blob: 4e3edce00273dc5918420b80192bd59aca33d71e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace views {
class View;
struct ViewHierarchyChangedDetails;
// ViewObserver is used to observe changes to a View. The first argument to all
// ViewObserver functions is the View the observer was added to.
class VIEWS_EXPORT ViewObserver {
// Called when |child| is added as a child to |observed_view|.
virtual void OnChildViewAdded(View* observed_view, View* child) {}
// Called when |child| is removed as a child of |observed_view|.
virtual void OnChildViewRemoved(View* observed_view, View* child) {}
// Called when |observed_view|, an ancestor, or its Widget has its visibility
// changed. |starting_view| is who |View::SetVisible()| was called on (or null
// if the Widget visibility changed).
virtual void OnViewVisibilityChanged(View* observed_view,
View* starting_view) {}
// Called from View::PreferredSizeChanged().
virtual void OnViewPreferredSizeChanged(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when the bounds of |observed_view| change.
virtual void OnViewBoundsChanged(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when the view layer's bounds are set, whether or not the bounds have
// changed.
virtual void OnViewLayerBoundsSet(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when the `observed_view`'s layer transform changes.
// TODO( This is temporarily added to support a migration.
// Do not use for new call sites, we should instead figure out how to
// migrate this method (and possibly others) into callbacks.
virtual void OnViewLayerTransformed(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when `observed_view`'s layer clip rect changes.
virtual void OnViewLayerClipRectChanged(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when View::ViewHierarchyChanged() is called.
virtual void OnViewHierarchyChanged(
View* observed_view,
const ViewHierarchyChangedDetails& details) {}
// Called when View::AddedToWidget() is called.
virtual void OnViewAddedToWidget(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when View::RemovedFromWidget() is called.
virtual void OnViewRemovedFromWidget(View* observed_view) {}
// Called when a child is reordered among its siblings, specifically
// View::ReorderChildView() is called on |observed_view|.
virtual void OnChildViewReordered(View* observed_view, View* child) {}
// Called when the active UI theme or NativeTheme has changed for
// |observed_view|.
virtual void OnViewThemeChanged(View* observed_view) {}
// Called from ~View.
virtual void OnViewIsDeleting(View* observed_view) {}
// Called from the very beginning of ~View (before child views are deleted) to
// indicate that destruction is starting at the hierarchy owned by
// `observed_view`.
virtual void OnViewHierarchyWillBeDeleted(View* observed_view) {}
// Called immediately after |observed_view| has gained focus.
virtual void OnViewFocused(View* observed_view) {}
// Called immediately after |observed_view| has lost focus.
virtual void OnViewBlurred(View* observed_view) {}
// Called immediately after the property associated with the specified
// |key| has been changed for the |observed_view|. The |old_value| must be
// cast to the appropriate type before use, see |ui::ClassPropertyCaster|.
virtual void OnViewPropertyChanged(View* observed_view,
const void* key,
int64_t old_value) {}
// Called when the observed view's layout is invalidated.
// This is useful to invalidate other views in response to the observed
// view's layout invalidation, for example, when the view to be invalidated
// has style dependency on the observed view.
virtual void OnViewLayoutInvalidated(View* observed_view) {}
virtual ~ViewObserver() = default;
} // namespace views