blob: 3d335b2e64d22bcdaa96913b3c37ce63ad5c66e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/color/color_mixer.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/ranges/algorithm.h"
#include "ui/color/color_provider_utils.h"
#include "ui/color/color_recipe.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
namespace ui {
ColorMixer::ColorMixer(MixerGetter previous_mixer_getter,
MixerGetter input_mixer_getter)
: previous_mixer_getter_(previous_mixer_getter),
input_mixer_getter_(std::move(input_mixer_getter)) {}
ColorMixer::ColorMixer(ColorMixer&&) noexcept = default;
ColorMixer& ColorMixer::operator=(ColorMixer&&) noexcept = default;
ColorMixer::~ColorMixer() = default;
ColorRecipe& ColorMixer::operator[](ColorId id) {
return recipes_[id];
SkColor ColorMixer::GetInputColor(ColorId id) const {
const ColorMixer* previous_mixer =
previous_mixer_getter_ ? previous_mixer_getter_.Run() : nullptr;
// Don't log transitions to previous mixers unless the logging level is a
// little higher.
DVLOG_IF(3, previous_mixer)
<< "GetInputColor: ColorId " << ColorIdName(id) << " not found. "
<< "Checking previous mixer.";
// If there's no previous mixer, always log color id misses.
DVLOG_IF(2, !previous_mixer)
<< "GetInputColor: ColorId " << ColorIdName(id) << " not found. "
<< "Returning gfx::kPlaceholderColor.";
return previous_mixer ? previous_mixer->GetResultColor(id)
: gfx::kPlaceholderColor;
SkColor ColorMixer::GetResultColor(ColorId id) const {
const auto i = recipes_.find(id);
const bool recipe_in_mixer = i != recipes_.end();
// GetInputColor() can be expensive if the resulting ColorMixer is not in the
// cache, so avoid calling it if we can. Most recipes are invariant so this
// can save significant time.
const SkColor input_color = (recipe_in_mixer && i->second.Invariant())
? gfx::kPlaceholderColor
: GetInputColor(id);
if (!recipe_in_mixer) {
return input_color;
const ColorMixer* const mixer =
input_mixer_getter_ ? input_mixer_getter_.Run() : nullptr;
return i->second.GenerateResult(input_color, *(mixer ? mixer : this));
std::set<ColorId> ColorMixer::GetDefinedColorIds() const {
std::set<ColorId> color_ids;
base::ranges::transform(recipes_, std::inserter(color_ids, color_ids.end()),
&std::pair<const ColorId, ColorRecipe>::first);
return color_ids;
} // namespace ui