blob: d07143685f7b93e004dccb4481bb18eeb47a2fbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/overlays/overlay_queue_observer.h"
@class OverlayCoordinator;
namespace web {
class WebState;
// Class used to enqueue OverlayCoordinators. It communicates changes in the
// queue to registered OverlayQueueObservers.
class OverlayQueue {
virtual ~OverlayQueue();
// Adds and removes OverlayQueueObservers.
void AddObserver(OverlayQueueObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(OverlayQueueObserver* observer);
// Starts the next overlay in the queue. If GetWebState() returns non-null,
// it is expected that its content area is visible before this is called.
virtual void StartNextOverlay() = 0;
// Tells the OverlayQueue that |overlay_coordinator| was stopped.
virtual void OverlayWasStopped(OverlayCoordinator* overlay_coordinator);
// Removes the currently displayed overlay and adds |overlay_coordinator| to
// the front of the queue to be displayed immediately.
virtual void ReplaceVisibleOverlay(OverlayCoordinator* overlay_coordinator);
// Returns whether there are any queued overlays.
bool HasQueuedOverlays() const;
// Returns whether an overlay is curently started.
bool IsShowingOverlay() const;
// Cancels all queued overlays for this queue. If one is being displayed, it
// will also be stopped
void CancelOverlays();
// Some OverlayQueues require that a particular WebState's content area is
// visible before its queued BrowserCoordinators can be started. If this
// queue's overlays require showing a WebState, this function will return that
// WebState.
virtual web::WebState* GetWebState() const;
// Adds |overlay_coordinator| to the queue and schedules its presentation.
void AddOverlay(OverlayCoordinator* overlay_coordinator);
// Returns the number of overlays in the queue.
NSUInteger GetCount() const;
// Returns the first BrowserCoordinator in the queue.
OverlayCoordinator* GetFirstOverlay();
// Called when the first overlay in the queue is started.
void OverlayWasStarted();
// Default constructor.
// The observers for this queue.
base::ObserverList<OverlayQueueObserver> observers_;
// The queue of overlays that were added for this WebState.
__strong NSMutableArray<OverlayCoordinator*>* overlays_;
// Whether an overlay is currently started. If this is true, the first
// BrowserCoordinator in |overlays_| has been started.
bool showing_overlay_;