blob: 927f76a9b5d692d0fcbfea73b80b6dcee276fa1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import android.content.Context;
import android.test.InstrumentationTestCase;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryProcessType;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.LoaderErrors;
import org.chromium.base.library_loader.ProcessInitException;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.AdvancedMockContext;
* Test of BrowserStartupController
public class BrowserStartupControllerTest extends InstrumentationTestCase {
private TestBrowserStartupController mController;
private static class TestBrowserStartupController extends BrowserStartupController {
private int mStartupResult;
private boolean mLibraryLoadSucceeds;
private int mInitializedCounter = 0;
void prepareToStartBrowserProcess(boolean singleProcess, Runnable completionCallback)
throws ProcessInitException {
if (!mLibraryLoadSucceeds) {
throw new ProcessInitException(
} else if (completionCallback != null) {;
private TestBrowserStartupController(Context context) {
super(context, LibraryProcessType.PROCESS_BROWSER);
int contentStart() {
if (BrowserStartupController.browserMayStartAsynchonously()) {
// Post to the UI thread to emulate what would happen in a real scenario.
ThreadUtils.postOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
return mStartupResult;
private int initializedCounter() {
return mInitializedCounter;
private static class TestStartupCallback implements BrowserStartupController.StartupCallback {
private boolean mWasSuccess;
private boolean mWasFailure;
private boolean mHasStartupResult;
private boolean mAlreadyStarted;
public void onSuccess(boolean alreadyStarted) {
assert !mHasStartupResult;
mWasSuccess = true;
mAlreadyStarted = alreadyStarted;
mHasStartupResult = true;
public void onFailure() {
assert !mHasStartupResult;
mWasFailure = true;
mHasStartupResult = true;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
Context context = new AdvancedMockContext(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext());
mController = new TestBrowserStartupController(context);
// Setting the static singleton instance field enables more correct testing, since it is
// is possible to call {@link BrowserStartupController#browserStartupComplete(int)} instead
// of {@link BrowserStartupController#executeEnqueuedCallbacks(int, boolean)} directly.
public void testSingleAsynchronousStartupRequest() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_SUCCESS;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the asynchronous startup request.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
assertTrue("Asynchronous mode should have been set.",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized one time.", 1,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback should have been executed.", callback.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback should have been a success.", callback.mWasSuccess);
assertFalse("Callback should be told that the browser process was not already started.",
public void testMultipleAsynchronousStartupRequests() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_SUCCESS;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback1 = new TestStartupCallback();
final TestStartupCallback callback2 = new TestStartupCallback();
final TestStartupCallback callback3 = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the asynchronous startup requests.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
assertTrue("Asynchronous mode should have been set.",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized one time.", 1,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback 1 should have been executed.", callback1.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 1 should have been a success.", callback1.mWasSuccess);
assertTrue("Callback 2 should have been executed.", callback2.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 2 should have been a success.", callback2.mWasSuccess);
assertTrue("Callback 3 should have been executed.", callback3.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 3 should have been a success.", callback3.mWasSuccess);
// Some startup tasks might have been enqueued after the browser process was started, but
// not the first one which kicked of the startup.
assertFalse("Callback 1 should be told that the browser process was not already started.",
public void testConsecutiveAsynchronousStartupRequests() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_SUCCESS;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback1 = new TestStartupCallback();
final TestStartupCallback callback2 = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the asynchronous startup requests.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
assertTrue("Asynchronous mode should have been set.",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized one time.", 1,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback 1 should have been executed.", callback1.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 1 should have been a success.", callback1.mWasSuccess);
assertTrue("Callback 2 should have been executed.", callback2.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 2 should have been a success.", callback2.mWasSuccess);
final TestStartupCallback callback3 = new TestStartupCallback();
final TestStartupCallback callback4 = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off more asynchronous startup requests.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback 3 should have been executed.", callback3.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 3 should have been a success.", callback3.mWasSuccess);
assertTrue("Callback 3 should be told that the browser process was already started.",
assertTrue("Callback 4 should have been executed.", callback4.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 4 should have been a success.", callback4.mWasSuccess);
assertTrue("Callback 4 should be told that the browser process was already started.",
public void testSingleFailedAsynchronousStartupRequest() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_FAILURE;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the asynchronous startup request.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
assertTrue("Asynchronous mode should have been set.",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized one time.", 1,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback should have been executed.", callback.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback should have been a failure.", callback.mWasFailure);
public void testConsecutiveFailedAsynchronousStartupRequests() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_FAILURE;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback1 = new TestStartupCallback();
final TestStartupCallback callback2 = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the asynchronous startup requests.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
assertTrue("Asynchronous mode should have been set.",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized one time.", 1,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback 1 should have been executed.", callback1.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 1 should have been a failure.", callback1.mWasFailure);
assertTrue("Callback 2 should have been executed.", callback2.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 2 should have been a failure.", callback2.mWasFailure);
final TestStartupCallback callback3 = new TestStartupCallback();
final TestStartupCallback callback4 = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off more asynchronous startup requests.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback 3 should have been executed.", callback3.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 3 should have been a failure.", callback3.mWasFailure);
assertTrue("Callback 4 should have been executed.", callback4.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback 4 should have been a failure.", callback4.mWasFailure);
public void testSingleSynchronousRequest() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_SUCCESS;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
// Kick off the synchronous startup.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
assertFalse("Synchronous mode should have been set",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized one time.", 1,
public void testAsyncThenSyncRequests() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_SUCCESS;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the startups.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
// To ensure that the async startup doesn't complete too soon we have
// to do both these in a since Runnable instance. This avoids the
// unpredictable race that happens in real situations.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
assertFalse("Synchronous mode should have been set",
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized twice.", 2,
assertTrue("Callback should have been executed.", callback.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback should have been a success.", callback.mWasSuccess);
assertFalse("Callback should be told that the browser process was not already started.",
public void testSyncThenAsyncRequests() {
mController.mStartupResult = BrowserStartupController.STARTUP_SUCCESS;
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = true;
final TestStartupCallback callback = new TestStartupCallback();
// Do a synchronous startup first.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
assertEquals("The browser process should have been initialized once.", 1,
assertFalse("Synchronous mode should have been set",
// Kick off the asynchronous startup request. This should just queue the callback.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Browser should have started successfully");
assertEquals("The browser process should not have been initialized a second time.", 1,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.
assertTrue("Callback should have been executed.", callback.mHasStartupResult);
assertTrue("Callback should have been a success.", callback.mWasSuccess);
assertTrue("Callback should be told that the browser process was already started.",
public void testLibraryLoadFails() {
mController.mLibraryLoadSucceeds = false;
final TestStartupCallback callback = new TestStartupCallback();
// Kick off the asynchronous startup request.
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
fail("Browser should not have started successfully");
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception expected, ignore.
assertEquals("The browser process should not have been initialized.", 0,
// Wait for callbacks to complete.