blob: 28a80da7230e208ae90d4119717a1a2fd2ee8d23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_handle.h"
#include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_registration.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_container.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_provider_host_info.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
#include "content/public/common/request_context_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/service_worker_modes.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "services/network/public/interfaces/fetch_api.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/interfaces/request_context_frame_type.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/common/service_worker/service_worker_provider_type.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/common/service_worker/service_worker_registration.mojom.h"
namespace network {
class ResourceRequestBody;
namespace storage {
class BlobStorageContext;
namespace content {
class ServiceWorkerContextCore;
class ServiceWorkerDispatcherHost;
class ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost;
class ServiceWorkerRequestHandler;
class ServiceWorkerVersion;
class WebContents;
namespace service_worker_dispatcher_host_unittest {
class ServiceWorkerDispatcherHostTest;
} // namespace service_worker_dispatcher_host_unittest
// This class is the browser-process representation of a service worker
// provider. There are two general types of providers: 1) those for a client
// (windows or shared workers), and 2) those for hosting a running service
// worker.
// For client providers, there is a provider per document or a worker and the
// lifetime of this object is tied to the lifetime of its document or the worker
// in the renderer process. This class holds service worker state that is scoped
// to an individual document or a worker.
// For providers hosting a running service worker, this class will observe
// resource loads made directly by the service worker.
// A ServiceWorkerProviderHost is created in the following situations:
// 1) For a client created for a navigation (for both top-level and
// non-top-level frames), the provider host for the resulting document is
// pre-created by the browser process. Upon navigation commit, the
// ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider is created on the renderer, at which point the
// Mojo connection is established.
// 2) For clients created by the renderer not due to navigations (SharedWorkers
// and about:blank iframes), the provider host is created when the
// ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider is created by the renderer process.
// 3) For service workers, the provider host is created on the browser process
// before sending the start worker IPC message. The provider host's Mojo's
// connection to the renderer is established in the start worker message.
// Destruction of the ServiceWorkerProviderHost instance happens on
// disconnection of the Mojo's pipe from the renderer side regardless of what
// the provider is for.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerProviderHost
: public ServiceWorkerRegistration::Listener,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost>,
public mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHost,
public service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProvider {
using WebContentsGetter = base::Callback<WebContents*(void)>;
// Used to pre-create a ServiceWorkerProviderHost for a navigation. The
// ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider will later be created in the renderer, should
// the navigation succeed. |is_parent_frame_is_secure| should be true for main
// frames. Otherwise it is true iff all ancestor frames of this frame have a
// secure origin. |web_contents_getter| indicates the tab where the navigation
// is occurring.
static std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> PreCreateNavigationHost(
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
bool are_ancestors_secure,
const WebContentsGetter& web_contents_getter);
// Creates a ServiceWorkerProviderHost for hosting a running service worker.
// Information about this provider host is passed down to the service worker
// via StartWorker message.
static std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> PreCreateForController(
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context);
// Used to create a ServiceWorkerProviderHost when the renderer-side provider
// is created. This ProviderHost will be created for the process specified by
// |process_id|.
static std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> Create(
int process_id,
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo info,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerDispatcherHost> dispatcher_host);
~ServiceWorkerProviderHost() override;
const std::string& client_uuid() const { return client_uuid_; }
base::TimeTicks create_time() const { return create_time_; }
int process_id() const { return render_process_id_; }
int provider_id() const { return info_.provider_id; }
int frame_id() const;
int route_id() const { return info_.route_id; }
const WebContentsGetter& web_contents_getter() const {
return web_contents_getter_;
bool is_parent_frame_secure() const { return info_.is_parent_frame_secure; }
// Returns whether this provider host is secure enough to have a service
// worker controller.
// Analogous to Blink's Document::isSecureContext. Because of how service
// worker intercepts main resource requests, this check must be done
// browser-side once the URL is known (see comments in
// ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider::CreateForNavigation). This function uses
// |document_url_| and |is_parent_frame_secure_| to determine context
// security, so they must be set properly before calling this function.
bool IsContextSecureForServiceWorker() const;
bool IsHostToRunningServiceWorker() {
return running_hosted_version_.get() != nullptr;
// Returns this provider's controller. The controller is typically the same as
// active_version() but can differ in the following cases:
// (1) The client was created before the registration existed or had an active
// version (in spec language, it is not "using" the registration).
// (2) The client had a controller but NotifyControllerLost() was called due
// to an exceptional circumstance (here also it is not "using" the
// registration).
// (3) During algorithms such as the update, skipWaiting(), and claim() steps,
// the active version and controller may temporarily differ. For example, to
// perform skipWaiting(), the registration's active version is updated first
// and then the provider host's controlling version is updated to match it.
ServiceWorkerVersion* controller() const {
// Only clients can have controllers.
DCHECK(!controller_ || IsProviderForClient());
return controller_.get();
ServiceWorkerVersion* active_version() const {
return associated_registration_.get()
? associated_registration_->active_version()
: nullptr;
ServiceWorkerVersion* waiting_version() const {
return associated_registration_.get()
? associated_registration_->waiting_version()
: nullptr;
ServiceWorkerVersion* installing_version() const {
return associated_registration_.get()
? associated_registration_->installing_version()
: nullptr;
// Returns the associated registration. The provider host listens to this
// registration to resolve the .ready promise and set its controller.
ServiceWorkerRegistration* associated_registration() const {
// Only clients can have an associated registration.
DCHECK(!associated_registration_ || IsProviderForClient());
return associated_registration_.get();
// The running version, if any, that this provider is providing resource
// loads for.
ServiceWorkerVersion* running_hosted_version() const {
DCHECK(!running_hosted_version_ ||
info_.type ==
return running_hosted_version_.get();
// S13nServiceWorker:
// For service worker clients. Similar to GetControllerServiceWorker, but this
// returns a bound Mojo ptr which is supposed to be sent to clients. The
// controller ptr passed to the clients will be used to intercept requests
// from them.
// It is invalid to call this when controller_ is null.
// This method can be called in one of the following cases:
// - During navigation, right after a request handler for the main resource
// has found the matching registration and has started the worker.
// - When a controller is updated by SetControllerVersionAttribute() (e.g.
// by OnSkippedWaiting, {Dis,}AssociateRegistration, NotifyControllerLost
// or ClaimedByRegistration). In some cases the controller worker may not
// be started yet.
// This may return nullptr if the controller service worker does not have a
// fetch handler, i.e. when the renderer does not need the controller ptr.
// TODO(kinuko): revisit this if we start to use the ControllerServiceWorker
// for posting messages.
mojom::ControllerServiceWorkerPtr GetControllerServiceWorkerPtr();
// Sets the |document_url_|. When this object is for a client,
// |matching_registrations_| gets also updated to ensure that |document_url_|
// is in scope of all |matching_registrations_|.
void SetDocumentUrl(const GURL& url);
const GURL& document_url() const { return document_url_; }
// For service worker clients. Sets the |topmost_frame_url|.
void SetTopmostFrameUrl(const GURL& url);
// For service worker clients, used for permission checks. Use document_url()
// instead if |this| is hosting a running service worker.
const GURL& topmost_frame_url() const;
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerProviderType provider_type() const {
return info_.type;
bool IsProviderForClient() const;
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerClientType client_type() const;
// For service worker clients. Associates to |registration| to listen for its
// version change events and sets the controller. If |notify_controllerchange|
// is true, instructs the renderer to dispatch a 'controllerchange' event.
void AssociateRegistration(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration,
bool notify_controllerchange);
// For service worker clients. Clears the associated registration and stops
// listening to it.
void DisassociateRegistration();
// Returns a handler for a request. May return nullptr if the request doesn't
// require special handling.
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerRequestHandler> CreateRequestHandler(
network::mojom::FetchRequestMode request_mode,
network::mojom::FetchCredentialsMode credentials_mode,
network::mojom::FetchRedirectMode redirect_mode,
const std::string& integrity,
bool keepalive,
ResourceType resource_type,
RequestContextType request_context_type,
network::mojom::RequestContextFrameType frame_type,
base::WeakPtr<storage::BlobStorageContext> blob_storage_context,
scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody> body,
bool skip_service_worker);
// Used to get a ServiceWorkerObjectInfo to send to the renderer.
// The object info holds a Mojo connection to the ServiceWorkerHandle for the
// |version| to ensure the handle stays alive while the object info is alive.
// A new handle is created if one does not already exist.
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerObjectInfoPtr GetOrCreateServiceWorkerHandle(
ServiceWorkerVersion* version);
// Returns true if |registration| can be associated with this provider.
bool CanAssociateRegistration(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration);
// For use by the ServiceWorkerControlleeRequestHandler to disallow
// new registration association while a navigation is occurring and
// an existing registration is being looked for.
void SetAllowAssociation(bool allow) { allow_association_ = allow; }
// Returns true if the context referred to by this host (i.e. |context_|) is
// still alive.
bool IsContextAlive();
// Dispatches message event to the document.
void PostMessageToClient(ServiceWorkerVersion* version,
blink::TransferableMessage message);
// Notifies the client that its controller used a feature, for UseCounter
// purposes. This can only be called if IsProviderForClient() is true.
void CountFeature(uint32_t feature);
// |registration| claims the document to be controlled.
void ClaimedByRegistration(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration);
// Completes initialization of provider hosts used for navigation requests.
void CompleteNavigationInitialized(
int process_id,
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo info,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerDispatcherHost> dispatcher_host);
// Completes initialization of this provider host (which is for hosting a
// service worker). It is called once a renderer process has been found to
// host the worker. Returns the info needed for creating a
// ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider on the renderer which will be connected to
// this instance. This instance will keep the reference to |hosted_version|,
// so please be careful not to create a reference cycle.
int process_id,
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> hosted_version);
// Sends event messages to the renderer. Events for the worker are queued up
// until the worker thread id is known via SetReadyToSendMessagesToWorker().
void SendServiceWorkerStateChangedMessage(
int worker_handle_id,
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerState state);
// Sets the worker thread id and flushes queued events.
void SetReadyToSendMessagesToWorker(int render_thread_id);
void AddMatchingRegistration(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration);
void RemoveMatchingRegistration(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration);
// An optimized implementation of [[Match Service Worker Registration]]
// for current document.
ServiceWorkerRegistration* MatchRegistration() const;
// Removes the ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost corresponding to
// |registration_id|.
void RemoveServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost(int64_t registration_id);
// Calls ContentBrowserClient::AllowServiceWorker(). Returns true if content
// settings allows service workers to run at |scope|. If this provider is for
// a window client, the check involves the topmost frame url as well as
// |scope|, and may display tab-level UI.
bool AllowServiceWorker(const GURL& scope);
// Called when our controller has been terminated and doomed due to an
// exceptional condition like it could no longer be read from the script
// cache.
void NotifyControllerLost();
friend class LinkHeaderServiceWorkerTest;
friend class ServiceWorkerProviderHostTest;
friend class ServiceWorkerWriteToCacheJobTest;
friend class ServiceWorkerContextRequestHandlerTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerWriteToCacheJobTest, Update_SameScript);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerProviderHostTest, ContextSecurity);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerJobTest, Unregister);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerJobTest, RegisterDuplicateScript);
int process_id,
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo info,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerDispatcherHost> dispatcher_host);
// ServiceWorkerRegistration::Listener overrides.
void OnVersionAttributesChanged(
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration,
ChangedVersionAttributesMask changed_mask,
const ServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo& info) override;
void OnRegistrationFailed(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration) override;
void OnRegistrationFinishedUninstalling(
ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration) override;
void OnSkippedWaiting(ServiceWorkerRegistration* registration) override;
// Sets the controller field to |version| or if |version| is nullptr, clears
// the field. If |notify_controllerchange| is true, instructs the renderer to
// dispatch a 'controller' change event.
void SetControllerVersionAttribute(ServiceWorkerVersion* version,
bool notify_controllerchange);
void SendAssociateRegistrationMessage();
// Syncs matching registrations with live registrations.
void SyncMatchingRegistrations();
// Discards all references to matching registrations.
void RemoveAllMatchingRegistrations();
void ReturnRegistrationForReadyIfNeeded();
bool IsReadyToSendMessages() const;
void Send(IPC::Message* message) const;
// Sends information about the controller to the providers of the service
// worker clients in the renderer. If |notify_controllerchange| is true,
// instructs the renderer to dispatch a 'controllerchange' event.
void SendSetControllerServiceWorker(bool notify_controllerchange);
// Implements mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHost.
void Register(const GURL& script_url,
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerRegistrationOptionsPtr options,
RegisterCallback callback) override;
void GetRegistration(const GURL& client_url,
GetRegistrationCallback callback) override;
void GetRegistrations(GetRegistrationsCallback callback) override;
void GetRegistrationForReady(
GetRegistrationForReadyCallback callback) override;
void GetControllerServiceWorker(
mojom::ControllerServiceWorkerRequest controller_request) override;
void CloneForWorker(
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHostRequest container_host_request) override;
// Callback for ServiceWorkerContextCore::RegisterServiceWorker().
void RegistrationComplete(RegisterCallback callback,
int64_t trace_id,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status,
const std::string& status_message,
int64_t registration_id);
// Callback for ServiceWorkerStorage::FindRegistrationForDocument().
void GetRegistrationComplete(
GetRegistrationCallback callback,
int64_t trace_id,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status,
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> registration);
// Callback for ServiceWorkerStorage::GetRegistrationsForOrigin().
void GetRegistrationsComplete(
GetRegistrationsCallback callback,
int64_t trace_id,
ServiceWorkerStatusCode status,
const std::vector<scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerRegistration>>&
bool IsValidRegisterMessage(
const GURL& script_url,
const blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerRegistrationOptions& options,
std::string* out_error) const;
bool IsValidGetRegistrationMessage(const GURL& client_url,
std::string* out_error) const;
bool IsValidGetRegistrationsMessage(std::string* out_error) const;
bool IsValidGetRegistrationForReadyMessage(std::string* out_error) const;
// service_manager::mojom::InterfaceProvider:
// For provider hosts that are hosting a running service worker.
void GetInterface(const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe) override;
// Returns an object info representing |registration|. The object info holds a
// Mojo connection to the ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost for the
// |registration| to ensure the host stays alive while the object info is
// alive. A new ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost instance is created if one
// can not be found in |registration_object_hosts_|.
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> registration);
// Perform common checks that need to run before ContainerHost methods that
// come from a child process are handled.
// |scope| is checked if it is allowed to run a service worker.
// Returns true if all checks have passed.
// If anything looks wrong |callback| will run with an error
// message prefixed by |error_prefix| and |args|, and false is returned.
template <typename CallbackType, typename... Args>
bool CanServeContainerHostMethods(CallbackType* callback,
const GURL& scope,
const char* error_prefix,
Args... args);
const std::string client_uuid_;
const base::TimeTicks create_time_;
int render_process_id_;
// For provider hosts that are hosting a running service worker, the id of the
// service worker thread or |kInvalidEmbeddedWorkerThreadId| before the
// service worker starts up. Otherwise, |kDocumentMainThreadId|.
int render_thread_id_;
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo info_;
// Only set when this object is pre-created for a navigation. It indicates the
// tab where the navigation occurs.
WebContentsGetter web_contents_getter_;
GURL document_url_;
GURL topmost_frame_url_;
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerRegistration> associated_registration_;
// Keyed by registration scope URL length.
using ServiceWorkerRegistrationMap =
std::map<size_t, scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerRegistration>>;
// Contains all living registrations whose pattern this document's URL
// starts with. It is empty if IsContextSecureForServiceWorker() is
// false.
ServiceWorkerRegistrationMap matching_registrations_;
// Contains all ServiceWorkerRegistrationObjectHost instances corresponding to
// the service worker registration JavaScript objects for the hosted execution
// context (service worker global scope or service worker client) in the
// renderer process.
std::map<int64_t /* registration_id */,
// The ready() promise is only allowed to be created once.
// |get_ready_callback_| has three states:
// 1. |get_ready_callback_| is null when ready() has not yet been called.
// 2. |*get_ready_callback_| is a valid OnceCallback after ready() has been
// called and the callback has not yet been run.
// 3. |*get_ready_callback_| is a null OnceCallback after the callback has
// been run.
std::unique_ptr<GetRegistrationForReadyCallback> get_ready_callback_;
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> controller_;
scoped_refptr<ServiceWorkerVersion> running_hosted_version_;
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context_;
// |dispatcher_host_| is expected to outlive |this| because it destroys
// |this| upon destruction. However, it may be null in some cases:
// 1) In some tests.
// 2) Navigations and service worker startup pre-create a
// ServiceWorkerProviderHost instance before there is a renderer assigned to
// it. The dispatcher host is set once the instance starts hosting a
// renderer.
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerDispatcherHost> dispatcher_host_;
bool allow_association_;
// |container_| is the Mojo endpoint to the renderer-side
// ServiceWorkerContainer that |this| is a ServiceWorkerContainerHost for.
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerAssociatedPtr container_;
// |binding_| is the Mojo binding that keeps the connection to the
// renderer-side counterpart (content::ServiceWorkerNetworkProvider). When the
// connection bound on |binding_| gets killed from the renderer side, or the
// bound |ServiceWorkerProviderInfoForStartWorker::host_ptr_info| is otherwise
// destroyed before being passed to the renderer, this
// content::ServiceWorkerProviderHost will be destroyed.
mojo::AssociatedBinding<mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHost> binding_;
// Mojo bindings for provider host pointers which are used from (dedicated or
// shared) worker threads.
// When this is hosting a shared worker, |bindings_for_worker_threads_|
// contains exactly one element for the shared worker thread. This binding is
// needed because the host pointer which is bound to |binding_| can only be
// used from the main thread.
// When this is hosting a document, |bindings_for_worker_threads_| contains
// all dedicated workers associated with the document. This binding is needed
// for the host pointers which are used from the dedicated worker threads.
std::vector<base::Closure> queued_events_;
// S13nServiceWorker/NavigationMojoResponse:
// A service worker handle for the controller service worker that is
// pre-created before the renderer process (and therefore the dispatcher host)
// is created.
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerHandle> precreated_controller_handle_;
// For provider hosts that are hosting a running service worker.
} // namespace content