blob: 1f5842de38994ad59eecbaec30e42f6f2a27419b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
#include "ui/views/windows_stationarity_monitor.h"
namespace ui {
class Event;
namespace views {
// The goal of this class is to prevent potentially unintentional user
// interaction with a UI element.
// See switch kDisableInputEventActivationProtectionForTesting for disabling it.
class VIEWS_EXPORT InputEventActivationProtector
: WindowsStationarityMonitor::Observer {
~InputEventActivationProtector() override;
InputEventActivationProtector(const InputEventActivationProtector&) = delete;
InputEventActivationProtector& operator=(
const InputEventActivationProtector&) = delete;
// Updates the state of the protector based off of visibility changes. This
// method must be called when the visibility of the view is changed.
void VisibilityChanged(bool is_visible);
// Updates the |view_protected_time_stamp_| if needed. This function will be
// called when we want to reset back the input protector to "initial
// protected" state, basically under some certain view's proprieties changed
// events.
// If |force| is true, force to update the |view_protected_time_stamp_| even
// earlier (shortly before the owner view is visible). It usually helps us to
// prevent unintentional clicks happening when "visibility changes" event
// coming later than click event (for example click event -> tab activation ->
// visibility change).
void MaybeUpdateViewProtectedTimeStamp(bool force = false);
// Returns true if the event is a mouse, touch, or pointer event that took
// place within the double-click time interval after
// |view_protected_time_stamp_|.
virtual bool IsPossiblyUnintendedInteraction(const ui::Event& event);
// Implements WindowsStationarityMonitor::Observer:
void OnWindowStationaryStateChanged() override;
// Resets the state for click tracking.
void ResetForTesting();
// Timestamp of when the view was initially protected. Used to prevent
// unintentional user interaction event immediately from the timestamp.
base::TimeTicks view_protected_time_stamp_;
// Timestamp of the last event.
base::TimeTicks last_event_timestamp_;
// Number of repeated UI events with short intervals.
size_t repeated_event_count_ = 0;
} // namespace views