blob: 9901e92b0c94858aa3ba9926f39be4694c82d793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Contains constants for known URLs and portions thereof.
// Except for WebUI UI/Host/SubPage constants. Those go in
// chrome/common/webui_url_constants.h.
// - The constants are divided into sections: Cross platform, platform-specific,
// and feature-specific.
// - When adding platform/feature specific constants, if there already exists an
// appropriate #if block, use that.
// - Keep the constants sorted by name within its section.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "build/branding_buildflags.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/common/buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/common/webui_url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "net/net_buildflags.h"
#include "ppapi/buildflags/buildflags.h"
namespace chrome {
// "Learn more" URL linked in the dialog to cast using a code.
inline constexpr char kAccessCodeCastLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for accessibility image labels, linked from the permissions
// dialog shown when a user enables the feature.
inline constexpr char kAccessibilityLabelsLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for Ad Privacy.
inline constexpr char kAdPrivacyLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for when profile settings are automatically reset.
inline constexpr char kAutomaticSettingsResetLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for Advanced Protection download warnings.
inline constexpr char kAdvancedProtectionDownloadLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Chrome Settings" URL for website notifications linked out from OSSettings.
inline constexpr char kAppNotificationsBrowserSettingsURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for Battery Saver Mode.
inline constexpr char kBatterySaverModeLearnMoreUrl[] =
// The URL for providing help when the Bluetooth adapter is off.
inline constexpr char kBluetoothAdapterOffHelpURL[] =
// "Chrome Settings" URL for website camera access permissions.
inline constexpr char kBrowserCameraPermissionsSettingsURL[] =
// "Chrome Settings" URL for website location access permissions.
inline constexpr char kBrowserLocationPermissionsSettingsURL[] =
// "Chrome Settings" URL for website microphone access permissions.
inline constexpr char kBrowserMicrophonePermissionsSettingsURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL shown in the dialog to enable cloud services for Cast.
inline constexpr char kCastCloudServicesHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article to show when no Cast destination has been
// found.
inline constexpr char kCastNoDestinationFoundURL[] =
// The URL for the WebHID API help center article.
inline constexpr char kChooserHidOverviewUrl[] =
// The URL for the Web Serial API help center article.
inline constexpr char kChooserSerialOverviewUrl[] =
// The URL for the WebUsb help center article.
inline constexpr char kChooserUsbOverviewURL[] =
// Link to the forum for Chrome Beta.
inline constexpr char kChromeBetaForumURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article to fix Chrome update problems.
inline constexpr char16_t kChromeFixUpdateProblems[] =
// General help links for Chrome, opened using various actions.
inline constexpr char kChromeHelpViaKeyboardURL[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeHelpViaMenuURL[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeHelpViaWebUIURL[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeOsHelpViaWebUIURL[] =
// The isolated-app: scheme is used for Isolated Web Apps. A public explainer
// can be found here:
inline constexpr char kIsolatedAppScheme[] = "isolated-app";
inline constexpr char16_t kIsolatedAppSchemeUtf16[] = u"isolated-app";
// The chrome-native: scheme is used show pages rendered with platform specific
// widgets instead of using HTML.
inline constexpr char kChromeNativeScheme[] = "chrome-native";
// The URL of safe section in Chrome page (
inline constexpr char16_t kChromeSafePageURL[] =
// Host and URL for most visited iframes used on the Instant Extended NTP.
inline constexpr char kChromeSearchMostVisitedHost[] = "most-visited";
inline constexpr char kChromeSearchMostVisitedUrl[] =
// URL for NTP custom background image selected from the user's machine and
// filename for the version of the file in the Profile directory
inline constexpr char kChromeUIUntrustedNewTabPageBackgroundUrl[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeUIUntrustedNewTabPageBackgroundFilename[] =
// Page under chrome-search.
inline constexpr char kChromeSearchRemoteNtpHost[] = "remote-ntp";
// The chrome-search: scheme is served by the same backend as chrome:. However,
// only specific URLDataSources are enabled to serve requests via the
// chrome-search: scheme. See |InstantIOContext::ShouldServiceRequest| and its
// callers for details. Note that WebUIBindings should never be granted to
// chrome-search: pages. chrome-search: pages are displayable but not readable
// by external search providers (that are rendered by Instant renderer
// processes), and neither displayable nor readable by normal (non-Instant) web
// pages. To summarize, a non-Instant process, when trying to access
// 'chrome-search://something', will bump up against the following:
// 1. Renderer: The display-isolated check in WebKit will deny the request,
// 2. Browser: Assuming they got by #1, the scheme checks in
// URLDataSource::ShouldServiceRequest will deny the request,
// 3. Browser: for specific sub-classes of URLDataSource, like ThemeSource
// there are additional Instant-PID checks that make sure the request is
// coming from a blessed Instant process, and deny the request.
inline constexpr char kChromeSearchScheme[] = "chrome-search";
// This is the base URL of content that can be embedded in chrome://new-tab-page
// using an <iframe>. The embedded untrusted content can make web requests and
// can include content that is from an external source.
inline constexpr char kChromeUIUntrustedNewTabPageUrl[] =
// The URL for the Chromium project used in the About dialog.
inline constexpr char16_t kChromiumProjectURL[] = u"";
// The URL for the "Clear browsing data in Chrome" help center article.
inline constexpr char16_t kClearBrowsingDataHelpCenterURL[] =
inline constexpr char16_t kContentSettingsExceptionsLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for cookies.
inline constexpr char kCookiesSettingsHelpCenterURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for "Aw snap" page when showing "Reload" button.
inline constexpr char kCrashReasonURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for "Aw snap" page when showing "Send feedback" button.
inline constexpr char kCrashReasonFeedbackDisplayedURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the "Do not track" setting in the privacy section.
inline constexpr char16_t kDoNotTrackLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for interrupted downloads.
inline constexpr char kDownloadInterruptedLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for download scanning.
inline constexpr char kDownloadScanningLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for blocked downloads.
// Note: This is the same as the above URL. This is done to decouple the URLs,
// in case the support page is split apart into separate pages in the future.
inline constexpr char kDownloadBlockedLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the Settings API, NTP bubble and other settings bubbles
// showing which extension is controlling them.
inline constexpr char kExtensionControlledSettingLearnMoreURL[] =
// URL used to indicate that an extension resource load request was invalid.
inline constexpr char kExtensionInvalidRequestURL[] =
// Link for creating family group with Google Families.
inline constexpr char16_t kFamilyGroupCreateURL[] =
// Link for viewing family group with Google Families.
inline constexpr char16_t kFamilyGroupViewURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for first party sets.
inline constexpr char kFirstPartySetsLearnMoreURL[] =
// Url to a blogpost about Flash deprecation.
inline constexpr char kFlashDeprecationLearnMoreURL[] =
// URL of the Google account language selection page.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountLanguagesURL[] =
// URL of the 'Activity controls' section of the privacy settings page.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountActivityControlsURL[] =
// URL of the 'Activity controls' section of the privacy settings page, with
// privacy guide parameters and a link for users to manage data.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountActivityControlsURLInPrivacyGuide[] =
// URL of the 'Linked services' section of the privacy settings page.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountLinkedServicesURL[] =
// URL of the Google Account.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountURL[] = "";
// URL of the Google Account chooser.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountChooserURL[] =
// URL of the Google Account page showing the known user devices.
inline constexpr char kGoogleAccountDeviceActivityURL[] =
// URL of the Google Password Manager.
inline constexpr char kGooglePasswordManagerURL[] =
// URL of the Google Photos.
inline constexpr char kGooglePhotosURL[] = "";
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for the Memory Saver Mode.
inline constexpr char kMemorySaverModeLearnMoreUrl[] =
// The URL in the help text for the Memory Saver Mode tab discarding
// exceptions add dialog.
inline constexpr char16_t kMemorySaverModeTabDiscardingHelpUrl[] =
// The URL to the help center article of Incognito mode.
inline constexpr char16_t kIncognitoHelpCenterURL[] =
// The URL for the Help Center page about IP Protection.
inline constexpr char kIpProtectionHelpCenterURL[] =
// The URL for "Learn more" page for Isolated Web Apps.
// TODO( Update this URL with proper user-facing explainer.
inline constexpr char16_t kIsolatedWebAppsLearnMoreUrl[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the usage/crash reporting option in the
// first run dialog.
inline constexpr char kLearnMoreReportingURL[] =
// The URL for the Help Center page about managing third-party cookies.
inline constexpr char kManage3pcHelpCenterURL[] =
// The URL for the Learn More page about policies and enterprise enrollment.
inline constexpr char16_t kManagedUiLearnMoreUrl[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for insecure download blocking.
inline constexpr char kInsecureDownloadBlockingLearnMoreUrl[] =
// "" URL for the history checkbox in ClearBrowsingData.
inline constexpr char16_t kMyActivityUrlInClearBrowsingData[] =
// Help URL for the Omnibox setting.
inline constexpr char16_t kOmniboxLearnMoreURL[] =
// "What do these mean?" URL for the Page Info bubble.
inline constexpr char kPageInfoHelpCenterURL[] =
// Help URL for the bulk password check.
inline constexpr char kPasswordCheckLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help URL for password generation.
inline constexpr char kPasswordGenerationLearnMoreURL[] =
inline constexpr char16_t kPasswordManagerLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help URL for passwords import.
inline constexpr char kPasswordManagerImportLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help URL for password sharing.
inline constexpr char kPasswordSharingLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help URL for troubleshooting password sharing.
inline constexpr char kPasswordSharingTroubleshootURL[] =
// The URL for the "Fill out forms automatically" support page.
inline constexpr char kAddressesAndPaymentMethodsLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the preloading section in Performance settings.
inline constexpr char kPreloadingLearnMoreUrl[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the Privacy section under Options.
inline constexpr char kPrivacyLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Chrome Settings" URL for Ad Topics page
inline constexpr char kPrivacySandboxAdTopicsURL[] =
// "Chrome Settings" URL for Managing Topics page
inline constexpr char kPrivacySandboxManageTopicsURL[] =
// The Privacy Sandbox homepage.
inline constexpr char16_t kPrivacySandboxURL[] =
// The URL for the Learn More link of the non-CWS bubble.
inline constexpr char kRemoveNonCWSExtensionURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for resetting profile preferences.
inline constexpr char kResetProfileSettingsLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for Safebrowsing
inline constexpr char kSafeBrowsingHelpCenterURL[] =
// Updated "Info icon" URL for Safebrowsing
inline constexpr char kSafeBrowsingHelpCenterUpdatedURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for Enhanced Protection
inline constexpr char16_t kSafeBrowsingInChromeHelpCenterURL[] =
// The URL for Safe Browsing link in Safety Check page.
inline constexpr char16_t kSafeBrowsingUseInChromeURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for Safety Check page.
inline constexpr char16_t kSafetyHubHelpCenterURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for safety tip bubble.
inline constexpr char kSafetyTipHelpCenterURL[] =
// Google search history URL that leads users of the CBD dialog to their search
// history in their Google account.
inline constexpr char16_t kSearchHistoryUrlInClearBrowsingData[] =
// Google search history URL that leads users from the "Get the most out of
// Chrome" to their search history in their Google account.
inline constexpr char16_t kSearchHistoryUrlInGetTheMostOutOfChrome[] =
// The URL for the "See more security tips" with advices how to create a strong
// password.
inline constexpr char kSeeMoreSecurityTipsURL[] =
// Help URL for the settings page's search feature.
inline constexpr char16_t kSettingsSearchHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the Learn More page about Sync and Google services.
inline constexpr char kSyncAndGoogleServicesLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page on sync encryption.
inline constexpr char16_t kSyncEncryptionHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link when there is a sync error.
inline constexpr char kSyncErrorsHelpURL[] =
inline constexpr char kSyncGoogleDashboardURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for sync setup on the personal stuff page.
inline constexpr char16_t kSyncLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link in the enterprise disclaimer for managed
// profile in the Signin Intercept bubble.
inline constexpr char kSigninInterceptManagedDisclaimerLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the trusted vault sync passphrase opt in.
inline constexpr char kSyncTrustedVaultOptInURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for the trusted vault sync passphrase.
inline constexpr char kSyncTrustedVaultLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the Help Center page about Tracking Protection settings.
inline constexpr char16_t kTrackingProtectionHelpCenterURL[] =
// The UK CMA's landing page about its investigation into the Privacy Sandbox.
inline constexpr char16_t kUKCMAPrivacySandboxURL[] =
// The URL for the Help Center page about User Bypass.
inline constexpr char16_t kUserBypassHelpCenterURL[] =
inline constexpr char kUpgradeHelpCenterBaseURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for nearby share.
inline constexpr char16_t kNearbyShareLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help center URL for who the account administrator is.
inline constexpr char16_t kWhoIsMyAdministratorHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link about CWS Enhanced Safe Browsing.
inline constexpr char16_t kCwsEnhancedSafeBrowsingLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the enhanced playback notification dialog.
inline constexpr char kEnhancedPlaybackNotificationLearnMoreURL[] =
// Keep in sync with
// chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/android_chrome_strings.grd
// Chrome OS default pre-defined custom handlers
inline constexpr char kChromeOSDefaultMailtoHandler[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeOSDefaultWebcalHandler[] =
// Help center URL for Chrome OS Account Manager.
inline constexpr char kAccountManagerLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Account recovery" page.
inline constexpr char kAccountRecoveryURL[] =
// The URL for the "How to add a new user account on a Chromebook" page.
inline constexpr char16_t kAddNewUserURL[] =
// The URL for the "learn more" link for Google Play Store (ARC) settings.
inline constexpr char kAndroidAppsLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help center URL for ARC ADB sideloading.
inline constexpr char16_t kArcAdbSideloadingLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link in the External storage preferences
// settings.
inline constexpr char16_t kArcExternalStorageLearnMoreURL[] =
// The path format to the localized offline ARC++ Privacy Policy.
// Relative to |kChromeOSAssetPath|.
inline constexpr char kArcPrivacyPolicyPathFormat[] =
// The path format to the localized offline ARC++ Terms of Service.
// Relative to |kChromeOSAssetPath|.
inline constexpr char kArcTermsPathFormat[] = "arc_tos/%s/terms.html";
// Help center URL for ChromeOS Battery Saver.
inline constexpr char kCrosBatterySaverLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link during Bluetooth pairing.
// TODO( Remove 'm100' prefix from link once Bluetooth Revamp
// has shipped.
inline constexpr char16_t kBluetoothPairingLearnMoreUrl[] =
// Accessibility help link for Chrome.
inline constexpr char kChromeAccessibilityHelpURL[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeOSAssetHost[] = "chromeos-asset";
inline constexpr char kChromeOSAssetPath[] = "/usr/share/chromeos-assets/";
// Source for chrome://os-credits. On some devices, this will be compressed.
// Check both.
inline constexpr char kChromeOSCreditsPath[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeOSCreditsCompressedPath[] =
// Chrome OS tablet gestures education help link for Chrome.
// TODO(carpenterr): Have a solution for plink mapping in Help App.
// The magic numbers in this url are the topic and article ids currently
// required to navigate directly to a help article in the Help App.
inline constexpr char kChromeOSGestureEducationHelpURL[] =
// Palette help link for Chrome.
inline constexpr char kChromePaletteHelpURL[] =
inline constexpr char kCupsPrintLearnMoreURL[] =
inline constexpr char kCupsPrintPPDLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link the the Easy Unlock settings.
inline constexpr char kEasyUnlockLearnMoreUrl[] =
// The URL for the help center article about redeeming Chromebook offers.
inline constexpr char kEchoLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for EOL notification
inline constexpr char16_t kEolNotificationURL[] =
// The URL for the EOL incentive with offer.
inline constexpr char kEolIncentiveNotificationOfferURL[] =
// The URL for the EOL incentive with no offer.
inline constexpr char kEolIncentiveNotificationNoOfferURL[] =
// The URL for Auto Update Policy.
inline constexpr char16_t kAutoUpdatePolicyURL[] =
// The URL for providing more information about Google nameservers.
inline constexpr char kGoogleNameserversLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "learn more" link for Instant Tethering.
inline constexpr char kInstantTetheringLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "learn more" link for Chromebook hotspot.
inline constexpr char kChromebookHotspotLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "learn more" link for cellular carrier lock.
// TODO(b/293463820): Replace the link with carrier lock link once ready.
inline constexpr char kCellularCarrierLockLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for Kerberos accounts.
inline constexpr char kKerberosAccountsLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link in the language settings.
inline constexpr char16_t kLanguageSettingsLearnMoreUrl[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link in language settings regarding language
// packs.
inline constexpr char16_t kLanguagePacksLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the Learn More page about enterprise enrolled devices.
inline constexpr char kLearnMoreEnterpriseURL[] =
// The URL for the Learn More page about Linux for Chromebooks.
inline constexpr char kLinuxAppsLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for natural scrolling on ChromeOS.
inline constexpr char kNaturalScrollHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for scrolling acceleration on ChromeOS.
// TODO(zhangwenyu): Update link once confirmed.
inline constexpr char kControlledScrollingHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for touchpad haptic feedback on Chrome OS.
inline constexpr char kHapticFeedbackHelpURL[] =
// The URL path to offline OEM EULA.
inline constexpr char kOemEulaURLPath[] = "oem";
inline constexpr char kOrcaSuggestionLearnMoreURL[] =
// Help URL for the OS settings page's search feature.
inline constexpr char kOsSettingsSearchHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link in the peripheral data access protection
// settings.
inline constexpr char kPeripheralDataAccessHelpURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for Enhanced network voices in Chrome OS
// settings for Select-to-speak.
inline constexpr char kSelectToSpeakLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL path to offline ARC++ Terms of Service.
inline constexpr char kArcTermsURLPath[] = "arc/terms";
// The URL path to offline ARC++ Privacy Policy.
inline constexpr char kArcPrivacyPolicyURLPath[] = "arc/privacy_policy";
// The URL path to Online Google EULA.
inline constexpr char kGoogleEulaOnlineURLPath[] =
// The URL path to Online Chrome and Chrome OS terms of service.
inline constexpr char kCrosEulaOnlineURLPath[] =
// The URL path to online ARC++ terms of service.
inline constexpr char kArcTosOnlineURLPath[] =
// The URL path to online privacy policy.
inline constexpr char kPrivacyPolicyOnlineURLPath[] =
// The URL for the "learn more" link for TPM firmware update.
inline constexpr char kTPMFirmwareUpdateLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the time zone settings page.
inline constexpr char kTimeZoneSettingsLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for screen privacy protections.
inline constexpr char kSmartPrivacySettingsLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the network file shares settings page.
inline constexpr char kSmbSharesLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page when the user tries to clean up their
// Google Drive offline storage in the OS settings page.
inline constexpr char kGoogleDriveCleanUpStorageLearnMoreURL[] =
inline constexpr char kGoogleDriveOfflineLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for Speak-on-mute Detection in the privacy
// hub page.
inline constexpr char kSpeakOnMuteDetectionLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the geolocation area in the privacy
// hub page.
inline constexpr char kPrivacyHubGeolocationLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for Suggested Content in the privacy page.
inline constexpr char kSuggestedContentLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL to a support article with more information about gestures available
// in tablet mode on Chrome OS (gesture to go to home screen, overview, or to go
// back). Used as a "Learn more" link URL for the accessibility option to shelf
// navigation buttons in tablet mode (the buttons are hidden by default in
// favour of the gestures in question).
inline constexpr char kTabletModeGesturesLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article about Wi-Fi sync.
inline constexpr char kWifiSyncLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article about hidden Wi-Fi networks.
inline constexpr char kWifiHiddenNetworkURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article about Passpoint.
inline constexpr char kWifiPasspointURL[] =
// The URL for contacts management in Nearby Share feature.
inline constexpr char16_t kNearbyShareManageContactsURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article about fingerprint on Chrome OS devices.
inline constexpr char kFingerprintLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the help center article about local data recovery on Chrome OS
// devices.
inline constexpr char kRecoveryLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the learn more link about extended automatic updates for
// ChromeOS devices.
inline constexpr char16_t kDeviceExtendedUpdatesLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the enterprise sign-in confirmation dialog.
inline constexpr char kChromeEnterpriseSignInLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "learn more" link on the macOS version obsolescence infobar.
inline constexpr char kMacOsObsoleteURL[] =
// The URL for the Windows XP/Vista deprecation help center article.
inline constexpr char kWindowsXPVistaDeprecationURL[] =
// The URL for the Windows 7/8.1 deprecation help center article.
inline constexpr char kWindows78DeprecationURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the one click signin infobar.
inline constexpr char kChromeSyncLearnMoreURL[] =
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the outdated plugin infobar.
inline constexpr char kOutdatedPluginLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the phone hub notifications and apps access setup.
// TODO (b/184137843): Use real link to phone hub notifications and apps access.
inline constexpr char kPhoneHubPermissionLearnMoreURL[] =
// "Learn more" URL for the chrome apps deprecation dialog.
inline constexpr char kChromeAppsDeprecationLearnMoreURL[] =
inline constexpr char kChromeRootStoreSettingsHelpCenterURL[] =
// Please do not append entries here. See the comments at the top of the file.
} // namespace chrome