blob: fe704f7ae54300fcb959188282b8050b01474562 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/audio/PushPullFIFO.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "platform/CrossThreadFunctional.h"
#include "platform/WaitableEvent.h"
#include "platform/WebTaskRunner.h"
#include "platform/audio/AudioUtilities.h"
#include "platform/testing/TestingPlatformSupport.h"
#include "platform/testing/TestingPlatformSupportWithMockScheduler.h"
#include "platform/testing/UnitTestHelpers.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Functional.h"
#include "public/platform/Platform.h"
#include "public/platform/WebThread.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Base FIFOClient with an extra thread for looping and jitter control. The
// child class must define a specific task to run on the thread.
class FIFOClient {
FIFOClient(PushPullFIFO* fifo, size_t bus_length, size_t jitter_range_ms)
: fifo_(fifo),
bus_(AudioBus::Create(fifo->NumberOfChannels(), bus_length)),
jitter_range_ms_(jitter_range_ms) {}
WaitableEvent* Start(double duration_ms, double interval_ms) {
duration_ms_ = duration_ms;
interval_ms_ = interval_ms;
PostCrossThreadTask(*client_thread_->GetTaskRunner(), FROM_HERE,
return done_event_.get();
virtual void Stop(int callback_counter) = 0;
virtual void RunTask() = 0;
void Pull(size_t frames_to_pull) { fifo_->Pull(bus_.get(), frames_to_pull); }
void Push() { fifo_->Push(bus_.get()); }
void RunTaskOnOwnThread() {
double interval_with_jitter = interval_ms_
+ (static_cast<double>(std::rand()) / RAND_MAX) * jitter_range_ms_;
elapsed_ms_ += interval_with_jitter;
if (elapsed_ms_ < duration_ms_) {
*client_thread_->GetTaskRunner(), FROM_HERE,
} else {
// Should be instantiated before calling Platform::Current()->CreateThread().
// Do not place this after the |client_thread_| below.
PushPullFIFO* fifo_;
scoped_refptr<AudioBus> bus_;
std::unique_ptr<WebThread> client_thread_;
std::unique_ptr<WaitableEvent> done_event_;
// Test duration.
double duration_ms_;
// Interval between each callback.
double interval_ms_;
// Jitter added to the regular pushing/pulling interval.
// (where j is 0 < j < jitter_range_ms)
double jitter_range_ms_;
// Elapsed test duration.
double elapsed_ms_ = 0;
// Counter variable for the total number of callbacks invoked.
int counter_ = 0;
// FIFO-pulling client (consumer). This mimics the audio device thread.
// |frames_to_pull| is variable.
class PullClient final : public FIFOClient {
PullClient(PushPullFIFO* fifo, size_t frames_to_pull, double jitter_range_ms)
: FIFOClient(fifo, frames_to_pull, jitter_range_ms),
frames_to_pull_(frames_to_pull) {
void RunTask() override {
void Stop(int callback_counter) override {
LOG(INFO) << "PullClient stopped. (" << callback_counter << " calls)";
size_t frames_to_pull_;
// FIFO-pushing client (producer). This mimics the WebAudio rendering thread.
// The frames to push are static as 128 frames.
class PushClient final : public FIFOClient {
PushClient(PushPullFIFO* fifo, size_t frames_to_push, double jitter_range_ms)
: FIFOClient(fifo, frames_to_push, jitter_range_ms) {}
void RunTask() override {
void Stop(int callback_counter) override {
LOG(INFO) << "PushClient stopped. (" << callback_counter << " calls)";
struct FIFOSmokeTestParam {
const double sample_rate;
const unsigned number_of_channels;
const size_t fifo_length;
const double test_duration_ms;
// Buffer size for pulling. Equivalent of |callback_buffer_size|.
const size_t pull_buffer_size;
// Jitter range for the pulling interval.
const double pull_jitter_range_ms;
// Buffer size for pushing. Equivalent of WebAudio render quantum.
const size_t push_buffer_size;
// Jitter range for the pushing interval.
const double push_jitter_range_ms;
class PushPullFIFOSmokeTest
: public ::testing::TestWithParam<FIFOSmokeTestParam> {};
TEST_P(PushPullFIFOSmokeTest, SmokeTests) {
const FIFOSmokeTestParam param = GetParam();
const double sample_rate = param.sample_rate * 4;
const double pull_interval_ms =
param.pull_buffer_size / sample_rate * 1000;
const double push_interval_ms =
param.push_buffer_size / sample_rate * 1000;
std::unique_ptr<PushPullFIFO> test_fifo = WTF::WrapUnique(
new PushPullFIFO(param.number_of_channels, param.fifo_length));
std::unique_ptr<PullClient> pull_client = WTF::WrapUnique(new PullClient(
test_fifo.get(), param.pull_buffer_size, param.pull_jitter_range_ms));
std::unique_ptr<PushClient> push_client = WTF::WrapUnique(new PushClient(
test_fifo.get(), param.push_buffer_size, param.push_jitter_range_ms));
Vector<WaitableEvent*> done_events;
pull_client->Start(param.test_duration_ms, pull_interval_ms));
push_client->Start(param.test_duration_ms, push_interval_ms));
LOG(INFO) << "PushPullFIFOSmokeTest - Started";
// We have to wait both of events to be signaled.
FIFOSmokeTestParam smoke_test_params[] = {
// Test case 0 (OSX): 256 Pull, 128 Push, Minimal jitter.
// WebThread's priority is lower than the device thread, so its jitter range
// is slightly bigger than the other.
{48000, 2, 8192, 250, 256, 1, 128, 2},
// Test case 1 (Windows): 441 Pull, 128 Push. Moderate Jitter.
// Windows' audio callback is known to be ~10ms and UMA data shows the
// evidence for it. The jitter range was determined speculatively.
{44100, 2, 8192, 250, 441, 2, 128, 3},
// Test case 2 (Ubuntu/Linux): 512 Pull, 128 Push. Unstable callback, but
// fast CPU. A typical configuration for Ubuntu + PulseAudio setup.
// PulseAudio's callback is known to be rather unstable.
{48000, 2, 8192, 250, 512, 8, 128, 1},
// Test case 3 (Android-Reference): 512 Pull, 128 Push. Similar to Linux, but
// low profile CPU.
{44100, 2, 8192, 250, 512, 8, 128, 3},
// Test case 4 (Android-ExternalA): 441 Pull, 128 Push. Extreme jitter with
// low profile CPU.
{44100, 2, 8192, 250, 441, 24, 128, 8},
// Test case 5 (Android-ExternalB): 5768 Pull, 128 Push. Huge callback with
// large jitter. Low profile CPU.
{44100, 2, 8192, 250, 5768, 120, 128, 12},
// Test case 6 (User-specified buffer size): 960 Pull, 128 Push. Minimal
// Jitter. 960 frames = 20ms at 48KHz.
{48000, 2, 8192, 250, 960, 1, 128, 1},
// Test case 7 (Longer test duration): 256 Pull, 128 Push. 2.5 seconds.
{48000, 2, 8192, 2500, 256, 0, 128, 1}
} // namespace
} // namespace blink