blob: 52dcfd64b11beea85f49ba49e7578a48bd960304 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.languageSettingsPrivate</code> API to get or change
// language and input method settings.
namespace languageSettingsPrivate {
enum MoveType {
dictionary Language {
// The unique code identifying the language.
DOMString code;
// The name of the language, in the current UI language.
DOMString displayName;
// The name of the language as it is in its own language.
DOMString nativeDisplayName;
// Whether the UI can be displayed in this language. Defaults to false.
boolean? supportsUI;
// Whether this language can be used for spell checking. Defaults to false.
boolean? supportsSpellcheck;
// Whether this language has translations for the current target language.
// Defaults to false.
boolean? supportsTranslate;
// Whether this language is prohibited as a UI locale (not in the list of
// the 'AllowedLanguages' policy). Defaults to false.
boolean? isProhibitedLanguage;
dictionary SpellcheckDictionaryStatus {
// The language code of the dictionary that the status describes.
DOMString languageCode;
// Whether the dictionary is ready (has been loaded from disk or
// successfully downloaded).
boolean isReady;
// Whether the dictionary is being downloaded. Defaults to false.
boolean? isDownloading;
// Whether the dictionary download failed. Defaults to false.
boolean? downloadFailed;
dictionary InputMethod {
// The ID of the input method descriptor.
DOMString id;
// The human-readable name of the input method.
DOMString displayName;
// The language codes this input method supports.
DOMString[] languageCodes;
// The search terms for the input method.
DOMString[] tags;
// True if the input method is enabled.
boolean? enabled;
// True if the input method extension has an options page.
boolean? hasOptionsPage;
// True if the input method is not allowed by policy.
boolean? isProhibitedByPolicy;
dictionary InputMethodLists {
// The list of component extension input methods.
InputMethod[] componentExtensionImes;
// The list of third-party extension input methods.
InputMethod[] thirdPartyExtensionImes;
callback GetLanguageListCallback = void (Language[] languages);
callback GetAlwaysTranslateLanguagesCallback =
void (DOMString[] languageCodes);
callback GetNeverTranslateLanguagesCallback =
void (DOMString[] languageCodes);
callback GetInputMethodListsCallback = void (InputMethodLists lists);
callback GetSpellcheckWordsCallback = void (DOMString[] words);
callback GetTranslateTargetLanguageCallback = void (DOMString languageCode);
callback GetSpellcheckDictionaryStatusesCallback =
void (SpellcheckDictionaryStatus[] status);
interface Functions {
// Gets languages available for translate, spell checking, input and locale.
static void getLanguageList(
GetLanguageListCallback callback);
// Enables a language, adding it to the Accept-Language list (used to decide
// which languages to translate, generate the Accept-Language header, etc.).
static void enableLanguage(DOMString languageCode);
// Disables a language, removing it from the Accept-Language list.
static void disableLanguage(DOMString languageCode);
// Enables or disables translation for a given language.
static void setEnableTranslationForLanguage(
DOMString languageCode, boolean enable);
// Moves a language inside the language list.
static void moveLanguage(DOMString languageCode, MoveType moveType);
// Gets languages that should always be automatically translated.
static void getAlwaysTranslateLanguages(
GetAlwaysTranslateLanguagesCallback callback);
// Sets whether a given language should always be automatically translated.
static void setLanguageAlwaysTranslateState(
DOMString languageCode, boolean alwaysTranslate);
// Gets languages that should never be offered to translate.
static void getNeverTranslateLanguages(
GetNeverTranslateLanguagesCallback callback);
// Gets the current status of the chosen spell check dictionaries.
static void getSpellcheckDictionaryStatuses(
GetSpellcheckDictionaryStatusesCallback callback);
// Gets the custom spell check words, in sorted order.
static void getSpellcheckWords(
GetSpellcheckWordsCallback callback);
// Adds a word to the custom dictionary.
static void addSpellcheckWord(DOMString word);
// Removes a word from the custom dictionary.
static void removeSpellcheckWord(DOMString word);
// Gets the translate target language (in most cases, the display locale).
static void getTranslateTargetLanguage(
GetTranslateTargetLanguageCallback callback);
// Sets the translate target language given a language code.
static void setTranslateTargetLanguage(DOMString languageCode);
// Gets all supported input methods, including third-party IMEs.
// Chrome OS only.
static void getInputMethodLists(
GetInputMethodListsCallback callback);
// Adds the input method to the current user's list of enabled input
// methods, enabling the input method for the current user. Chrome OS only.
static void addInputMethod(DOMString inputMethodId);
// Removes the input method from the current user's list of enabled input
// methods, disabling the input method for the current user. Chrome OS only.
static void removeInputMethod(DOMString inputMethodId);
// Tries to download the dictionary after a failed download.
static void retryDownloadDictionary(DOMString languageCode);
interface Events {
// Called when the pref for the dictionaries used for spell checking changes
// or the status of one of the spell check dictionaries changes.
static void onSpellcheckDictionariesChanged(
SpellcheckDictionaryStatus[] statuses);
// Called when words are added to and/or removed from the custom spell check
// dictionary.
static void onCustomDictionaryChanged(
DOMString[] wordsAdded, DOMString[] wordsRemoved);
// Called when an input method is added.
static void onInputMethodAdded(DOMString inputMethodId);
// Called when an input method is removed.
static void onInputMethodRemoved(DOMString inputMethodId);