blob: 04245247bf05f9d7e17dacbe546f0299c8f91ba3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
namespace remoting {
// An interface for accessing the keyboard and changing the keyboard layout.
// An implementation is allowed to delay processing a request until Flush() or
// Sync() is called.
class X11Keyboard {
virtual ~X11Keyboard() {}
// Returns a vector of key codes that are not being mapped to a code point.
virtual std::vector<uint32_t> GetUnusedKeycodes() = 0;
// Simulates a key press with the given |keycode| and |modifiers|. Note that
// the application receiving the key press can decide whether or how the key
// press is interpreted into a character.
virtual void PressKey(uint32_t keycode, uint32_t modifiers) = 0;
// Finds a keycode and set of modifiers that generate character with the
// specified |code_point|. Returns true if the key code is successfully found.
// If the keycode is not found, |keycode| and |modifiers| will not be
// affected.
virtual bool FindKeycode(uint32_t code_point,
uint32_t* keycode,
uint32_t* modifiers) = 0;
// Change the key mapping such that pressing |keycode| will output the
// character of |code_point|.
virtual bool ChangeKeyMapping(uint32_t keycode, uint32_t code_point) = 0;
// Flushes all requests but don't wait for processing the requests.
virtual void Flush() = 0;
// Flushes all requests and wait until all requests are processed.
virtual void Sync() = 0;
X11Keyboard() {}
} // namespace remoting