blob: 64cdee94b085a0868db676f605cf35fa6017ec55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/enum_set.h"
namespace ukm {
// Different types of consents that control what types of data can be recorded
// by UKM.
enum UkmConsentType {
// "Make searches and browsing better" (MSBB) is consented.
// MSBB is toggled on in chrome://settings for all user profiles.
// Extensions are consented, depends on MSBB.
// Separately controls recording of chrome-extension:// URLs.
// This flag should reflect the "Extensions" user setting
// found in chrome://settings/syncSetup/advanced.
// App Sync is consented, depends on MSBB.
// Controls recording of app:// URLs.
// This flag should reflect the "Apps" user setting
// found in chrome://settings/syncSetup/advanced.
// Collection of UKM consent type states that have been granted.
using UkmConsentState =
base::EnumSet<UkmConsentType, UkmConsentType::MSBB, UkmConsentType::APPS>;
} // namespace ukm