver:
void OnUpgradeRecommended() override;
enum class NotificationStyle {
kNone, // No notifications are shown.
kRecommended, // Relaunches are recommended.
kRequired, // Relaunches are required.
// Adjusts to the current notification style as indicated by the
// browser.relaunch_notification Local State preference.
void HandleCurrentStyle();
// Bring the instance out of or back to dormant mode.
void StartObservingUpgrades();
void StopObservingUpgrades();
// Shows the proper notification based on the preference setting. Invoked as a
// result of a detected change in the UpgradeDetector's annoyance level.
void ShowRelaunchNotification();
// Closes any previously-shown notifications. This is safe to call if no
// notifications have been shown. Notifications may be closed by other means
// (e.g., by the user), so there is no expectation that a previously-shown
// notification is still open when this is invoked.
void CloseRelaunchNotification();
// The following methods, which are invoked by the controller to show or close
// notifications, are virtual for the sake of testing.
// Shows the relaunch recommended bubble if it is not already open.
virtual void ShowRelaunchRecommendedBubble();
// Closes the relaunch recommended bubble if it is still open.
virtual void CloseRelaunchRecommendedBubble();
// Shows the relaunch required dialog if it is not already open.
virtual void ShowRelaunchRequiredDialog();
// Closes the relaunch required dialog if it is still open.
virtual void CloseRelaunchRequiredDialog();
// The process-wide upgrade detector.
UpgradeDetector* const upgrade_detector_;
// Observes changes to the browser.relaunch_notification Local State pref.
PrefChangeRegistrar pref_change_registrar_;
// The last observed notification style. When kNone, the controller is
// said to be "dormant" as there is no work for it to do aside from watch for
// changes to browser.relaunch_notification. When any other value, the
// controller is observing the UpgradeDetector to detect when to show a
// notification.
NotificationStyle last_notification_style_;
// The last observed annoyance level for which a notification was shown. This
// member is unconditionally UPGRADE_ANNOYANCE_NONE when the controller is
// dormant (browser.relaunch_notification is 0). It is any other value only
// when a notification has been shown.
UpgradeDetector::UpgradeNotificationAnnoyanceLevel last_level_;