blob: 12a1b2f1d5148fed116221a71a804b055cb90c88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package crash.anr.proto;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.crash.anr";
// This is a proto copied from the source code of the crash server to ensure we
// have the correct format to upload.
message AnrData {
// Name of the activity which is not responding.
// Chrome does not use this right now.
// optional string activity = 1;
// Description of the operation that timed out.
// Chrome does not put a useful value in here, but must include it to be
// processed.
optional string cause = 2; // required
// Type of ANR, parsed from the cause.
// Chrome does not use this right now.
// optional string cause_type = 10;
// This is the android app component (declared in the manifest) that is
// experiencing the ANR. It could be extracted form the "ANR cause" or it
// could be the activity (for input dispatching timeout cases - in which
// case it's not parsed from the cause).
// For instance, for the following ANR cause:
// "Broadcast of Intent { flg=0x10
// (has extras) }"
// The android app component is:
// "".
// Chrome does not use this right now.
// optional string component = 9;
// A message created for the developer by ActivityManagerService during an
// ANR. It contains additional info such as the CPU stats.
// Chrome does not use this right now.
// optional string extra = 3;
// Stack traces for all the threads that were running on the device. If
// deobfuscation is enabled, these stack_traces will be deobfuscated during
// the preprocessing phase.
optional string stack_traces = 4;
// The parsed stack traces for easier processing.
// This parsing is performed upstream and this field is already parsed when
// passing to crash.
// Chrome does not use this right now.
// repeated string parsed_stack_traces = 5;
// The stack trace of the main thread (starting from the status line)
// of the process that is not responsive according to
// MobileData.package_data.process_name.
optional string main_thread_stack_trace = 6;
// The state of the main thread of the process that is not responsive,
// parsed from the stacktrace (e.g. "NATIVE", "SUSPENDED", "WAIT").
// This field is populated during server side processing from
// main_thread_stack_trace.
// Chrome does not use this right now.
// optional string main_thread_state = 7;
// Preamble of anr report.
optional string preamble = 8;