blob: 5f4c103ccfd7dc1ed910d4fbe0134c7cf8562807 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/stack_view/card_set.h"
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "components/favicon/ios/web_favicon_driver.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/snapshots/snapshot_tab_helper.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/legacy_tab_helper.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/tabs/tab_model.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/rtl_geometry.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/stack_view/card_stack_layout_manager.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/stack_view/page_animation_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/stack_view/stack_card.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ui_util.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/web_state_list/web_state_list.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
const CGFloat kMaxCardStaggerPercentage = 0.35;
@interface CardSet ()<StackCardViewProvider, TabModelObserver> {
TabModel* tabModel_;
UIView* displayView_;
CardStackLayoutManager* stackModel_;
UIImageView* stackShadow_;
// Set to |YES| when the card set should draw a shadow around the entire stack.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldShowShadow;
// Creates and returns an autoreleased StackCard from the given |tab| (which
// must not be nil).
- (StackCard*)buildCardFromTab:(Tab*)tab;
// Rebuilds the set of cards from the current state of the tab model.
- (void)rebuildCards;
// Makes |card| visible (or in the view hierarchy but hidden if it's covered
// by other cards) in the current display view at the right z-order relative
// to any other cards from the set that are already displayed.
- (void)displayCard:(StackCard*)card;
// Updates the tab display side of the cards in the set based on the current
// layout orientation.
- (void)updateCardTabs;
#pragma mark -
@implementation CardSet
@synthesize displayView = displayView_;
@synthesize observer = observer_;
@synthesize ignoresTabModelChanges = ignoresTabModelChanges_;
@synthesize defersCardHiding = defersCardHiding_;
@synthesize keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive = keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive_;
@synthesize shouldShowShadow = shouldShowShadow_;
@synthesize closingCard = closingCard_;
- (CardStackLayoutManager*)stackModel {
return stackModel_;
- (id)initWithModel:(TabModel*)model {
if ((self = [super init])) {
tabModel_ = model;
[tabModel_ addObserver:self];
stackModel_ = [[CardStackLayoutManager alloc] init];
[self rebuildCards];
self.shouldShowShadow = YES;
return self;
- (void)disconnect {
[tabModel_ removeObserver:self];
- (void)dealloc {
[self disconnect];
#pragma mark Properties
- (TabModel*)tabModel {
return tabModel_;
- (void)setTabModel:(TabModel*)tabModel {
DCHECK([tabModel count] == 0);
DCHECK([tabModel_ count] == 0);
[tabModel_ removeObserver:self];
tabModel_ = tabModel;
if (!ignoresTabModelChanges_)
[tabModel_ addObserver:self];
- (NSArray*)cards {
return [stackModel_ cards];
- (StackCard*)currentCard {
Tab* currentTab = [tabModel_ currentTab];
if (!currentTab)
return nil;
NSUInteger currentTabIndex = [tabModel_ indexOfTab:currentTab];
// There is a period of time during closing the current tab where currentTab
// is still the closed tab, but that tab is no longer *in* the model.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Fix this in TabModel; this is dumb.
if (currentTabIndex == NSNotFound)
return nil;
DCHECK(currentTabIndex < [ count]);
return [ objectAtIndex:currentTabIndex];
- (void)setCurrentCard:(StackCard*)card {
NSInteger cardIndex = [ indexOfObject:card];
DCHECK(cardIndex != NSNotFound);
[tabModel_ setCurrentTab:[tabModel_ tabAtIndex:cardIndex]];
- (void)setDisplayView:(UIView*)displayView {
if (displayView == displayView_)
for (StackCard* card in {
if (card.viewIsLive) {
[card.view removeFromSuperview];
[card releaseView];
[stackShadow_ removeFromSuperview];
displayView_ = displayView;
// Add the stack shadow view to the new display view.
if (!stackShadow_) {
UIImage* shadowImage = [UIImage imageNamed:kCardShadowImageName];
shadowImage = [shadowImage
shadowImage.size.height / 2.0,
shadowImage.size.width / 2.0,
shadowImage.size.height / 2.0,
shadowImage.size.width / 2.0)];
stackShadow_ = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:shadowImage];
[stackShadow_ setHidden:!];
[self.displayView addSubview:stackShadow_];
// Don't set the stack's end limit when the view is set to nil in order to
// avoid losing existing card positions; these positions will be needed
// if/when the view is restored (e.g., if the view was purged due to a memory
// warning while in a modal view and then restored when exiting the modal
// view).
if (self.displayView)
[self displayViewSizeWasChanged];
- (CardCloseButtonSide)closeButtonSide {
return [stackModel_ layoutIsVertical] ? CardCloseButtonSide::TRAILING
: CardCloseButtonSide::LEADING;
- (void)setIgnoresTabModelChanges:(BOOL)ignoresTabModelChanges {
if (ignoresTabModelChanges_ == ignoresTabModelChanges)
ignoresTabModelChanges_ = ignoresTabModelChanges;
if (ignoresTabModelChanges) {
[tabModel_ removeObserver:self];
} else {
[self rebuildCards];
[tabModel_ addObserver:self];
- (void)setDefersCardHiding:(BOOL)defersCardHiding {
if (defersCardHiding_ == defersCardHiding)
defersCardHiding_ = defersCardHiding;
if (!defersCardHiding_)
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (CGFloat)maximumOverextensionAmount {
return [stackModel_ maximumOverextensionAmount];
- (void)setMaximumOverextensionAmount:(CGFloat)amount {
[stackModel_ setMaximumOverextensionAmount:amount];
- (void)setKeepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive:(BOOL)keepAlive {
if (keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive_ == keepAlive)
keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive_ = keepAlive;
if (!keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive_)
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (void)setShouldShowShadow:(BOOL)shouldShowShadow {
if (shouldShowShadow_ != shouldShowShadow) {
shouldShowShadow_ = shouldShowShadow;
[stackShadow_ setHidden:!shouldShowShadow_];
- (void)setClosingCard:(StackCard*)closingCard {
if (closingCard_ != closingCard) {
closingCard_ = closingCard;
if (closingCard) {
self.shouldShowShadow = > 1;
[self updateShadowLayout];
closingCard.view.shouldShowShadow = YES;
closingCard.view.shouldMaskShadow = NO;
StackCard* nextVisibleCard = nil;
NSUInteger nextVisibleCardIdx = [ indexOfObject:closingCard];
while (++nextVisibleCardIdx < {
nextVisibleCard =[nextVisibleCardIdx];
if ([nextVisibleCard viewIsLive] && !nextVisibleCard.view.hidden)
nextVisibleCard.view.shouldShowShadow = YES;
nextVisibleCard.view.shouldMaskShadow = NO;
} else {
self.shouldShowShadow = YES;
[self updateCardVisibilities];
#pragma mark Public Methods
- (void)configureLayoutParametersWithMargin:(CGFloat)margin {
[stackModel_ setStartLimit:margin];
BOOL isVertical = [stackModel_ layoutIsVertical];
CGSize cardSize = [stackModel_ cardSize];
CGFloat cardLength = isVertical ? cardSize.height : cardSize.width;
[stackModel_ setMaxStagger:(kMaxCardStaggerPercentage * cardLength)];
- (void)displayViewSizeWasChanged {
CGRect displayBounds = self.displayView.bounds;
CGFloat displayWidth = CGRectGetWidth(displayBounds);
for (StackCard* card in {
LayoutRect layout = card.layout;
layout.boundingWidth = displayWidth;
card.layout = layout;
CGFloat endLimit = [stackModel_ layoutIsVertical]
? CGRectGetHeight(displayBounds)
: displayWidth;
[stackModel_ setEndLimit:endLimit];
- (void)setCardSize:(CGSize)cardSize {
[stackModel_ setCardSize:cardSize];
- (void)setLayoutAxisPosition:(CGFloat)position
isVertical:(BOOL)layoutIsVertical {
[stackModel_ setLayoutIsVertical:layoutIsVertical];
[stackModel_ setLayoutAxisPosition:position];
[self updateCardTabs];
[self updateShadowLayout];
- (void)layOutStartStack {
[stackModel_ layOutStartStack];
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (void)fanOutCards {
if ([ count] == 0)
[self fanOutCardsWithStartIndex:0];
- (void)fanOutCardsWithStartIndex:(NSUInteger)startIndex {
if (![ count])
DCHECK(startIndex < [ count]);
[stackModel_ fanOutCardsWithStartIndex:startIndex];
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (std::vector<LayoutRect>)cardLayouts {
std::vector<LayoutRect> cardLayouts;
for (StackCard* card in
return cardLayouts;
- (void)scrollCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
scrollLeadingCards:(BOOL)scrollLeadingCards {
DCHECK(index < [ count]);
[stackModel_ scrollCardAtIndex:index
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (BOOL)stackIsOverextended {
if ([ count] == 0)
return NO;
return ([self overextensionOnCardAtIndex:0]);
- (BOOL)overextensionOnCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
DCHECK(index < [ count]);
if ([self overextensionTowardStartOnCardAtIndex:index])
return YES;
if ((index == 0) && [stackModel_ overextensionTowardEndOnFirstCard])
return YES;
return NO;
- (BOOL)overextensionTowardStartOnCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
DCHECK(index < [ count]);
return [stackModel_ overextensionTowardStartOnCardAtIndex:index];
- (void)eliminateOverextension {
[stackModel_ eliminateOverextension];
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (void)scrollCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index awayFromNeighbor:(BOOL)preceding {
DCHECK(index < [ count]);
[stackModel_ scrollCardAtIndex:index awayFromNeighbor:preceding];
[self updateCardVisibilities];
- (void)updateCardVisibilities {
BOOL shouldHideNextVisibleCardShadow = YES;
for (StackCard* card in {
if ([stackModel_ cardIsCovered:card]) {
if (card.viewIsLive && !defersCardHiding_) {
if (keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive_) {
[card.view removeFromSuperview];
[card releaseView];
} else {
card.view.hidden = YES;
} else {
[self displayCard:card];
// Hide the first visible card's shadow.
card.view.shouldShowShadow = !shouldHideNextVisibleCardShadow;
if (shouldHideNextVisibleCardShadow)
shouldHideNextVisibleCardShadow = NO;
card.view.shouldMaskShadow = card.view.shouldShowShadow;
if (self.shouldShowShadow)
[self updateShadowLayout];
// Updates VoiceOver with currently accessible elements.
- (BOOL)preloadNextCard {
if (keepOnlyVisibleCardViewsAlive_)
return NO;
// Find the next card to preload.
StackCard* nextCard = nil;
for (nextCard in {
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Change the selection here to favor the cards that
// are closest to becoming visible.
if (!nextCard.viewIsLive)
// If there was one, preload it.
if (nextCard) {
// Visible card views should have already been synchronously loaded.
DCHECK([stackModel_ cardIsCovered:nextCard]);
[self displayCard:nextCard];
return nextCard != nil;
- (void)clearGestureRecognizerTargetAndDelegateFromCards:(id)object {
for (StackCard* card in {
// Ensure that views aren't created just to remove their recognizers.
if (!card.viewIsLive)
for (UIGestureRecognizer* recognizer in card.view.gestureRecognizers) {
if (recognizer.delegate == object)
recognizer.delegate = nil;
// Passing NULL as the value of the |action| parameter causes all actions
// associated with this target to be removed. Note that if |object| is
// not a target of |recognizer| this method is a no-op.
[recognizer removeTarget:object action:NULL];
- (void)removeCardAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
DCHECK(index < [ count]);
StackCard* card = [ objectAtIndex:index];
[ cardSet:self willRemoveCard:card atIndex:index];
[stackModel_ removeCard:card];
[ cardSet:self didRemoveCard:card atIndex:index];
#pragma mark Card Construction/Display
- (StackCard*)buildCardFromTab:(Tab*)tab {
StackCard* card = [[StackCard alloc] initWithViewProvider:self];
card.size = [stackModel_ cardSize];
card.tabID = reinterpret_cast<NSUInteger>(tab);
return card;
- (void)rebuildCards {
[stackModel_ removeAllCards];
WebStateList* webStateList = tabModel_.webStateList;
for (int index = 0; index < webStateList->count(); ++index) {
web::WebState* webState = webStateList->GetWebStateAt(index);
StackCard* card =
[self buildCardFromTab:LegacyTabHelper::GetTabForWebState(webState)];
[stackModel_ addCard:card];
[ cardSetRecreatedCards:self];
- (void)displayCard:(StackCard*)card {
card.view.hidden = [stackModel_ cardIsCovered:card];
if (card.view.superview)
// Find the card view (if any) that's above the card to add and already in the
// view.
StackCard* cardAboveNewCard = nil;
NSUInteger indexOfCard = [ indexOfObject:card];
DCHECK(indexOfCard != NSNotFound);
for (NSUInteger i = indexOfCard + 1; i < [ count]; ++i) {
StackCard* nextCard = [ objectAtIndex:i];
if (nextCard.viewIsLive && nextCard.view.superview) {
cardAboveNewCard = nextCard;
if (cardAboveNewCard) {
[self.displayView insertSubview:card.view
} else {
[self.displayView addSubview:card.view];
LayoutRect layout = card.layout;
layout.boundingWidth = CGRectGetWidth(self.displayView.bounds);
card.layout = layout;
[ cardSet:self displayedCard:card];
#pragma mark Deck Management
- (void)updateCardTabs {
CardCloseButtonSide closeButtonSide = self.closeButtonSide;
for (StackCard* card in {
if (card.viewIsLive)
card.view.closeButtonSide = closeButtonSide;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark StackCardViewProvider Methods
- (CardView*)cardViewWithFrame:(CGRect)frame forStackCard:(StackCard*)card {
NSUInteger cardIndex = [ indexOfObject:card];
DCHECK(cardIndex != NSNotFound);
Tab* tab = [tabModel_ tabAtIndex:cardIndex];
NSString* title = tab.title;
if (![title length])
title = tab.urlDisplayString;
CardView* view = [[CardView alloc] initWithFrame:frame
isIncognito:[tabModel_ isOffTheRecord]];
[view setTitle:title];
[view setFavicon:nil];
favicon::FaviconDriver* faviconDriver =
if (faviconDriver && faviconDriver->FaviconIsValid()) {
gfx::Image favicon = faviconDriver->GetFavicon();
if (!favicon.IsEmpty())
[view setFavicon:favicon.ToUIImage()];
->RetrieveColorSnapshot(^(UIImage* image) {
[view setImage:image];
if (!view.image)
[view setImage:SnapshotTabHelper::GetDefaultSnapshotImage()];
view.closeButtonSide = self.closeButtonSide;
return view;
#pragma mark TabModelObserver Methods
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
inForeground:(BOOL)fg {
DCHECK(model == tabModel_);
StackCard* newCard = [self buildCardFromTab:tab];
[stackModel_ insertCard:newCard atIndex:index];
[ cardSet:self didAddCard:newCard];
// A tab was removed at the given index.
- (void)tabModel:(TabModel*)model
atIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
[self removeCardAtIndex:index];
// All tabs were closed in the model
- (void)tabModelClosedAllTabs:(TabModel*)model {
[ cardSetDidCloseAllTabs:self];
- (CGFloat)maximumStackLength {
return [stackModel_ maximumStackLength];
- (BOOL)cardIsCollapsed:(StackCard*)card {
return [stackModel_ cardIsCollapsed:card];
- (BOOL)stackIsFullyCollapsed {
return [stackModel_ stackIsFullyCollapsed];
- (BOOL)stackIsFullyFannedOut {
return [stackModel_ stackIsFullyFannedOut];
- (BOOL)stackIsFullyOverextended {
return [stackModel_ stackIsFullyOverextended];
- (CGFloat)overextensionAmount {
return [stackModel_ overextensionAmount];
- (BOOL)isCardInStartStaggerRegion:(StackCard*)card {
NSInteger cardIndex = [ indexOfObject:card];
DCHECK(cardIndex != NSNotFound);
// The last card in the start stack is not actually collapsed, thus the -1.
NSInteger indexOfLastCardInStartStaggerRegion =
[stackModel_ lastStartStackCardIndex] - 1;
return (cardIndex <= indexOfLastCardInStartStaggerRegion);
- (BOOL)isCardInEndStaggerRegion:(StackCard*)card {
NSInteger cardIndex = [ indexOfObject:card];
DCHECK(cardIndex != NSNotFound);
NSInteger indexOfFirstCardInEndStaggerRegion =
[stackModel_ firstEndStackCardIndex];
return (indexOfFirstCardInEndStaggerRegion != -1 &&
cardIndex >= indexOfFirstCardInEndStaggerRegion);
- (void)updateShadowLayout {
CGRect stackFrame = CGRectNull;
for (StackCard* card in {
if (![card isEqual:self.closingCard]) {
CGRect cardFrame =
stackFrame = CGRectIsNull(stackFrame)
? cardFrame
: CGRectUnion(stackFrame, cardFrame);
setHidden:CGRectIsNull(stackFrame) || CGRectIsEmpty(stackFrame)];
if (![stackShadow_ isHidden]) {
setFrame:UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(stackFrame, kCardShadowLayoutOutsets)];
@implementation CardSet (Testing)
- (StackCard*)cardForTab:(Tab*)tab {
NSUInteger tabIndex = [tabModel_ indexOfTab:tab];
if (tabIndex == NSNotFound)
return nil;
return [ objectAtIndex:tabIndex];
- (void)setStackModelForTesting:(CardStackLayoutManager*)stackModel {
stackModel_ = stackModel;