blob: 217a8e163a6708f8809a40f60c43d0ef06b02c91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#import "base/ios/block_types.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/pref_registry/pref_registry_syncable.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_metrics.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/oauth2_token_service.h"
#include "ios/public/provider/chrome/browser/signin/chrome_identity_service.h"
namespace browser_sync {
class ProfileSyncService;
class AccountTrackerService;
class AuthenticationServiceDelegate;
@class ChromeIdentity;
class PrefService;
class ProfileOAuth2TokenService;
class SigninManager;
class SyncSetupService;
// AuthenticationService is the Chrome interface to the iOS shared
// authentication library.
class AuthenticationService : public KeyedService,
public OAuth2TokenService::Observer,
public ios::ChromeIdentityService::Observer {
AuthenticationService(PrefService* pref_service,
ProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service,
SyncSetupService* sync_setup_service,
AccountTrackerService* account_tracker,
SigninManager* signin_manager,
browser_sync::ProfileSyncService* sync_service);
~AuthenticationService() override;
// Registers the preferences used by AuthenticationService;
static void RegisterPrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns whether the AuthenticationService has been initialized. It is
// a fatal error to invoke any method on this object except Initialize()
// if this method returns false.
bool initialized() const { return initialized_; }
// Initializes the AuthenticationService.
void Initialize(std::unique_ptr<AuthenticationServiceDelegate> delegate);
// KeyedService
void Shutdown() override;
// Reminds user to Sign in to Chrome when a new tab is opened if
// |should_prompt| is true, otherwise stop prompting.
void SetPromptForSignIn(bool should_prompt);
// Returns whether user should be prompted to Sign in to Chrome.
bool ShouldPromptForSignIn();
// Returns whether the token service accounts have changed since the last time
// they were stored in the browser state prefs. This storing happens every
// time the accounts change in foreground.
// This reloads the cached accounts if the information might be stale.
virtual bool HaveAccountsChanged();
// ChromeIdentity management
// Returns true if the user is signed in.
// While the AuthenticationService is in background, this will reload the
// credentials to ensure the value is up to date.
virtual bool IsAuthenticated();
// Returns true if the user is signed in and the identity is considered
// managed.
virtual bool IsAuthenticatedIdentityManaged();
// Returns the email of the authenticated user, or |nil| if the user is not
// authenticated.
virtual NSString* GetAuthenticatedUserEmail();
// Retrieves the identity of the currently authenticated user or |nil| if
// either the user is not authenticated, or is authenticated through
// ClientLogin.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual ChromeIdentity* GetAuthenticatedIdentity();
// Signs |identity| in to Chrome with |hosted_domain| as its hosted domain,
// pauses sync and logs |identity| in to If |identity| has
// no hosted domain, |hosted_domain| should be empty.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual void SignIn(ChromeIdentity* identity,
const std::string& hosted_domain);
// Signs the authenticated user out of Chrome.
// Virtual for testing.
virtual void SignOut(signin_metrics::ProfileSignout signout_source,
ProceduralBlock completion);
// Returns whether there is a cached associated MDM error for |identity|.
bool HasCachedMDMErrorForIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity);
// Shows the MDM Error dialog for |identity| if it has an associated MDM
// error. Returns true if |identity| had an associated error, false otherwise.
bool ShowMDMErrorDialogForIdentity(ChromeIdentity* identity);
// Resets the ChromeIdentityService observer to the one available in the
// ChromeBrowserProvider. Used for testing when changing the
// ChromeIdentityService to or from a fake one.
void ResetChromeIdentityServiceObserverForTesting();
// Returns a weak pointer of this.
base::WeakPtr<AuthenticationService> GetWeakPtr();
friend class AuthenticationServiceTest;
// Method called each time the application enters foreground.
void OnApplicationEnterForeground();
// Method called each time the application enters background.
void OnApplicationEnterBackground();
// Migrates the token service accounts stored in prefs from emails to account
// ids.
void MigrateAccountsStoredInPrefsIfNeeded();
// Stores the token service accounts in the browser state prefs.
void StoreAccountsInPrefs();
// Gets the accounts previously stored in the browser state prefs.
std::vector<std::string> GetAccountsInPrefs();
// Returns the cached MDM infos associated with |identity|. If the cache is
// stale for |identity|, the entry might be removed.
NSDictionary* GetCachedMDMInfo(ChromeIdentity* identity);
// Handles an MDM notification |user_info| associated with |identity|.
// Returns whether the notification associated with |user_info| was fully
// handled.
bool HandleMDMNotification(ChromeIdentity* identity, NSDictionary* user_info);
// Reloads the accounts to reflect the change in the SSO identities. If
// |should_store_accounts_| is true, it will also store the available accounts
// in the browser state prefs.
// |should_prompt| indicates whether the user should be prompted with the
// resign-in infobar if the method signs out.
void HandleIdentityListChanged(bool should_prompt);
// Verifies that the authenticated user is still associated with a valid
// ChromeIdentity. This method must only be called when the user is
// authenticated with the shared authentication library. If there is no valid
// ChromeIdentity associated with the currently authenticated user, or the
// identity is |invalid_identity|, this method will sign the user out.
// |invalid_identity| is an additional identity to consider invalid. It can be
// nil if there is no such additional identity to ignore.
// |should_prompt| indicates whether the user should be prompted with the
// resign-in infobar if the method signs out.
void HandleForgottenIdentity(ChromeIdentity* invalid_identity,
bool should_prompt);
// Checks if the authenticated identity was removed by calling
// |HandleForgottenIdentity|. Reloads the OAuth2 token service accounts if the
// authenticated identity is still present.
// |should_prompt| indicates whether the user should be prompted if the
// authenticated identity was removed.
void ReloadCredentialsFromIdentities(bool should_prompt);
// Computes whether the available accounts have changed since the last time
// they were stored in the browser state prefs.
void ComputeHaveAccountsChanged();
// OAuth2TokenService::Observer implementation.
void OnEndBatchChanges() override;
// ChromeIdentityServiceObserver implementation.
void OnIdentityListChanged() override;
void OnAccessTokenRefreshFailed(ChromeIdentity* identity,
NSDictionary* user_info) override;
void OnChromeIdentityServiceWillBeDestroyed() override;
// The delegate for this AuthenticationService. It is invalid to call any
// method on this object except Initialize() or Shutdown() if this pointer
// is null.
std::unique_ptr<AuthenticationServiceDelegate> delegate_;
// Pointer to the KeyedServices used by AuthenticationService.
PrefService* pref_service_ = nullptr;
ProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service_ = nullptr;
SyncSetupService* sync_setup_service_ = nullptr;
AccountTrackerService* account_tracker_ = nullptr;
SigninManager* signin_manager_ = nullptr;
browser_sync::ProfileSyncService* sync_service_ = nullptr;
// Whether Initialized has been called.
bool initialized_ = false;
// Whether the accounts have changed while the AuthenticationService was in
// background. When the AuthenticationService is in background, this value
// cannot be trusted.
bool have_accounts_changed_ = false;
// Whether the AuthenticationService behaves as being in foreground. In
// background, identities changes aren't always notified and can't be
// initiated by the user.
bool is_in_foreground_ = false;
// Whether the AuthenticationService is currently reloading credentials, used
// to avoid an infinite reloading loop.
bool is_reloading_credentials_ = false;
// Map between account IDs and their associated MDM error.
std::map<std::string, NSDictionary*> cached_mdm_infos_;
id foreground_observer_ = nil;
id background_observer_ = nil;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AuthenticationService> weak_pointer_factory_;