blob: 825077cbe9e7b3389b2c388fc1633eb37f3f51a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/payments/content/web_app_manifest.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/cpp/data_decoder.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace payments {
class ErrorLogger;
// Parser for payment method manifests and web app manifests.
// Example 1 of valid payment method manifest structure:
// {
// "default_applications": ["payment-app.json"],
// "supported_origins": [""]
// }
// Example 2 of valid payment method manifest structure:
// {
// "default_applications": ["payment-app.json"],
// "supported_origins": "*"
// }
// Example valid web app manifest structure:
// {
// "name": "bobpay",
// "serviceworker": {
// "src": "bobpay.js",
// "scope": "/pay",
// "use_cache": false
// },
// "icons": [{
// "src": "icon/bobpay.png",
// "sizes": "48x48",
// "type": "image/png"
// },{
// "src": "icon/lowres",
// "sizes": "48x48"
// }],
// "related_applications": [{
// "platform": "play",
// "id": "",
// "min_version": "1",
// "fingerprint": [{
// "type": "sha256_cert",
// "value": "91:5C:88:65:FF:C4:E8:20:CF:F7:3E:C8:64:D0:95:F0:06:19:2E:A6"
// }]
// }]
// }
// Specs:
// Note the JSON parsing is done using the DataDecoder (either OOP or in a safe
// environment).
// The command line must be initialized to use this class in tests, because it
// checks for --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=<origin> flag. For
// example:
// base::CommandLine::Init(0, nullptr);
class PaymentManifestParser {
// Web app icon info parsed from web app manifest.
struct WebAppIcon {
std::string src;
std::string sizes;
std::string type;
// TODO( Return manifest parser errors to caller.
// Called on successful parsing of a payment method manifest. Parse failure
// results in empty vectors and "false".
using PaymentMethodCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<GURL>&,
const std::vector<url::Origin>&)>;
// Called on successful parsing of a web app manifest. Parse failure results
// in an empty vector.
using WebAppCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::vector<WebAppManifestSection>&)>;
// Called on successful parsing of the installation info (name, icons,
// and serviceworker) in the web app manifest. Parse failure results in a
// nullptr.
using WebAppInstallationInfoCallback =
explicit PaymentManifestParser(std::unique_ptr<ErrorLogger> log);
PaymentManifestParser(const PaymentManifestParser&) = delete;
PaymentManifestParser& operator=(const PaymentManifestParser&) = delete;
void ParsePaymentMethodManifest(const GURL& manifest_url,
const std::string& content,
PaymentMethodCallback callback);
void ParseWebAppManifest(const std::string& content, WebAppCallback callback);
// Parses the installation info in the web app manifest |content|. Sends the
// result back through callback.
// Refer to:
void ParseWebAppInstallationInfo(const std::string& content,
WebAppInstallationInfoCallback callback);
// Visible for tests.
static void ParsePaymentMethodManifestIntoVectors(
const GURL& manifest_url,
base::Value value,
const ErrorLogger& log,
std::vector<GURL>* web_app_manifest_urls,
std::vector<url::Origin>* supported_origins);
static bool ParseWebAppManifestIntoVector(
base::Value value,
const ErrorLogger& log,
std::vector<WebAppManifestSection>* output);
static bool ParseWebAppInstallationInfoIntoStructs(
base::Value value,
const ErrorLogger& log,
WebAppInstallationInfo* installation_info,
std::vector<WebAppIcon>* icons);
void OnPaymentMethodParse(const GURL& manifest_url,
PaymentMethodCallback callback,
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError result);
void OnWebAppParse(WebAppCallback callback,
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError result);
void OnWebAppParseInstallationInfo(
WebAppInstallationInfoCallback callback,
data_decoder::DataDecoder::ValueOrError result);
int64_t parse_payment_callback_counter_ = 0;
int64_t parse_webapp_callback_counter_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<ErrorLogger> log_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PaymentManifestParser> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace payments