blob: e494bac1ccd153a5ea1abec91d2e5f917415b17b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/json_schema/json_schema_validator.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/json_schema/json_schema_constants.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
namespace schema = json_schema_constants;
namespace {
double GetNumberValue(const base::Value* value) {
double result = 0;
<< "Unexpected value type: " << value->type();
return result;
bool IsValidType(const std::string& type) {
static const char* kValidTypes[] = {
const char** end = kValidTypes + arraysize(kValidTypes);
return std::find(kValidTypes, end, type) != end;
// Maps a schema attribute name to its expected type.
struct ExpectedType {
const char* key;
base::Value::Type type;
// Helper for std::lower_bound.
bool CompareToString(const ExpectedType& entry, const std::string& key) {
return entry.key < key;
// If |value| is a dictionary, returns the "name" attribute of |value| or NULL
// if |value| does not contain a "name" attribute. Otherwise, returns |value|.
const base::Value* ExtractNameFromDictionary(const base::Value* value) {
const base::DictionaryValue* value_dict = nullptr;
const base::Value* name_value = nullptr;
if (value->GetAsDictionary(&value_dict)) {
value_dict->Get("name", &name_value);
return name_value;
return value;
bool IsValidSchema(const base::DictionaryValue* dict,
int options,
std::string* error) {
// This array must be sorted, so that std::lower_bound can perform a
// binary search.
static const ExpectedType kExpectedTypes[] = {
// Note: kRef == "$ref", kSchema == "$schema"
{ schema::kRef, base::Value::Type::STRING },
{ schema::kSchema, base::Value::Type::STRING },
{ schema::kAdditionalProperties, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY },
{ schema::kChoices, base::Value::Type::LIST },
{ schema::kDescription, base::Value::Type::STRING },
{ schema::kEnum, base::Value::Type::LIST },
{ schema::kId, base::Value::Type::STRING },
{ schema::kMaxItems, base::Value::Type::INTEGER },
{ schema::kMaxLength, base::Value::Type::INTEGER },
{ schema::kMaximum, base::Value::Type::DOUBLE },
{ schema::kMinItems, base::Value::Type::INTEGER },
{ schema::kMinLength, base::Value::Type::INTEGER },
{ schema::kMinimum, base::Value::Type::DOUBLE },
{ schema::kOptional, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN },
{ schema::kPattern, base::Value::Type::STRING },
{ schema::kPatternProperties, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY },
{ schema::kProperties, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY },
{ schema::kTitle, base::Value::Type::STRING },
bool has_type_or_ref = false;
const base::ListValue* list_value = nullptr;
const base::DictionaryValue* dictionary_value = nullptr;
std::string string_value;
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*dict); !it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {
// Validate the "type" attribute, which may be a string or a list.
if (it.key() == schema::kType) {
switch (it.value().type()) {
case base::Value::Type::STRING:
if (!IsValidType(string_value)) {
*error = "Invalid value for type attribute";
return false;
case base::Value::Type::LIST:
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) {
if (!list_value->GetString(i, &string_value) ||
!IsValidType(string_value)) {
*error = "Invalid value for type attribute";
return false;
*error = "Invalid value for type attribute";
return false;
has_type_or_ref = true;
// Validate the "items" attribute, which is a schema or a list of schemas.
if (it.key() == schema::kItems) {
if (it.value().GetAsDictionary(&dictionary_value)) {
if (!IsValidSchema(dictionary_value, options, error)) {
return false;
} else if (it.value().GetAsList(&list_value)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) {
if (!list_value->GetDictionary(i, &dictionary_value)) {
*error = base::StringPrintf(
"Invalid entry in items attribute at index %d",
return false;
if (!IsValidSchema(dictionary_value, options, error)) {
return false;
} else {
*error = "Invalid value for items attribute";
return false;
// All the other attributes have a single valid type.
const ExpectedType* end = kExpectedTypes + arraysize(kExpectedTypes);
const ExpectedType* entry = std::lower_bound(
kExpectedTypes, end, it.key(), CompareToString);
if (entry == end || entry->key != it.key()) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Invalid attribute %s", it.key().c_str());
return false;
// Integer can be converted to double.
if (!(it.value().type() == entry->type ||
(it.value().is_int() && entry->type == base::Value::Type::DOUBLE))) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Invalid value for %s attribute",
return false;
// base::Value::Type::INTEGER attributes must be >= 0.
// This applies to "minItems", "maxItems", "minLength" and "maxLength".
if (it.value().is_int()) {
int integer_value;
if (integer_value < 0) {
*error = base::StringPrintf("Value of %s must be >= 0, got %d",
it.key().c_str(), integer_value);
return false;
// Validate the "properties" attribute. Each entry maps a key to a schema.
if (it.key() == schema::kProperties) {
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*dictionary_value);
!iter.IsAtEnd(); iter.Advance()) {
if (!iter.value().GetAsDictionary(&dictionary_value)) {
*error = "properties must be a dictionary";
return false;
if (!IsValidSchema(dictionary_value, options, error)) {
return false;
// Validate the "patternProperties" attribute. Each entry maps a regular
// expression to a schema. The validity of the regular expression expression
// won't be checked here for performance reasons. Instead, invalid regular
// expressions will be caught as validation errors in Validate().
if (it.key() == schema::kPatternProperties) {
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator iter(*dictionary_value);
!iter.IsAtEnd(); iter.Advance()) {
if (!iter.value().GetAsDictionary(&dictionary_value)) {
*error = "patternProperties must be a dictionary";
return false;
if (!IsValidSchema(dictionary_value, options, error)) {
return false;
// Validate "additionalProperties" attribute, which is a schema.
if (it.key() == schema::kAdditionalProperties) {
if (!IsValidSchema(dictionary_value, options, error)) {
return false;
// Validate the values contained in an "enum" attribute.
if (it.key() == schema::kEnum) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) {
const base::Value* value = nullptr;
list_value->Get(i, &value);
// Sometimes the enum declaration is a dictionary with the enum value
// under "name".
value = ExtractNameFromDictionary(value);
if (!value) {
*error = "Invalid value in enum attribute";
return false;
switch (value->type()) {
case base::Value::Type::NONE:
case base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN:
case base::Value::Type::INTEGER:
case base::Value::Type::DOUBLE:
case base::Value::Type::STRING:
*error = "Invalid value in enum attribute";
return false;
// Validate the schemas contained in a "choices" attribute.
if (it.key() == schema::kChoices) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < list_value->GetSize(); ++i) {
if (!list_value->GetDictionary(i, &dictionary_value)) {
*error = "Invalid choices attribute";
return false;
if (!IsValidSchema(dictionary_value, options, error)) {
return false;
if (it.key() == schema::kRef)
has_type_or_ref = true;
if (!has_type_or_ref) {
*error = "Schema must have a type or a $ref attribute";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
JSONSchemaValidator::Error::Error() {
JSONSchemaValidator::Error::Error(const std::string& message)
: path(message) {
JSONSchemaValidator::Error::Error(const std::string& path,
const std::string& message)
: path(path), message(message) {
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kUnknownTypeReference[] =
"Unknown schema reference: *.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kInvalidChoice[] =
"Value does not match any valid type choices.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kInvalidEnum[] =
"Value does not match any valid enum choices.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kObjectPropertyIsRequired[] =
"Property is required.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kUnexpectedProperty[] =
"Unexpected property.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kArrayMinItems[] =
"Array must have at least * items.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kArrayMaxItems[] =
"Array must not have more than * items.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kArrayItemRequired[] =
"Item is required.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kStringMinLength[] =
"String must be at least * characters long.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kStringMaxLength[] =
"String must not be more than * characters long.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kStringPattern[] =
"String must match the pattern: *.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kNumberMinimum[] =
"Value must not be less than *.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kNumberMaximum[] =
"Value must not be greater than *.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kInvalidType[] =
"Expected '*' but got '*'.";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kInvalidTypeIntegerNumber[] =
"Expected 'integer' but got 'number', consider using Math.round().";
const char JSONSchemaValidator::kInvalidRegex[] =
"Regular expression /*/ is invalid: *";
// static
std::string JSONSchemaValidator::GetJSONSchemaType(const base::Value* value) {
switch (value->type()) {
case base::Value::Type::NONE:
return schema::kNull;
case base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN:
return schema::kBoolean;
case base::Value::Type::INTEGER:
return schema::kInteger;
case base::Value::Type::DOUBLE: {
double double_value = 0;
if (std::abs(double_value) <= std::pow(2.0, DBL_MANT_DIG) &&
double_value == floor(double_value)) {
return schema::kInteger;
return schema::kNumber;
case base::Value::Type::STRING:
return schema::kString;
case base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY:
return schema::kObject;
case base::Value::Type::LIST:
return schema::kArray;
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected value type: " << value->type();
return std::string();
// static
std::string JSONSchemaValidator::FormatErrorMessage(const std::string& format,
const std::string& s1) {
std::string ret_val = format;
base::ReplaceFirstSubstringAfterOffset(&ret_val, 0, "*", s1);
return ret_val;
// static
std::string JSONSchemaValidator::FormatErrorMessage(const std::string& format,
const std::string& s1,
const std::string& s2) {
std::string ret_val = format;
base::ReplaceFirstSubstringAfterOffset(&ret_val, 0, "*", s1);
base::ReplaceFirstSubstringAfterOffset(&ret_val, 0, "*", s2);
return ret_val;
// static
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> JSONSchemaValidator::IsValidSchema(
const std::string& schema,
std::string* error) {
return JSONSchemaValidator::IsValidSchema(schema, 0, error);
// static
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> JSONSchemaValidator::IsValidSchema(
const std::string& schema,
int validator_options,
std::string* error) {
base::JSONParserOptions json_options = base::JSON_PARSE_RFC;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> json = base::JSONReader::ReadAndReturnError(
schema, json_options, nullptr, error);
if (!json)
return std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>();
base::DictionaryValue* dict = nullptr;
if (!json->GetAsDictionary(&dict)) {
*error = "Schema must be a JSON object";
return std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>();
if (!::IsValidSchema(dict, validator_options, error))
return std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>();
return base::WrapUnique(dict);
JSONSchemaValidator::JSONSchemaValidator(base::DictionaryValue* schema)
: schema_root_(schema), default_allow_additional_properties_(false) {
JSONSchemaValidator::JSONSchemaValidator(base::DictionaryValue* schema,
base::ListValue* types)
: schema_root_(schema), default_allow_additional_properties_(false) {
if (!types)
for (size_t i = 0; i < types->GetSize(); ++i) {
base::DictionaryValue* type = nullptr;
CHECK(types->GetDictionary(i, &type));
std::string id;
CHECK(type->GetString(schema::kId, &id));
CHECK(types_.find(id) == types_.end());
types_[id] = type;
JSONSchemaValidator::~JSONSchemaValidator() {}
bool JSONSchemaValidator::Validate(const base::Value* instance) {
Validate(instance, schema_root_, std::string());
return errors_.empty();
void JSONSchemaValidator::Validate(const base::Value* instance,
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const std::string& path) {
// If this schema defines itself as reference type, save it in this.types.
std::string id;
if (schema->GetString(schema::kId, &id)) {
TypeMap::iterator iter = types_.find(id);
if (iter == types_.end())
types_[id] = schema;
DCHECK(iter->second == schema);
// If the schema has a $ref property, the instance must validate against
// that schema. It must be present in types_ to be referenced.
std::string ref;
if (schema->GetString(schema::kRef, &ref)) {
TypeMap::iterator type = types_.find(ref);
if (type == types_.end()) {
Error(path, FormatErrorMessage(kUnknownTypeReference, ref)));
} else {
Validate(instance, type->second, path);
// If the schema has a choices property, the instance must validate against at
// least one of the items in that array.
const base::ListValue* choices = nullptr;
if (schema->GetList(schema::kChoices, &choices)) {
ValidateChoices(instance, choices, path);
// If the schema has an enum property, the instance must be one of those
// values.
const base::ListValue* enumeration = nullptr;
if (schema->GetList(schema::kEnum, &enumeration)) {
ValidateEnum(instance, enumeration, path);
std::string type;
schema->GetString(schema::kType, &type);
if (type != schema::kAny) {
if (!ValidateType(instance, type, path))
// These casts are safe because of checks in ValidateType().
if (type == schema::kObject) {
ValidateObject(static_cast<const base::DictionaryValue*>(instance),
} else if (type == schema::kArray) {
ValidateArray(static_cast<const base::ListValue*>(instance),
schema, path);
} else if (type == schema::kString) {
// Intentionally NOT downcasting to StringValue*. Type::STRING only
// implies GetAsString() can safely be carried out, not that it's a
// StringValue.
ValidateString(instance, schema, path);
} else if (type == schema::kNumber || type == schema::kInteger) {
ValidateNumber(instance, schema, path);
} else if (type != schema::kBoolean && type != schema::kNull) {
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected type: " << type;
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateChoices(const base::Value* instance,
const base::ListValue* choices,
const std::string& path) {
size_t original_num_errors = errors_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < choices->GetSize(); ++i) {
const base::DictionaryValue* choice = nullptr;
CHECK(choices->GetDictionary(i, &choice));
Validate(instance, choice, path);
if (errors_.size() == original_num_errors)
// We discard the error from each choice. We only want to know if any of the
// validations succeeded.
// Now add a generic error that no choices matched.
errors_.push_back(Error(path, kInvalidChoice));
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateEnum(const base::Value* instance,
const base::ListValue* choices,
const std::string& path) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < choices->GetSize(); ++i) {
const base::Value* choice = nullptr;
CHECK(choices->Get(i, &choice));
// Sometimes the enum declaration is a dictionary with the enum value under
// "name".
choice = ExtractNameFromDictionary(choice);
if (!choice) {
switch (choice->type()) {
case base::Value::Type::NONE:
case base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN:
case base::Value::Type::STRING:
if (instance->Equals(choice))
case base::Value::Type::INTEGER:
case base::Value::Type::DOUBLE:
if (instance->is_int() || instance->is_double()) {
if (GetNumberValue(choice) == GetNumberValue(instance))
NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected type in enum: " << choice->type();
errors_.push_back(Error(path, kInvalidEnum));
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateObject(const base::DictionaryValue* instance,
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const std::string& path) {
const base::DictionaryValue* properties = nullptr;
if (schema->GetDictionary(schema::kProperties, &properties)) {
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*properties); !it.IsAtEnd();
it.Advance()) {
std::string prop_path = path.empty() ? it.key() : (path + "." + it.key());
const base::DictionaryValue* prop_schema = nullptr;
const base::Value* prop_value = nullptr;
if (instance->Get(it.key(), &prop_value)) {
Validate(prop_value, prop_schema, prop_path);
} else {
// Properties are required unless there is an optional field set to
// 'true'.
bool is_optional = false;
prop_schema->GetBoolean(schema::kOptional, &is_optional);
if (!is_optional) {
errors_.push_back(Error(prop_path, kObjectPropertyIsRequired));
const base::DictionaryValue* additional_properties_schema = nullptr;
bool allow_any_additional_properties =
SchemaAllowsAnyAdditionalItems(schema, &additional_properties_schema);
const base::DictionaryValue* pattern_properties = nullptr;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<re2::RE2>> pattern_properties_pattern;
std::vector<const base::DictionaryValue*> pattern_properties_schema;
if (schema->GetDictionary(schema::kPatternProperties, &pattern_properties)) {
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*pattern_properties); !it.IsAtEnd();
it.Advance()) {
auto prop_pattern = base::MakeUnique<re2::RE2>(it.key());
if (!prop_pattern->ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Regular expression /" << it.key()
<< "/ is invalid: " << prop_pattern->error() << ".";
kInvalidRegex, it.key(), prop_pattern->error())));
const base::DictionaryValue* prop_schema = nullptr;
// Validate pattern properties and additional properties.
for (base::DictionaryValue::Iterator it(*instance); !it.IsAtEnd();
it.Advance()) {
std::string prop_path = path.empty() ? it.key() : path + "." + it.key();
bool found_matching_pattern = false;
for (size_t index = 0; index < pattern_properties_pattern.size(); ++index) {
if (re2::RE2::PartialMatch(it.key(),
*pattern_properties_pattern[index])) {
found_matching_pattern = true;
Validate(&it.value(), pattern_properties_schema[index], prop_path);
if (found_matching_pattern || allow_any_additional_properties ||
(properties && properties->HasKey(it.key())))
if (!additional_properties_schema) {
errors_.push_back(Error(prop_path, kUnexpectedProperty));
} else {
Validate(&it.value(), additional_properties_schema, prop_path);
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateArray(const base::ListValue* instance,
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const std::string& path) {
const base::DictionaryValue* single_type = nullptr;
size_t instance_size = instance->GetSize();
if (schema->GetDictionary(schema::kItems, &single_type)) {
int min_items = 0;
if (schema->GetInteger(schema::kMinItems, &min_items)) {
CHECK(min_items >= 0);
if (instance_size < static_cast<size_t>(min_items)) {
errors_.push_back(Error(path, FormatErrorMessage(
kArrayMinItems, base::IntToString(min_items))));
int max_items = 0;
if (schema->GetInteger(schema::kMaxItems, &max_items)) {
CHECK(max_items >= 0);
if (instance_size > static_cast<size_t>(max_items)) {
errors_.push_back(Error(path, FormatErrorMessage(
kArrayMaxItems, base::IntToString(max_items))));
// If the items property is a single schema, each item in the array must
// validate against that schema.
for (size_t i = 0; i < instance_size; ++i) {
const base::Value* item = nullptr;
CHECK(instance->Get(i, &item));
std::string i_str = base::NumberToString(i);
std::string item_path = path.empty() ? i_str : (path + "." + i_str);
Validate(item, single_type, item_path);
// Otherwise, the list must be a tuple type, where each item in the list has a
// particular schema.
ValidateTuple(instance, schema, path);
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateTuple(const base::ListValue* instance,
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const std::string& path) {
const base::ListValue* tuple_type = nullptr;
schema->GetList(schema::kItems, &tuple_type);
size_t tuple_size = tuple_type ? tuple_type->GetSize() : 0;
if (tuple_type) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_size; ++i) {
std::string i_str = base::NumberToString(i);
std::string item_path = path.empty() ? i_str : (path + "." + i_str);
const base::DictionaryValue* item_schema = nullptr;
CHECK(tuple_type->GetDictionary(i, &item_schema));
const base::Value* item_value = nullptr;
instance->Get(i, &item_value);
if (item_value && item_value->type() != base::Value::Type::NONE) {
Validate(item_value, item_schema, item_path);
} else {
bool is_optional = false;
item_schema->GetBoolean(schema::kOptional, &is_optional);
if (!is_optional) {
errors_.push_back(Error(item_path, kArrayItemRequired));
const base::DictionaryValue* additional_properties_schema = nullptr;
if (SchemaAllowsAnyAdditionalItems(schema, &additional_properties_schema))
size_t instance_size = instance->GetSize();
if (additional_properties_schema) {
// Any additional properties must validate against the additionalProperties
// schema.
for (size_t i = tuple_size; i < instance_size; ++i) {
std::string i_str = base::NumberToString(i);
std::string item_path = path.empty() ? i_str : (path + "." + i_str);
const base::Value* item_value = nullptr;
CHECK(instance->Get(i, &item_value));
Validate(item_value, additional_properties_schema, item_path);
} else if (instance_size > tuple_size) {
FormatErrorMessage(kArrayMaxItems, base::NumberToString(tuple_size))));
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateString(const base::Value* instance,
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const std::string& path) {
std::string value;
int min_length = 0;
if (schema->GetInteger(schema::kMinLength, &min_length)) {
CHECK(min_length >= 0);
if (value.size() < static_cast<size_t>(min_length)) {
errors_.push_back(Error(path, FormatErrorMessage(
kStringMinLength, base::IntToString(min_length))));
int max_length = 0;
if (schema->GetInteger(schema::kMaxLength, &max_length)) {
CHECK(max_length >= 0);
if (value.size() > static_cast<size_t>(max_length)) {
errors_.push_back(Error(path, FormatErrorMessage(
kStringMaxLength, base::IntToString(max_length))));
std::string pattern;
if (schema->GetString(schema::kPattern, &pattern)) {
re2::RE2 compiled_regex(pattern);
if (!compiled_regex.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Regular expression /" << pattern
<< "/ is invalid: " << compiled_regex.error() << ".";
FormatErrorMessage(kInvalidRegex, pattern, compiled_regex.error())));
} else if (!re2::RE2::PartialMatch(value, compiled_regex)) {
Error(path, FormatErrorMessage(kStringPattern, pattern)));
void JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateNumber(const base::Value* instance,
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const std::string& path) {
double value = GetNumberValue(instance);
// TODO(aa): It would be good to test that the double is not infinity or nan,
// but isnan and isinf aren't defined on Windows.
double minimum = 0;
if (schema->GetDouble(schema::kMinimum, &minimum)) {
if (value < minimum)
FormatErrorMessage(kNumberMinimum, base::NumberToString(minimum))));
double maximum = 0;
if (schema->GetDouble(schema::kMaximum, &maximum)) {
if (value > maximum)
FormatErrorMessage(kNumberMaximum, base::NumberToString(maximum))));
bool JSONSchemaValidator::ValidateType(const base::Value* instance,
const std::string& expected_type,
const std::string& path) {
std::string actual_type = GetJSONSchemaType(instance);
if (expected_type == actual_type ||
(expected_type == schema::kNumber && actual_type == schema::kInteger)) {
return true;
if (expected_type == schema::kInteger && actual_type == schema::kNumber) {
errors_.push_back(Error(path, kInvalidTypeIntegerNumber));
return false;
path, FormatErrorMessage(kInvalidType, expected_type, actual_type)));
return false;
bool JSONSchemaValidator::SchemaAllowsAnyAdditionalItems(
const base::DictionaryValue* schema,
const base::DictionaryValue** additional_properties_schema) {
// If the validator allows additional properties globally, and this schema
// doesn't override, then we can exit early.
if (*additional_properties_schema) {
std::string additional_properties_type(schema::kAny);
schema::kType, &additional_properties_type));
return additional_properties_type == schema::kAny;
return default_allow_additional_properties_;