blob: 1053849bc3992b7bfac7624450b3a58feb0d4716 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_network_state.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/linear_animation.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/paint_throbber.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/animation_delegate_views.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace base {
class TickClock;
class GURL;
struct TabRendererData;
// View that displays the favicon, sad tab, throbber, and attention indicator
// in a tab.
// The icon will be drawn in the upper left (upper right for RTL). Normally you
// would lay this out so the top is where you want the icon to be positioned,
// the width is TabIcon::GetIdealWidth(), and the height goes down to the
// bottom of the enclosing view (this is so the crashed tab can animate out of
// the bottom).
class TabIcon : public views::View, public views::AnimationDelegateViews {
// Attention indicator types (use as a bitmask). There is only one visual
// representation, but the state of each of these is tracked separately and
// the indicator is shown as long as one is enabled.
enum class AttentionType {
kBlockedWebContents = 1 << 0, // The WebContents is marked as blocked.
kTabWantsAttentionStatus = 1 << 1, // Tab::SetTabNeedsAttention() called.
~TabIcon() override;
// Sets the tab data (network state, favicon, load progress, etc.) that are
// used to render the tab icon.
void SetData(const TabRendererData& data);
// Enables or disables the given attention type. The attention indicator
// will be shown as long as any of the types are enabled.
void SetAttention(AttentionType type, bool enabled);
bool ShowingLoadingAnimation() const;
bool ShowingAttentionIndicator() const;
// Sets whether this object can paint to a layer. When the loading animation
// is running, painting to a layer saves painting overhead. But if the tab is
// being painted to some other context than the window, the layered painting
// won't work.
void SetCanPaintToLayer(bool can_paint_to_layer);
// The loading animation only steps when this function is called. The
// |elapsed_time| parameter is expected to be the same among all tabs in a tab
// strip in order to keep the throbbers in sync.
void StepLoadingAnimation(const base::TimeDelta& elapsed_time);
void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor color);
class CrashAnimation;
friend CrashAnimation;
friend class TabTest;
// views::View:
void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
void OnThemeChanged() override;
// views::AnimationDelegateViews:
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
// Paints the attention indicator and |favicon_| at the given location.
void PaintAttentionIndicatorAndIcon(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Paint either the indeterimate throbber or progress indicator according to
// current tab state.
void PaintLoadingAnimation(gfx::Canvas* canvas, gfx::Rect bounds);
// Gets either the crashed icon or favicon to be rendered for the tab.
const gfx::ImageSkia& GetIconToPaint();
// Paint the favicon if it's available.
void MaybePaintFavicon(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
const gfx::ImageSkia& icon,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
bool HasNonDefaultFavicon() const;
// Sets the icon. Depending on the URL the icon may be automatically themed.
void SetIcon(const GURL& url, const gfx::ImageSkia& favicon);
// For certain types of tabs the loading animation is not desired so the
// caller can set inhibit_loading_animation to true. When false, the loading
// animation state will be derived from the network state.
void SetNetworkState(TabNetworkState network_state);
// Sets whether the tab should paint as crashed or not.
void SetIsCrashed(bool is_crashed);
// Creates or destroys the layer according to the current animation state and
// whether a layer can be used.
void RefreshLayer();
void UpdateThemedFavicon();
gfx::ImageSkia ThemeImage(const gfx::ImageSkia& source);
const base::TickClock* clock_;
gfx::ImageSkia favicon_;
TabNetworkState network_state_ = TabNetworkState::kNone;
bool is_crashed_ = false;
int attention_types_ = 0; // Bitmask of AttentionType.
const bool use_new_loading_animation_;
// Value from last call to SetNetworkState. When true, the network loading
// animation will not be shown.
bool inhibit_loading_animation_ = false;
// The point in time when the tab icon was first painted in the loading state.
base::TimeTicks loading_animation_start_time_;
// Paint state for the loading animation after the most recent waiting paint.
gfx::ThrobberWaitingState waiting_state_;
// When the favicon_ has theming applied to it, the themed version will be
// cached here. If this isNull(), then there is no theming and favicon_
// should be used.
gfx::ImageSkia themed_favicon_;
// May be different than is_crashed when the crashed icon is animating in.
bool should_display_crashed_favicon_ = false;
// Drawn when should_display_crashed_favicon_ is set. Created lazily.
gfx::ImageSkia crashed_icon_;
// The fraction the icon is hidden by for the crashed tab animation.
// When this is 0 it will be drawn at the normal location, and when this is 1
// it will be drawn off the bottom.
double hiding_fraction_ = 0.0;
// Animation used when the favicon fades in after being shown inside the
// loading-state spinner.
gfx::LinearAnimation favicon_fade_in_animation_;
// Crash animation (in place of favicon). Lazily created since most of the
// time it will be unneeded.
std::unique_ptr<CrashAnimation> crash_animation_;
bool can_paint_to_layer_ = false;
SkColor bg_color_ = SK_ColorBLACK;
bool has_tab_renderer_data_ = false;