blob: c2913da63d50083f9e5a99b9b89230430892194e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/skeleton_generator.h"
#include <ostream>
#include <queue>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/i18n/unicodestring.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/regex.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/translit.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode/uspoof.h"
namespace {
using QueueItem = std::vector<std::u16string>;
// Maximum length of a hostname whose supplemental hostnames we'll calculate.
// For hostnames longer than this length, the supplemental hostnames will be
// empty.
const size_t kMaxHostnameLengthToComputeSupplementalHostnames = 32;
// Maximum number of supplemental hostname to generate for a given input.
// If this number is too high, we may end up DOSing the browser process.
// If it's too low, we may not be able to cover some lookalike URLs.
const size_t kMaxSupplementalHostnames = 128;
// Maximum number of characters with multiple skeletons in a hostname (i.e.
// interesting characters). The number of interesting characters directly affect
// how many supplemental hostnames are generated. Assuming an interesting
// character has 3 skeletons (1 original skeleton, 2 supplemental skeletons),
// this will generate pow(3, kMaxCharactersWithMultipleSkeletons) supplemental
// hostnames, so we cap it.
// If a hostname has too many interesting characters, it's unlikely to be a
// convincing spoof.
const size_t kMaxCharactersWithMultipleSkeletons = 5;
// Limit the number of maximum supplemental skeletons for a given character to a
// reasonable number. This can be adjusted in the future as needed.
const size_t kMaxSupplementalSkeletonsPerCharacter = 3;
} // namespace
SkeletonGenerator::SkeletonGenerator(const USpoofChecker* checker)
: checker_(checker) {
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
// Used for diacritics-removal before the skeleton calculation. Add
// "ł > l; ø > o; đ > d" that are not handled by "NFD; Nonspacing mark
// removal; NFC".
// TODO(jshin): Revisit "ł > l; ø > o" mapping.
UParseError parse_error;
diacritic_remover_ = base::WrapUnique(icu::Transliterator::createFromRules(
icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8("::NFD; ::[:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; ::NFC;"
" ł > l; ø > o; đ > d;"),
UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status));
// This set is used to determine whether or not to apply a slow
// transliteration to remove diacritics to a given hostname before the
// confusable skeleton calculation for comparison with top domain names. If
// it has any character outside the set, the expensive step will be skipped
// because it cannot match any of top domain names.
// The last ([\u0300-\u0339] is a shorthand for "[:Identifier_Status=Allowed:]
// & [:Script_Extensions=Inherited:] - [\\u200C\\u200D]". The latter is a
// subset of the former but it does not matter because hostnames with
// characters outside the latter set would be rejected in an earlier step.
lgc_letters_n_ascii_ = icu::UnicodeSet(
// Supplement the Unicode confusable list by the following mapping.
// IMPORTANT: Adding a digit-lookalike? Add it to digit_lookalikes_ in
//, too.
// - {U+00E6 (æ), U+04D5 (ӕ)} => "ae"
// - {U+03FC (ϼ), U+048F (ҏ)} => p
// - {U+0127 (ħ), U+043D (н), U+045B (ћ), U+04A3 (ң), U+04A5 (ҥ),
// U+04C8 (ӈ), U+04CA (ӊ), U+050B (ԋ), U+0527 (ԧ), U+0529 (ԩ)} => h
// - {U+0138 (ĸ), U+03BA (κ), U+043A (к), U+049B (қ), U+049D (ҝ),
// U+049F (ҟ), U+04A1(ҡ), U+04C4 (ӄ), U+051F (ԟ)} => k
// - {U+014B (ŋ), U+043F (п), U+0525 (ԥ), U+0E01 (ก), U+05D7 (ח)} => n
// TODO( Handle multiple skeletons for U+0525 and U+0153.
// - {U+0167 (ŧ), U+0442 (т), U+04AD (ҭ), U+050F (ԏ), U+4E03 (七),
// U+4E05 (丅), U+4E06 (丆), U+4E01 (丁)} => t
// - {U+0185 (ƅ), U+044C (ь), U+048D (ҍ), U+0432 (в)} => b
// - {U+03C9 (ω), U+0448 (ш), U+0449 (щ), U+0E1E (พ),
// U+0E1F (ฟ), U+0E9E (ພ), U+0E9F (ຟ)} => w
// - {U+043C (м), U+04CE (ӎ)} => m
// - {U+0454 (є), U+04BD (ҽ), U+04BF (ҿ), U+1054 (ၔ)} => e
// - U+0491 (ґ) => r
// - {U+0493 (ғ), U+04FB (ӻ)} => f
// - {U+04AB (ҫ), U+1004 (င)} => c
// - {U+04B1 (ұ), U+4E2B (丫)} => y
// - {U+03C7 (χ), U+04B3 (ҳ), U+04FD (ӽ), U+04FF (ӿ), U+4E42 (乂)} => x
// - {U+0503 (ԃ), U+10EB (ძ)} => d
// - {U+050D (ԍ), U+100c (ဌ)} => g
// - {U+0D1F (ട), U+0E23 (ร), U+0EA3 (ຣ), U+0EAE (ຮ)} => s
// - U+1042 (၂) => j
// - {U+0966 (०), U+09E6 (০), U+0A66 (੦), U+0AE6 (૦), U+0B30 (ଠ),
// U+0B66 (୦), U+0CE6 (೦), U+1005 (စ)} => o,
// - {U+09ED (৭), U+0A67 (੧), U+0AE7 (૧)} => q,
// - {U+0E1A (บ), U+0E9A (ບ)} => u,
// - {U+03B8 (θ)} => 0,
// - {U+0968 (२), U+09E8 (২), U+0A68 (੨), U+0A68 (੨), U+0AE8 (૨),
// U+0ce9 (೩), U+0ced (೭), U+0577 (շ)} => 2,
// - {U+0437 (з), U+0499 (ҙ), U+04E1 (ӡ), U+0909 (उ), U+0993 (ও),
// U+0A24 (ਤ), U+0A69 (੩), U+0AE9 (૩), U+0C69 (౩),
// U+1012 (ဒ), U+10D5 (ვ), U+10DE (პ), U+0A5C (ੜ), U+10D9 (კ)} => 3
// - {U+0A6B (੫), U+4E29 (丩), U+3110 (ㄐ)} => 4,
// - U+0573 (ճ) => 6
// - {U+09EA (৪), U+0A6A (੪), U+0b6b (୫)} => 8,
// - {U+0AED (૭), U+0b68 (୨), U+0C68 (౨)} => 9,
// Map a few dashes that ICU doesn't map. These are already blocked by ICU,
// but mapping them allows us to detect same skeletons.
// - {U+2014 (—), U+4E00 (一), U+2015 (―), U+23EA (⸺), U+2E3B (⸻)} => -,
extra_confusable_mapper_ =
"[æӕ] > ae; [ϼҏ] > p; [ħнћңҥӈӊԋԧԩ] > h;"
"[ĸκкқҝҟҡӄԟ] > k; [ŋпԥกח] > n;"
"[ŧтҭԏ七丅丆丁] > t; [ƅьҍвß] > b; [ωшщพฟພຟ] > w;"
"[мӎ] > m; [єҽҿၔ] > e; ґ > r; [ғӻ] > f;"
"[ҫင] > c; [ұ丫] > y; [χҳӽӿ乂] > x;"
"[ԃძ] > d; [ԍဌ] > g; [ടรຣຮ] > s; ၂ > j;"
"[०০੦૦ଠ୦೦စ] > o;"
"[৭੧૧] > q;"
"[บບ] > u;"
"[θ] > 0;"
"[२২੨੨૨೩೭շ] > 2;"
"[зҙӡउওਤ੩૩౩ဒვპੜკ] > 3;"
"[੫丩ㄐ] > 4;"
"[ճ] > 6;"
"[৪੪୫] > 8;"
"[૭୨౨] > 9;"
"[—一―⸺⸻] > \\-;"),
UTRANS_FORWARD, parse_error, status));
<< "Skeleton generator initialization failed due to an error: "
<< u_errorName(status);
// Characters that look like multiple characters.
character_map_[u'þ'] = {"b", "p"};
character_map_[u'œ'] = {"ce", "oe"};
character_map_[u'ł'] = {"l", "t"};
// Find the characters with diacritics that have multiple skeletons.
for (const auto& it : character_map_) {
std::u16string char_str(1, it.first);
if (char_str != MaybeRemoveDiacritics(char_str)) {
SkeletonGenerator::~SkeletonGenerator() = default;
void SkeletonGenerator::MaybeRemoveDiacritics(icu::UnicodeString& hostname) {
// If input has any characters outside Latin-Greek-Cyrillic and [0-9._-],
// there is no point in getting rid of diacritics because combining marks
// attached to non-LGC characters are already blocked.
if (ShouldRemoveDiacriticsFromLabel(hostname))
std::u16string SkeletonGenerator::MaybeRemoveDiacritics(
std::u16string_view hostname) {
size_t hostname_length = hostname.length() - (hostname.back() == '.' ? 1 : 0);
icu::UnicodeString host(false,, hostname_length);
return base::i18n::UnicodeStringToString16(host);
bool SkeletonGenerator::ShouldComputeSupplementalHostnamesWithDiacritics(
std::u16string_view input_hostname) const {
for (const char16_t c : characters_with_multiple_skeletons_with_diacritics_) {
if (input_hostname.find(c) != std::u16string_view::npos) {
return true;
return false;
Skeletons SkeletonGenerator::GetSkeletons(std::u16string_view input_hostname) {
// Generate supplemental hostnames for the input hostname with and without
// diacritics. We do this to cover characters whose diacritic versions can
// look like completely other characters, such as LATIN SMALL LETTER L WITH
// STROKE (ł) looking like t. By doing this, we can generate multiple
// skeletons for ł (l and t).
// Ideally, we'd compute a hostname variant for each character with and
// without its diacritic. That would result in 2^n hostname variants where n
// is the number of characters in the hostname with diacritics, which is too
// expensive. Currently, there is only one character with a diacritic that has
// multiple skeletons (ł), so this isn't needed.
std::u16string hostname_no_diacritics = MaybeRemoveDiacritics(input_hostname);
base::flat_set<std::u16string> all_variants = GenerateSupplementalHostnames(
hostname_no_diacritics, kMaxSupplementalHostnames, character_map_);
if (ShouldComputeSupplementalHostnamesWithDiacritics(input_hostname)) {
base::flat_set<std::u16string> diacritic_variants =
GenerateSupplementalHostnames(input_hostname, kMaxSupplementalHostnames,
all_variants.insert(diacritic_variants.begin(), diacritic_variants.end());
// Extract skeletons of all hostname variants.
Skeletons skeletons;
for (const std::u16string& hostname : all_variants) {
size_t hostname_length =
hostname.length() - (hostname.back() == '.' ? 1 : 0);
icu::UnicodeString hostname_unicode(false,,
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
icu::UnicodeString ustr_skeleton;
// Map U+04CF (ӏ) to lowercase L in addition to what uspoof_getSkeleton does
// (mapping it to lowercase I).
AddSkeletonMapping(hostname_unicode, 0x4CF /* ӏ */, 0x6C /* lowercase L */,
uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(checker_, 0, hostname_unicode,
ustr_skeleton, &status);
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
std::string skeleton;
return skeletons;
bool SkeletonGenerator::ShouldRemoveDiacriticsFromLabel(
const icu::UnicodeString& label) const {
return lgc_letters_n_ascii_.containsAll(label);
void SkeletonGenerator::AddSkeletonMapping(const icu::UnicodeString& host,
int32_t src_char,
int32_t mapped_char,
Skeletons* skeletons) {
int32_t src_pos = host.indexOf(src_char);
if (src_pos == -1) {
icu::UnicodeString host_alt(host);
size_t length = host_alt.length();
char16_t* buffer = host_alt.getBuffer(-1);
for (char16_t* uc = buffer + src_pos; uc < buffer + length; ++uc) {
if (*uc == src_char)
*uc = mapped_char;
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
icu::UnicodeString ustr_skeleton;
uspoof_getSkeletonUnicodeString(checker_, 0, host_alt, ustr_skeleton,
if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
std::string skeleton;
// static
base::flat_set<std::u16string> SkeletonGenerator::GenerateSupplementalHostnames(
std::u16string_view input,
size_t max_alternatives,
const SkeletonMap& mapping) {
base::flat_set<std::u16string> output;
if (!input.size() ||
input.size() > kMaxHostnameLengthToComputeSupplementalHostnames ||
max_alternatives == 0) {
return output;
icu::UnicodeString input_unicode =
// Read only buffer, doesn't need to be released.
const char16_t* input_buffer = input_unicode.getBuffer();
const size_t input_length = static_cast<size_t>(input_unicode.length());
// Count the characters that have multiple skeletons. If this number is high,
// bail out early to avoid running the skeleton generation for too long.
size_t characters_with_multiple_skeletons = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_length; i++) {
char16_t c = input_buffer[i];
const auto it = mapping.find(c);
if (it != mapping.end()) {
if (characters_with_multiple_skeletons >
kMaxCharactersWithMultipleSkeletons) {
return output;
// This queue contains vectors of skeleton strings. For each character in
// the input string, its skeleton string will be appended to the queue item.
// Thus, the number of skeleton strings in the queue item will always
// correspond to the index of the input string processed so far.
std::queue<QueueItem> q;
while (!q.empty()) {
QueueItem current = q.front();
if (current.size() == input_length) {
// Reached the end of the original string. We now generated a complete
// alternative string. Add the result to output.
output.insert(base::JoinString(current, u""));
if (output.size() == max_alternatives) {
// First, add the original character from input.
char16_t c = input_buffer[current.size()];
QueueItem new_item1 = current;
new_item1.push_back(std::u16string(1, c));
// Then, find all alternative characters for the current input character and
// generate new alternative strings by appending each alternative character
// to the string generated so far.
const auto it = mapping.find(c);
if (it != mapping.end()) {
DCHECK_LE(it->second.size(), kMaxSupplementalSkeletonsPerCharacter);
for (auto alternative : it->second) {
QueueItem new_item2 = current;
return output;