blob: c41f2aa8cfb2aa62aa759760ebcf84b99307bd3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
namespace web {
class WebState;
class Browser;
@class BrowserCoordinator;
@class OverlayCoordinator;
class OverlayServiceObserver;
// OverlayService allows for the easy presentation and dismissal of overlay
// cordinators. Overlays are modal and displayed in the order in which this
// service receives them. If an overlay is added to this service while one is
// already presented, it will be queued until that current overlay is stopped.
// This serivce is run on the UI thread.
class OverlayService : public KeyedService {
OverlayService() = default;
~OverlayService() override = default;
// Adds and removes observers to the OverlayService.
virtual void AddObserver(OverlayServiceObserver* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(OverlayServiceObserver* observer) = 0;
// The OverlayService can be paused for a particular Browser.
virtual void PauseServiceForBrowser(Browser* browser) = 0;
virtual void ResumeServiceForBrowser(Browser* browser) = 0;
virtual bool IsPausedForBrowser(Browser* browser) const = 0;
// Whether an overlay is currently displayed for |browser|. This will return
// true for both WebState-specific or Browser-level overlays.
virtual bool IsBrowserShowingOverlay(Browser* browser) const = 0;
// Replaces |browser|'s currently-visible overlay with |overlay_coordinator|.
// The replacement overlay will use the visible overlay's parent as its own.
// This will replace the current overlay regardless of if it's WebState-
// specific.
virtual void ReplaceVisibleOverlay(OverlayCoordinator* overlay_coordinator,
Browser* browser) = 0;
// Cancels all scheduled overlays added to this service. If an overlay is
// currently visible, it will be stopped.
virtual void CancelOverlays() = 0;
// Browser-level overlays:
// Shows |overlay_coordinator| over |parent_coordinator|'s UI in |browser|.
virtual void ShowOverlayForBrowser(OverlayCoordinator* overlay_coordinator,
BrowserCoordinator* parent_coordiantor,
Browser* browser) = 0;
// Cancells all scheduled overlays for |browser|. If an overlay is already
// being shown for |browser|, it will be stopped.
virtual void CancelAllOverlaysForBrowser(Browser* browser) = 0;
// WebState-specific overlays:
// Switches the active WebState to |web_state| and displays
// |overlay_coordinator|'s UI over it. If an overlay is already started,
// the active WebState will switch and |overlay_coordinator| will be started
// when that one is dismissed.
virtual void ShowOverlayForWebState(OverlayCoordinator* overlay_coordinator,
web::WebState* web_state) = 0;
// Cancels all scheduled overlays for |web_state|. If an overlay is already
// being shown for |web_state|, it will be stopped.
virtual void CancelAllOverlaysForWebState(web::WebState* web_state) = 0;
// Overlays added via ShowOverlayForWebState() can only be started when their
// associated WebState's content area is visible. When a coordinator showing
// a WebState's content is started, it can use this function to notify the
// OverlayService to use itself as the parent for that WebState's overlays.
virtual void SetWebStateParentCoordinator(
BrowserCoordinator* parent_coordinator,
web::WebState* web_state) = 0;